Chapter 09 : Sanskar Maheshwari's Cooking Class!

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There was no sound at all. There was silence.

Oh god, did he seriously go from there?

Finally... She decided to atleast glance behind her to make sure he was there. As of now, she thought of nothing else but something to eat, so that she could satisfy human hunger.

Clearly only Swara knew how she became whenever she was hungry!!

She moved her eyes here and there nervously. Finally, after some pushing up to her mind she turned behind...

And her next sight caught her offguard.

Much to her shock, he was still standing there only, he didn't even move an inch.

He was just standing and folding his arms.

"What the..."

And why the hell was he chuckling?! Was he really enjoying seeing her like that?!

Huh, so that meant, he was again teasing her!

And oh he really was. But it was on a good sense...!!

All this while, he had been silently enjoying her red face so much...

Oh god, who could look so much adorable, so much cute!! Whenever she was angry, it always looked like a five year old child was angry who just couldn't get her promised dairy milk. Though he didn't want to annoy her more he seriously couldn't gather any courage to say something as once again he was totally lost in her. For sure, if there could have been really something between them, he would have calmed her down by his own lovingly way...


I know...

You know...

Everybody knows! 😉

After a few 'freaking' moments (and I really mean 'freaking'!), Swara spoke up, all set to flare up once again. Well, today's day wasn't quite peaceful for her!

Swara : You..(angrily like a child) You..

She was almost marching closer to him but Sanskar raised his hands in surrender.

Sanskar : Look, be glad that I am ready to spend my precious time with you helping you because I really want to help my 'best friend'! Got it? (Chuckled) Seriously Swara, did you really think I'll go?

Swara was almost taken aback until Sanskar opened up again...

Sanskar : (in a cute attitude) So, from where shall we start?

He put his hands down from his arms and walked towards the cabinet of her kitchen. Swara gasped in a shock. Wait, was he really helping her again?

All this while, he had done nothing but always help her out. And for sure she couldn't doubt his instincts. She knew no matter he teased her, they shared the most unique bond of their friendship and even Swara knew that.

Somewhere.. in her heart.. leaped..

She followed him who was almost looking at her cabinet with eyes out of his sockets.

Swara : (pointed out at the messy corner of the cabinet) See this, what was my fault? I have already wasted a lot of butter and milk and nothing went as per my way.

Sanskar's eyes took a good look across the cabinet. His eyes widening miserably every second.

Was it even possible for a cabinet to look that messy??!!

This girl..!!

Damn you Ms So Called Chef! She had just not wasted the ingredients but also wasted the entire cabinet!

High amount of milk lying spilled at a corner and sliding across various directions, Butter messily here and there and the other ingredients spilled at the other side.

"My goodness. Did she even know the 'C' of cooking??!! I can't even imagine someone attempting to bake something in that way!" - said Sanskar almost in his mind.

It just looked like she had been cooking in the fixed corner for two or three days, or rather say a week! It looked like that!

Sanskar : (in a shocked tone) My God Swara, don't mind me but it's terrible. And it will take time to clean this mess. (looked at her) If you wanted to bake something then you could have taken my help!

Swara (gave him a glare) : As if you know how to bake.

"Of course I know!!!"

Swara's eyes widened.

Swara (shocked) : You know!!!

Sanskar : What else do you expect from me? I have been living here in US for almost two years so definitely I know all those things a person can do. And I also know how to cook. And bake as well.

Swara (still looking at him carefully) : Oh, now I see.

Sanskar sensed her shocked gaze and felt amused.

Sanskar : (smirked winking) Don't look at me that way. I know I am handsome and dashing!

Swara raised her hands near her head and made fists.

Swara : You know what... Jaane do yeh sab. Now tell me, will you help me?

Sanskar (nodded his head smiling) : I guess I have already said I will.

Swara looked at him and sighed.

Swara : Come on then.

Swara walked to get some more milk out of the refrigerator but she was stopped by Sanskar...

Sanskar : Wait Swara. (in mind) You have already made your cabinet a mess and for sure I am not comfortable cooking here. Unless and until actually this mess gets cleaned. (To her) I think it is better if we go to my house. Because there's a lot of mess in here already. (in his mind worriedly) And I just hope she doesn't mess my cabinet as well!

Swara (innocently) : Okay. Fine. And as I said, I had tried but I failed. And that was the first time I tried baking something.

Sometimes Swara could be so innocent as a small child!

Sanskar : (smiled seeing her expression) Okay. Don't worry. We will do something.

They both turned to leave the kitchen.

Swara (nervously in mind while walking) : God. I am really hungry now. Will he even help me?

"Yes baby, I will!" his voice came shocking her and making her stop at her own place. He stopped walking sensing her and turned to look at her. He found her looking at him in shock.

Sanskar : (huskily, smile) Maybe you don't know, but I have a secret ability to read minds! I know this. But yeah, obviously I can do this indirectly!

Swara looked at him amused.

Sanskar : (chuckled and after a long pause) Okay sorry, I was just kidding. Actually, don't mind me but you give variety of expressions na. Anyone will understand what's going on in your mind! Pretty much the same, I understood what's going on in your mind by seeing your expressions! You're really cute though! (shrugged his shoulders chuckling)

"Cute!?" she whispered to herself. It was just that which she heard from him. Could she take that as a compliment from him?

She kept thinking...

Yeah, she can!

(Sanskar and Sahil's house)
(Room No. 2506)

"Come in Swara!!" Sanskar told her. Swara was standing near the door all surprised, the house was just fabulous.

Well it was the first time she had come to Sanskar's house! And all she could see was the huge living room with blue couch, blue curtains, and silver tiles.

Oh god, it was more than a heaven than a house!

She looked here and there and could see a stylish navy blue coloured guitar was leaning onto the wall. Sanskar sensed her continuous gaze on his guitar and smiled.

Sanskar : (without even looking at her) I love singing. I often sing my favourite songs to pass my quality time or sometimes even compose new songs of my own lyrics! I am that creative. Practically it's my passion ever since I was eight or nine years old.

Swara nodded her head and chuckled.

Swara : Music is something you love very much. Am I right?

Sanskar : Yes. I love it. I can express something what's in my heart through these songs! They express something which sometimes even I can't or I don't want to directly.

He finally looked at her and smiled.

And here, hearing that statement from him caught her offguard.

Could he really be that expressive? And why was he looking at her as if he meant his statement for her?

She was trying hard to decipher his statement but she was again interrupted by his voice.

Sanskar : Sahil has gone out for some work, we are lucky enough to mess the kitchen together. (closed his eyes and cut his tongue sensing Swara's glare) I.. I mean, we can cook here together various things! And if things go wrong, we have no one here to criticise!! That's why we're lucky...

Practically this was a way by which Sanskar could get rid of letting things turn awkward between him and Swara. Not atleast till Swara herself wished, he wouldn't say anything to her.

Sanskar : (cleared his throat) Come with me. Kitchen is that way!

He kept his mobile phone on the glass table besides the guitar and gestured her to come with him. He had already gone inside his wide kitchen, and became busy removing out necessary ingredients from the refrigerator and his cabinets.

Sanskar : (whispering) Flour, milk, and egg! Thats it. Sab toh nikaal dia. Whoops! Butter isn't there! (searching in his refrigerator) I need to buy it right now... Or else poor Swara will die out of hunger! She's way too innocent, like a small kid. (wondered) No wait, Sahil told me he had bought butter but god knows where has he kept it. Now I have to search for it all by myself! Duhh. Sahil.

He got engaged in finding the butter in the entire kitchen.

(Living room)

Swara was looking at the entire living room. She could see a few Sanskar and Sahil's photo frames on the walls, and she couldn't stop staring at Sanskar's dashing photos which seemed like he had clicked them at the first success of his and Zack's company.

Unknowingly her fingers ran through Sanskar's pic, through his smiling face.

"Can someone's smile make you that happy, Swara?" - her heart shouted.

But soon she got back in her senses and came back to the world realising what she was doing.

Heck! She agreed he had a pretty nice smile! But that did not mean that she should forget all her senses and just keep seeing him...

She walked from there towards his guitar and the glass table, where he had kept his phone a few moments ago. She felt a sudden urge, god knows why, to peep in his phone... Just to know the inner he. She somewhere felt the urge to do so.


"No Swara! It's wrong! Totally wrong to peep at other's phone. And why did you even feel?" - Swara mind said.

"Atleast a little bit..." - her heart attempted to win the race.

She hesitated a bit, but atlast picked up his phone and sat down on the sofa comfortably. She looked at the phone and switched it on. She swiped and all she saw was....


Her eyes caught 'The Maheshwari Family' text on the phone and soon, she realised that this was none other than Sanskar's family.

And this beautiful pic...

Definitely designed by Sanskar in order to remember his family!

The wallpaper and this banner above in his phone reflected how much he missed his family every now and then... No matter how happy go lucky he appeared to be outside, looks like there was something more in him which caught her offguard... She wondered how this guy was living here without his parents since two years. Didn't he miss them?

Oh of course he did and it's proved by his wallpaper!


Somewhere, she felt and understood his gloominess at times.

Didn't she see it in the New Year Party itself? How emotional Sanskar had become by hearing about his family from Sahil...

She smiled to see how deeply he loved his parents. He's definitely one of those gentlemen who loves their dear ones more than anything else in this world!

She was not within herself at all.

She again felt a sudden urge to look on more. Why? She couldn't answer but she just wanted to.

Unable to stop, she tapped the 'Menu' button which further led her to many tools and icons.

Something inside her urged her to click on the 'Gallery' option!

She clicked on the 'Gallery', and again...

She saw many photos of his... well not his but also of his family. A lady, a man, they were his mother and father, how could she go wrong there! And a much younger girl and Sanskar's hand on her shoulder... She might be his sister maybe! And another much more elderly couple besides them. Seems like they were his Chacha and Chachi and besides them were two young men. Probably, they might be Sanskar's cousin brothers. And a young lady besides one of his brothers... Maybe one of his brothers was married!

So, she definitely had a good look of his big and happy family! A smile crept on her face wondering how wonderful they all be as a family together... No wonder he missed them a lot!

But suddenly, her eyes travelled to a video at the corner of the album. Scrunching her eyes in confusion, she clicked on the video...

Only to see that it was none other than Sanskar'a own video in which he was singing his favourite song early morning. Something inside her urged her to hit the 'play' button, and she did! Only to see...

The same charming Sanskar Maheshwari she usually saw! A light on his face as his eyes travelled to his guitar...

Guitar which he was holding! Sitting on his sofa, he was smiling and holding it confidently. He was moving the strings of his guitar and playing romantic notes according to the song he was singing.

'This song is Samjhawan?!' - Wait! Didn't she sing it in the New Year Eve? Umm... She checked the details of the video and saw that it was shot some two weeks ago... Maybe even before she came here.

Coincidence! She didn't really believe as she went all numb. She could not see anything else right now but only him. He was singing his song enjoying and expressions on his face according to the lyrics of the song. He was closing his eyes feeling those love feelings which were hidden in those romantic lyrics. All she could see was he was beautifully expressing each word of those lines.

And quite unknowingly...

She was smiling and slowly wiggling on her place closing her eyes, listening to the song and feeling it by heart. Oh, something inside her wanted her to keep replaying the two minute video again and again, and oh yeah she really did. And minutes passed that way...


Something inside her wanted her to feel those lyrics for herself by him. She didn't understand how her chest was filling with pleasure and an urge to feel that he was singing for no one but her.

God knows, what happened to her when she saw him. Till now, she had not gone to the depth of her own feelings for Sanskar and neither she tried to figure out that what place he held in her heart . Neither she was planning to do so. This was way beyond her expectations before coming here in US. All she knew was her soul 'aim' to make her parents proud. She didn't come here for all this! But seems like destiny had some other plans and she was almost stuck into this turmoil...

Could we even call it turmoil? Absolutely not! Destiny already plans everything! Evem before we realise it!

But when it came to if somebody asked her who is Sanskar to you, she would definitely say that he wasn't just her friend but much more than a friend... The friend who helped her at all times. The friend who was quite talkative and fun loving but never ever revealed what was in his heart. She had often seen that! He would rather try to hide his feelings for everyone. In short, maybe mask his feelings too...

And... surprisingly that's something which attracted her towards him...

"I'm impressed Mr Maheshwari! You're just perfect!" her heart spoke to her amidst her concentration on him and his song.

Suddenly to her shock, his singing video had ended and all she could see was, he was thanking his imaginative audience!! What the...

How could this man be so cool? She was more attracted to him each moment.

"He is soooo cute Swara!!!" her heart again spoke to her, but her mind was declining it again and again. Damn!

Swara : What's wrong with me?! Why am I even thinking such things? I know Sanskar's song was overwhelming but why am I reacting in the weirdest way one could ever do!

And her heart ached.

She was actually shocked by her own actions.

"May I hear the joke too?"

Sanskar Maheshwari was back. Damn! Abhi hi aana tha isko! 😑

Swara's mind shouted and she was taken aback.

Sanskar looked at her with confusion etched over his face.

Swara (looked here and there) : Woh...Woh... Nothing (grinned) You tell me, are you ready?

Sanskar : (smiled) I was already ready, but I think now its you who's least bothered.

He smiled looking at her. Swara nodded vigorously convincing.

Swara : No, No!! I was just looking at your house. (grinned) It's great.

Sanskar : (nodded) Hmm....Well its not something new. Our houses are.. you know.. somewhat same!

Swara smiled and chuckled a bit nervously. She looked at him who had already turned to go to the kitchen.

"Come!!" he asked her. Swara followed him trying hard to prevent herself from doing any blunder.


Swara gasped looking here and there. Was this a Kitchen or a heaven? Each and every thing was arranged so neatly. Maybe it was the most clean and most neat kitchen she had ever seen in her entire life. Wonderful silver tiles, properly arranged utensils, large blue cabinets. That's all she could see.

Sanskar noticing her shock smiled and realised whats cooking in her mind and interrupted getting her back to her senses.

Sanskar (teasing her) : Don't get so shocked sweetheart. Its Kitchen only. My Kitchen! (assuringly smiling and then pointed out towards the large cabinet) And here are the necessary ingredients we might need for our pancake. milk, flour, egg, butter, and a well heating microwave. And I promise that this one will never spark!

Was she the target? Something inside her said that she was. She narrowed her eyes towards him. Sanskar sensed her glare and chuckled. "Sorry. Sorry!" - he said in his defense.

Swara blinked and opened her eyes muttering 'Anyway!' and then walked and reached towards the cabinet.

"Wait!" Sanskar ordered. She stopped before she could do anything. She did not want to create another blunder now! She had already had enough since morning! She looked at him who was by then following her and next moment, he was standing besides her.

Sanskar : First I'll start so that you don't any mistake and then spoil our pancake!!

He chuckled, Swara narrowed her eyes again and starts beating him on his chest making him giggle.

Swara : (amidst beating him) Tumhe toh maii...

Sanskar : (giggling) Okayyyy Baba Sorry!!!

Swara stopped beating him and made an angry pout.

Sanskar : (serious, but didn't his charming smile let go off his face) Now no more jokes, now we will go straight to the point! So, first I'll start and then you will follow me!! Okay? We have to make four pancakes to put one after the other!!

Swara nodded attentively and tucked strands of her hair behind her ear. So this was it. She was all set to correct her mistake.

Sanskar Maheshwari's Cooking Class! xD

Sounds amazing, right? 😉 Well, wasn't it true?

Sanskar : (looked at her and made gestures amidst instructing) First step. We will mix flour, egg, butter and milk into this bowl. Let us do it without making any mess. Erm... Wait! I'll do it and then, you do! Okay?

Swara nodded happily "Done!!" all she could say. Seems like our Swara was enjoying his classes alot!

Sanskar poured the amount of flour required into the bowl and then poured milk. He then pressed to remove butters from the butter slicer. Swara was looking on attentively, but she was also not getting easily convinced that this guy was highly experienced in cooking as well.

Just see the way he was doing eveeything!

And what she did? All she had done was mess with all these ingredients back then at her house. If she remembered, she had clumsily poured the flour into the bowl.

Serves her right to be named as 'Ms Clumsy' by Sanskar! 😕

This guy could do that thing which she couldn't do!! She was surprised. "He's truly experienced Swara!! He knows to sing well, and now knows cooking also. Every task is like his cup of tea. And what did you do? You just messed up with your cabinet and nothing else. God, you should learn from him!" - her heart spoke to her. And for the first time she agreed to her heart.

"Swara..." his giggly and sincere voice made her came back to the world. "I am afraid you are not in this world?" - He whispered. "Whom are you thinking about? Your boyfriend?"

What the..!!!!

Yesterday Neha had told her the same and today he was! What the hell was wrong with everyone? Was it against law to think something?

But why was she even?!

Swara : (argued) Are you mad?

Sanskar (amused) : What? It is you who was thinking and smiling to yourself like a love struck teenager... Don't mind me!!

Swara nodded in a "No" and looked on at his actions. All he was now doing was finding an egg.

Swara : There it is. The egg.

She gestured and Sanskar smiled and picked up an egg. He concentrated on the egg. The task now was to break this egg and remove the yolk from it.

A smirk crept up in Swara's face as something just fired into her mind.

"I bet Swara, he cannot crack eggs! Haha." she said to herself.

Cracking an egg wasn't an easy task, afterall! 😆

Soon enough a smirk came on Sanskar's face and next moment what happened was beyond Swara's expectation.

To her complete surprise he had already cracked the egg. But not anywhere else. On her head.


What the hell!!!

And that's how the egg had a crack. Swara felt the lingering pain on her head. She gasped looking at him angrily.

Swara (rubbing her head) : Ouch! What the hell was that? Sanskar!!! You hurt me.

Sanskar (amidst work) : Ssshh.

Swara : Shut up. Why did you crack that egg on my head?

Sanskar : Just chill babes. I had no intention to dunk yolk into your head. It's just that it's 'my' style of cracking eggs!

He winked at her and Swara flared in anger. But knowing that this was the worst time to protest, she backed off. "Isse toh baad mein dekh lungi!!" - Swara folded her arms pressing her lips closer.

She shut her mouth only to find out that he had already taken out the yolk from the egg in his most stylish way by dangling the broken egg up to down, without even messing up his hands. He had smartly made the yolk flow into the bowl steadily.

Oh my! For sure, Sanskar had learnt too many cooking techniques already!

Sanskar : Slow and steady wins the race. Always remember! (showed his hands) See, my hands are safe and also my cabinet! This is called 'Experience!'. And don't worry I'll teach you that too.

Swara was shocked and surprised observing each and every action by him. No rather say, stylish action which would make anyone fall for him. She still looked at the yolk, which without messing up anything was safe on the bowl lying on the mixed flour and milk.

All set for a mix!

Swara : Hello. It happens. Firstly, I didn't have any experience for this, isiliye baking zara sa galat hogaya tha.

"Zara sa galat"

All he had only heard.

Sanskar (wide eyes) : Zara Sa? (whispered) Isne apna pura cabinet kharab kardia tha and now shes saying "Zara sa..." Swara Gadodia you are great. Well... I'll teach you though. That's another thing. (chuckled)

Swara (bursted at him, frowned) : Sanskaarrr!!! What to do ahead? Tell na!

Her outburst made Sanskar come back to his senses. And thank god she didn't hear his words. He sighed in relief.

Sanskar : Hmm. Now its simple! Now just mix these ingredients properly!

He picked up his whisk stirrer and made Swara look at it. "See. Use this to mix them.!"

And what Swara had done back then?

She had taken a spoon and tried to mix them! Come on, spoon wouldn't have worked well in that case!

Sanskar : (smiled genuinely) Don't worry Swara. That was your first attempt. And it's not necessary for first try to go right. So, don't worry.

Swara : Okay. Tell me, aage kya karna hai?

Sanskar showed her the process of stirring by starting to stir it. And he began stirring. And each moment Swara's eyes were widening. He was stirring the mix in such a speed that no one could. My goodness!

"God! Stir bhi kitna fast kar raha hai." she wondered with shock. "He's definitely ten steps ahead of you Swara!"

Sanskar : (most sincere voice) Hey its nothing like that. I have learnt all these in these two years. It's not like I'm professional or something like that in cooking.

He again read her mind! Why, God?! She was the owner of her mind and only she had the right to think whatever she want. No one had the right to peep into her mind.

"Okay Swara, from now on, don't think anything! And don't give any expression to him. Now just concentrate on his instructions!" she whispered to herself.

Sanskar finished stirring the ingredients and turned to look at her. "So now, this is our pancake mix!! Kaisa laga?"

Swara looked at the properly stirred mix and gestured "Nice" to Sanskar. He chuckled.

Sanskar : Let us move a step ahead. Now all we have to do is take a plate.

He immediately picked up a plate and kept it down.

"Definitely, not a metal plate!! Because that will make the microwave spark! That was your mistake."

Swara realised her mistake immediately. "Hmm!!! There's where I went wrong!! Seriously Swara!! Just one mistake and you had messed everything." she said in mind.

Sanskar again started slicing butter from the butter slicer.

Swara : (shocked) Why are you doing that again? We have already mixed butter. Right?

Sanskar : (looked at her amidst slicing butters) No, not for the mix. Butter should be applied on the surface of the plate so that our pancake doesn't stick to the plate.

Swara (gasping and nodded positively) : Achha.

Sanskar : That's what I'm saying. You can learn.

He spreaded the butter pieces on the surface of the plate with his delicate fingers. Then, he put the butter slicer aside and then further instructed Swara.

Sanskar : Now let us pour 3/4 cup of pancake mix into the plate.

He took a scooper to scoop up the mix and he put it on the plate. He did it accurately without any mistake. He did not let the mix spill down. Swara was looking on with attentive eyes. A smile had come on her lips seeing him cooking with perfection without any mistake.

"Last but not the least!! Well, that task which completely ruined your cabinet. Now it's time to put this plate with this mix inside the microwave for a minute!"

She nodded and put another strand of her hair behind her ear. She carefully looked on as he delicately held the plate and put it inside the microwave. And he set the time.

Swara : Now?

Sanskar : Now wait for a minute!!

Swara carefully looked at the baking pancake inside the microwave, now that she had finally understood her mistake, there was no problem for her to make another pancake all by herself.

Sanskar : Let's do one thing. Tomorrow you will be the one baking it and I will be the one tasting it.

Swara : Okay.

Sanskar : As of now, let us go and enjoy our delicious meal! Pancake awaits us!

Swara smiled happily and helped Sanskar in keeping the things back to their place.

(Living Room)
(After fifteen minutes)

"Pancakes at your service Ma'am!!!!"

Swara was asked to wait at the Living Room and here finally her wait was over.

She could see Sanskar who was holding a tray of two pancakes each. One cake was put after the another which made it a pancake. Like this, he had made two pancakes. One for her and one for himself. And an amount of cocoa cream on both pancakes! He had made everything. Aaahhh!!! She couldn't wait to taste it!!!

Swara (in one breath) : Yeh sab.... You made it!!!!???

Sanskar held a knife and slightly cut the two pancakes to separate them so that they did not stick to each other... Swara's mouth was almost watering. She was waiting to have this delicious meal!! Sanskar was smiling in between looking at Swara. He noticed her eagerness and excitement which she expressed through her face clearly. "Truly she's an expression queen! Anyone can read her mind!" he blabbered to himself smiling, in a very low voice.

Sanskar : Huhh! Waise now even I am hungry. (looked at his watch) Its 4.00 pm already. I am shocked! We took two hours to bake them. But hard work surely pays off, isn't it?

Swara nodded her head smiling.

Sanskar : (gentle) Here you goo then. The delicious pancakes made by me (cut his tongue as Swara looked at him with narrow eyes) I mean... made by us, together.

Swara smiled. She picked up the most chocolaty pancake she could see and picked up her fork.

"Truly Sanskar she is adorable!!" - He whispered smiling, looking at her childishness!!

Sanskar took his plate and sat besides her. Just one bite of the pancake drove them so crazy, especially Swara...

They were enjoying each slice of pancake they were having. Swara couldn't control herself and so was gobbling up the pancake slices very fast.

Swara : (enjoying the taste) It is beyond delicious! Awesome. Loved it a lot!! And thanks to you for teaching me such a wonderful recipe!

Swara was giggling, but the person besides her just looked and looked at her bubbly face. There was a little chocolate spread across her lower lip.

Quite evident she was eating like a little kid. She was so childish!

He was actually feeling it so cute, so he didn't tell her about that cream spread across her lips. He was enjoying watching her.

Minutes passed... Hours passed... But their time with each other never let them realise the time! This was what a part of both of them wanted. Staying together!

(11 PM)

Sanskar was in his bedroom sitting near his window, with his hands circulating around his one knee and he was looking at the beautiful stars which had started appearing in the sky. A cool breeze was soothing away his hairs away from his forehead. A beautiful smile was evident on his face remembering moments of today.

The light moments between him and Swara, and the time when Swara was getting annoyed, the time he was teaching her cooking and her attention, and the time when she was looking at him... He didn't really know what was happening. So much was changing right now...

"I don't know Swara what do you feel about me. Do you feel the same I feel for you? I have no answer to any of these questions. But all I know is, there is something in my heart for Swara. I have often seen myself feeling protective of her at times. I can't even imagine to see her in any trouble or in any pain. This is something which I have never felt for anyone else before and for sure it is the first time I am feeling this way."

He took a deep breath and his eyes travelled to the beautiful moon.

Sanskar : But I don't know why but something... something inside me tells me that you feel the same for me Swara. (smiled more) I don't know Swara but it's quite obvious that there is something between us. (sighed) I don't know what it is but trust me, I am loving this new feeling! Yes.

He smiled as his eyes travelled away from the moon to some other direction. Precisely, this was the time he would have a perfect conversation with his heart.

"Heyy Broo!!! Whatssup dude? Have you started counting the stars already?" - Sahil made an entry into Sanskar's room which made Sanskar a bit startled. All his thoughts already vanished away. Sanskar looked at him standing up as Sahil walked towards him.

"Not everyone is like you na Bro..." - Sanskar said in an unwilling way which made Sahil chuckle. "Not everyone is a master in counting stars as you are!"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure that even then no one will be better than me at counting stars!" - Sahil cracked his joke and Sanskar rolled his eyes.

Sanskar : Whatever!

Sahil : Leave all this. What are you doing at this hour?

Sanskar : Well.. Nothing much. Just having some 'me' time.

Sahil (folded his arms) : And what exactly is this 'me' time?

Sanskar : Leave it Sahil.. I'll tell you later.

Sahil : Well, I think I know what are you thinking.

Sanskar eyed at Sahil wondering what superpowers had God given to his best friend and not him.

Sahil : You're thinking about Swara, right?

Sanskar sighed deeply and Sahil sat on his bed.

Sanskar : Well. I won't say precisely. (shrugged his shoulders) She just crossed my mind like that so..

Sahil : But you were na! (Sanskar looked at him) Come on Bro.. You can't hide anything from me atleast. I know what's brewing between you and Swara. I have myself witnessed the way you see her and the way she sees you.

Sanskar folded his arms smiling looking back at the stars again.

Sanskar : I don't know Sahil. She's so pure and wonderful and on top of that, there's something in her which attracts me towards her. She's someone I have never met before.

Sahil : (freaked out) Oh god... Someone pinch me!! (loudly) The great Sanskar Maheshwari is in love!!!!!!

Sanskar's heart leaped at a high rate as soon as Sahil blurted out those words. His breath hitched inside of him trying to decipher his words. His eyes widened as he looked at Sahil.

Sanskar (taken aback) : Shut up Sahil! I.. I am not in love with her! Atleast, not as of now. I am just attracted to her. And I can't say it unless and until she accepts.

Sahil : (smiled) But trust me, I know even Swara feels the same for you!

Sanskar : It's okay Sahil. That moment will also come, I know. But as of now, I just want to be a good friend of hers. My feelings for her - Later!

And he was too specific on the last sentence.

There was silence between them. While Sanskar was trying to put his mind off on somewhere else, seems like Sahil was thinking something...

And seems like an idea just fired into his mind!

Sahil : (loudly) Wait! I have an idea!

Sanskar was startled.

Sanskar : Oh god Sahil! I guess you can speak a little softly.

Sahil : (sheepishly) Oh, I'm sorry. But listen. I have an idea.

Sanskar (shocked) What is it?

"Well, I can't say if she will confess her love to you, but by this we can atleast understand what she feels about you." - Sahil said in an assuring tone.

Sanskar (rolled his eyes) : Leave it Sahil. Some other time.

Sahil (tried to stop him) : Arey atleast listen! Sunne mein kya jaata hai?

Sanskar sighed closing his eyes trying to stay calm.

Sahil : Look. Tomorrow as you know I won't be coming to office as I have some other work, so that means, it's just you and Swara who are going tomorrow. Well, that's another plus point that you can spend some time together... But I have another idea...

Sanskar narrowed his eyes pouting.

Sahil : As soon as you reach the office and park your car in the parking lot, just tell Swara that you will come after a few minutes and ask her to go ahead. And.. well.. you don't know one thing. Just watch out when Swara will be going from there. It so happens that whenever a girl goes away from a guy after they have been together, it is said that if the girl turns around to give a last glance to the guy from a distance, it becomes clear that she likes that guy! And just that way.. (Sanskar narrowed his eyes listening to him) When Swara will walk away from there as you are near your car, just watch out. Just say the word 'Palat' very softly and observe if Swara turns around to see you or not. If she does, it's clear that she feels for you the same you do for her.

Hearing his friend's talks...

What the..!!!!!!!

So now, did Sanskar Maheshwari have to become nothing but a DDLJ Hero??!!

Yeah, right! This idea could be popped up only into those people's brains who watch too many films. And Sahil was definitely one of them.

Sanskar : Shut up Sahil! What do you think I am? A DDLJ Hero?

Sahil : (shocked) What! Why are you freaking out on me? Don't you want to know what's there in Swara's heart for you?

Sanskar : (shaked his head) That's the most filmy thing one can ever do, Sahil. (pointed his finger) I am not doing that thing.

Sahil : Come on Brooo!!! As of now, this is the only thing that can work to see what Swara feels about you.

HEYYA PEOPLE! DO YOU SUPPORT SAHIL? Leave your comments here. 😆


Precap : Sanskar says 'Palat' looking at Swara who was walking towards the entrance of the Company.

What do you think? Will Swara look at Sanskar? 😉😆😃 Express your views for today's chapter!

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