34: Jawaad

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I hit the brakes and reclined backwards on the seat, waiting rather impatiently for Farida to get in, so we could leave. Initially, I wasn't the one who was supposed to come pick her up, but unfortunately, the driver fell sick and needed to take a break from work. In spite of having so much to do at the office, I was left with no choice, but to take over the role. Although it wasn't that big of a deal, it wasn't planned, thereby, leading to the cancelation of important stuff.

"What's taking her this long?" I muttered, craning my neck to the side to see what she was up to.

I puffed out air from my mouth when I saw her approaching the car. She wasn't alone though. She had two girls  with her.

The first girl looked familiar—very familiar. If I was not mistaken, she was Manal, the girl Farida had told me about the last time she visited—thr same one she had written JAMB with.

I alighted from the car in order to help Farida stuff her luggage in the trunk.

"Jawaad!" Farida walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thanks for coming." She whispered, before letting go of me.

I smiled in response and stretched out a hand to collect her suitcase from her, but before I could, the second girl that was with Farida nudged me with her shoulder and her lips spread into a sheepish smile.

Bemused, I questionably raised an eyebrow.

"Hi, Jawaad!"

"Sorry, who are you?" I inquired. I just hoped I didn't sound rude, because it wasn't my intention.

"Ah! Don't tell me you've forgotten me so soon, Jawaad." She purred. 

I became even more confused. In an attempt to get an answer to my question, I looked at Farida, who only pursed up her lips and shrugged in nonchalance.

"I'm the Hala, the girl you spoke to, was it last week or last two weeks? Do you remember me now?"

"Honestly, I don't. Are you a friend of Farida's?"

"No, she's not." Farida chimed in. "She isn't." She clarified. "Actually, we don't even get along. She's Manal's roommate."

"Oh!" I remarked and turned to Farida's friend, who had been eerily quiet and seemed to be lost in her thoughts. She looked sick to me.

"Manal is also going back home today. I asked her to ride with us. That's fine by you, right?" Farida asked.

"Of course." I responded. Knowing the kind of a person I was, Farida knew I would never refuse to allow her friend hitch a ride with us and she just had to ask. Perhaps to put me in the spotlight. "She may come with us if she wants."

I opened the trunk and put in Farida and her friend's luggage.

By the time I was done, Farida had already settled in the front seat.

"Bye, Amiga. I will miss you a lot." The girl who had introduced herself as Hala hugged Manal for a while, before letting go. "Call me when you get home, okay?"

"Sure." Manal replied.

"Safe journey." Hala mouthed.

At first, I thought she was speaking to her friend, until she added my name. "Jawaad."

"Thank you." I responded and proceeded to get into the car. 

Right after, Manal did the same and I ignited the car.

The silence in the air was ominous. The state of affair reminded me of way back when mum and dad would have an altercation. Overwrought with disquietude, Farida and I would end up staring at each other and dwelling in solitude. I was few years older than Farida then. I manifestly understood what was going on and it didn't sit well with me. I hated the fact that they cosily did it in front of us—expecially in front of Farida. It didn't happen often—at least not that I witnessed, but the few times it did, I wished they had been considerate enough to take it to their enclosed space. Without mincing words, it was my reaction that always rubbed off Farida.

I glanced at Farida and noticed her eyelids were already starting to drop. So atypical of her. She rarely sleeps during journeys.

"Are you okay?" I voiced.

She gave a small smile and nodded. "Uhm."

Unconvinced, I replied; "Okay. But don't tell me you're about to sleep on me."

"Of course not." She huffed. "I was just engrossed in my thoughts. I was just imagining stuff."

"Tell me; what's on your mind?"

"School. I can't believe we're already through with first semester. It seems just like yesterday. How time flies."

"Yeah." I concurred. "Time really does fly. Before you know it, four years will pass."

"Ugh! I really can't wait." She sighed.

I smiled at her remarked. That was exactly how I felt when I was in school, but now that I had graduated, I had come to realize how interesting school days had been and how much I missed it. Definitely, her mindset would also change gradually.

"Mum was the one that asked you to come pick me up, right?" She questioned. "Because I know she's the nly one that would do that. Left to dad, he wouldn't mind me taking public transportation."

"The driver felt sick. Mum wanted to come instead, but I volunteered to."

"I hope this isn't an inconvenience for you."

"Of course not." I denied. "Because it's you, it's no big deal." I responded.

Farida simply hummed.

I glanced at her and caught her staring at her friend at the back.

I look through the mirror and realized she had fallen asleep—or was pretending to be. In any case, it was none of my business, but I was quite curious as to why she and Farida hadn't spoken to each other. I knew they had a misunderstanding some weeks back—Farida had told me. She also later told me they had settled all of their differences, but it didn't look like it. I noticed the awkwardness between them was chunky. "Your friend is sleeping?" I asked. I had initially wanted to mind my business, but my inquisitiveness grew by the second.

"Yeah." Her response was curt.

"Is she sick?" I took my gaze off the road for a split second and averted it to Farida.

She furrowed her brows. "No! Why did you ask? Did you notice something?"

"She has been awfully quiet. I don't know if it's her nature though." I shrugged a shoulder.

"Nah, she isn't sick."

"Have you two really made up?" I knew I shouldn't be asking, but well...

"I think so..." Her voice trailed. "I spoke to her. I apologized for the things that happened and she forgave me, but..." She lowered her voice. "Sincerely, I don't think she has forgiven me. We aren't good. Things has changed. I really hate the way things are between us now. She's been giving me the vibe or a mere acquaintance."

Oh, that's it?

"She will come around." I nonchalantly remarked.

"Hmm...I really hope so."

I pulled over in front of the gigantesque black gate.

"We're here." Farida announced.

"Finally." Manal responded.

I didn't even notice she had woken up, until she spoke. Seemed she was eager to get home.

"Boot." Farida spoke.

"Oh!" I quickly unlocked it. "It's open."

Manal alighted from the car and Farida followed. Probably to help her with her luggage.

The ringtone of my phone got me startled a bit. Even before checking the caller ID, I already knew whom it was. I heaved a sigh.

"Where are you now?" She asked immediately I accepted the call.

"We're already in Abuja."

"Really? Alhamdulillah." She breathed. "I have been worried. I tried calling your number few minutes ago, but I couldn't get through. I called Farida too and the result was same."

"The network was poor."

"I deduced. By the way, where is Farida? Pass her the phone, I want to speak to her."

"Come on, mum." I chuckled. "I said we already in the city. Do you have to speak to Farida right now? We will be home in like ten minutes."

"Yes!" Her voice was stern, yet soft. "Just give her the phone. There's something I need to tell her."

"She's not here."

"But you said yo—"

"She's currently seeing her friend off."

"Friend? What friend?"

"Her name is Manal. She's in the same school as Farida. I happened to give her a lift."

"Oh, okay then. Come home soon."

"Yeah...okay. Bye, mum."



"For the ride."

I turned to Manal, whose demeanor was deadpanned. I couldn't tell if you was really glad or felt the need to say the words to fulfil all righteousness.

"You're welcome." I responded with the same expression.

She nodded and then turned around. "Bye, Farida."

"Bye." Farida engulfed her in a quick hug. "We will talk on phone."

"Okay." Manal nodded in concurrence.

"Let me help you with your stuff." Farida offered.

"No, it's fine. The gatekeeper will help me. Go ahead, I think your brother is already getting impatient."

It was quite funny how she assumed o was, without even saying a word or even showing any emotions.

"Alright then. Take care." Farida got back into the car and I drove off.


Nigeria is currently going through a tough time, please drop a prayer for her 🙏

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