Chapter 49 - Answer me

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"Your d-dad?"

My eyes the size of golf balls, hesitate to blink as I stare straight ahead. Straining them for far too long on a single spot, I can feel a dry and burning sensation take over. With the shock clearly evident on my face, I'm sure he understands my dumbstruck replies.

"Sadly. My dad runs this place and appointed me to watch the girls they bring in. All day and night... That came out a lot worse than I intended it to," he says the last bit more to himself.

"Besides, it's not like I have much of a choice in the matter. I tried getting away from this a few times. Hell, I even attempted to get the cops down here, but that's one tedious tale and don't bother pressing for details."

Oh no, I wouldn't dare. At least not for now. I'm still trying to take everything else in. What kind of father would dare to put his own flesh and blood through such trauma? Although I do wonder if his mother knows of his misfortune. That is if she's even present in his life. She couldn't possibly be dead, could she?

"Wha-what 'bout y-your mom?" I question needing answers to drown out my curiosity.

I've heard the absence or death of a man's wife can drive him to pure insanity. You simply wouldn't be able to tell how insane till it's too late. Let alone the terror they end up putting their kids through.

He clears his throat uncomfortably before continuing and I have a feeling nothing good will come from it. "Princess, I do not mind you getting to know me, but there are certain things I prefer not to discuss. So I think it's best we change the topic. You must be hungry," he states trying to sound subtle but the anger seeps through.

Ignoring his Princess remark, I can feel that his anger is directed not to me, but another being. Which only brings the worse thoughts to mind. Thoughts I prefer not to dwell over. If I have to learn that his mother is or was a virtuous and modest woman uninvolved in all of this and that something tragic has happened or is currently happening to her, I'd further lose my damn mind. The waterworks would begin and I don't know when it would end.

"But why-"

"Just drop it already!" he thunders, sending a frightening chill down my spine. I catch myself being scared stiff. Time itself seems to have come to a halt, waiting for the violent air to grow peaceful again.

Although, even in my frightened state I notice that there's something in that shout, a shattering pain behind it. Which he attempts to shield with anger, an understandable pursuit.

I should know from experience.

You feel as if an invisible force is striking you in the gut, over and over again, weakening you with each blow. You end up with this monstrous hole in your stomach, vulnerable to the world. Yet you're forced to maintain a dauntless facade and fill this hole with odd end baggage, simply as a means of distraction.

This is what pain does to you.

I'm pretty sure he knows the feeling too. That thundering roar was more than enough to convince me. A roar which caught me off guard, causing my silence to scream 'are you insane' His next words, however, only prolongs my stupefied state. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I never want to scare you," he utters ever so faintly that the slightest movement in this room would have made it impossible to hear.

Like a car without a radio, I'm left inarticulate.

My mind is swirling, looking for answers but offers no escape or calm.

As I'm about to further question him, the realization hits a nagging nerve and a silent gasp escapes the back of my throat. A coma truly takes a ridiculously dreadful toll on one's memory, that much I know, but this is highly aggravating. It seems it is indeed best to change topic after all. 

"Wait, y-you said you're th-the eyes a-and ears in this place," I voice, needing confirmation. Especially since something, or rather someone important has come to mind.

"Yes, I did."

The tension in my face washes away after hearing his response. 

This is perfect! I do wonder how she's doing. Maybe when Peggy returns, I can- but where is Peggy?. I haven't seen Marcus in a while. Is he even still alive?. Of course, he is. The bad guys never die first. They always-... But another voice in my head cuts me off.

Just ask him the damn question already!... Jess snaps, making me realize that I've allowed my mind to wander.

It's something I tend to do every now and then; allow myself to think up a storm. However, getting lost in my own mind isn't all that bad. It's probably advised not to do it during conversations though, which is a habit I cannot seem to avoid. Even before I came here I was a mind wanderer. 

Rephrase, even before I was brought here against my will.

Clearing my throat to disrupt the silence I've caused, I continue to ask, "How- how is Max? Is sh-she out? Do you th-think I can s-see her?"

Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes... I silently chant.

"Who?" mystery man questions and I stare back perplexed by his lack of knowledge. If it weren't for my limbs feeling so weak, I would have facepalmed myself right here and now.

Isn't it in his job description to know everyone they 'bring in'?... I could have sworn that's what he said or at least implied earlier Jess.

Deciding to throw a dog a bone here, I elaborate on who Max is. I only hope I'm giving him enough information. "Maxine Pal-Palmer. She was pl-placed in a cage op-opposite me. I just w-want to know that she-she's okay. Her nurse has a-a few wires lose." I wonder if I should have given a description of her instead.

That bombshell beauty with the killer personality is not one to be missed nor to be messed with. Her fierceness can be felt a mile away and truth be told I do miss her company. Even though we both met under degrading circumstances, it was the most civil I felt since arriving here.

"Oh the witty Ms. Palmer!" he declares as realization kicks in, "Don't worry, they took her out of that horrid room the day after you were taken out. She's in top shape health. I check everyone's reports daily to make sure of this factor... Yours are always the toughest for me to read." he continues, but I barely focus on the rest of his words.

She's okay! My insides beam with joy hearing this news.

Yeah, don't get me wrong I'm happy she's safe too. But are you just going to ignore that last statement he mad-... Jess not now, he's still speaking.

"It might take some time to arrange for you to see her, but I'll see what I can do," he finishes and I nod my head hastily in agreement. Feeling both accomplished and relieved, I can't stop a small smile from spreading across my face.

I should probably do the decent thing and thank him for putting my mind at ease. He could have kept his mouth shut or simply refuse to tell me anything at all, but he didn't. Not only has he informed on Max's condition, but he's also going to arrange for me to meet her. Truth be told, I have a feeling that he's not really allowed to do that. Yet he's willing to for me. Which does beg the question as to why? Not that I'm complaining or anything of the sort, but I can't help but feel slightly skeptical.

Maybe I should just straight up ask him what he's up to and what he wishes to accomplish by engaging in conversation with me. I mean, what's the worse that could happen, right?


No, don't be dumb. Just thank the man and move along.

"So," I begin after changing my mind about confronting him. A simple thanks should do for now. I just have to show some gratitude, receive a 'you're welcome' from him, then get some sleep.

"I just want-wanted to s-say thanks. Thank you," I announce sincerely while looking directly into the lens of the camera.

"What do I get in return?" 


He cannot be serious. What on earth can my bed stricken kidnapped self possibly give him? I knew there was a trick in the mix, there always has to be. Nothing can ever be simple. Why can nothing ever simply be simple? A kind gesture that doesn't require anything in return. Ugh, now I have to think and think hard. What can I possibly offer?


"One h-hand wash th-the other," I conclude.

Yes, I'll rather play it this way. Play it safe. Besides, it's the only choice I have to his strange request. So I hope he accepts it. If not then tough. I've got nothing else.

"What do you mean?"

Ah, saw that coming. The confusion is easily detected in his voice. Allow me to explain myself mystery man. Goodness, I seriously need to change that name soon. It's becoming a problem.

"If y-you do me this favor, you c-can ask me any-anything you want and I'll answer truth-truthfully."

And he surely has my word on the matter. I never back out from my promises. Everyone who's ever come to know me knows that I take honesty very seriously as it is the foundation for trust and I find happiness in knowing that people trust me and vice versa. So whatever he asks me, heaven forbids the depth of it, I will answer as truthfully as I can.

"Okay then. Answer me this and truthfully."

Well yeah, that's kinda what I just said.

It's as if he's missed the point completely. There's no need for him to reassure the terms of our trade. Especially since I'm the one who came up with the idea. Just ask away. I have nothing to hide or to lie about.

An awkward atmosphere dawns upon the room as I wait for him to continue. He best know that this is no game show. I do not need these high tense pauses, causing my mind to draw up it's own scenarios of what could potentially be asked.

After roughly 3 minutes of dead silence, he finally manages to ask his question and my body freezes to a solid.

"Do you have a liking in Steven?"...

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