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". . . . God kicked us out heaven and most angels think that it was mans fault and declared war. Me and a few other higher angels didn't want this war so some of us took mans side and some stayed neutral. The leader of the angels is Raziel. We have been at war for five years now." Great, so if I have a family, they are probably dead.

"Where am I? And what do you want with me?" Why did he choose to save me. I have no useful skills that could benefit the war effort. Not that I know of anyway.

"The labs wanted you and I have been captured by them, if they got you back you would be killed. And as to where you are I cannot tell you that just yet as I need to clear it with the council." I'm guessing that they don't know I'm here and that these people could kill me if they decided that they didn't like me.

"Do they know I'm here?" I tried to the my panic out of my voice but from his reaction I knew I had failed miserably.

"No, but this is my place and no one official is allowed to come here." Why? What happens if there was an emergency?

"When are you going to clear it with them?" I hope the answer is soon because I don't think I can handle the pressure. After all I've been through, well could have been through, you'd think I would be able to handle a little not knowing. Michael looked over at a clock on the wall.

"About twenty minutes and you'd better get ready because you're coming with me. There are clothes and a towel in the bathroom if you want to shower but I would be quick if I were you, the council don't like to be kept waiting." Getting to my feet, I crossed to the open bathroom door. Locking the door behind me I saw what he meant by shower. I was covered in mud, all I'm saying is that it isn't a good look for me.

Once I showered, I looked at the clothes that Michael had picked out for me black jeans, leather jacket and boots and a red top. Changed, I looked at my self in the mirror and saw that my hair was longer than I had originally thought. My skin, which was once translucent was now like snow. For the first time I saw what my eyes look like for the first time. Like the rest of me they were pale, they were ice blue with darker blue around the outside. Someone banged on the door so I guess it's time to see the council.

* * * * * *

Outside council room

* * * * * *

 "Don't talk when your not spoken to directly. Mind the way you talk to them and the language you use." Michael looked me up and down. "Right, follow my lead." Passing the guards we entered the council chamber. There were seven people inside seated under different banners. One of them was seated higher than the others so it was obvious he was in charge. The man was in his late twenties early thirties and wore all black.

"This is why you called a meeting Michael. You want this girl to join our ranks. The answer is yes, I have other matters to attend to if you don't mind." As their leader had finished speaking all of the council members stood to leave.

"It's not just that, she was a prisoner in the lab I got captured by. She doesn't remember what they did to her or her past. She's stronger, faster and smarter than a normal human. Something is going to happen, they're planning something. War most likely. Think of an army of people like that, we wouldn't stand a chance against them. Is she still allowed to stay?"

"Leave the room and we will discus what to do. Michael, you stay and vote as well." So, where do I go? Exiting the council chamber, I sat on the floor a little way down the corridor from the chambers door. The guards looked at me curiously as if confused about what all the fuss was about. No one left the room after two hours and I was getting bored when one of the guards came down the corridor and sat next to me.

"They've been in there a long time and it sounds like they're having a big fight. What's your name? I'm Mathew, most people call me matt though." The guy was a few years older than I was with sandy blond hair, tanned skin and hazel eyes.

"I don't know . . . . I had a dream where I was called Harley. It could be Harley." He looked confused at this.

"How do you not know your name? Everyone knows their name!" Should I tell him the truth? I'll tell him a bit.

"I can't remember anything before eight hours ago and some of that time I was knocked out."


The door to the council chamber opened. A verdict hade been reached.

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