66: Jawaad

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Instagram: deey_jah

"Are you planning to spend the night here?" Farida inquired, as she walked into the living room.

I reclined forward in my seat and nodded. "Yes. For the meantime, I'll be staying here. I realized it's pointless living separately from you all. I want to spend as much time as I can with my family. With Dad especially."

Farida hummed in concurrence. "That's a good idea." She sat on the opposite sofa. "Have you told mum about...about her yet?"

I furrowed my brows in incomprehension. "Who?"

"Imani." She rolled her eyes. "Have you told mum you've decided to marry her."

"With what's been going on lately, dad's health and all, I haven't had the chance to tell her. She will be over the moon." I smiled. It was all I wanted. To be able to see that blissful smile on mum's face again. Ever since dad's discharge, mum had been down in the mouth. I had no idea if she already knew about his illness, but by the way she was acting, I had a hunch she already knew. I felt really sad for her.

"Yeah." Farida agreed. "Mum will be happy. It's what she has always wanted."

I nodded. "I hope she gets along with Imani. Do you think mum would like her?"

"Honestly?" She asked, then shook her head. "I don't think so."

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because..." She heaved a sigh. "Imani hasn't taken the initiative to visit her. She isn't reasonable enough to know that she's supposed to visit mum and especially dad, when he was hospitalized and even now that he has been discharged. I'm surprised."

I'd be lying if I say I didn't relate with what Farida was saying. I had spoken to Imani about it and everytime, she kept on coming up with one excuse or the other. Something was definitely off with her. I took it upon myself to find out what exactly it was. I couldn't keep turning a blind eye to it.

"She has been busy." I defended. Even to my own ears, the excuse sounded lame.

"Too busy to visit your sick father?" Farida pursed up her lips. "I see."

"I'm going to talk to her. I will make her visit today."

Farida shook her head. "In my opinion, she doesn't want to come here, because she isn't really into you."

I threw a glare at her.

"What?" She shrugged. "I only told you what was on my mind. Someone that really loves you, will be eager to meet your parents. Like I said, I think that girl isn't into you. Who knows, she might have someone on the side and—"

"That's enough, Farida." I cut her off; anger building up in me. I couldn't sit there and continue to listen to her badmouth my fianceè right in front of me. "I know you're only saying all these because you don't like her. And that isn't fair. You should give her the benefit of doubt. At least get to know her better before arriving at a conclusion about her."

"To be honest, I'm not interested in getting to know her."

"Then quit creating a narrative of her in your head. She isn't the reason why I didn't fall in love with your friend." Okay, I knew my last sentence was uncalled for. It was petty of me, I knew, but I had to say that to get her off Imani's case...and it worked.

Without saying a word to me, Farida stood and walked away.

I puffed out air from my mouth. Lately, Farida and I had not been getting along. We couldn't have a conversation without ending up walking out on each other..

And about what she said about Imani, I couldn't help, but ponder over it. "Could she be right?" I shook my head and let out a subtle laughter. "No way. Why am I even thinking about this. Farida obviously said that because she doesn't like her."

I was still engrossed in my thoughts, when Imani's call came through.

I waited for a while, before receiving the call.

"Hello, honeybun!" Her thin voice ranged in my ear.


"How are you doing?" She inquired.

She isn't into you.

I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of Farida's words.

"I'm fine."

"Hm.. are you okay?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Something seems off about you. Have I done something wrong?"

"You're just overthinking. I'm alright."

"Okay...if you say so."

"Are you at home?" She asked. "I mean your own house."

"I'm at my parents'" I replied. "Are you coming over?"

She hesitated for a while before responding. "Yes. I will be there immediately I'm done here."

"Where are you? At your place of work?"

"No, no...I'm at my uncle's house. Right now, I'm busy bonding with my cousins. It seems like forever since I bonded with them last."

"Send me the address. I will come pick you up myself."

"But I came with my car. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness, honeybun, but you don't have to. I will get there on my own."

I smiled. "Alright then. Take care...and my regards to your uncle and his family. Tell them I'll be coming over with my people to see them soon."

Imani chuckled. "I will. See you."

"Bye bye."

"I love you, honeybun."

"Me too."

After I ended the call, I realized nothing was really off with Imani. Perhaps, I was just being paranoid.

Imani was a strong, independent lady.

Dad was awake and seated on his bed when I walked in.

"Good afternoon, dad. How are you feeling?" I sat on the edge of his bed.

"As you can see, I'm alright. I'm as strong as a bull." He smiled a little.

"That's all we want." I smiled back. "In order for you to get well soon, you will have to take the doctor's advices seriously. Have you taken your medicines?"

"Your mum wouldn't allow me skip them." he lay back down on the bed. "Jawaad, have you been to the office lately?"

"No." I heaved a sigh. "You've just been discharged. I can't just go back to work."

"You will have to return soon. Who's overseeing the work there?"

"My friend Muhammad is there. So far, he has been doing a great job. He reports to me every now and then. Don't worry about work, dad, just focus on recovering. Trust me, there's nothing to worry about. I got this."

"I trust you."

"Thanks, dad." I smiled. He didn't know how much those words of his meant to me. I was delighted he trusted me enough to handle everything at work. "Dad?" I called. Judging by aura in the atmosphere, I inferred it was the right time to talk to him about Imani. 

He hummed in response and looked up at me.

"There's something I need to tell you.."

"Go ahead then."

I heaved a sigh. "I think I have found someone I'd like to spend the rest of my life with.."

Wordlessly, dad stared at me, urging me to go on.

"Her name is Imani. She's a graduate and she also has—"

"Since when have you known this lady?"

Dad's question was a bit weird to me. I expected him to just congratulate me and if he had any questions, it would be of when he'd send his relatives over to their house, for proper introduction.


"For quite a while."

"And are you sure she's the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? Have you given it a rethink?"

"Of course, dad." I was quick to respond. "Imani is the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. She's hard-working and totally independent. These are the traits I admire in a woman."

Dad sat up a little and smiled  "Alright then. I'm so happy to hear this. You don't know how much I have been waiting to hear this exact words from your mouth. I mean, it's about time! Congratulations, son! When do u get to meet this lucky girl?"

"Anytime you want." I grinned. "Just give me a date or time and she will be here."

"How does tomorrow sound?"


"Have you told your mum about this?"

"No, dad, but I plan to tell her today as well. She will be so happy. She's wanted this for such a long time."

Dad looked at me with some sort of uncertainty in his eyes. "I just hope you aren't just doing this to please her. You should be mentally prepared for it." He cleared his throat. "Marriage is not a bed of roses. If you get married to the wrong spouse, believe me, your life would be worst than a nightmare. I don't want that for you. Take your time to study the person you want to marry. Ask yourself these questions: is this person fit to be the mother of my children? Will she the perfect role model for my female children? Do I want them to emulate her character? After getting answers to these questions, you can go ahead and make a final decision. I'll be here waiting."

"I'm sure, dad." I responded. "Imani is the right girl for me.

In the evening, I decided to pay Imani a visit and tell her what I had discussed with Dad.

I pulled over in front of her gate and walked in.

I was taken aback by Imani's  appearance when she opened the door. She had a skimpy dress on—way too revealing. I cleared my throat and looked everywhere, but her. I couldn't look at her because I knew if I had taken a second look, I wouldn't be able to look away.

"Hey, honeybun! You're already here." She grabbed my arm, settling her weight on my left shoulder.

I hummed and gently shrugged her off me.

"What's wrong, baby?" She cupped my face and made me look at her.

I swallowed and turned around.

She came in front of me. "Can you at least have a seat so we can talk?"

"First, put on some clothes." I swallowed again. I was getting really uncomfortable. I felt like using the exit before she'd tempt me into doing something I'd regret later.

"What do you mean?" Though I couldn't see her, I could sense the irritation in her tone. "I have clothes on."

"No, you don't." I countered, suppressing the urge to snap at her. "If you aren't going to dress decently, then I better leave. We will have this talk some other time."

"But what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" She whined. "What if it's revealing? You're going to be my husband after all. I don't understand why you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. It's absolutely normal. Come on, Jawaad! Don't act so old school."

"Going to be." I emphasised. "I'm going to be, but I'm yet to be. You should know the difference." I scoffed. "I'm surprised you'd even utter something like that. I thought..." I trailed off. I really thought she was decent in her way, but the attitude she just displayed had me reminiscing dad's words.

Is Imani fit to be a role model to my female children?

I couldn't help, but imagine her in the same outfit, in the company of random men.

I heard her heave a deep sigh. "Okay...you want me to change, right? I will. Wait here, I'll be back in five minutes. Please don't leave."

"I won't." I assured.

When I could no longer hear her footsteps, I took a seat on the sofa and patiently awaited her return.

In less than the aforementioned duration of time, she returned. This time, she was donned in a fitted, long dress, her hair tied in a bun.

I wasn't still comfortable with her dressing, but at least it was much better than the one I had met her in.

"Much better?" She rolled her eyes.

"Thank you." Honestly, I didn't know why I was showing gratitude to her. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she respected me enough to do as I wanted.

She rolled her eyes again and sat on the opposite sofa; her leg crossed on the other. "What did you want to discuss with me?"

"Are you mad at me?" I hummed.

"Yes." She gritted her teeth. "I'm so mad that I feel I can uproot a tree." She burst out laughing. "Don't mind me, I'm not mad at you anymore. I can't stay mad at you for more than a minute. You know this, don't you?"

I smiled.

"What a pleasant surprise!" She beamed. "I didn't expect to see you here. You've only visited me in my house once. What's the occasion?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I just wanted to see you." He shrugged. "But I can leave if you don't want me here." I attempted to get on my feet.

"You wouldn't." She threw a glare a me. "Sit down jhor. What would you like me to offer you?"

"Nothing. I'm good."

"No." She shook her head. "I won't take no for an answer. You will have to take something."

"Imani," I called. "I'm good."

She pouted. "Alright then."

"I told Dad about you." I started. I waited for her reaction before I could proceed.

Her brows tightened a little.

"He wants to meet you."

Her eyes dilated. "What? He wants to meet me?"

I furrowed my brows in incomprehension. "Why? Is there a problem with that?"

"No! Of course not." She gulped. "I was just surprised."

"And why is that?" I questioned. "It's bound to happen soon anyways."

"I know." She puffed out air from her mouth. "But I'm just too nervous to meet him. To meet your family. What if they don't like me?" She fidgeted with her fingers.

"Is this the reason you've been avoiding visiting dad?"

She gave a closed lip smile and nodded. "It is. I'm sorry, I just haven't been in this type of situation before. I'm afraid your family won't like me. I don't want them to separate us. I'd die without you."

"My parents are not that type of people. They have no reason to dislike you. I have chosen you to be my life partner. They respect my decision."

"Okay...when do they want to meet me?"


"Uhm.. okay."

"Is that okay?"

She smiled. "Sure."


TaqabbalAllahu Minna Wa Minkum. Eid Mubarak to you all. I'm currently accepting sallah gifts 😌

What do you think about this chapter? 👀

Do you honestly think Farida is doing too much already? Like making Manal seem desperate to Jawaad 🤔

Like Farida insinuated, do you think Imani isn't really into Jawaad and that she has a hidden agenda?

So Imani is finally going to meet her in-laws 😂

What do you think their reactions would be?

Will they like her?

Next chapter 🔥🔥🔥

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share 🥰

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