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"The sun watches what I do,

But the moon knows all my secrets."


"She's still sleeping?"

"Of course she is you brailsnain."

"Did you just say brailsnain?"

"Oh shut up Chan,"

"She's really pretty, though. Her hair's as black as the night."

"That's not very poetic, Hansol."

"Shut up, you're all so noisy."

The three boys flinch when Hoshi speaks. Gaeul stirs in her sleep.

"See, you even made her wake up." Hoshi continues. Seungkwan snorts.

"Why are you such a grouch today, Hoshi, is it because you're doing this because you know she's in love with the moon and you're just jealous-"

A hat hits Seungkwan in the face, leaving him baffled. Hansol starts laughing.

"Good morning?" Gaeul yawns as she sat up, Chan quickly squatting down by the straw bed next to his sister. She notices an unfamiliar face besides her brother, Hoshi and the other Lost Boy she's secretly met up with before.

"It's evening." Hansol quips.

"Well, the mornings here are unusually short. Either way, welcome to our home noona," Chan gets up and does gestures with his arms, showing her all around the room. It wasn't exactly small, but it was big enought to fit at least four boys living in one house. Plus, it was underground.

"I'm Hansol by the way," the other boy greets her from the wooden table, waving "that's Seungkwan."

"I've met him before, he visited me randomly." Gaeul states, remembering when the boy had suddenly appeared in front of her window just when she was about to sleep. It didn't surprise her anymore if she met the Lost Boys, but Seungkwan definitely wasn't one of them, because technically he was different-

"You better not crash the real world again Tinker Bell, or I'll lock you up in your stupid tree." Hoshi threatens. Seungkwan lets out an exaggerated gasp.

"You call me Tinker Bell one more time and I'll-"

"You'll what, Tinker Bell?"

Hansol immediately holds the pixie back from coming at Hoshi. Anyway, it wasn't like Seungkwan was tiny and glowing, he was a life sized man who had wings that he could choose to conceal or not. Gaeul found out that he could return to his usual, tiny pixie like form on certain occasions. It was truly interesting.

"Gaeul," Hoshi calls, and she turns to look at the boy, "We have to get going."

"No way! You're letting her see the prince in that?" Seungkwan sputters, eyeing Gaeul from head to toe. It made Gaeul conscious of how she looked because okay; why would anyone have a problem with cloud patterned pyjamas?

"I didn't bring any more changes of clothes." Gaeul mumbles sheepishly.

Hansol lets Seungkwan go since the fairy pushed him off, "At least let's get your hair fixed, you look like someone who just woke up."

"But I did just wake up-"

"Hush, now come here. Get the brush, Chan."


"Your Highness, a man by the name of Peter Pan along with an unknown girl would like to see you."

Junhui lowers the scroll he was reading, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. He hands Seungcheol the scroll and returns to sit properly on his throne, signaling to bring them in. He was expecting this ever since he forbade the Man in the Moon to see the human girl, and that girl; could it possibly be the girl the Moon had his eyes on?

Peter strides in first and crouches, bowing down towards the prince. The girl behind him looked slightly clueless and followed what he did immediately after realizing that she had been staring at the surroundings of the chamber for too long. Her black hair  covered her face, so Junhui was unable to take a proper look at her.

"Your Highness, along with me is the girl who the Moon had fallen in love with." Peter raises his head and stood up straight. He lightly kicks Gaeul in the butt to signal her to stand up. Somewhere around the room, he can hear Seokmin laughing.

Junhui shifts in his seat, and rests his chin on his arm, "Interesting. Tell me about yourself, girl."

Gaeul finally had the chance to look at the Prince's face, and as much as how the stare he gave was actually very intimidating and it made her regret coming here, she hated to admit that he was very attractive. Lilac coloured hair, toned face structures and a chiseled jaw, the prince was beyond perfect.

"I am Lee Gaeul from the human world. I come to you for a request." Gaeul responds bravely (or at least she tried to sound brave), looking at Junhui directly in the eye. She was very distracted though; his throne was gold and the velvet seat looked dead soft and cushiony. Made for royalty indeed.


"Please accept my request in asking you to turn the Man in the Moon into a human."

Junhui raises an eyebrow. Seungcheol's eyes almost popped out of its sockets. Seokmin's laughter died down. Hoshi couldn't look at the prince in the eye. It wasn't like he didn't tell Gaeul about the Oath; of course he did. It was the first thing he told her when she admitted her love for the Moon. But she was Gaeul, after all.

A brief silence passed by again, and soon Junhui turns to look at the boy in green, "Did you not tell her about the Oath?"

"I did, Your Highness. She didn't listen." Hoshi replies.

"What makes you think I would agree to your decision?" Junhui questions. Gaeul swore her hands were trembling. Although it may not sound nor look like it, the prince was actually quite intimidating, "And what quality do you have about yourself, that you, a mere human, would think the Moon deserves to fall in love with you?"

Gaeul pursed her lips, "I do not think the Moon deserves me at all."

"I am nothing compared to the Moon, Your Highness. The Moon is beautiful, he is kind, loving, and considerate. He listens to the people who turn to him at night to cry or laugh. It pains him to know that he can't help, but he still listens and shines, in hopes that with that small light he owns, he could put a smile onto people's faces."

"But the Moon has his imperfections too. He has spots and he is sad and lonely. He's like all of us; a human. Humans aren't perfect, and so is he. He's been living on top of that cold sphere for God knows how long, and he wishes for nothing but company. Despite the loneliness that seems to wash over him every night, he still shines for us, the people of earth, in times of darkness, and that gives us hope."

"He told me not to cry when my father died and my brother disappeared, and he saved me from danger, and he strongly believed in our love no matter how far we are from each other."

"He has sacrificed enough for all of us. And the least I can do for him is to return his love for me, but I plan on doing much more than that. I am here for that reason."

"The Man in the Moon is sad and human, but he still has a kind heart after all. "

The sentences came out of her mouth smoother than expected. Nothing like what she rehearsed inside her head. Nothing like what Hoshi had told her to say repeatedly. Gaeul spoke from the heart, yet she wasn't sure if the prince could actually hear her sincerity.

Hoshi was sure that if there was an audience, Gaeul would have earned a standing ovation by now. But no, what filled the room was silence, and Junhui's stare that probably held back a thousand words, or more than that.

On the other hand, Junhui was expecting this after all. He knew that the girl who the Moon had fallen for wasn't just any girl. Sure, he's had cases where fairies and mermaids fell for the prople from the human world, but the Moon? Nobody would think of the Moon ever so tentatively. Nobody would even think about him since his fable was less known.

"Don't you think you're being selfish?" Junhui questions, "I am truly amazed at your love for him. But have you thought about the consequences of what will happen if the Moon becomes a human?"

Gaeul speaks, "If it will cause any trouble for Neverland, I understand. Thank you for hearing me out."

Hoshi looks baffled, "But Your Highness! We all know nothing extreme is going to happen if the Man in the Moom becomes human-"

"Shush Peter, let me think." Junhui dramatically changes into a thinking pose, closing his eyes.


After a long period of thinking (and Peter rolling his eyes at how ridiculous the prince looked), he speaks, "Very well."


"I will accept your request."

It took quite a while for Gaeul to actually process the prince's words into her mind, to let her whole body absorb it, to store it inside her brain, to let it run through her veins. Gaeul couldn't say anything in reply, but the glint of happiness in her eyes was enough to make Junhui pleased.

"But surely everything comes with a price." Junhui continues.

Hoshi shakes his head, "Please don't tell me you're going to put her in the list of people you're going to dance with-"

"That is one — and two, you shall work for the castle till my coronation day." Junhui announces proudly, "and only if you do not cause trouble around the palace, I will turn the Man in the Moon into a human after the coronation ceremony."

Gaeul broke into a smile, "I'll take the offer."

"You're not scamming her, are you?" Hoshi folds his arms and taps his leg, "Just because she's a beauty doesn't mean you can use love to fish her in-"

"Mark my words. Seungcheol, make a contract for her to sign right after. And you, the beauty, will start working today. The maids will prepare your things and a room." Junhui gets up to leave. Gaeul bows deeply as a sign of thank you, and Junhui tells her to lift her head. He leaves the room.

Hoshi turns to face her worriedly, "You really going to do this?"

"I will. It's the least I can do for Jisoo." Gaeul smiles, and Hoshi was relieved to see her happy again, "please tell Jisoo about this."

"Gaeul." Seungcheol calls her from the door, "It's time to go."

"Tell Chan I'll be alright and I'll miss him, okay?" Gaeul hugs the boy in green, as the boy patted her back in return, "I'll miss you too. Take care of the boys!"

"I will." Hoshi sighs, letting Gaeul go, "run along."

"Thank you!" She beams once again and disappears behind the door, trailing after Seungcheol.


"Here is your room." Seungcheol unlocks the wooden door, revealing the small space yet big enough to fit two people. Two beds were sat opposite of each other, next to them was a window that was the only source of light they had. Which meant it would be completely dark by night time, and away from all the light pollution, Gaeul would be able to see the stars even clearer.

"You'll meet your roommate once your shift ends, now you should go join your superiors in the kitchen for dinner. I'll wait outside." Seungcheol commands, handing Gaeul a change of clothes, and telling her that the rest of her clothes were in the nearby closet. The royal guard slash butler slash responsible man left, leaving Gaeul to change into a simple dress the maids seemed to wear. Gaeul was thankful enough it didn't have frills. She rolls up her sleeves and heads out to the kitchen.

"Alright, you'll be put in the kitchen to bake bread. We're on a shortage for the pastry area too, so I hope you'll learn well from your workmates. You have to catch up fast so you don't mess up the buffet for the coronation ceremony." Seungcheol explains as Gaeul trails behind him, dodging almost everyone that were walking past her. It's amazing how respected Seungcheol was by the castle workers, even if he was just a royal guard and butler.

They head deeper inside the kitchen, and Seungcheol opens the door that was furthest from all of the commotion. A boy was busy kneading dough, and Gaeul could tell he was experienced by the way he was working with it.

"Minghao, she's the new palace worker. Take care of her." Seungcheol pushes Gaeul forward, and Gaeul immediately bows. Minghao tilts his head as a signal to come in.

"I'm Gaeul." She says, sticking a hand out. She quickly pulls it back when she notices Minghao's hands that were covered in flour, and she knew he didn't want to shake her hand either.

"Minghao. Y'know how to make bread?" He asks bluntly, throwing the dough back into a large bowl as he covers it woth a napkin, "it's hard working as the only bread maker in the whole entire palace."

"I've never made one in my entire life," Gaeul replies sheepishly. Bread wasn't something that she was expecting to make; she thought she'd be placed in the actual kitchen where you cook stews and soups and other things. Not baking.

"Wash your hands and get to work; we have a lot to do. Junhui wants croissants for dinner — which is weird — but we gotta make them extra butter-y just like how he likes 'em." Minghao wipes both his hands on his apron amd tells Gaeul to follow him once she washes her hands. They head to the small pantry, and he hands her a heavy sack of flour that she almost dropped.

"You'll need to work some muscle to make bread," Minghao grins, and walks out the door juggling three blocks of butter in hand. Gaeul huffs.

Gaeul noticed somethimg, "How come you get to call the prince by his name?"

"We're friends since middle school," Minghao replies, his back turned against her (there are schools in Neverland? Gaeul thought), "but neither of us went to highschool since I helped my dad with the bakery, and he was off to carry out whatever Royal duties he had."

"Interesting." Gaeul grabs a bowl and hands it to Minghao, watching as he measures the flour.

"We don't meet often now, though. Never, actually." Minghao says, "sift the flour. I'm busy with the kitchen and he's getting ready to rule Neverland."

"I hope both of you get to meet one day." Gaeul comments, doing as told. There were three bowls filled with flour by now, and does Junhui really even eat this much croissants?

"So what's with the palace bringing in a new worker here? Moreover, in my workspace?" Minghao folds his arms and leans against the counter, observing her sift the flour, "they don't bring in any workers randomly, y'know. I got here because I won the village bake off with my pastries. How could you, a no-bread-brainer could easily get in?"

"I- well- um,"

"Don't tell me this was something about Junhui bringing in pretty ladies to work in the castle again-"

"I'm not that cheap, you know." Gaeul retorts, snorting at Minghao's statement. "I'm not interested in the prince. He's a stuck up."

Minghao laughs, "I know right? Man, sure is a first time listening to a girl who actually has the same opinion as I do."

"What, do the rest faint at the mention of Junhui?"

"How dare you say that about the prince! He might put you in his dungeon!" Minghao's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he imitated a lady's voice, going surprisingly high pitched, "they probably don't know that I'm the one who probably beats his ass a lot. Junhui won't ever put me in the dungeon. Ever."

Gaeul laughs, "We've got croissants to make, now shut your mouth and get to mixing." Minghao gets off the counter and proceeds.


It was the first day of work, yet Gaeul was already exhausted.

It wasn't even a full day. She only had to make bread, for dinner, yet she felt like she just made croissants for three course meals. How does Minghao even live like this?

Gaeul sighs. She enters her room to see a girl lying down on the bed opposite of her.

"Sorry for intruding. I'm Gaeul, nice to meet you." She bows, her roomate gets up from the bed.

"I'm Yewon!" She greets, and although it was almost pitch black, the little light from outside their window was enough for Gaeuk to see the girl beaming back at her, "it's really dark here at night, so you just have to get used to it."

"It's alright. Do you work in the kitchen?" Gaeul kicks off her shoes and sits cross legged on her bed.

Yewon shakes her head, "I set the tables."

"For the Royal family?"

"Yeah! Although I'm assigned for the prince's younger brother though." Yewon says, looking at Gaeul as she lies down on her bed, "I've only set up the cutlery for the crown prince's seat only once."

"Must be hard handling all the glass tableware." Gaeul comments.

Yewon shrugs, "You'll get used to it. The clinks of the plates could be irritating to some people, but I like the sound of it somehow."

"That's nice to hear."

"Anyway, which part of the palace are you working in?"

"Me? The kitchen. I help Minghao bake."

Gaeul swore Yewon's grin faded.

"Minghao? The baker?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"I don't like to believe rumors, but most of what everybody say seems to be true," Yewon starts, lying down on her stomach as she hugs her pillow, "Everybody says he was a thief in the past, kinda like a smuggler, used to work with Hook. I still don't know if that's true since I've never met him before, but you shouldn't be too friendly with him. Just for safety reasons."

"But he seems perfectly nice to me. Besides, he makes great bread."

"We'll never know."

Gaeul chose not to say anything anymore. If Yewon didn't want to believe rumors, why was she still holding on to this belief? She may not have the time to ask, but she should at least try finding him to see the truth herself. But oh well, Gaeul lets it slide. Yewon was a nice roommate, and Gaeul was happy she had one as warm as her.

"You should head to sleep soon too. We castle workers have to wake up early, even before the sun rises." Yewon tells her, lying on her right side, "The prince is a morning person, so we all have to get his breakfast done early. Goodnight, Gaeul. I'll wake you up tomorrow!"

Gaeul smiles faintly, "Goodnight."

Yewon was sound asleep short after, leaving Gaeul staring out the window in the dark. Right. She only had to work for the palace in a week and a half, and then she'll get to see Jisoo in a human like form. Just the thought of it makes her heart flutter. She'll get to stand in front of him, and they'll actually talk to each other, face to face, and they'll hold hands, and the word distance would no longer exist between them.

Gaeul smiles as she looks up at the moon, "Just you wait, Man in the Moon."


"Is that Moon hyung?" Chan asks himself, peeking through the window to see a man sleeping on the cold rock bed. The man shifts at the sound of Chan's voice, and the younger boy couldn't help but panic.

Chan didn't know why Hoshi sent him here instead, with the favor of delivering Gaeul's message to Jisoo. In fact, Chan's never flown this far before; it was the Moon we're talking about here! He was surprised when Hoshi even let him go alone; Peter would always be worried whenever Chan even went to the Mermaid Cove to meet his friends. But that and the Moon, this was sure a gap.

"I- um- hello?" Chan stutters. Maybe it was the temperature of the Moon, but Chan's hands were cold, and he had no idea why he was so nervous either. No, it was obviously not because of the stories his friends had told him about how bizzare and different the Man in the Moon looked, and although he didn't like the sound of what the Man in the Moon looked like, he just wanted his sister to be happy-

"Hello, aren't you Gaeul's brother?" The Man in the Moon that Chan had pictured was different; as different as the Moon and the Sun. He greeted Chan with a pretty smile; one where his lips curved upwards and his eyes turned into crescents. He was slender and pale, with certain specks on his skin that made him look exactly like the Moon. They weren't really dark specks; they were like his sister's freckles, Chan noticed, only larger. Either way, that trait of him made Chan thought he looked special, and he could see why his sister fell for him.

"I'm Chan." The boy greets, returning his smile, "I come with an important message from my sister."

The Man's frown immediately drops, "No, I'm not allowed to talk or see her at all-"

"The Crown Prince will turn you into a human on his coronation day."


Jisoo's jaw drops to the ground. Did he hear that correctly? Was this a dream? Maybe he's missed Gaeul too much to the point of hallucinating, this might be another one of his imaginations.

But it wasn't a dream, nor a delusion. Chan spoke again, "My sister went to see the Prince for that request."

"No, she didn't- is she okay?" Jisoo asks worriedly. Travelling all the way from the real world to come here and leaving everything behind; that was too big of a sacrifice from her.

"The prince had her working at the castle as a form of repayment till the day of his coronation. She's fine, I hope." Chan scratches the back of his head sheepishly. He's a little worried of his sister too.

"You're....not lying, right?"

"No. I wouldn't lie about my sister's love for you."

Jisoo went pink.

"I...." The man trails off, not knowing where to look, "I'm at loss for words. I can't believe she's doing that."

"She really is. My sister is amazing." Chan beams proudly. Jisoo thinks the boy was cute.

"Well...thank you. For telling me." Jisoo says, a gentle smile on his face, "send my regards to your sister, if you have the chance to meet her."

"I hope I can. Take care of yourself, hyung. We want you to become a human in the best condition for my sister."

"I will. Fly safe!"

The Lost Boy returns, and Jisoo was left alone again. This time, with happiness emitting from every part of his body. This time, with his adrenaline rushing uncontrollably. This time, his longing for Gaeul growing stronger than ever.

Love does things to peoole, and this time, love makes Jisoo fall for Gaeul harder than ever.


Hello i wasn't rly sad as i wrote this so im sorry it didn't have the correct vibe dhdbs

I dont know why i always need to feel sad before i write ok being sad helps me write a lot and maybe its because majority of my stories are sad or maybe its just a cee thing

I listen to sad songs too much and i will never stop

Jun's coronation is in a week!!! I can't wait!!! But there'll be a lot of drama hehe

Anyway, joshua hong is such a beautiful human being. Are you about to prove me wrong? Dont try hunty, because you can't.

Pinwheel's mv is one of my fav mvs and my fav song by the vocal unit. I love the green and nature and rain and everything

Ok goodbye, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter I'll try to update even more im sorry dbdbd

Have a good day/night everyone ♡

- Cee

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