Chapter 14 : Falling In Love With You

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After pressurising herself for almost two hours to fall asleep -- seemed like she did not succeed. She could hardly feel sleepy! No wonder how tired and stressful day it was today, maybe sleeping wasn't in her destiny this night. So, she decided to let it go, and have a stroll in the wide Hall of the Penthouse, covering herself with Sanskar's blazer and letting her mind wander various things...

For sure, someone had invaded in her heart and mind and maybe that was the reason why wasn't she able to sleep!


Just the thought of both of them being here all alone gave her goosebumps. Till now, there had been no one else in her mind but Sanskar... Each and every moment with him made her feel so contented and delighted. And while having a slow stroll in the Hall, she was definitely trying to figure out what place Sanskar had made for himself in her heart!

Only Sanskar was the man who managed to break the walls of her heart! She did not want to fall in love. Atleast, not as of now. Her identity was the most important thing to her right now. And she had even begun making... But seemed like destiny had something else too in store for her. Everything was so unexpected!

Making Sanskar come in her life was unexpected, allowing Sanskar to make his way through her heart was unexpected...

And right now, she couldn't resist those tinge of red blush in her cheeks. How could someone affect her this much??!!

Her long chain of thoughts was broken when suddenly, she heard some footsteps... Swara scrunched her eyebrows in confusion and... maybe fear? What could it be?

Could it be Sanskar?

But she could hardly see anything as it was very dark. And by the way, why would Sanskar be here at this hour? He might be sleeping in his room.

The footsteps were becoming louder now and Swara feared a bit from inside. Damn, couldn't there be a little light in the room?

And just then, she was shaken to find little light spreaded across the wide Hall and that's when Swara's eyes involuntarily widened to see the figure near a cabinet.

Swara : Y..You?

"Tssskk!! Swara, you made me scared. Thank god I switched on the light. And what are you doing here at this hour? I had assumed that you must have slept." - came the voice of an absolutely amused Sanskar. He was near a cabinet and he turned around to look at her.

Swara (shocked and looked everywhere but him) : I.. I can also ask you the same thing. What are you doing here?

Sanskar smiled as he turned away from the cabinet, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

Sanskar : Well.. even I was not feeling sleepy for some reasons.

Swara looked on with shock and confusion in her expression.

Sanskar : Actually.. since childhood, I could never do without an AC. Mujhe AC ke bina neend nahi aati. So.. I thought to grab some coffee from this coffee maker. (shrugged his shoulders) Just like that.. Want to join?

He asked her pointing his finger towards his cup and Swara took a little time to think...

Swara : Erm.. Okay..

She nodded her head and Sanskar smiled turning towards the cabinet and grabbing some coffee for Swara using another spare cup. Swara looked on as she could feel the aura of the coffee within a few minutes.

Sanskar took the cup and handed it over to Swara.

Sanskar : Here, have this. It's very hot right now so drink it fast.. Because it's very cold and this coffee will become cold if you don't drink it soon.

Swara (smiled) : Thank you!

Just then, both of them went towards the couch and flumped down, taking a sip from the coffee. Swara had never felt so affected before. Having him sitting near her made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

Sanskar (after taking a sip) : By the way Swara, why didn't you sleep yet? Or is it that you are unable to sleep?

Swara (shrugged his shoulders) : I am not feeling sleepy...

Sanskar : Ohh... Even I am not. It's so strange Swara... We both are not feeling sleepy!!!

Swara (nodded her head pursing her lips) : Hmm...

Just then, she heard some rain droplets messing with the glass windows yet again but this time, in a softer way... She scrunched her eyebrows smiling and Sanskar was clearly noticing her continuous gaze towards the window. She had finished drinking his coffee and saw Swara's cup where coffee was still there...

Sanskar : Swara... your coffee! Drink it fast...

Swara (nodded her head still looking at the window) : Yes...

She felt a sudden urge to go and see. She got up from the couch making Sanskar confused and then walked towards the curtains... She touched the red curtains and pushed them aside so that she could see what's in there.

She could see that the rains had begun slowing down. As soon as Swara pushed the curtains aside all she could see was a beautiful wide terrace, just outside the Living Room. The terrace was attached to the Penthouse. She could see that the terrace was getting wet due to the rains... The ground was wet and the water on the stylish fences were dripping down...

Swara was watching the droplets falling down and then how each drop touched the ground resulting in the destruction of the droplet... But that was a pleasant sight. A beautiful smile appeared on Swara's face as her eyes involuntarily closed seeing the beauty of nature. She audibly sighed and just by then, she felt that Sanskar was standing besides her. As Swara enjoyed the beauty of nature, Sanskar looked on with amused expressions.

Sanskar : Swara?

Swara : (smiled looking at the rains) See this rain Sanskar, isn't it like they say something to you? It's looking so beautiful! So heavenly, and so quiet... I am just in love with this nature!

Sanskar smiled and he too shifted his gaze on the rains.

Sanskar : You love rains, don't you?

Swara (nodding her head) : I really do!

Sanskar : You know, weather forecast of India says that recently Delhi has faced a downpour. At this month!!! Just imagine how Delhi would be looking right now! So beautiful... and I just miss that earthly smell... These rains remind me of my time in Delhi.

Swara : Exactly... The rains here is so much similar to Delhi rains!

She took a deep breathe, and turned around but suddenly, she lost her balance and spilled some coffee on the floor... Swara's eyes widened and gasped... "Ohhh noo!!!"

Sanskar got shocked to see it... "Swara..."

Sanskar helped Swara a bit by taking the cup from her hand and keeping it on one side.

"It's okay don't worry." - All she could manage to say which made Sanskar carry a smirk on his face immediately. Something seemed to crack his mind...

Sanskar (folded his arms) : Wow. I'm just so proud of myself.

Swara scrunched her eyebrows and looked at him...

Swara : Why?!

Sanskar (a bit playfully) : What I mean is, if you remember then days back, I had nicknamed you 'Miss Clumsy'! (Swara gasped) And you know, you actually are. Seriously Swara, you're a disaster you know. (Swara's nose turned red) Yesterday also, your microwave sparked because of your stupid blunder.

Swara's face flushed with anger.

Well, in Sanskar's words, she did not even know how to show anger. And that's exactly how she was right now. How much Sanskar enjoyed her anger... god!!!

Swara : (narrowed her eyes) Mr Maheshwari, did you just call me a disaster?

Sanskar : Oh yes I did! You can't do a single work without creating a disaster.

Swara : I.. Am.. Not.. A.. Disaster Sanskar !!!!

Sanskar (shrugged his shoulders) : Fine then. Do 'one' work without creating any disaster and I will believe you. I will even stop calling you 'Ms Clumsy' for the same.

Swara huffed in anger and gave a sharp-but-not-really-sharp expression to Sanskar.

Swara : Okay. I will show you soon.

God!!! He himself didn't know why but playfully messing with this girl was so much fun!!!

Sanskar (composed herself) : Ab bacha hua coffee toh peelo... (realisation stroke Swara) Will you spill that too?!

Swara immediately picked up her cup of coffee and drank it in one go... Sanskar observed that and this could mean only one thing...

"See. The coffee turned so cold that you could drink it in one go." - Sanskar teased Swara further and this was it for our Swara now. She gave a death glare to Sanskar before sprinting towards him...

"Mr Sanskar Maheshwari !!! You're dead !!!"

She marched towards him and Sanskar faked fright and ran away from her as if his life depended on it.. Swara followed him too and her speed increased... And with that, both of them ran here and there in the Wide Hall at their highest speed, with Sanskar trying hard to save his life and Swara running to kill him.

They kept running and chasing like small kids and Sanskar's giggles and Swara's curses boomed across the room...

Sanskar : Aahhh Swara!!! You must participate in a marathon you know.

And that brought a quick strength into her entire being to kill him...

At last, Sanskar stood behind one end of the couch and Swara on the other end of the couch, all set to pounce on him...

Swara : Sanskar Maheshwari!!!

Sanskar (scoffed playfully) : Oh god Swara... Bachche ki jaan logi kya?

Swara : Shut up!!! I won't spare you...

And with that Sanskar immediately sprinted off to a random direction giggling and Swara too ran towards him in a swift...

But alas... Swara's foot landed on the coffee she had just spilled a few minutes ago. Her leg slipped off the ground and with that, she instantly lost her balance and was about to trip... "Aahhh!! Sanskar..." - She winced...

But before she could fall, within a swift Sanskar's hands were around Swara's waist, his expression all worried and shocked and his eyes widened as Swara embraced herself. Her back did not meet the ground and she felt her wrist gripped as her eyes were tightly shut, and expressions terrified... Her hands involuntarily gripped his Tshirt as he held the fragile being...

"Swara... Sambhal ke!" - came Sanskar's worried voice as Swara's eyes opened very slowly, only to meet his brown orbs once again... Her eyebrows were scrunched down expressing how terrified she was but her eyebrows slowly regained their posture as soon as she saw Sanskar in front of her...

Sanskar was all giddy having her this close to her... another time. He always became this giddy whenever she was around him... Slowly both the hearts started loving to be in each other's embrace but their expressions still worried towards each other... Their long eyelock...

Sanskar helped Swara up slowly and slowly his hands left her as he looked at her shocked... Swara blinked several times looking everywhere but him...

Swara (raised her eyebrows and pouted) : Sorry. And thank you.

Sanskar : It's.. it's okay..!! (smiled nodding his head) By the way, should I make another coffee for you?

Swara thought for some time and then looked at him nodding in a No. "No!! Leave it.."

Sanskar : (counter viewed) But Swara...

Swara : It's okay Sanskar... It's almost going to be four now. I won't feel sleepy now anyway... (shrugged her shoulders)

Sanskar : Swara.. it's too late. Maybe we should give our sleep one more try. We must go and sleep... See, otherwise you may fall sick and agle din office bhi jaana hai.

Swara shifted her gaze towards him... Sanskar gave a warm and gentle smile to her which once again, made Swara go weak on her knees...

Sanskar (smiled) : I am going to sleep, and I suggest you also have some sleep. After some time, both of us will be out of this Penthouse and will go to get ready for Office. So... (shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips) Good night Swara!

And he gave a last final glance to Swara before leaving for his bed room. His smile still played on his lips remembering moments between them of now...

Something was happening to him!!! His intensity towards her had just started increasing and he couldn't help his emotions...

Swara looked on as Sanskar walked inside his bed room, suddenly disappearing from her eyes. She stood there only as her heart had started beating faster as she recollected some of their moments here... Moments flashed infront of her and with that her heartbeats increased more and more every passing moment.

The way Sanskar shouted at her when they were locked here but his care and concern towards her was clearly reflected in his voice and his eyes too... Then the way he consoled her later, assuring that he was with her... when she was scared of thunder. She had never felt so safe and secure in anybody's arms before. Being in his embrace made her feel so warm and protected and she missed his palm on her head, and his grip on her waist. Then their light moments flashed across her...

Almost all their moments till today started flashing across her eyes... How they first met, how she ended up in his arms, their New Year, their moments while having Panipuri and when he asked her that question which indirectly changed everything... Changed her thoughts about him! And how her world was turning upside down when she was unable to find Sanskar... She admitted her world spinned around her as she spotted Sanskar nowhere near her... She could not resist that as much as he was worried and thinking about her, she was the same worried about him...

She also remembered how he had saved her from Kartik in the Mall and that was the day she saw his another intense side... The side he never revealed to anybody yet his brown orbs expressed it very well...

And right now, when she was going to slip because of the coffee on the floor and he held her tightly right at that time...

Her heart started beating very fast, making her say 'Yes' to the question she was asking every now and then... Into this long chain of thoughts, Swara closed her eyes and flumped down on the couch, trying hard to figure out what were these feelings which were tugging at her heart every now and then, especially whenever she was around Sanskar! All their moments till now flashed across her eyes and that could mean only one thing...

The bonding and intensity that Swara shared with Sanskar and Sanskar shared with Swara was something very very different and unconditional!!!

"Swara I.. I was worried. Worried about you. What if something would have happened to you? I couldn't have affo... Woh I mean.. I shouldn't have overreacted."

Hadn't she noticed him cutting his tongue immediately in between?

"Swara I.. I really care for you as my friend! Don't get me wrong... Trust me, you're such a special friend of mine! How can I tell you that you mean so much to me. It's just that I was so worried for you and my inner panic turned into anger.. I shouldn't have said those mean things to you!!!"

"Not just Friends Sanskar!"

The words intensely rolled down her tongue as she finally had the conclusion with her. The look right now in her eyes was so intense and expressive as her lips were curved into a slight smile, and her eyes glowed as finally, she had got the ultimate answer to all her questions... And she was ready to say it out...

Swara : Not just friends, Sanskar! (inhaling deeply overcoming her fast heartbeats) I don't think we are just friends.. Thank you so much.. (smiled more) You asked me that question today morning and you know what, that was the moment I realised that what you mean to me and what place you have in my heart. I have never felt this way before... I have never got such feelings before in my life. It's only you who made me feel this way Sanskar! It's only you! (smiled broadly yet her eyes shone with tears at the corner of the eyes) You have always been there for me... You make me feel the way no one made me feel before... Being with you makes me feel so contented... Your eyes clearly reflect what's there in your heart, even though you try to hide it... I have a feeling that you also feel something for me!!! There is something between us Sanskar, and right now I am feeling like the happiest person in the world. (closed her eyes) I don't know where and when it happened... I don't know how it happened. I don't know if this is what has been planned for both of us. But ultimately all I know is that... I don't want to stop. I don't want to go back... And trust me, if this is what people call being in love, then yes... I accept that I have started falling in love with you Sanskar. (smiled more) I myself did not realise how it happened but now that I have, I openly accept that a part of me has started to love you! And the same part tells me that you also love me, much the same way I do...

Her heart leaped as she closed her eyes, put her palm near her heart and felt her erratically beating heart, wholehearedly agreeing to each and every word she had blurted out. And this had brought her to a conclusion... And that was, Swara Gadodia was falling in love with Sanskar Maheshwari!!! And Swara was oblivious to the fact that Sanskar had been loving her much the same way she did!!!

Finally, she had gone to the depth of her feelings!!! Sanskar had booked the most special place in her heart for himself and she wanted her special place in his heart as well!!! She couldn't wait for it!!!

Her eyelids started drooping very very slowly and her head fell against the pillow behind her as she was getting drifted towards her sleep... But her smile still on her face after her recent confession... Within a few minutes, she had slept and her smile still did not leave her face...

(6.00 am)

Soft rays of sunlight fell on the peacefully sleeping Swara's face disturbing her a bit. But these rays were something which indicated that a new beginning was on the way. She slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she had remembered was...

Rain had stopped! 😶

The clouds had cleared away from the sky and the sun shone brightly in the sky... A beautiful smile came on Swara's face as she got up from her couch, realising how she had fallen asleep then and there only... She removed Sanskar's blazer and kept it aside on the table... and made ger way through the window...

All she could see was...

The beauty of nature! ❤


Swara fluttered her eyelids opened until she became conscious and her ears pleased to hear the most angelic voice... The voice she had begun loving... The intensity she had begun loving... The only person she had started falling in love with very slowly...

Sanskar was here!

And his voice caught her attention towards him... While he smiled looking at her, Swara also gave him a smile...

"First of all, Good Morning Swara!!!" - His smile laced his tone...

Swara (grinned) : Good Morning!

Sanskar (cleared his throat) : Well, I hope you had a good sleep... Even I had fallen asleep and I just woke up a few minutes ago... to attend this call...

Swara (confused) : Call?

Sanskar (again smiled) : Yes, call! And well... The person who has called me right now is very much excited to talk to you!!! You know?

Swara scrunched her eyebrows wondering who it could be.

Sanskar : Call is on! You can see for yourself! That is why I have come here. The caller wanted me to give my phone to you so that 'she' can talk to you!!!

He had forwarded his mobile phone to Swara and she took his phone from his hand. Wondering who it could be, she held his phone against her ear.

A female voice came.

Voice : (happily) Pehchan kaun?

And with that one voice caught Swara offguard... Just this one voice was enough to realise who it was and as soon as realisation stroke her, her smile widened into a full broad smile and her eyes gleamed with extreme happiness and excitement.

Swara : (exclaimed) Kavita?!

Kavita (chirped) : Yesss!!!!

Swara's hand flied to her mouth in happiness and emotions.

Swara : How are you Kavita? When will you come back!!!

Kavita : (scrunched her eyebrows playfully) Well, how I am. Actually, I am very angry on you. (folded her arms)

Swara (shocked) : What? Why?

Kavita : You did not even call me in these three days. And for that, you will get a punishment.

Sanskar smiled controlling his giggles on seeing the two best friends' sisterly bond.

Swara (gulped in fear) : P.. Punishment?!

Kavita (ordering chirpily) : Yes, and the punishment is, just quietly do as I say. Open the door!

Swara : Hainn.. what?

Kavita : Open the door Swara!!!

And that's when realisation dawned upon Swara and her eyes went all wide, and a wide smile crept on her face....

Swara (surprised) : You are back from India???!!!

Kavita (happily) : Yes babes!!

Swara : (cried happily) Don't lie!!!

Kavita : Arey Seriously! (happily) Ask Sanskar also! Actually I was calling you only, but you did not pick up the call so I called Sanskar!!!

Swara's eyes shifted towards Sanskar in surprise as he gave her a nod accompanied by his lovely smile.

Kavita : Sanskar told me everything that happened last night, Swara. (Swara looked on shocked) It was so bad... but... thank god everything is normal now!!! I hope Sanskar took care of you!!!

Swara's eyes filled with emotions as she instantly remembered her night with Sanskar. He had taken care of her would be an understatement for her. He had cherished her! He had protected her! He had saved her! He had cared for her as if she was made of glass.. a delicate glass.. his precious possession.. and she couldn't be happier.

The phone was on speaker so Sanskar could also clearly hear Kavita...

Kavita : Okay, now leave all that!!! All that is over now. (Swara suppressed a smile) Open the door!

Swara and Sanskar exchanged looks with each other and Sanskar decided to speak...

Sanskar : Kavita, we are still locked at the Penthouse. None of us are at our own homes.

Kavita : (taken aback) Oh no, I forgot.. But then..

Sanskar : Don't worry, Sahil has assured us that by morning, he will be here with the new keys!! I think he must be here by now.

Kavita : So where is Sahil now?

"I am here...." a voice made Kavita turn back making her shocked.

Finally, there he was!!! Sahil!!! Who was holding the newly made keys, looking at Kavita. "Come on, let us get them unlocked!! I went to the shop as soon as it strike 5 am!"

Swara could hear Sahil's voice. She sighed. Sanskar also sighed.

Kavita : Swara, we both are coming to the Penthouse. Okay, Bye!

Swara (closed her eyes) : Bye!

She cut the phone and handed over the phone to Sanskar... A slight pain shooted up into Swara's eyes, knowing that they were going to leave this place very soon...

This was the place where both of them spent so many beautiful moments together and where she discovered her new budding feelings...

She wished they would have remained here locked for a longer time. This was the most special place for her now...

And same was our Sanskar's condition!

(After sometime)
(Living Room)

There was Sahil, who had unlocked the Penthouse door with his new keys. and Swara hugged Kavita smiling. "I missed you!!" they said to each other, while Sanskar hugged Sahil...

Swara (shaked hands with Sahil) : Thank you so much Sahil.

Sahil (smiled) : My pleasure.

Sanskar (smiled and looked at Kavita) : Hey! How are you then? And how is your Dida? She's fine, right?

Kavita (assuring) : Yes, she's very much better..!!

Sahil : Well now I suggest we should all go to our respective homes to get ready for the office.

Sanskar : (raised his eyebrows) Right! Today it seems like after a long time we are going to the office!! Haina?

Sahil : Right.

And the four set off to their homes to get ready... Swara and Sanskar stealed secret glanced towards each other...

Sanskar (whispered at her ears) : Good bye Ms Disaster!

And Swara's eyes shot open at him as he gave his playful smirk to her.

Swara : Don't call me a disaster. I will prove it to you that I am not a disaster!!!

Sanskar (folded his arms and shrugged his shoulders) : Okayyy... Go ahead!!!

And he winked at her which made Swara scrunch down her eyebrows, losing from him...

Well, there was a lot of 'something' 'something' blossoming between our Swara and Sanskar!

Their cute story started from this Penthouse!!!


Precap : Swara on her mission to prove that she is not clumsy!

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