#20sprints20days Day 9 make the choice

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My 20 short sprints in 20 Days is a way to stimulate your creative juice,

and just have some fun with writing.

Write 500 or 5K words using the above prompt image.

Setting Timer for XX minutes... and Sprint!

Have a good time.

"Make the choice you can be proud of."

Time 8:30 to 8:50 

After glancing at the balloons, the clerk at the desk happily gave Prue the key to Shane's suite, the weather had slowed down her arrival but it wasn't eleven yet so she knew he would still be awake. She vibrated happily clutching the Congrats, Daddy balloon bouquet. Sliding the keycard in, she opened the door and was surprised that it was dark inside. The smells of whiskey, sweat, and perfume assaulted her sensitive nose. Letting go of the balloons, she walked over to the bedroom and pushed to door open. Her throat closed on her outcry. Dark, mussed hair rested on an artificially enlarged chest, facing away from her, but there was unmistakably  her husband's fraternity tattoo prominent on his shoulder in the dimly lit room.  She pulled out her phone and snapped one image before turning and stomping out, all she wanted was to attack him. Her grandmother's voice reminded her physical violence was for the emotionally weak, it should never be seen. It was uncivilized.

Violence and the need for it swirled in her mind as she dragged the balloons out to the hall. In the elevator going down, she pulled the stop. Screaming, she clawed the balloons until everyone was popped. She had given him everything, all her joy, all her positive mental attitudes, and now she would give him nothing. She wouldn't fight him or take his condescending insult, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her break. Walking away with her dignity would show him that he couldn't hurt her anymore. She would find a way to turn off the pain like she had after her parents' car accident in Italy, like she had after her grandmother's cancer. Her intellectual's response was to accept that she couldn't control the world or the choices of others, especially Shane, she was done forgiving him.  

Prue sent the image to Penelope,  with the message, "Can you print out divorce papers for me? There is no excuse for this. I'll see you for brunch."

As she drove, she wiped the tears but she felt she was living the way her grandmother had raised her, she had made the choice she could be proud of. She hadn't ranted or thrown things or caused a scene, no one had seen her break down in the elevator.  

As she pulled out onto the rainy highway, she headed home to pack up her things. She had spent three years as his doormat but...

Time 20 minutes, Word Count 417

 ...no more. He could walk all over his mistress. She could deal with his dark moods and bitter words. Prue had tried to be supportive after his brother's drunk driving death, but she realized now he didn't wan't someone to help him get through it, he wanted to wallow in it and drag everyone else down with him. She wasn't going to let herself or her child drown in his misery and guilt. She was going to live in a positive, life-affirming way. She was a civilized person, a modern woman of intellect and artistic talent and her soon to be ex was the architect of more than buildings, he was the architect of the end of their marriage and his own misery.

Prudence exited carefully near her sister's apartment; through the rain she could see Penelope standing on the balcony with her arms crossed. Prue flashed her lights and Penny raised her hand to wave. Then Penny's arm stiffened and her face changed to a look of terror as she screamed her sister's name.

Metal screeched, airbags exploded, and Prue was slammed forward. Lifting her head from the airbag, she turned to the sound of an airhorn. Headlights blinded her before the second impact. Darkness... 

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