MAMA .10

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"Catch her!" The officer shouted and Jungkook's mother ran. Towards her car where Jungkook and his brothers are waiting.

"Where are you going, Mama?" Jungkook asks innocently.

"My babies, please, let Mama go. I have to go somewhere far away," she pleaded but none of the boys were swayed. Not after they discovered the truth. They were disgusted with her and they felt disgusted with themselves for accepting her as their mother.

The police officers are getting nearer and the woman is getting more apprehensive by every second that passes.

"Why should we, mother." Jungkook's voice laced with venom. The other brothers could only watch, because it is something that shouldn't be interfered with. "You raped Taehyung, you raped me. You killed Taehyung, you fucking monster."

"You locked him up in that house, let your servants and friends touch him inappropriately and when you claim to have work out of Seoul, you came here and sexually abuse him! And you think I'm going to let a rapist get away?"

"Baby, please, Mama is sorry," she pleaded but Jungkook is having none of it.

"Sorry doesn't bring back a dead person or our innocence."

The police harshly grabs the woman's hands and put it behind her back and immediately handcuffing them so she couldn't move her arms around.

"Happy birthday, woman. I hope you have a wonderful time in jail."

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"It didn't matter at that time. I just wanted to see that woman suffer like how he suffered. I want her to die. Life can only be paid with another life."

- Jeon Jungkook

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"Jeon Jungkook, 26, has been arrested this morning in his apartment in Seoul for murder. The said male has been found guilty for the murder of his adoptive mother last Monday. The male showed no resistance when the police officers arrested him and willingly complied to every commands of the policemen..."

Seokjin immediately turns off the television after hearing the news. The other boys were gathered in his house. They were all silent, processing the news in their heads.

"I thought he went for treatment. Yoongi, you brought him to see the psychiatrist!" Seokjin shouts suddenly.

"I did! Even the doctor said he was doing well and getting better! You even heard him! He said he will stop thinking of murdering that woman!" Yoongi shouts back, angry for being accused.

The room falls silent again. Yoongi was right, Jungkook did announce that he will stop thinking of doing anything to the woman.

"Oh my God," Namjoon says suddenly as if he realised something. "Jungkook— He said that— Jungkook said he will stop thinking about wanting to murder that woman be he already did kill her. The news said that woman was killed on Monday. Jungkook said that the following day, during our dinner. He said that because he already done it!"


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AND THATS ALL FOLKS! Yes this is the end for MAMA. I'm sorry if the ending is a little bit anti-climatic. I forgotten the actual intended ending so I had to recreate a new one with whatever my head could come up with now.

The quotes by Jungkook at the end of every chapter are actually some of the things that Jungkook told his psychiatrist.

Also, I intended writing this because of Bohemian Rhapsody's line "Mama, I don't want to die, I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all" and I added the twisted themes inside and boom! MAMA was born!

Most importantly! Anyone of any gender could be the victim of Rape, not just females. And anyone of any gender could be the predator, not just males. If you are a victim (i hope not), please don't be afraid to voice out and reach out for help! I'm sure there are helplines. Please do not keep it to yourself. Or alternatively, if you know someone who is a victim, please reach out to them. They could be experiencing trauma and such, so please help them in any way you can. And remember, please do not blame the victim.

With this, I bid my goodbye! I hope you enjoyed reading this short story! :)

With love,

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