Chapter 20

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Hey Guys

I guess now this is the time for double update..

I am finishing this book very shortly and don't worry ,it will be a happy ending as we all read wattpad for our satisfaction and know...I hope many of you can relate to this.

So let's jump into the story and I hope you enjoy the story.

At the Airport,

Manan came face to face with each other along with their parents. RajNyo has tears in their eyes seeing Amms and Amms state was no less.
Manan were busy in their eye to eye conversations so they were in their fantasy world.

Raj and Nyo touched Amms feet and Amms engulfed them in hug.
She patted their heads asking them to stop crying.

Nyo bursted in tears as after so so long she was getting love from everyone and she was so grateful to God for reuniting her with his husband , son and then Amms.

Amms was shocked to know that Nyo was the one her Nandu was talking about and she suffered do much in her life. She now knew that Manik is the perfect choice for her Nandu and why she felt connected and a sort of Apnapan when she saw Manik for the first time.
Manan were shocked seeing the events unfold In front of them.

M- Mom ,Dad , you know Amms ??

N- How?????

Amms- You know Kanna, when you were quite small and once you visited India with your parents, a tall guy became your friend and you used to call him "Moon" as his name started from "M" and you used to say that he is your moon, your best friend and you will never leave him. You hot so attached to him that you cried while going back to US 🇺🇸

N- Remember Manik, when once we went to Mangalore and our car broke down. There was a family of 4 people and they were going back to their home. They helped us and they took us to their home as there was no network available at that time and it was night.
They were Nandu's family and we all went to Amms . By the next morning, we all became friends and as we were on a trip so we decided to rent a place near Amms home so that we can spend some more time together.

You used to call a girl " Star" as she was the one who gave you the star and make you fall in love with the stars.
When she was going back to US, you cried a lot and was inconsolable.

Manan were astonished to listen to this new news and by the name of her parents and remembering them, she started crying.
Manik being the closest one standing to her hugged her. Everyone came beside them and Nandu went to her Amms and hugged her.

After some time, she was fine.
Manan then asked them that why after that noone contacted each other.

Amms- I know that was difficult but after some days Nandu 's parents died in a car crash and everything was in a mess. I don't know their part but our life changed overnight.

Nyo- After a few days after seeing you off , when we got back in the routine , everything starting falling and the black era of our lives started.  Tried to contact you ,Amms in a few months but noone picked up the call and after that everyone busied themselves so much in their lives...........

But I m so so glad that I met you again Amms and this time ,I m not letting you go.

And Nandu,  I am so sorry Bacha. I was way too rude to you in the beginning but I was forced and I m so sorry, I was not there at the time of your parents death....I was not there when you needed mothers love.

Nandi and Nyo hugged each other and then Raj patted Nandu's head and Nandu hugged him too.
Manik also joined the hug.

By seeing this , Amms was so happy and she blessed them to be as it is.

By the time rest of their parents came and everyone greeted each other.

Navya's mom was also there and greeted Amms, she hugged her and said in her ears that Don't worry about Navya, go easy on her and we all are with her.
She doesn't need to worry about her.

After that , everyone boarded theri flight ✈

Manan and others were sitting together.  Nandu was on the window seat and she was enjoying seeing the clouds and Manik was enjoying her cute expressions.

Rest were also there.
And yeah, Mukti was sitting with Abhimanyu as Amms brought him with them.

The flight reached Goa and overall there was a romantic weather and atmosphere among the Couples.

And the singles were blessing everyone. Navya was with Cabir and Both there moms were sitting together and were thinking the same for their children but noone voiced out anything as they don't wanna rush it onto anything. 💝

Fianlly , a double update.

I hope you guys are relating to the story.
Please do give me your feedback so that I feel motivated to write this dm me for the ideas or things you want to see further in this story.  I will try to inculcate in the story.

K 🤍

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