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Hello Lovely WriMos, 

So, today we are looking at creating an aesthetic board and how one author's little thing became a weekly trending tag on Twitter.  

Aesthetic boards are a way to put together a visual concept of your inspiration to help keep it fresh. They are a collage of images that can inspire or anchor a writer in a place or time or character. Consider them to be a postcard from the world and characters you are creating, just like Playlist which we will discuss in a future chapter. 

The ever-lovely and uber-talented Jessica James (@literarilyjess) began the #ThursdayAsethetic to help her inspiration and share with other writers. It went from a few to hundreds the thousands every week, usually based on a theme (but not required). Soon writers and artist were eagerly posting under the tag. Every week a new theme is posted.

Thank you Jessica for creating the #thursdayaesthetic that brings us all together every week. 

ABOVE is the one I made for the #writerslife theme.

Below is the one I made about my IRL from the #cameraroll theme

I have made them for my stories :

I have made them for my causes : SayNoToAbuse for the #Words

The most common format is the Nine square

Or Eights - which is 2 rectangles and 6 squares. 

Then we get into the more free-style formats.

Modified Nines:

Modified Squares:


Modified Rectangles:




Aesthetics help create a visual anchor of inspirational images for your WIP: 

They are great for character boards: faces, backstories, character traits

Or settings, seasons, moods, colors, temperatures, emotions...

Well, that is 20 images... for more check out the #ThursdayAesthetic tag created by Jessica James on Twitter. Trending weekly, or scroll back to see previous themes. 

I hope you find some inspiration, a way to keep your NaNoWriMo Journey going, Mama Magie

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