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"It's alright to be imperfect.
The Moon understands you."



Eyes were staring right back at her as if they were going to stab her with their gazes.


None of the faces around her was her mother's.

"Where's my mother?"

"Please lie down," the woman in nurse attire assured her, forcing her to lie down on the bed "your conditon is still unstable, please remain calm."

Remain calm?

How the fuck do I remain calm when my mother is about to fucking die?

She whined. She screamed.

She would do anything to see her mother.

Wailing, crying, shouting for her mother.

She wanted to see her for the last time.

"Please…" her grip on the nurse's hand tightened "please let me see my mother.."

The nurse felt bad. She took Gaeul down the hall, Gaeul's legs shaking. Her leg was screaming in pain, but there was no room for pain in her mind.

Her mind was filled with her mother.

The nurse brought her to the furthest room, both of them looking through a glass window.

Inside was her mother, white and pale. No more colour. No more smile. No more…no more life.

Gaeul stared at the large screen displaying her mother's heartbeat.

It was getting slower.

And slower.

Till what's left was nothing but a beeping, green line.

Her knees fell to the floor. Gaeul felt like she couldn't get up. As if her soul left her body.

She couldn't feel anything. The loud doctors trying to get everything right, the people crying, the nurse asking if she was okay.

The world was dark. It was only her and her mother, no longer alive.

It was a feeling nobody could explain. When desth takes hold of someone you love, you wonder:

"Why him?"

"Why her?"

"Why did I this have to happen to me?"

That was what Gaeul felt like.

Her mother no longer existed.

Gone forever, her last family.

No more smiles.

No more welcome homes.

No more breakfast for two.

It was Gaeul all alone.

Only her.

And finally, the tears came.


I seriously feel bad for gaeul rn

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