88: Manal

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It was 7 AM when I finished having breakfast. I told Ummi I'd be leaving for work. She was quite surprised because I usually didn't go that early. I explained to her that we were required to be there as early as possible because we had to go on market surveys and inspections of industries around. I wasn't entirely wrong though, but the prime reason I wanted to go at that time, was to see Jawaad. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't holding what I said against me—not that his feelings mattered to me. I just didn't want to be on anyone's bad books...

I expected to see Jawaad's car parked on the spot he usually did when I got to the organization, but to my disappointment, I met an empty space.  "I guess he is still mad at me," I muttered underneath my breath and shrugged. "Good riddance."

"Good morning." I greeted a few of my colleagues who were already present there—a boy and two girls. They were busy looking at something in a book. I didn't know their names yet and to be honest, I didn't care to know. The fact that we were cordial with each other was enough for me.

"Good morning." They chorused went back to what they were doing before I walked in.

A few minutes later, Walidah came in. She was donned in an Ankara skirt and blouse. She looked beautiful.

"Good morning, everyone!" She greeted me cheerfully and took a seat on the chair that was beside me.

"Good morning, girl." The girl greeted with a big smile on her face. "You look beautiful."

I sighed. I was starting to wonder why they were giving me the cold shoulder.

"Aww! Thanks a lot, Saratu!" Walidah grinned. "You look beautiful too."

They talked for a while before Walidah averted her attention to me. "What's up? Why are you quiet?"

"Quiet?" I questioned. Did she expect me to chime in their conversation without invitation? "How?"

She shrugged. "I just noticed you don't talk a lot."

"That's how I am," I replied. I said that to get her off of my cloud.

"Oh!" She remarked.

The rest of the day was boring. I didn't talk to anyone unless I was spoken to. Mr. Ammar wasn't present at work—which gladdened me a lot. After the awkward conversation in his car the previous day, I didn't want to even see his face. He made me feel so uncomfortable. His questions were uncalled for. He crossed his boundary.

For the nth time, I checked my phone and saw zero notification from Jawaad. "How can a human being be so full of himself!"

I returned my phone to its place in my bag and pulled my chair closer to Walidah and started a conversation with her.  I didn't do that because I wanted friendship with her whatsoever. I just wanted to be able to get my mind off Jawaad and to prove to the others that I could talk if I wanted. I wasn't that much of an introvert—at least not anymore. I was more of an ambivert now.

It took forever before the closing hour arrived. I arranged all of my stuff in my bag and walked out of the building, alongside Walidah.

My heart almost leaped out of its confines when I sighted Jawaad's car parked in front of me. I wanted to walk up to him and apologize for the harsh word I had used on him, but I restrained myself.

You shouldn't have come na. I thought you have self-respect to protect.

I sneered.

"Your suitor is here again," Walidah whispered into my ears.

I pushed her away. "Whose suitor? I barely know him, please."

"So he is not your suitor?" She asked.

"You heard me right," I replied, irritated.

"Perfecto!" She smiled.

I furrowed my brows in incomprehension.

"That means I can shoot my shot, right?"

I shrugged. "Why don't you give it a try?"

"Really? I'm warning you for the last time, I'm going to do it and you're not going to hate me for it."

I chuckled at her threat. It was obvious she didn't know how complex Jawaad was. "I wish you all the luck in the world. In fact, I can help you get him if you want."

Wide-eyed, she asked, "Really?"

I smiled in response.

Just then, Jawaad alighted from his car and walked up to us—to me.

"Hi." His voice was low-pitched.

Still sulking? Hehe!

"Hi!" Walidah responded before I could; a huge smile plastered on her face. "How are you doing?"

Jawaad glanced at her but said nothing.

Nice one.

"Have you closed for the day?" He asked.

More than anyone else, I knew he was aware of my closing hour. He just wanted to start a conversation with me and didn't know how. "Yes."

"Your driver is not here yet?" He asked.



"Are you going to wait for him?"


"Why don't I give you a ride instead?"



"Because he will be here soon. You can give her a ride." I pointed to Walidah. "I'm sure she's going to appreciate it."

"Yes." Walidah smiled, sheepishly. "My house is not far from here." 

For the second time, Jawaad ignored her. He didn't even spare her a glance this time around. His gaze was fixated on me.

I didn't expect otherwise from him, knowing how conceited he could be. It was the exact attitude he used to give me.

"We need to talk." He said to me. "Can you give me a few minutes of your time?"

Because I still felt bad about insulting him, I decided to give him a listening ear, but not so easy. I would have to make him work for it. "What do you want to talk to me about? I think we've already closed that chapter yesterday."

Walidah hummed.

I had forgotten about her presence. I looked at her.

"I should leave you two to talk... Bye, Manal, see you tomorrow."

"Bye." I waved a little, as she hurried off. I averted my gaze back to Jawaad. "She was talking to you and you ignored her. That was rude."

"What chapter are you talking about?" He raised a brow, cockily, ignoring what I had just said.

"I told you to leave me alone and you did," I stated as a matter of fact.

"I didn't leave to never return." He clarified. "I left because I wanted to give you space to breathe. I thought you'd need it because I felt I was choking you with my presence. But now I'm back."

I felt a thousand butterflies erupt in my stomach. He didn't leave because he was angry with me. He was considerate after all.

With a straight face, I asked, "Back to do what?"

"Let's talk in my car." He proposed.

"No." I didn't feel the need to give him an explanation.

"Because it's me?" He asked, then hummed.

I was puzzled for a while.

"You didn't have any problem getting into someone else's car."

He had seen me. I was not mistaken. I had been worried about him for nothing.

"He's a staff. He offered to take me home and I couldn't say no." After I had said that, I wondered what prompted me to even explain. He should believe whatever he wanted...

"Same way I'm offering to take you home right now." He pressed. "Allow me."

"As I said, our driver is coming to pick me. I don't need your help."

He nodded and remained silent for a few seconds before he decided to break it. "When did you become this adverse? You weren't like this before."

"I'm glad you noticed." I forced a smile. "I was gullible then, but I'm much wiser now. Thanks to you."

"I have apologized. What more do you want me to do?"

"You said you're truly interested in me now, didn't you?" I asked. "I want you to prove it. Only then, will I believe you."

Bemused, he asked; "How do you want me to prove it? Say it. I will do anything."

Immediately he made those statements, I saw our car approaching. I turned to him. "It's up to you to figure out how." With that, I walked away. 

When I arrived at work the next day, Jawaad was already waiting for me at his usual spot. With him was a polythene bag from chicken republic. I expected him to give it to me, so I can continue to play hard to get by rejecting it, but to my surprise, he made me collect the leather and told me that the peppered chicken and shawarma he brought was not for me, but Walidah. 

To say I was perplexed would be an understatement. What was his business with her?

I wanted to ask him, but it would seem as though I was jealous, so I ignored him and walked away instead, but I made sure to return the leather to him.

If he wants to give it to her, he should do it himself.

Throughout the day, I couldn't stop thinking about the stunt Jawaad had pulled. What was that even supposed to mean? A few of the interns noticed how peevish I had become, but I didn't owe them any explanation.

That evening, when he chatted me up, I hesitated before replying.

4:04 PM

Hello. What are you doing?

6:35 PM

What do you want?

4:36 PM

You seem angry? What have I done this time?

I waited for four minutes before replying. I didn't want it to seem like I was waiting for his reply.

4:40 PM

Angry? Why would I be angry?


I don't know. You tell me.

4:42 PM

Walidah said I should greet you.

Immediately I wrote the message, I wanted to delete it, but it had already been delivered.

4:43 PM

Who's that?

I huffed.

4:44 PM

Don't tell me you've forgotten the name of the girl in my place of work that you're currently courting. SMH.

4:46 PM

*Inserts a laughing emoji* Who?

I rolled my eyes.

4:46 PM

You know better.

4:47 PM

Are you jealous rn?

I scoffed.

4:50 PM

Of what exactly? We're not in a relationship. I don't like you either and I never will. 

I sent the message and heaved a sigh. I hoped it didn't emerge too offensive.

4:52 PM

We will see about that. Btw, I didn't buy those things for her because I want to court her. I already have someone I want to marry and you know her more than anyone else. I bought those things for her because I want to prove to you that I can be considerate too. It's my way of proving that I'm genuinely interested in you. I can be who you want me to be.

His words touched the depth of my heart. I felt my anger from earlier diminish.

I can be who you want me to be.

The word reverberated in my ears, making the corners of my lips rise.

"Manal!" Ummi's voice jolted me out of my reverie.

I quickly put my phone away and answered; "Na'am Ummi?"

She pushed open the door and sauntered in. Her gaze lingered on my phone for a while before she averted it to me and sat down on the edge of my bed. "What's wrong with you?" She didn't bother beating about the bush.

"Huh? Like what, Ummi?"

"Imran said you didn't have lunch. Why is that?"

"I didn't have an appetite," I responded.

"Why? What happened?"

Initially, I didn't want to tell mum about Jawaad's persistence in getting me back, but when she asked me about it, I couldn't bring myself to lie.

Before I even said anything, she asked; "It's Jawaad, isn't it?"

I nodded. I was surprised she still remembered his name. It had been a while since last I spoke to her about him.

"What has he done?"

There, I told Ummi everything—from when he began texting me again, to our last meeting. I even went ahead to show her the last chat we had. I badly wanted her advice.

After reading the messages, Ummi said to me; "Give him a chance."

Bemused, I looked at Ummi. "Just like that?" It wasn't as if I didn't like the idea, but I wanted to give him a tougher time—I wanted him to prove to me that he was serious about me. I was wary of being played with for the second time.

"Just like what?"

"Ummiiii," I groaned. "I can't just give him a chance without putting him to the test."

"What test?" Ummi seemed confused. "What test do you want to put him to?"

"I don't know yet...I just want him to do something that will assure me that he won't do to me what he did before. I want him to prove himself first."

"And how is he going to do that if you don't give him a chance to do it? Hmm?"

"Surely, there will be something he can do before I give him a second chance."

"Okay." Ummi shrugged. "Let's say he manages to prove himself to you, but how sure are you that his action is legit? If a man," she said, "is interested in you, he will show and tell you only what you want to see and hear."

I nodded. Ummi did have a point.

"The only way you can be sure about his feelings is by actually giving him the chance to prove himself, then you can start noting the red flags. Don't be too quick to judge and at the same time, don't be too slow to grok the danger zones. But above all, wear your heart on your sleeve. I believe his intention toward you is genuine. He won't be trying this hard otherwise. If you really like him, you should consider not giving him a tough time. You might end up pushing him away.

By the time Ummi was done speaking, I was rendered speechless. I couldn't be more grateful for her words of wisdom. "Thank you, Ummi."

"For your own good, don't give him all of your trust just yet. Remember, he is still under trial."

"Yes, Ummi." I threw my arms around her neck. "thanks again. I love you so much."

There and then, I decided I was done pretending.


Do you think Manal is making a mistake? 😬

What do you think about her mother's advice?

Have you ever had a discussion with your mum about some guy you like? 😅

Btw guys, BETROTHED is going to be published tomorrow 🔥🔥🔥🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳

I have published the blurb. Do check it out. Vote, comment, SHARE 🥺🙏

To the people who have been with me from the very beginning (days of Expectation Of Love and All For What!) I know you all and I love you very very much 🥺❤️

To the new readers, I love you too.

Thank you everyone for sticking to this book despite how un-serious I have been with it.

Why am I suddenly feeling this emotional? Probably because this book is about to end 😭 Y'all should better follow me to the next book, otherwise ☠️

Okay bye 😂


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