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A Book of Ideas, Encouragement, and Support for the 2017 #NaNoWriMo.

Our goal: 50K words in 30 days... We can do it.

Are you writing in the #NaNoWriMo this year? Have you registered?  Link>>>

Did you fail last year, like me?  I confess I failed MISERABLY last year. I didn't know what I was doing. I got discouraged, I got stuck, I didn't have characters concreted or have my research done. I didn't even have a real plot... Needless to say last year's NaNoWriMo will never see the light of day without excessive cosmetic surgery and a whole lot of magic and maybe if the Zompocolyspe comes and zombies remember how to read.

Have you struggled? Felt alone and overwhelmed? Did you struggle to organize? Was self-motivation the problem? Do you get stuck for days on part?  Yes to all of this. Writer's block turned into the freaking Great Wall of China! 

Are you a ???

#TurtleWriter - someone who writes slowly and takes a long time move forward, trying to make sure each part is perfect before the next part comes

or #LightningWriter -someone who writes in brilliant flashes and then nothing for days like a thunderstorm 

 or #DropOfWaterWriter - Someone who writes measured bits at regular intervals, editing and re-editing over and over

or #JackrabbitWriter - Someone who writes all over the place in the story then has to make it in something others can follow

or #HummingbirdWriter or #WordVomitWriter - Someone who just obsessively pumps out huge numbers of words then has to edit them down to a manageable, readable manuscript

I am a cross between a #JackrabbitWriter and a #HummingbirdWriter... 

Writing is breathing: Sometimes it comes slow and steady like meditation... Sometimes fast and panting like running a marathon... Sometimes it is unconsciously effortless and others are a desperate struggle to gain a single breath.  

Writing is like giving birth. It is hard work, messy, painful, and frustrating ( as every  month pregnant woman will tell you when the baby is late!) But when it is done, there is this beautiful thing with a life of its own. 

I am trying to build a community support system where we build each other up. A group where one person's success is celebrated and another's struggle is shared. Please Join! 

^(-_-)^ ^(*o*)^  ^('n')^ 

TROLLS ARE NOT WELCOME! We know you are already reaching out through Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, insulting and belittling other writers... Go away and get some therapy for your need to cause harm to people you have never met. 

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