16: Manal

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Throughout the lecture, I could not properly concentrate on what we were being taught. My thoughts kept on drifting to Farida and the way she spoke to me. I had never really seen her that serious before. To think it was our first day in campus. Initially, I thought we would be glued to each other the whole day, but sadly, that had to happen.

Thankfully, the male lecturer was not very observant, otherwise, he would have noticed me.

"That would be all for today. See you all in my next class." The lecturer said, pulling me out of my trance.

I heaved a sigh of relief - thankful that the class had ended. This was not the way I had visioned my first day in class, but well, I made a mental note to be more focused in the next class.

I picked my bag and was about to leave the class, when I sensed someone occupy the seat next to me. At first, I thought it was just a random person, until I heard my name being called.

Farida. She was the only person who called me by the nickname.

I pretended to be oblivious to her presence and stood to leave.

"Mannie" She called again and before I could respond, she also stood and threw her arms around me. "I'm sorry, Mannie. Please don't be mad at me anymore."

I disentangled her arms fr around me and pulled back. "It's fine."

"Liar!" She accused. "I know you too well, Mannie. I know when you're lying and when you're not."

"What did I do to you."

"Nothing." She fiercely shook her head. "Believe me, Mannie; I'm not angry with you. It's Farouq I'm angry with. I just took out my frustrations on you. I shouldn't have. I'm really very sorry, bestie. You know how much I hate it when we fight, right?"

"I felt really sad earlier. I couldn't concentrate on what the lecturer was teaching."

"Me neither." She sneered. "Farouq is a jerk!"

"Hmm..." I hummed and then trailed off. "I didn't know you two were having a misunderstanding. Why did he treat you in that manner earlier?"

She heaved a sigh. "Same old story. Ever since he told me to meet his parents and I refused, his behavior towards me has changed. As if...as if, he is no longer interested in me."

"Don't say that. I'm sure he is that way, because he really loves you. I hope you two resolve your problems soon."

"Duh! If he wants to break up, then fine. I will find a much better person."

"As if you'd be able to bear that." I rolled my eyes.

Farida will always be Farida. She likes to be seen as tough on the outside, while in reality, she's very soft.

"Excuse me." She scrunched up her face. "Farouq is not the only handsome bachelor in this world."

"But he is the only one that has your heart." I stated, matter of factly.

She was about to retort, but I was quick to stop her, by changing the topic. "The next class is in thirty minutes and the venue is quite far. Let's go. I don't want to sit in the back again. Do you have more classes today?"

"Yeah. Departmental. I also need to go to my department and meet some of my course mates."

"Oh! Alright then."

"When will you be through with your class?"

"By 2 '0'clock."

"I should be done by then too. Call me, so we will go back to the hostel together, okay?"


Introduction to food science and technology - Fst101 class was interesting. Professor Adebayo was friendly. He explained the aims and scope, comprehensively.

"Hi!" Someone whispered from behind me.

I turned my head and glanced at the dark skinned boy, sitting on the seat just behind me. "Hi." I returned the greeting and turned back around, averting my concentration back to the prof.

"What's your name?" He whispered again.

Irritatedly, I forced a smile. "We're in a class."

"I know." He chuckled. "I just want to get to know you. I'm Na'eem."

"After the class, please."

"Okay, miss serious."

I had no idea if his statement was meant to be funny, but to me, it was not. It was vexatious.

I rolled my eyes and started jotting some notes.

Immediately the lecturer left, the boy who had been disturbing me earlier, Na'eem waited for the girl that sat beside me to leave, before occupying the seat beside me.

"Hi again." He sheepishly grinned. "Miss serious."

"That's not my name. I'd appreciate it if you don't call me by that." I deadpanned.

"Oops! Miss grumpy then?"


"Yes." I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at him.

"Oh no! You're miss sarcastic." He chuckled.

At this point, I could not stop myself from gnashing my teeth. "Manal!"

"Nice name. It's unique. I like it. Mana." He commented.

"Not 'Mana'." I rolled my eyes. "Manal. There's a 'L'."

"Mana actually sounds better. I will call you by that."

"Suit yourself, Naee." I smirked.

"Naee?" He burst into laughter. "What's that?"

"Your new name." I chuckled. "I'm also omitting the last letter."

"Cool." He smiled. "Naee it is then."

"So, Mana," he started and I fought back the urge to punch him square on his annoying face. "Did you apply for this course or...?"

"Why should I tell you?" I sneered. He sure had some nerves.

"Because..." He trailed off, the smile never leaving his face. "I'm your new friend. And friends don't keep secrets from one another, do they?"

I ignored him and stood to leave, but sat back down, when a thought crossed my mind. "Hmm...do you have the departmental timetable?"

"Of course. What type of a student would that make me if I don't?"

An unserious one, just like myself - I wanted to reply, but instead, a smirk curled up my lips. "A serious minded one." I sarcastically responded.

He chuckled. "Wait, lemme get it from my bag."

In what seemed like a blink of an eye, he had already taken the paper from his bag and handed it to me. "You can have it."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

He shrugged. "It's no big deal."

"Still. Thank you."

He smiled cockily. "You see, this is my first time in this school."

"And?" I cocked a brow. It was my first time as well.

"I don't have any friends yet." He continued. "I don't even know anyone. Do you mind being my friend?"

I vehemently shook my head. "Not a chance."

"Why?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

I suppressed to urge to chortle at how quirky he looked. "I don't keep male friends."

"Ouch! Did you hear that?"

My brows furrowed in confusion. "What?"

"The sound of my heart breaking." He pouted.

I take back my words from earlier, he is not annoying, he is a clown.

I chuckled. "Not my problem."

Just as he was about to give a response, my phone began to ring.

Perfect timing!

"Hello, Rierie. Are you done already?"

"Yes." She replied. "Are you?"


"I'm in front of your department right now. Don't keep me waiting. Come soon."

"Okay." I replied, then ended the call.

"Are you leaving?" Na'eem inquired.

My brows arched. "Am I supposed to stay after lectures?"

"Of course. To study what has been taught to you."

I gazed at him distastefully. I had only met him and yet, he was already telling me what I was supposed to do and what not. "Not to be rude, but I think you'd need it more. I am not a dummy." I did not bother to look at the expression he had on, nor did I wait for his response, before picking my bag and sauntering out of the almost empty classroom.

I met Farida seated on a bench, just outside the department. "Mannie!" She sprung up and walked towards me. "How was the class? Fun? Boring?"

"Fun, I guess. The lecturer seems like a nice person and his method of teaching is comprehensive."

"You're lucky." She huffed. "Mine bore the hell out of me."

I chuckled. "What happened?"

"Many things." She sighed. "Let's sit. I will tell you all about it."

I complied and we went to the bench and sat. "Tell me." I could not keep my curiosity at bay anymore.

"First, I got in trouble with the lecturer." She started.

I gasped. "How did that happen, Rierie? What did you do?"

"Not enough to create a fuss." She rolled her eyes. "You know how female teachers can be vile."

"What did you do?" I asked for the umpteenth time.

"She said I wasn't concentrating in her class."

"Were you?"

"No." She truthfully responded. "I couldn't do it. I'm so tired, Mannie. I just want to go back to the hostel and rest. It's so unfortunate we aren't in the same department, like we planned. I'm sure it would have been interesting."

"We planned, but Allah's plan always prevails. I believe this is what's best for you and me."

She hummed in agreement. "Let's go."

We had already began to leave, when I heard my name being yelled.


Without turning around, I already knew who it was. Only one person pronounced my name in that way.

"I think someone is calling you." She was about to turn around, but I was quick to stop her. "Ignore him. Let's keep walking."

"Huh? Who's he?"

"Will you please stop? I just want to give you this. You left it on the desk."

At the mention of that, I instantly spun around.

He walked up to me and handed me the timetable.

Before I even got the chance to thank him, he turned back around and walked away. A huge part of my conscience derided me for snubbing him, when in fact, he just wanted to help me.

"Hey!" Farida snapped a finger at my face. "Will you tell me what just happened? Who was that guy?"

"He's just someone I met in class today."

"Just someone you met in class today." She repeated. "Tell me, Mannie; are you keeping a secret from me?"

I rolled my eyes. "What secret? Like o said, I only just met him."

"If that's the case, why were you ignoring him?" She raised a brow, questionably. "It didn't look like y'all 'just met'." She air quoted.

"Believe whatever you want." I twisted my mouth to the side.

"Are you replacing MY BROTHER so soon? Oh no! He already has a competitor." She dramatically cried.

"Of course not." I huffed. "Na'eem is just a course mate."

"Better." She heaved a sigh. "I don't like him anyways. Even if you come to me one day and tell me you love him, I will never approve of him for you. Stick that to your brain."

"Yes, ma." I playfully bowed. "Your wish is my command."

"Oh no!" Farida, all of a sudden shrieked.

"What?" I asked, horrified.

"My phone has been ringing." She fumbled around for it in her bag and finally found it. "Ten missed calls!"

"From who?"

She hesitated for a while, before responding. "All from Farouq. Should call him back?"

"Is that even a question?" I scoffed. "Of course you should."

She dialed his number and put the phone against her ear. "I saw your calls. What do you need from me?"

Rude much!

"No, you can't. We can go home by ourselves."

What? No!

Without thinking, I swiftly snatched the phone from her hold and put it against my ear. "Hello, Farouq. Please come pick up come. We've been walking for a while now. My legs are sore already."

"Okay. Where are you right now?"

"Faculty of agricultural sciences."

"Just stay right there. I will come to you."

"Thank you." I smiled and returned Farida's phone to her.

Immediately, she ended the call and gazed furiously at me. "Why did you do that?"

"Obviously because I want you both to settle whatever beef you have." I stated matter of factly.

"You shouldn't have done that!" She seethed. "Thank you for ruining everything."

"What did I ruin?"

"Just forget it. I don't want to speak to you right now." She remarked and started walking away.

"Please stop." I beseeched. "Farouq is on his way to get us."

"I'm not getting in his car!" She yelled and continued walking away.

"Rierie." I increased my pace and fortunately caught up with her. "Farida." I called and got in front of her. "What's wrong? Why are you behaving like this? You know I only did that because of care for you, right? I really think you should have a talk with Farouq and settle whatever it is between the both of you."

"I shouldn't be the one making an effort for that." She sneered.

"Does it really matter who makes the first move?" I questioned. "Moreover, he made the first move, by calling you severally. I'm sure he thinks you're ignoring him, right now."

"He can think whatever he wants. Who cares?"

I heaved a sigh of exasperation. "Can we just wait, please? I'm really tired of walking."

"Fine. But you will be the one talking to him, not me."

"Did I keep you two waiting for too long? My supervisor sent me on an errand. Sorry." Farouq apologized.

I gazed at Farida, expecting her to say something, but when she did not, I gave him a reply instead. "It's fine. Thanks for coming."

He smiled, then averted his gaze to Farida. "Farida." He called. "I'm sorry."

I did not realize I was smiling widely, until my lips began to hurt. I mentally face palmed.

"I'm sorry." He apologized again.

I, for one, knew he was not apologizing to her for coming late, rather for the attitude he had been showing her lately. It made me really happy to know he had realized his mistake and willingly apologized for it.

Instead of responding, she rolled her eyes and got in the backseat of the car.

Had the situation permitted it, I would have punched her hard. Oftentimes, her stubbornness irritated me.

"You should stay in front." Farouq muttered to me. "I don't want to look like a driver." He added.

Immediately the car screeched to a halt, in front of the hostel, Farida stormed out of the car and into the gates, without bothering to wait for me.

Just as soon as I alighted the car, Farouq did the same. "Manal?"

"Yes?" I turned to him.

"Can you please talk to your friend on my behalf? She's been ignoring my calls and text messages. I don't know what going on."

"Just give her some time. I'm sure she's going to come around."

"I hope so." He responded. "Can I have your number?"

My brows furrowed tightly. "Why do you need my number?"

"For Farida's sake. I get really worried when she ignores my calls and texts. I just want to -"

"I understand." I really did. Due to the love he had for Farida, he was making efforts to bridge the gap between them, but like always, she was being adamant, like a spoilt brat.

After I had given him the number, he got back into his car and drove away.

I greeted the security man at the gate and hurried up the stairs. I could not wait to get to my room and take a bath.

Opening the door, carefully, I muttered 'Assalamu'alaykum' before going in. My eyes widened at the sight of someone eating on my bed. Immediately she saw me, she ran towards me and threw her arms around my neck.

My eyes widened even more.

Who could that be?

What do you about farouq?

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