malroth you alright? (has yandere)

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fluff then agst then spicy then agst again then half smut not full and the brackets are me speaking () also there is harassment in this story

background: malroth and builder just saved the world from hargon and malroth and the builder were heading home which is where the story starts they are in the buggy buggy currently and head home but then malroth starts having visions and acting weird and flirty with the builder but kinda toxic to everyone else like how he is in the game ( I have it on my switch so we may have different versions 😅 ) (also fun fact mal means crazy)

builder disc: brown hair with beautiful natural highlights with gray eyes and pronouns are she/her she is white and is wearing the training togs but dyed black and her hair is set to wavy side. and her name is roella and she has like the ideal body shape like hourglass and nice hips butt and boobs...pain kink biting kink and choking kink also likes over protective guys cup size is also 40c and she's super sexy ( it'll be important later ;] )

"we just saved the world." said the builder looking at her partner who was exhausted as well and was tugging at his shirt from heat exhaustion they got all set to head home but the builder ran by to get malrothium because she needed some and malroth watched in awe he was crazy about her and wanted to keep her safe from all harm...this might lead to obsession.

when they got back home they went to the pyramid where the builder made a bar, a pool, a kitchen, tons of rooms then they went to there're room which was the biggest and as they walked in malroth turned the cheeky lamps on and took his shirt off to go get in the shower the builder just changed into some short shorts and a baggy shirt with hargon on it and it was purple malroth's fav color!! The builder's favorite color was grey as no one really likes the color or forget it exists so she found it special in it's own kinda way...while waiting for malroth she just read a smut book :]

the time then was 7:21pm now it is 7:34pm No one pov

It was the builders turn but as tired as she was she didn't want to go just yet so she laid in her bed and malroth laid in his he kept looking at her even though the TV was on he couldn't keep his eyes off her "mal? why do ya keep staring?" malroth was snapped out of thought as he was dreaming of holding her in his arms "hmm??" he said sitting up "you were staring at me you okay?" the builder ask getting up and grabbing her towel to go get a shower then she walked to malroth who was zoning out again "what? I'm sorry.." malroth said cuddling his hammer hood plushy the builder made for him. "imma go get my shower please don't kill anyone..." she said cupping his face and she said the last part chuckling in a jokingly way "no promises~" he said sticking his long tongue out at the end while watching her walk away checking her out...

time: 7:44pm spend 16 mins in there and she comes out in a towel and then time now is 8:00pm no one pov

malroth stared like he has been doing for the past few minutes again looking at her body then he started dreaming and zoning out so roella took off her shirt and laid behind malroth and he had chills sent down his spine when she put her hand on his waist and she pulled herself closer and she pulled the covers over them and they snuggled for a while and malroth was flashing red and the builder kept laughing at him...

after a while of them playing the builder told malroth of the feeling of love and he said he thinks he has love for her and she confessed she loved him so then they started dating and then they fell asleep together spooning

they then woke up to Leo the great scarecat licking her face then going to eating malroth's ratty hair then babs came in saw the naughty night lights and immediately came to the conclusion that they had intercourse...? "should I save this for tmw or can you walk roella?" said babs chuckling "that is not appropriate!!!" said the builder shooting up and flustered malroth rose slowly as he was half awake and Leo was eating his hair then Leo left proudly.

"proceed babs..." the builder said pushing malroth as he lays back down and cuddles his plushy while laying without his shirt "well the king has sent a letter in the mail and I already read it sorry but it said that he wants y'all to go back to his kingdom because the beacon of light has broken and he has no idea how it did but It happened last night around 8pm and it split in the middle apparently and a silver like substance came pouring out..." said babs looking at the letter holding up a leather bag with the substance slightly dripping malroths eyes went black for a second like they were empty but then back to normal "thats malrothium..." said malroth getting up out of the bed and walking to babs then snatching it out of her hand looking dead in her eyes as he walked out

"what's his problem??" said babs with her arms crossed "that's pretty much his blood and it can be toxic if handled wrong but can also be used for cures so..." the builder said while getting her spiked armour on looking sexy malroth came back with a glass filled with the liquid chugging it and his eyes started glowing red like his gamma form (his destructive form) as he bent over and put his hands on his knees the builder ran to him and cupped his face "why the hell did you chug that are you crazy!!??!" babs started screaming at him so more people came in as the builder stepped back he grew 4 more inches and his teeth got sharper then any sword and horns sprouted out of his head and a demon like tail as his eyes continued glowing and he grew slight claws with black tips and had decent sized dragon like wings and not to mention he has 4 arms now...great :D (that was really descriptive...)

the builder stood in shock because it was like his destructive form but it was still him she blushed as he grabbed her face and stuck his long tentacle-ish tongue out then picked her up and walked out their room and headed for the docks as he was carrying her she kept blushing because she was right against his muscles and he had no shirt on because of his wings...May hairy hermit bless her soul when they made it to the docks he sat her down but instead of him going in his usual spot he sat next to roella which made her feel better about this situation that brewing...

time 9:42pm builder pov

we got there but ole brown beard said that he ain't coming back for 2 months as he sailed away...I'm glad I brought malroths hammer hood he would kill for that thing he held onto my hand as I walked with him to the castle "ugh I hate these steps!!" I say gasping for air malroth laughed as he picked me up and carried me with him to the castle we landed near our old room but I decided it's time for a new one so I got out my hargon banner my naughty night lights and me and malroths made ourselves a new room on the rim of the castle and I can't forget his plushy I handed it to him and he lit up with joy as he walked into our new room with a fireplace. I headed to the king's room where we were gonna chat...

no one pov

the king was startled when the builder bursted into his room and started barking orders but he was also fascinated by her having leadership and of course Warwick was mad because he saw malroth running around outside and he wanted roella all to himself so he started plotting on ways to flatter her and get rid of malroth I mean after all he was the one who insisted he be thrown in a dungeon underground and the one who said to find the mirror.

time 10:00pm no one pov

it hit ten so everyone went to bed and roella placed down the king sized bed and her and malroth layed on it malroth started rubbing her thighs then had another set of his hands on her waist rubbing her stomach almost then moved his head closer to her neck she got flustered as he only was wearing his orange pants and she had on the same hargon shirt and even shorter short shorts so short she might as well not wear any but when malroth realized this, he was thirsty for something but not a beverage he tucked his wings in and they disappeared roella was thinking and didn't know if he knew how to express affection but when he faced her towards him and stuck his tongue in her mouth and she realized how good of a kisser he was she was practically wishing to the builder gods to be spared I mean a 200 pound jacked 4 armed demon God was hovering above her and not to mention hes 7'0 now and had her arms pinned above her head...she was freaking out but in a good way...(I would too 😏)

he took one hand and slowly slide it up her shirt and he felt her flinch so he stopped kissing her and going up her shirt "you alright my love~?" he hissed while out of breath "yeah I just didn't expect you to understand all this!" she said freaking out a bit "I mean I may be raised different but I'm well educated darling~" he purred as he kept french kissing (a.k.a making out) she moaned slightly which just made him even more motivated he continued touching her and then he reached her throat and she moaned when he grabbed it "oh~?" he said as he realized that it was a sensitive spot he slowly stopped kissing her and moved down to her neck as he bit it and sucked it leaving tons of marks and making tons of noises he stopped and sat up licking his lips then whipping them off he looked at the builder who secretly wanted more but didn't say anything he was pleased with what was happening so he slowly started taking her shirt off and she got more aroused as he also took his pants off and threw them he continued kissing her and dominating her she was trying to get breaths but he wouldn't let her and she just kept making noises and after 7 minutes of that going on he slowly once again stopped because they needed sleep and this was a bit sudden for them to go any further so then he gave her a kiss on the cheek as he got up and put out the fire place then turning the naughty night lights on he crawled into bed and layed next to her spooning they layed there he bit her neck several more times and left marks on her shoulders then they finally drifted to sleep still having adrenaline

the next day 6:06am builder pov

as we woke up I was really sore and malroths hair I learned was really long because it had fallen out of the hair tie he had it in but anyways I needed to get dressed and get to work so as I tried to stand up I then got grabbed by the waist of malroth and he pulled me into his lap while sitting upright facing him I turned red as I felt...something hard I looked at him and he has laughing hes adorable I thought and a pervert I grabbed his pillow and hit him with it as a distraction and I ran to the other side of the room he slowly rose up again wiping his face off his glowing red eyes are intimidating he teleported right infront of me and he pinned me to the wall I looked around frantically he grabbed my face as he got on one knee I was terrified the average height is 5'7 malroth is 7'0 in this form but is actually 6'6 I'm scared and I was trying to avoid eye contact so I just closed my eyes then I got suddenly lifted into the air help. he likes to carry me it seems 

he sat me down infront of the dresser where my clothes were and I felt him standing behind me "are you not gonna put your clothes back on?" I asked almost not being able to say it from his intimidation but anyways "I'm just gonna wear pants that's all the cold doesn't bother me anyways..." he said pulling out a cigar and lighting it and walking to the bed  "okay daddy Elsa." I say cracking up and falling to the floor laughing he looked at me and chuckled a bit when he realized what I said "if you don't figure out what your wearing im gonna decide for you." He said chuckling once more I side eyed him as I slowly took off my shorts and I walked over to him and he was sitting on the edge of the bed with a cigar in his mouth I didn't even know he smoked oh well I took the cigar out of his mouth and put it in mine and walked back over to the wardrobe I bent over slightly to tease him so he could see my ass I heard him choke a little "what's wrong hun~?" I say closing the wardrobe and looking at him "are you trying to get railed or trying to seduce me?" He said wiping his mouth and looking away "both." I said in a cocky tone he looked at me with a satisfied smile "then wait until tonight if youll let me~" he said laying back down I looked at him as I pulled my armour out with fluff lined on it and threw it on my dresser I took my underwear and also threw it next to it as I stripped from everything I had on malroth watched and grew if you know what I mean he sat back up and stared in awe my day hasn't even started so this was fun!! I mean the time was only...


So this is fun I went over and leaned over him and kissed him then walked back over to my clothes I put another pair of underwear on and another bra he was redder then the tomatoes from ferrowfeild I giggled and slipped my armor on and looked at him he was still staring i threw his jacket at him and walked out the door with my mallet in hand heading towards the beacon and looked at the thing split in half on the floor with malrothium pouring out still malroth came running out of no wear and since his wings were gone somehow he was able to put his shirt back on thank the builder gods 

whenever I touched the liquid my blood ran cold and the ground shook a blizzard came over and all hell broke lose hargon suddenly appeared and began laughing historically "ThANK YoU mY SOn!!! HeHAhwhahEAHE!!!" hargon said I took a step back when malroths wing came back out and his shirt ripped he began to get bigger claws sharper he began to look like the

 Lord of destruction.

I gasped as he was a monster once more but he had control of himself (I'm gonna paste a picture for you guys)

he was huge and the his tail had a snake head and his eyes were huge he looked hot af I'm sorry!! he's just so fine he went berserk when hargon threatened me "hehehehahahaHAahaAHAHAHAAA!!!!!" he was laughing malroth was laughing but not at me but the fact hargon thought he had a chance with the size he is malroth grabbed him and as hargon hit him with his hands malroth opened his mouth slowly and he had almost 4 rows of teeth and all were sharp too there was a blaze coming from his mouth his wings started flapping and they were so big they blew the blizzard out of the way and revealed atlas who was blown over now malroth looked at him and atlas looked at him malroth looked back at hargon as he started flying up higher and higher and eventually got so high you couldn't see him atlas took this as his chance

then there was a great blaze coming out of no where and hargons staff fell from the sky as malroth landed on the castle wall looking down at atlas I picked up hargons staff and felt the power from it rush into my veins I was filled with the power of mass destruction and creation malroth looked down at me then atlas started to stand back up malroth looked back at him and completely launched at him full force it was like watching a dog fight I saw annesa rush everyone towards the dock I went onto the wall and once I got up there I watched in horror as... 


malroth was ripping the giant troll limb from limb I was gagged when I watched malroth eat half of his head then devour the rest of it his guts bursted out of the hole in his neck and malroth just started laughing I'm scared for my life because I'm in love with him and he just killed and ate one of the most feared beast in the land he slit his stomach open and pulled out his heart and walked back towards roella she looked at him terrified he had blood dripping from almost every part of him and he looked at the beacon and stabbed a hole through his heart and some malrothium came out then malroth returned to his destructive human like form after he shoved atlases heart into the beacon. the builder and malroth got on both sides of the beacon and pushed it back together now that everything seemed fine but they were now stuck there for 2 months and malroth can't fly them home because he hates water and gets sea sick looking at it for too long.


they headed back to their room after telling everyone it was safe again and the beacon was fixed but the thing is is that it only happened in a day welp now time for bed as that didn't happen all that fast...right? 

6pm next day after they woke up and was hanging all day 

so I had malroth lay down for a few minutes as he was dizzy I went to the kitchen to try and prepare him food but Warwick came in and was flexing how strong he was and was saying stuff like...

"hey roella, look at my muscles i could've beaten atlas all by myself I mean I am the royal guard after all!!" he said continuing to flex as I was making malroth some tentagliatelle which was just a really big word for saying the random vines that I found while rescuing malroth and some heart cream cake to go with it as I was waiting for the cake to bake I bent over to get what I needed out of the chest "ugh why don't they put these higher-*slap noise*" I was trying to say something but this bastard slapped my ass!! "you have a nice ass darlin~" he said rubbing his hands together like a fly "YOU BI###!!!" I screamed and slapped his ugly pig face! 

"oh you asked for it you little slut!!" he went to hit me and I cowered but his hand stopped malroth was there and was pissed I heard a thunderstorm rolling in and lightning was crackling I crawled towards the window to look out to see if it was a actual storm then I heard a scream of horror and blood shed malroth had kneed him in his back so hard that he broke his spinal cord I looked back as he was on the floor crying then malroth picked him up threw him into the ceiling then looked at me with those glowing red eyes

he picked me up and carried me away back to our room and he also grabbed his food that I made but in the mean time that storm quickly covered the kingdom and it was strange that it only came at that time and is only above the kingdom "sorry..." malroth said opening our door as it started pouring outside "why sorry you saved me I have no idea what he would've done to me!!" I said hugging him he locked the door Incase Warwick hasn't done and he wasn't Warwick was swearing revenge on malroth

malroth wasn't too worried about If he tired that again because he would kill him. the builder started crying a little and malroth picked her up and put her in bed and "what's wrong besides what that idiot just did?" he said laying down with her "I was sexually harassed and it's a touchy topic for me and people just can't relate to me because their just like"oh yeah well that's normal!" and really it's not and it was him who did it to me which is why I hate being near him he hasn't done anything major yet but he's tried I did get away was before we got together." I confessed to him digging my head in his chest "I don't mind anyone else touching me but just not him." I told him letting him go

 he told me he'd be right back he i nodded as he walked out and told me to lock the door 

1 hour later

I don't know what he did but I heard knocking and I opened it slightly to see mal standing there I let him in and he was drenched in water and had red stains on his shirt I didn't ask questions I just followed him as he went into the bathroom he started taking his clothes off and when he reached his boxers I immediately looked away he had one had on the rim of his boxers and he grabbed my face and made me look at him with the other had then since he has four arms he grabbed me and pinned my to the wall...

he just held me there then sat down with me in his lap I realized he hadn't eaten his food and he was probably starving so I tried to get up but he held me back "malroth I'm gonna go get your food.." I said trying to pull my arm away but he wouldn't let go and he wasn't tightening his grip or anything he's better then that but he muttered something so I sat closer to him as he mumbled "malrothium..." he said scooting towards the wall 

he let em go and I went to get my spare malrothium from what I gathered but I feel bad for the poor guy he couldn't even make it to the shower I ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could and handed him the malrothium that I had gotten plenty of "thanks love.." he hissed out then chugged it down and he grew I just realized he shrank but he went back to 7'0 then he signed me to come over to him and I did and he had me sit in his lap I felt him slightly solid not fully which I found kinda funny but I guess he was thinking of stuff oh well we just cuddled for awhile...

30 mins later still builder pov

"now I can finally get in the shower." he said standing up and sitting me down "seeing as you looked away earlier I'm guessing your not ready even though I saw you nude but I'll let you decide." he said grabbing the rim again he was even more solid just thinking about it "I wouldn't mind as long as your comfortable with it." I said blushing and turning away slightly he just smiled in a friendly way then calmly took his boxers off...HONEY THAT testicle :] WAS 9 INCHES!!! I was freaking out because personally it was the perfect size he caught me staring "is it not what you wanted?..." looking nervous and looking away "it's's actually perfect and a bit bigger than I imagined!" I said blurting out that last part and turning redder which I didn't even know I could and he just stood there looking at me he was just as red as me I was surprised because he lifted his arm and he had nice high gene in other words he shaved I don't know why I pointed that out but I was just surprised most men find it manly and bullsh## but I proceeded after checking him out up and down and down and up I took my shirt off he looked away and I just kept going as he turned the water on and got it to the perfect temperature as I was fully nude I took a deep breath to relax as I got into the shower with him...

"are you sure your comfortable with this hun? I don't want to pressure you into anything.." he said looking at me in my eyes and not looking anywhere else " I am just a bit nervous and your a complete foot taller then me.." I said staring into his eyes he somehow shrunk to 6'8 "oh thank you babe!" I said hugging him completely forgetting were nude I felt it rise more he curled Into a ball as I jumped back and made a noise that sounded like a bat I sat down with him and layed my head on his shoulder I was slightly nervous to do this but it would happen eventually I got infront  of him and opened his legs he was fully solid (HE WAS BRICKED!!) I sat on him with my thighs on either side and kissed him while his testicle was rubbing against my private I was trying to go to fast but I started making out with him and I kinda put it inside which took his virginity and added it to my other ones I'm not a virgin so I mean I am experienced I guess  (I am a virgin this is not about me T.T) 

he made a slight moan they always do this just motivated and I kept kissing him then I decided revenge so I stopped kissing him and moved down to his neck and bit the hell out of It I heard him start whimpering and moaning with every bite then after doing that for a few mins I asked "do you want to take this to the bed hun~?" I said kissing him "y-yes please!" he stuttered "good~" I said standing up which pulled it out he was red as hell I handed him a towel and he said "maybe we could just cuddle? it's been a tough week and as much as I want this and crave it I don't want to be too sudden." he said wrapping himself "it's okay hun I completely understand plus you still never ate your food so now it's cold." I said wrapping myself as well "thank you for understanding..." he said opening the door for me even though he didn't wash his hair 

I walked over to the wardrobe and put on my underwear and a sports bra because it's comfy I threw malroth some shorts and his boxers he was still flustered as to what happened but then we just cuddled and watched TV for awhile I got his food and bring it over there as we layed there and watched TV and drifted to sleep


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