Chapter 45 - A hot mess

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Vivian POV:

My eyes cautiously peel open. I blink a few hundred times to adjust to the shift in vision, yet fail miserably.

A strange white ungelled light blinds my vision as a silhouette of a woman nears me. With her face hooded by shadows, I cast my eyes along her figure, hoping for some sense of familiarity to strike my subconscious.

With little to no success in identifying her, my eyes sorely begin to scan around the room. I notice a rather familiar painting hanging on the wall to my right. My hands fumble about along my sides and I realize that I am lying in a bed as I grab hold of the material beneath me. This room is a bedroom. My bedroom to be exact.

Wait, what?... My mind is in a frenzy, bursting with mix-up mystification.

A burning desire builds up in my chest as the need to know who this unidentified female is growing deeper. I look back at the figure and attempt to sit up, ready to bombard her with a list of a thousand questions. If not more. Before I get the chance to seize in doing so, the woman rushes closer and pushes me back into the rather pleasantly comfy bed.

"No sweety. Please, lie back down. Don't get up so quickly." The woman bids and my eyes grow wider than the moon, sun and earth combined. 

That voice. I know that voice. Bu-but it can't be. It's not possible.

Her close figure blocks out the blinding light as her body hovers above mine and I'm able to catch a clear view of her features. I find myself staring shockingly into those warm amber eyes that I've grown to love with all my heart.

This can't be real...Mom?

"But how-" I voice in a mere whisper and sensing my confusion she cuts my words short.

"You hit your head really hard when you fell at school. You've been out cold for a few days now. They say that you tripped on your way while existing your maths class." she informs me while caressing my cheek with the back of her hand as she sits beside me.

Is it really her?... Jess inquires.

No, this can't be. Could it?

No!... She yells immediately.

But what if- what if all of it was just a nightmare?

All of it?... She sounds unsure.

Yes. It's my mom. My room. I'm back home. I've always been at home. I'm safe Jess. It was all some messed up dream.

Are you sure? Something doesn't seem right. Are you telling me that none of it was real? Not in the slightest bit?... She questions.

It couldn't have been. I'm home Jess. I've always been home... And with that final thought in mind, an emotion blossoms inside of me that I haven't felt in quite some time. Longing. An aching yearning for a mother's love.

Tears begin to form in my eyes and I can't help myself but jump up into her arms. With my face buried in the crook of her neck, loud sobs escape my mouth and her arms wrap ever so tightly around me in a protective manner. We stay like this for quite some time, all the while she keeps me as if life itself depends on it. I don't know how long I was out for, but I have missed her embrace.

"Mom, I had the craziest dream. You won't believe what happened," I speak through my broken sobs.

"What happened, sweety?" she queries while rubbing the palm of her hands in circular motions on my back. 

This has always been her way of soothing my rapidly beating heart and spiraling mind. We usually go and get pizza and ice-cream after once we've resolved my discomforting pain. Mom never believed in comfort food. She believed in accomplished food.

She always told me to never turn to food to make me feel better. That the relief will only be temporary. Instead, I should turn to her. My golden lucky charm of a mother, my ticket to health. And that she'll make any trace of pain dissapear in a heartbeat, or as fast as she's remotely able to. Then together we celebrate the victory of defeating all negativity by savagely indulging in a hot meal of cheesy goodness and a soothingly cold bite of heaven.

"Nick cheated on me with Kate and then dumped me in the school cafeteria," I state while pulling away to see her face while riding the tears from my own. I wonder if I should tell her how I kicked his ass as well. 

Well, the front.

"He what! No. He wouldn't," mom says in disbelief as her hands fly up to try and cover her agape mouth. 

That's odd. Jessica would have told her by now of the incident if I was out for a few days. I guess this must be news to her. Oh, wait of course it is. It was all just a dream.

Something doesn't seem right... Jess voices, but I ignore her.

"Well, he did. But that's not even the craziest part. Afterward, I ran away to get home-"

"You what!" she yells and I'm forced to lean back so that the sound escaping her mouth doesn't damage my eardrums. I guess I should not have said that last part then. Oh well, it's too late now. Might aswell continue.

"Then there was this Steven-"

"A Steven?" she asks rather puzzled.

"Yeah a Steven and trust me he's crazy. Frank wasn't all that bad. Not to me atleast. Then there's Micheal. He was just some authority seeking loon, but Steven's a hot mess... I mean, a crazy mess. Oh and Peggy was my nurse. Marcus is the leader of the whole shebang. And the rest is a bit of a blur, but I feel like I'm forgetting someone. Someone important." I state as my mind wanders off.

"Sounds like you had yourself one hell of a dream," mom says as a light laughter dances from the pit of her stomach and a small smile spreads across her face.

I've missed her voice. Her smile, her laughter, her warm embrace. Never have I ever realised just how important this special woman is in my life until this very moment. She's remarkable. A one of a kind spirit and I'll be damned if I ever mistreat her again. My teenage shenanigan days are over. I can't believe it took some crazy dream to truly open my eyes.

"You feeling better atleast?" mom asks and I nod my head as a smile makes its way onto my face.

"I love you mom." I tell her as I stare deeply into those eyes that have always kept me safe.

They were the very first pair of eyes I saw when I was born, or so mom says. She refused for the doctor to be the first one to look at my face. As soon as I popped out, her arms were waiting. Through strangled cries and all, it was always her loving eyes that calmed me down. Or so they say. Dad always backed up her stories. He'd be afraid to do otherwise. Not that she overpowers him or anything, mom's simply rarely ever wrong and rarely ever lies. White lies, that's what she calls them when she's caught.

"I love you too sweety." she says as she places soft kisses on each cheek.

"Now let me go and get your father or he'll strangle me for not telling him that you've finally woken up. We'll get pizza and ice-cream once the doctor approves your health. Deal?" 

I couldn't have smiled broader. This right here. My golden lucky charm of her mother. Will always do any and everything she possibly can to make me happy and I couldn't love her more.

"I'll be right back sweetheart." With that she was out of the door, leaving me in a hazed faze.

Something doesn't seem right... Jess voices, yet again. I wish she'd just let it go.

Right now, everything is exactly how I want it to be. Everything is perfect.



"AmberLee what the f@#' is going on?"

Boys and girls... It is what it is. Hehe. 

Until next time.


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