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"Jungkook, always remember that Mama and the other older brothers loves you a lot and would never hurt you, alright?" his mum says and Jungkook nods his head with a soft smile, feeling satisfied as his mum was stroking his hair to sleep.

"You're still young, unfortunately."

Jungkook wakes up and notices that he's still in the car, the others busy chatting about their work life. Jungkook yawned and Jimin looked at him, "Morning sleepyhead."

"What time is it?" Jungkook asks as he rubbed his eyes. He realised that there was a blanket covering his body. It was Taehyung's blanket.

"Definitely time for breakfast," Hoseok answers and Jimin laughs. However, Jungkook frowns, how can they be so happy-go-lucky when their brother is missing? Taehyung is gone, God knows what happened to him and where he went and they're laughing and joking.

Seokjin parks the car at the parking lot and all of them piled out of the car and went into the breakfast shop. Then, Jungkook received a text message from their mum.


Have you boys found your brother yet?


Not yet. We're going to try again after

"Mama messaged me," Jungkook announces as they found a table for six. "Asked whether we've found Taehyung."

The whole table fell silent, as if they were reminded why they were out together in the first place. Seokjin broke the silence first, "What did you reply?"

"Not yet found, and we're going to try again after breakfast," Jungkook replies.

Yoongi nods, "Yeah, we better find him before anything bad happens."

The rest of the brothers agreed. As their food is being served, Namjoon spoke up, "Let's visit some motels to see if he's checked in at anywhere at some point of time. And also check in ourselves so that we can have a place to rest at night and not sleep in the car."

"I agree with Namjoon."

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

"It was horrible. Especially at night when all the memories floods in. It was suffocating."

- Jeon Jungkook

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