Chapter 13 - Today is not your day

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I wake up to the sound of banging on my room door. Day three, I remind myself as I slowly turn around to face the door. It opens and in the doorway is the person I least want to see right now.


He's the one who caused all my bruises. He could have prevented each and every single one of them, but he didn't. He either watched from the sidelines or inflicted the injuries himself. Every muscle in my body is aching and I distinctively remember yesterday's incidents. Each and every one of them.

The panic attack I had the morning and Peggy came to help to my rescue. Ironic as how not long after that in the evaluation room she was torturing me. Not intentionally I guess, she did say that she was just doing her job.

Steven throwing me to the ground, twice, smacking me across the face, pushing me into a wall with such force I became paralyzed. Bumping into Frank and Steven deciding to let me fall to the ground instead of catching me, plus making me pick myself back up.

Him 'accidentally' slamming me into another freaking wall. Then trying to drown me, twice. My feet deciding to add more to my collection of injuries, by causing me to trip on the stairs. But that's when my body had enough and Steven had no choice but to lift me from the ground.

And that's only the physical pain.

I have mental stability issues and emotional pain as well. I've been violated. Kissed my dignity goodbye countless times. I haven't recovered or properly dealt with my breakup with Nick. My heart aches to see my parents again.

I have conversations with the little voice in my head, I even named the thing Jessica. In a way, I don't mind that I did. It's like I have a part of her, like she's with me, keeping me sane while everything around me drives me insane.

"What!?" I snap at him, visibly frustrated that he woke me up from my peaceful slumber.

He simply stares at me, raising one eyebrow with an expression of 'what the fuck do you think'. I roll my eyes so far back, I swear I saw Jessica somewhere in there.

"What time is it?" I ask after letting out a deep sigh. "Time to get your shit together," he responds leaning against the wall opposite the door.

I decide to ignore him and stretch out my aching limbs. A short painful cry escapes me halfway through my stretch when my back cracks and shoulder pop simultaneously.

"What's wrong with you?" he asks as if yesterday never even happened.

"I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works... Have you considered suing your brain for nonsupport?" I spit at him as I force myself up from the bed.

"That water was supposed to put out the fire in you, not allow it to spread. Guess I stopped too soon..." he says as his thoughts drift off into the distance. I roll my eyes and stand up straight, trying to push back the numbing aches throughout my body. I take the time straightening out my pj's while adjusting to my new standing position.

"Why are you still standing there?" he asks as his eyes shift back to me. "Peggy is waiting on you... You're always so fucking slow." He mumbles the last line. Not that he cares if I hear him or not, but he says it more to himself.

"Well, it's pretty obvious, don't you think? Actually, nevermind, it's a rhetorical question and you actually require a working brain for that." I say as I turn around to walk to the closet.

Damn girl! What has gotten into you? Steven's barely provoking you and you're already clawing his face off. Good morning to you too Jessica.

His presence is what provokes me! Great, now I'm snapping at a little voice in my head. Aren't I a lovely human being..

"You're literally begging me to punish you again, hell cat." I freeze in my spot for a split second as the memories of my near-death encounter floods my mind. I quickly recover and walk on, trying not to think about it anymore.

I reach the closet and take out a pair of shorts, tank top, and sneakers. I wish I could put on a long sleeve top and tracksuit pants to cover up my bruises, but it strictly says that those are for winter. Not that I'm willing to follow their rules, but right now is not the time for more punishments or bruises.

I walk over to the dresser and open the drawer to get out a bra. All the while Steven casually stands at the door, watching me like a hawk. I have a feeling that asking him to go away so that I can get dressed won't be successful. So I suck it up and walk to the bathroom to get changed.

"Why do you even wear a bra? You have nothing to put in it." Steven adds his damn two cents.

"You wear pants, don't you?" I reply as I walk through the glass door to my bathroom.

Ouch... okay Jess, shut up.

I'm not an idiot. I haven't forgotten about the creep of a camera just chilling in the corner of my bathroom. So I grab a towel, hop in the shower, throw the towel over the shower door and get dress.

Once I'm done, I climb out and place the towel back, leaving my pj's on the floor. I brush my teeth, wash my face, pee, the usual. Then head out of the bathroom. Walking past the dresser I suddenly remember something.

My food.

"Where's my breakfast?" I ask Steven who's still leaning against the wall. "Do you want me to drag you out of here!?" He questions in an agitated tone. I decide to drop it and walk straight out of the room. There are three other guards/kidnappers standing in the hallway against the sides. Funny how I didn't see them there yesterday.

Steven pulls the door closed behind us. I see him reaching to grab my already bruised arm, "I can walk myself. I'm not disabled," I say as I walk on.

He ignores me.

I hiss in pain as his hand envelopes the bruised area. His body catches up with mine and we walk on. I don't bother fighting out of his grasp. Peggy will definitely go off at him once she sees my physical state.

"Why are you such an asshole!?" I question instead.

"Oh yes. That reminds me, I got this top for you," he says as he grabs the bottom of his shirt with his free hand, lifting it away from his body so that I can see what's displayed on it.

There are words on and I tilt my head to read what it says:

One can only please
One person a day.
Today is not your day.
Tomorrow doesn't look good either.

"Argg!" I groan angrily looking up at him. He annoys me so much. For an adult, he's most certainly childish. I can see the amusement lurking in his face. I turn my head away and we walk on. Gratefully, we stay silent for the rest of the walk. We finally reach the room where all the other little rooms are in. Walking through the doors, my eyes lock onto the isolated steel doors.

They're open!

My heart skips a beat as soon as I realize this. There's what seems to be a delivery truck on the outside. Two men hop out and carry parcels off. Once they place it in the far end of the room, they return to collect the rest. And so on it goes.

If I can manage to slip away from Steven and make a run for it as soon as those two men turn around. . I'm free!! Once I reach the road, I'm hopping in the first vehicle coming my way.

Steven pulls me forward snapping me out of my thoughts. We enter the little room and Peggy quickly turns around facing us. Her face immediately grows with anger as she scans the revealing areas of my body. "Why are you all blue and purple!?" Peggy's tone is a mixture of anger and confusion.

"Besides the injuries yesterday here in the room, Stev-" I begin, but get cut off by Steven. "She kept knocking and falling into things. The bitch is clumsy," he says ever so nonchalantly.

"And all those times she did, not once did you think of breaking her fall or stopping her from knocking into something, or someone?"

"How do you know that I-" Again Steven cuts me off.

Why won't he allow me to speak!

"She's not my problem and I'm not her guardian," he says as he lets go off my arm and turns to leave the room.

"Wait," he turns back around, " how did you know tha-"

"I was kindly informed of a few incidents yesterday," Peggy informs him and I can tell she's doing her best to stay calm.

"By who? Was it Frank?" Steven questions as he turns back around.

"I told you not to injure her any further! The girl has been through enough! How is she supposed to be ready in time if you're constantly abusing her!?" Peggy snaps. I've never seen her this angry before.

Wait, ready for what!? I also want to know Jess. I'm surprised that you don't have an answer for me this time.

"Now listen here..." Steven begins as he nears Peggy.

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