73: Manal

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"Manal?" I heard Farida's thin voice from what seemed like a distance.

I had a lecture-free day and was planning to make the most out of it. I had been deprived of sleep for the longest time and Farida was a contributory factor.

I groaned and turned to the other side of the bed.

"Manal, it's 11 am." She tapped on my hip. "Wake up."

My eyes fluttered open.

11 am?

I haven't even prayed yet.

Like a volcano, I sprung into a sitting position and widened my eyes. "11 am? Why didn't you wake me or—" I bit my tongue, remembering I wasn't on speaking terms with her.

"You were sleeping and snoring so loudly. I didn't want to disturb you, but it's almost noon, so I did. Don't you have lectures today?"

Out of everything she said, the only thing that had me concerned was what she said about me snoring.

Blatant lie!

"Who was snoring loudly?" I rolled my eyes.

Farida tittered. "You of course. Who else?" She looked around. "There's no one else in the room."

"Hmm..." I trailed off. "Where did they go?"

"They left for school. Didn't you see them leave when you finished praying?"

Oh! I have prayed.

After Farida mentioned it, I could vividly remember that I had indeed prayed before going back to sleep.

Farida excused herself and walked out of the room.

I released a deep breath. I wanted to talk to Farida like I promised Na'eem, but I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't know where to start from.

Even though she was the one that wronged me, I wanted to iron things out with her. I was fed up with keeping malice with two people who were previously my friends.

Na'eem was right. I didn't have to be best friends with them again, but at the same time, we didn't have to be enemies.

I rose to my feet and walked to the door.

Just as I was about to walk out of the room, I bumped into Farida, making her spill the hot porridge that she was holding all over her body.

She let out a scream and dropped the plate.

My heart thumped vigorously in my chest.

Oh no!

"I'm so so so sorry, Farida." I panicked. "Are you alright?"

"My hand is burnt. Of course, I'm not alright!" She snapped and ran past me.

By the time I finished clearing the mess on the floor, Farida was still not out of the bathroom.

I was beginning to get very worried about her.

"Farida?" I gently knocked on the bathroom door.

She opened the door and again, she walked past me and sat on Aisha's bed; her hand was hidden by her other hand.

Remorsefully, I followed her.

I was standing right in front of her. "I didn't know you were coming. I'm so sorry. Believe me, I didn't mean to—"

"I see." By the tone of Farida's voice, I could tell she didn't believe me.

She thought I bumped into her on purpose.

"Do you think I'm that petty? That I'd physically hurt you knowingly?"

"I know you would never." She spoke.

"Hmm...how's your hand? Do you want to go and have it checked by a specialist? I will accompany you."

"No, it's fine." She showed me her hand, which had blisters on them.

I gulped at the sight. She was the one hurt, but I could feel the pain. "I'm so—"

"It's fine, Mannie." She assured. "I'm fine."


It had been long. Very long that I heard her call me that. It made me remember when we used to be best of friends—when we were inseparable.

"I wanted to talk to you about..." My voice trailed. I was being skeptical about the promise I made to Na'eem. I couldn't tell if it was the right time for me to have that discussion with her.

I wanted it to go well.

"Before that, can we eat first? I made food for both of us. Let's eat while it's still hot."

"Thanks, but I'm good." I flashed her a small smile. "I want us to talk now. Is that possible?"

She hummed and nodded after a few seconds.

I took a chair and drew it closer to her. I sat on it and heaved a sigh. I didn't know where to begin. I had so many things I wanted clarity for.

"It's about the last fight we had." I started.

Farida's lips flattened in a line. "Before we start, I'll like to apologize for what I did." She paused for a minute or so; her gaze fixated on her fingers like they were the most fascinating thing she had seen in decades.

"Why?" I already had an idea why she did it, but I wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth. I wanted to understand her more.

"I was wrong." She continued. "I shouldn't have told him to do that, but believe me, Manal, I only wanted the best for the both of you. I know you had feelings for him. I thought he also had feelings for you, plus, mum likes you a lot."

"You then decided to play matchmaker at the risk of my self-respect?"

She looked up at me and shook her head. "I didn't think it'd go wrong. I thought you two will get closer and then Jawaad will realize he has feelings for you and take things to the next level himself." She lowered her head. "I never imagined things would end this way? I'm sorry."

"I was hurt," I remarked. I could have chosen to pretend everything was okay and that I had already moved on from the past, but I'd only be lying to myself.

I am still hurt.

Jawaad was the first man I loved. I visualized a future with him. I wanted no one, but him. I wanted to be the one to be with him in his good times and bad as well.

It was heartbreaking for me to find out he never loved me and worse, he was going to get married to a lady that wasn't me.

"I know," Farida mumbled.

"I trusted him with all of my heart. I trusted you."

"I know." She mumbled again. "I'm sorry on my behalf and my brother's as well. Jawaad doesn't know what he wants."

"Of course he does." I gave a closed-lip smile. "He stated it blatantly to me. He wants the other lady, that is why they are getting married."

Farida rolled her eyes. "I don't want to even think about that now. The thought of him getting married to that woman irks me, I'm telling you."

I furrowed my brows in incomprehension. I was curious to know why she said that, but I chose to keep my Inquisition to myself.

"So...I just wanted to tell you that despite everything that happened, I choose to forgive you. I want to leave all these behind me. I wish him happiness." From the depths of my heart, I wanted the best for him. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't bring himself to fall in love with me. The heart wants what it wants. "I will also get that, in Sha Allah."

"When did you get this understanding?" Farida asked; her gaze now fixated on mine. "We've been apart for a long time. Asides from now, I don't remember the last time we sat beside each other and had a serene conversation. It's always ruffled. It's either you are mad at me or I'm mad at you." She chuckled. "After we made up the last time, I promised myself never to allow anything or anyone get between us again, but I broke my promise by being the problem."

I sighed. "It's all in the past now. I realized how stupid it'd look if I keep on holding a grudge against you instead of moving on to bigger things. What has happened has happened. None of us can change it, so why live in the past?"

"Thank you." Farida came forward and engulfed me in a hug. "Thank you so much, Mannie. I'm sorry."

I disentangled her arms from around me and flashed her a smile. "I'm sorry too. I know I overreacted."

Farida shook her head. "You didn't. If I were in your shoes, I probably would have done worse. I'm surprised you took the initiative to work things out with me. You're really a gem. That's why I never want to lose our friendship."

I simply smiled at that. I was glad the difference between us was finally resolved.

"I hope we can go back to the way we used to be," Farida added.

"I hope so too," I remarked even though I wasn't sure if it was ever going to possible.

We can still try, right?

"When..." My voice trailed. I was unsure if I should ask about Jawaad. Indisputably, it would seem as if I still hoped for a future for the both of us—which wasn't true. But regardless of that, I continued; "Is the wedding?"

"To be honest, I don't know," Farida muttered. "I haven't asked. He hasn't told me anything either."

"Hmm...can I see a pic of her?" Immediately the question left my mouth, I wished I could revoke it. I mentally face-palmed. 

I feel stupid!

I didn't know the force that pushed me to ask about her picture. Perhaps, I just wanted to find out what it was about the last that made Jawaad choose her over me.

I couldn't help it.

There was a skepticism written all over Farida's face. She must have been wondering why I was suddenly interested in getting to know her sister-in-law-to-be.

"I don't think I have Imani's pictures, but let me check."

I released a breath. I was glad she didn't ask questions. She saved me from the embarrassment.

She went through her phone and offered it to me after a few seconds. "Bilal sent it to me weeks ago. I wonder why it's not deleted." She mumbled her last sentence.

I collected the outstretched phone and studied the girl in the picture.

I mentally rolled my eyes. She didn't have any eyebrows—at least, none that I could see.

Her eyes resemble that of a goat.

Too much filter.

"She's okay." Out of courtesy, I commented. I wondered what got him attracted to her though.

"She's not photogenic. Although I don't like her, I can't deny the fact that she's beautiful."

I don't think so.

"From what I heard, she is an orphan, but already has a house and a stable job. She's accomplished quite a lot at her age."

I mentally rolled my eyes. "Why don't you like her then?" I couldn't stop myself from asking that particular question. I was fed up with all of the compliments.

"I just don't." She shook her head. "I find something strange about her. I don't know what it is."

I parted my lips to speak but ended up closing them back. I decided not to pry further. I had done more than enough.

"By the way, I'll be traveling back home tomorrow." I changed the topic.

"Why? I hope there's no problem."

"None. Ummi wants us to spend the weekend together. I think she has something important to talk to us about. I'm not sure."

"Oh! When will you leave?"

"Tomorrow, after I'm done with my classes though."

"Okay. When you get home, please extend my regards to Ummi and Imran as well."

"In Sha Allah."

Immediately the lecturer walked out of the class, I began to arrange my books in my bag.

Na'eem, who was seated beside me, as usual, nudged me with his shoulder. "Where are you rushing to? It's 9 am"

"I told you abii is coming to pick me up today, didn't I?" I rolled my eyes. "I need to hurry back to the hostel."

"But why do you need to hurry?" He asked. "It's still early. What would you have done if our second class would hold?"

"Alhamdulillah, it won't." I heaved a sigh of relief. "I miss my home so much. I can't wait to see Abii, Ummi, and Imran."

Na'eem shook his head. "When last did you see them? It hasn't even been up to a week yet."

I shrugged. "You can't blame me. I have the sweetest family ever."

He smiled; his gaze not wavering from me.

I furrowed my brows. "Hey!" I waved a hand over his face. "Your phone."

He broke out of whatever reverie he was in and picked up his phone.

"Do you know how long I have been trying to reach you? I was so worried."

I wonder who he is speaking to.

"That's not acceptable." He deadpanned. "You should have at least told me."

For some inexplicable reason, I felt a tad offended. He was speaking to whosoever it was at the other side of the phone with so much care.

Is it weird that I want my best friend to care for me alone?

"Alhamdulillah, you're alright." He sighed.


"Same here. I miss you too."

I audibly cleared my throat. I didn't know why I did that though. Maybe as a reminder that I was still there.

"Alright then. Please send it to me as soon as you can. Dad has been worried too. Alright. Bye. Take care of yourself." He ended the call.

I hummed.

He threw me a questionable look.

"Someone's got a girlfriend, huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"What?" He chuckled. "What girlfriend?"

I glared at him. "The one you just finished speaking to."

"That's absurd. If I had a girlfriend, you'd be the first person to know."

I smiled; totally satisfied with his response, but in order to get more clarification, I feigned seriousness. "Who was she?" I raised a brow. "The girl you were talking so lovingly with?"

He laughed. "That was my cousin, Imani. I have been trying to reach her for days, but her number wasn't going through. I was just happy to find out she's alright."

"She must be your favorite cousin," I remarked. "You always talk about her."

"She is." He smiled. "We've been very close since childhood. She has my back, always. I love her a lot."

"Wow!" I mumbled.

"Plus, we look alike. She may be two years older than me, but we act like twins."


"Judge for yourself. Let me show you a picture." He went through his phone and handed it to me.

At the sight of the picture, my eyes dilated in surprise.

Jawaad's fianceè?

"Hm...can you show me another picture? Preferably of hers alone."

"Just swipe."

I swiped and the exact picture Farida had shown me appeared.

I was confused.

Jawaad's fianceè is  Na'eem's cousin?

"She's the same person Jawaad is getting married to."

"What?" Na'eem chuckled. "Which Jawaad? That's not true. You must be mistaken. Imani isn't getting married to anyone."

"You're the mistaken one, Na'eem. Farida showed me this picture." I showed it to him. "She specifically told me she's the lady Jawaad is engaged to."

"That's ridiculous!" He rebuffed. "Imani is not engaged to anyone. There's no way that's possible. I would have known. And to Jawaad? No way."

"Maybe she d—"

"Can you drop the topic, please? I said it's not true."

"Fine." I shrugged. "It doesn't concern me anyway."

"As salaam Alaikum," I mumbled, before walking into the room.

At the sight of Farida crying and Radiya trying to comfort her, I halted in my tracks.

"Manal!" Farida rose to her feet and ran towards me. "Your dad is still coming to pick you today, right?"

I nodded. "What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

"Can I please come along?"

"Of course. But what's wrong?"

"Jawaad is missing. He has been missing for four consecutive days. Nobody knows where he is. His numbers aren't reachable and...and—" she was interrupted by a hiccup. "We don't know if he is alive or dead."

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah wa barakatuh/Hello!

How have you been?

So Farida and Manal have managed to settle their differences 😁

Na'eem and Manal's closeness. though ☺️

Jawaad 🤧

Do you think he is really dead?

Next chapter soon 💥💥💥💥

Follow me on IG @deey_jah


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