Chapter 51 - David and Goliath

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Vivian's POV:

It's coming... It's coming... Protect yourself, Vivian!

With new profound strength, I manage to raise my arms and cross them in front of my face to block the blow coming. I mentally prepare myself for the abuse I'm about to endure. Force myself to believe that this is what it's going to be like from now on. No matter what I do, I can't escape these monsters.

With my eyes glued shut to a point it hurts, my frail arms dangle in the air as my hands flesh out to shield as much as it's able to. Chains clatter together on one end, a punishing noise I've come to despise. My heart pounds violently in my chest as I await the attack to come.

Except it never does.

Without warning, a brawling commotion breaks out before me. The fear that has sunk to the pit of my stomach refused to diminish and I cannot bring myself to take a peak.

Something hit someone, but that someone wasn't me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" a voice thunders, causing my already rapid heart to beat ten folds more.

They're arguing, no fighting, both? 

How many are there? 

The sound of chains hitting the floor is inescapable. My pulse can be felt throbbing in my ears, accompanied by high pitch ringing making it impossible to- Someone's gasping for air! Oh, wait it's just me.

Deciding to shove my fear up my rear, my arms slowing drop on their own accord as my eyes peel open. Only to reveal the one person I was least expecting, yet secretly hoping as strange as it may be, to come to my rescue in the nick of time.

"Steven," I breathe out barely above a whisper.

I take a moment to grasp the sight before me along with trying to steady my heaving chest. Steven, the concrete of a man, has Michael, the steroid pumping jackass, in a headlock!

As build as Steven is, Michael is five times his size. So to see this battle between David and Goliath take place is quite something. Okay, maybe it's more along the lines of a battle between the Wolverine and Hulk. But the imagery is perplexing either way.

Not that it lasts long. Michael twists his body while grabbing onto Steven's head and shirt. "I could ask you the same thing!" he sneers as he lifts Steven over his body and slams him to the ground. A heavy gasp escapes my mouth at the sudden action.

A painful grunt makes it's way to my ears and my eyes widen. With worry and panic etched in my brain, my arms instinctively shoot out as if to craddle Steven in them.

Hold up a sec. You want to what?... Go bother someone else, Jess. 

My attention shifts from Steven's pained figure to Michael's hatred filled eyes. Michael stands towering above Steven, heaving like a madman. Not knowing how to respond to what's currently taking place, I sit frozen in place. Mouth gaping like a fish out of water.

"You know the fucking rules!" Steven grunts as he picks himself from the floor.

After a few deep breaths of air, he gives his body a good shake and a quick stretch here and there. The pain he once had now gone as if never having been there in the first place. He then broadens his shoulders as if to intimidate hulk over there.

"And I happen not to give a fuck right now." hulk- Michael replies as he looks me square in the face.

I stare back, afraid to break eye contact. Heaven alone knows how he'd react if I do so and I don't need things to get any worse than they already are.

"Looks to me like you forgot who's behind those monitors," Steven speaks up and both Michael and I turn our attention to him.

He knows about mystery man?

Well duh. He's been working with these assholes for five years. They practically share the same cereal spoon. Wipe each other's ass and all... Jess responds and I'm struck with an 'oh-of-course' moment.

"What makes you so sure I forgot? If he had a problem with what I'm doing, don't you think he would have sent someone to stop me by now?" Michael questions in a tone that screams 'bow-down-to-me-peasant'.

Steven's hands ball up into tight blood pumping fists, his veins are pushing against his skin ready to burst from the pressure. He steps closer to Michael, their faces mere inches apart. He looks him hard in the eyes and says "The fuck you think I'm here for then."

Evidently stunned into perplexity, I watch the interaction before me like an eager kid at the cinema. Certainly unaware of when the next bit of action will take place. If it weren't for me being the center point of this drama, I would have called Peggy to bring some popcorn along and join me to see where all of this leads to.

Michael's face morphs into deep confusion, but not for long as something clicks in that head of his. All too quickly its rage that returns to his once calm and boastful demeanor. Before I know it a punch gets thrown, then another and another until I cannot carry myself to look anymore.

"Please stop!" I shrill at the top of my lungs trying to get out of bed, but my legs fail to move. Anymore punches and Steven's going to be knocked out cold for sure. Then what the hell am I suppose to do with hulk? I can't defend myself in this state.

They're both currently at one end of the room. Steven plastered against the wall as Michael chokes him with one hand and punches him in the gut with the other. After hearing my shrilling plea, Michael stops what he's doing and turns his attention onto me.

Steven gets brutally thrown to the ground. If something of his broke, I failed to hear it as I'm too focused on Michael who's busy advancing towards me. Michael's brows draw together, his eyes squinting as he says, "Do you suddenly have a soft spot for your kidnapper?"

Good heavens, not you too.

"It's too bad he never had one for you when he dragged you away from your family," he continues and I press my lips together to stop myself from lashing out.

Michael sees this as an opportunity to speak his mind and I allow it. All the while desperately hoping that Steven will soon get his shit together and help a girl out. It's probably wrong for me to be depending on him this much right now, but what other choice do I really have.

"Or is that what you're hoping for? That he'll feel the same way about you and somehow take you back to where you came from?" I open my mouth to correct his idiotic assumptions, but a little someone stops me.

Stay quiet, Vivian!... I'm trying Jess.

"Like some flawed product being returned to the supermarket. Sadly for you, subject 016, our products do not have a return policy. They have an expiry date. And if you should reach that date and serve no purpose, consider your existence demolished." he sickeningly smothers me with his meaningless words as he leans onto my bed.

Vivian don't-...

"I AM NOT A PRODUCT YOU OVERGROWN SWINE!" I ferociously spit in his face. Anger fuels the boiling of my blood and I want him to burn as much as I am, if not more.

I open my mouth to continue blasting insults at him, but he beats me to it as his one hand reaches out and latches onto my hair. He yanks at it harshly, half dragging me across the bed, causing me to let out a painful scream. I'm stronger than this... I remind myself and reach up to pry his hands away.

Only for him to yank me closer to his frame. He tightens his grip on me and pulls my head back, forcing me to look up at him. His free hand wraps around my neck and begins to squeeze. "What was that you said about me?" he questions, spacing out each syllable to make sure I don't miss a single one.

"Go. Screw. A. Donkey. YOU CRUSTY CROTCH-SNIFFING SHOWBOAT!" I yell without guilt.

My voice strains due to the pressure on my throat, but my thoughts are heard either way. This I know as a murderous look flashes in those eyes of his. He squeezes my neck so tightly the bruises can be felt starting to form. Gasping for air, tears begin to roll down my cheeks as I come to terms with my defeat.

Michael lowers his head to level mine as he whispers in my ear, "I'm done playing nice with you".

Like a pedophile preying on innocent kids, his hand which once gripped my hair, slowly start to travel down my bareback. I find myself both cringing and flinching from the action, wailing my arms about to rid his claws from me.

Curse this damn hospital gown in providing little to no protection against this moronic asshole. I begin to wiggle myself in his grip, making it harder for him to loosen the bow-shape knot holding the open flaps of the gown together.

"Hold still!" he yells as he slams me down onto the bed. 

His hand loosens slightly from my neck allowing me to catch a small bit of air. Without hesitation, I dig my nails into his forearms and quickly slide them downward to rip his flesh apart. It's a good thing Peggy hasn't chop these babies off.

Blood starts to trickle from his forearms as I repeat the motion over and over again. All the while his hands hastily travel to pull the gown from my shoulders and I let out a shrilling scream.

"Get the fuck away from her!" a stentorian voice booms throughout the room and my heart rate spikes.

My head rotates to find the source of that blaring cry. Instead, I see chains being circled around Michael's neck as his body gets jerked back. One by one something causes his legs to cave in. Now he's on his knees, grabbing at the object which suffocates him, fear plastered all over his face as Steven stands behind him twisting the chains tighter with each passing second.

How do you like being choked to death you fucking asshole!... Jess wait, let's catch our breaths first.

No I'm fine, I live in your head remember? It's more you I'm worried about, because-... Shhh just wait till this is all over.

"None of them are going to buy her if she's not tamed! She needs to be taught into obedience," Michael strains through his teeth.

My chest heaves as I scurry backward and force myself to sit up. A few pillows are stuffed behind my back, preventing me from fully reaching the wall. Looking to his arms, I see the blood still flowing from the wounds I inflicted. A sense of bravery and accomplishment washes over me. 

I fought back this time.

"That's not your call to make," Steven declares, "It's mine".

What the living hell. Did your sudden saviour just get all possessive?... Jess I'm calling a time out with you.

With one final twist and tug of the chains, Michael collapses to the floor.

My cheeks feel wet as relief surfaces in me and I nearly scream from the overbearing amount of joy. However pathetic it may seem, being rid of Michael has been the greatest thing to happen to me since being in this place.

My eyes flutter close to accept a moment of calmness and peace. Which is short lived as I feel a presence nearing me and I immediately go into defense mode.

Steven's hands reach out and before I know it my face rests between his palms as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"Are you fine?" he questions cautiously. His movements are slow and steady as if approaching a wild animal.

My skin is hot, throat clogged up, hands are trembling, and I'm pretty sure my complexion is far more transparent than that of a jellyfish. "I'm fine," I manage to reply.

His eyes are judging me. I can tell. They flicker from my one pupil to the next and back. He knows I'm lying, but I hope he doesn't press for the truth. Because even I don't know how to truthfully answer that question.

Am I relieved? Yes, I most certainly am without a doubt. But am I fine? What does that even mean? I'm in pain, in shock, traumatized, to say the least. Yet I'm breathing in air as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

I think 'are you mad?' is far more appropriate.

We've been starring at each other for quite some time now. Pass the stage of protection. Comfort perhaps? But it's Steven, comfort is a word nonexistent in his vocabulary.

Should I look away? I probably should. Yet for some reason, my eyes are fixated on his. As if something is drawing me in, a powerful hypnosis.

"Hell cat. You're not okay."



Oo what is going on with Steven? He was originally not supposed to be Vivian's hero against Michael, but the man begged me and that's how it all went down.

How do you feel about this chapter? Happy, sad, conflicted? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you to everyone reading and supporting this book. You make my heart smile. If my brain could work faster I'd update sooner. But you deserve quality writing that sends your hearts racing and your minds dancing.

❤I love you all❤


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