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"My love, no matter how far we are

We will always be under the same Moon."


When all stars collapse and the sky comes breaking down, that was when we all knew the world was going to end. It wasn't happening now, but would the fact that the Man in the Moon who was crying counted as one of those signs?

Junhui doesn't blink. The sight of the Moon's tears barely fazes him.

Jisoo's tears were pearls; they shine in the dim light that emitted from the sun. There was never really an explanation to how and why his tears were shiny, but if anybody were to ever witness it, beautiful, was the only word that would describe them the best. Even so, beautiful was the last thing that Jisoo thought himself of, but the first thing he thought of Gaeul. The gap was too far, but nothing resembled the word beauty more than she did.

"There is no excuse." Junhui says, gesturing Seungcheol to prepare for his journey back to his kingdom, "We agreed that if she didn't cause any problems, then you would be able to turn human."

'But she didn't cause the problem.' Jisoo's heart yelled back, the streams of light pouring down his cheeks. He couldn't help but repeatedly wipe them, knowing that they wouldn't stop, until he got his selfish request. Jisoo knew he agreed. He remembered well of his promise, of his words. Jisoo knew well that he should've been prepared for this, knowing that it could be coming; yet why, why did he still want to be by her side?

"If anything, you should've known better that there was a possibility of this happening after all," Junhui walks towards Seungcheol's side, a sachet of pixie dust in hand, "it isn't worth risking your whole life for love."

"It is!" Jisoo finally cried out, "It really is.." he trailed off. His chest felt as if it weighed a thousand bricks and it was so painful, it felt so bad, it was his first time experiencing it. Could this be heartbreak? He thought. It was an intense feeling, indeed, but Jisoo was surprised he could still live. The things that the human heart could withstand; it was amazing.

"My decision is final, Man in the Moon. You will not be able to turn into human, and Gaeul shall return to the real world once I have a word with her." Junhui's feet leave the ground, the shimmering golden dust trailed behind him as he disappeared, slowly his figure became smaller until he disappeared from Jisoo's blurry sight.

The things that the human heart is able to withstand; pain, sadness, heartbreak, despair, Jisoo thought about how Gaeul was able to withstand all this, and the tears kept on pouring down his cheeks as he remembers how much he loves her one more time.


Gaeul knew it was not Minghao's fault.

She stares at the back of the sleeping boy, knowing that he was not asleep at all. The silence creeps up to them both, lingering around the stone walls, refusing to exit the small window of the dungeon. Gaeul could see the Moon from here, and she wondered; what did Jisoo feel? He must've felt horrible, he must've regretted believing in Gaeul. He must've regretted falling in love with her.

Yet, none of those emotions seemed to faze Gaeul. Jisoo could feel anything that he wanted, yet Gaeul stands firm with her feelings for him, his love for the Man that stood by her side during her darkest nights. Although, she admits that picturing Jisoo crying would be a painful sight.

"Hey," Minghao finally broke the silence between the two of them. Gaeul shifts her legs and waits for him to continue. "I'm sorry."

Minghao still has his back against her. Gaeul steals a glance at his ripped clothes and the scratches on his bare feet, then shifts her gaze to look at the scratches on her own. Running through the forest in the dark sure was tough. If anything, Gaeul managed to discover why Minghao kept disappearing the past few days, although she did get some dirt onto her name. But she was innocent, and that was the only thing that mattered. Proving that she was, however, was a totally different case.

"Don't be," Gaeul replied, "I'm glad I found out that you weren't one of those bad guys."

Minghao snorts, "As if what the pirates did to my dad would make me want to become one of them. They put us through hell. Hell - I tell you." He finally turns around, staring up at the ceiling. Gaeul wonders what had happened to his dad, but it probably wasn't the right time to ask for that kind of question.

"Will you be okay with this?"

"With what?"

"With not being able to see Moon Man."

"It's the Man in the Moon." Gaeul corrects him, pressing each and every one of those words. Minghao rolls his eyes, but admits that he was wrong after all, "It can't be helped. Nothing will come out of crying, anyway."

Minghao stares at the girl.


"No—I thought you would be more like, you know, like you would start crying for days."

Gaeul stifles a laugh, "I could, if you want me to." She feels the tightening sensation in her chest, but ignores it, "I truly do love him, but I know crying isn't an option when I've got both your and my name to clear. I can do something. It's better to think of that, in this situation."

Minghao scratches his head, "You sure bout that? I'm pretty sure nobody would be on our side, like, everyone clearly saw that we were the ones who stole the gold."

"More like we were framed, Minghao. Now help me a bit here. Think of something."

"You will not be thinking of anything." Seungcheol's voice echoed from a distance, soon both of them heard his footsteps nearing the cell they were squished into. Gaeul immediately got up to find Seungcheol through the bars of the wooden door.

"Seungcheol! Oh thank God you're here — listen, we've got an explanation as to why this happened. Minghao and I never stole the gold, we were actually-"

"The Prince's orders are final." Seungcheol cuts her off, crossing his arms. Gaeul knew what he meant. Being the royal family's butler, of course Seungcheol couldn't turn his back against them, no matter what their opinion. Loyalty was his priority, and nothing mattered more than that; not even his blood or soul.

Minghao gets up from his lying state, "Are you serious? At least let the girl go, she's barely involved in this. Lock me up and let her go instead." He said hastily, an annoyed tone in his voice. Gaeul didn't like what Minghao was saying, but she couldn't deny the fact that she was dragged into this mess unintendedly. But it was really too late to blame anyone; and if she were to stand, she would stand right beside Minghao; all in order to clear his name.

Seungcheol ignores his statement. He had his own opinion, but they were better off not knowing. He looks at Gaeul's hopeful eyes and sighs.

"Look — I don't really understand what's happening, but Junhui isn't in a good mood right now. And you know what happens when he throws a tantrum, don't you?" Asks the butler, more specifically towards Minghao, who's known the Prince for years. The baker rolls his eyes. Gaeul could tell they hated his tantrums.

"The seas are in a dangerous state. We've never had this much pirates out there before," Seungcheol sighs once again, this time longer and heavier. "Hook's probably taken some from the real world and brought them here for a good deal of gold."

"Are the mermaids okay?" Minghao asks in an eager tone.

"We're not sure." Seungcheol answers.

"Can't you tell Junhui to do something? If they hurt the mermaids and mermen we're doomed for real. Besides, aren't you worried about Jeonghan? Didn't you sketch him in one of your journals because you saw him for the first ti-"

"Seungcheol actually has a crush on someone?" Gaeul cuts Minghao off. It was hard to believe, since the Seungcheol she's seen was someone who woke up everyday solely to bring the Prince's different pair of shoes every single day. A dedicated man; sturdy but not so much anymore, as she's found out that the one that had probably made his heart skip a few beats faster and his adrenaline rush was a merman, a beautiful one at that. They were all beauties, it was definitely hard to deny that.

Seungcheol's expression remained, but the tip of his ears turned red. "We do not speak of that, Minghao. It was a long ago phase." Minghao just shrugged.

Gaeul turns to face him once again with hopeful eyes, "Are you really really sure that there is no way to get us out of here?"

"I'm sorry Gaeul. There is none. I am only the family's butler. Their orders, I fulfill."

"Even though you knew Wonwoo was there to keep an eye on Hook — and probably saw the whole thing happen?"

"Yes Minghao. Even though I knew Wonwoo was there, and probably saw the whole thing happen." Seungcheol straightens his posture. "Your sentence will be decided by tomorrow evening. Till then, you will be kept in here." He turns on his heel to walk away from their cell.

"Please Seungcheol, please do something about this." Gaeul knew that the probability of him ignoring her statement was bigger than any other possibilities, but she knew Seungcheol at least knew what justice was. There is enough proof to get them out of the cell and to clear their name, and Gaeul saw nothing that the royal family would lose from doing that. Gaeul could only put her hopes up when he stopped walking to listen.

"You don't want Jeonghan to get harmed, do you?"

A brief silence passed by. That might have came off as harsh, but if she had not have said it, who will? Hook will get the mermaids; all the treasure that they keep buried in the coves only they know. Neverland will no longer maintain its beauty and age, it will only turn into ashes as everything turns old.

Seungcheol continues his steps, "We shall see."

Gaeul prayed in the name of the Moon that Seungcheol took the bait.


School kills


- Cee

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