4. One step closer

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I guess you guys didn't like the previous update. I know it was heart breaking but here I will cover it up.

'I reject you.' was not to tell you I don't want you. It was to tell you be safe because I am a Danger and I don't want to harm you because unknowingly all of me loves you too.


I am not that brave enough to love him. I don't deserve love. Whoever loves me will
land up in a big mess.
'But it's just a prediction.' Niti spoke out.

'You know the priest can never be wrong. Why can't you get it?' I snapped.

'Just go to hell.' Niti sounded very angry and for the first time she blocked me.

God!! Now she is angry. Right then I heard the door click and I knew he was here. His alluring and enthralling scent was enough for me to feel his presence. I tried sitting up and a soft wail escaped my mouth in between all the struggle. I felt a strong grip on my shoulder, helping me to sit straight and I looked up only to meet with his eyes filled with nothing but love and care.

He helped me sit up and made me rest my head on the headboard. He smiled a little and forwarded a food tray towards me. That was when I realized he had bought food for me. Why is he so caring?

I stared at the food tray laying in front of me, a streak laid on the plate next to potatoes and vegetables. I was so busy staring at it that I didn't even took the tray from his hand.

"Shall I feed you?" He asked ever so lovingly and my eyes shifted from the plate to his direction. "Shall I?" He asked again and this time I immediately took the food tray and started eating, not even sparing a glance to him.
"I am Manik Malhotra, Alpha of silver moon pack and my wolf is Parth." He introduced himself with a hope that I too would and for some reason I didn't want to hurt him.

"Nandini Murthy, the daughter of Alpha Raj, blue moon pack, my wolf Niti." I spoke in an inaudible tone but I knew he heard it.

By now I had finished eating and it was the first time I ate so fast.
"Woahh you eat too fast, don't you?" Manik tried starting a conversation but instead memories of my father and brother pulling my leg for eating slowly made it's way up to my head and automatically my eyes watered, drop by drop tears fell down my cheek. And I could feel my body getting heated up. Instantly I threw the plate away.
Thud!!! The plate broke into pieces and I curled myself into a ball, hiding my face. I couldn't save my dad... I was the reason for his death. The heat rushed in my veins and I knew my powers were going out of control. I shut my eyes tightly and pressed my knees.
"Don't let them in.
Don't let them see.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know."
I mumbled under my breath with tears flowing down my cheeks. But nothing helped. The heat was unbearable. But suddenly I was engulfed in a warm embrace and it would be an understatement if I said I only felt peace.


I took her in my embrace when I saw her vulnerable state coming back. It hurts to see her like this. It hurts. She instantly hugged me, clutching my shirt tightly. "Shhhshh no crying." I wiped her tears gently with my thumb and pecked the top of her head while she buried her head in my chest. She was crying and her body was heated up like the last time. I very swiftly adjusted our position and this time she was lying just on top of me with her hands wound around my back.

I could feel her grip tightening and her heat was slowly transferring in my body but her eyes were still teary.

"Please don't cry." I gulped the lump that arose on my throat seeing her tears. I couldn't form my words. But her tears were unstoppable. I forcefully broke the hug, only to pull her up till my level. She looked into my eyes with her teary once and I did what I thought was needed. I kissed her. The moment my lips touched hers; there was a moment of urgent passion then...

My tears stopped when I felt my mouth pressed demandingly against his and a sensual heat rushed through my veins, threatening to melt the bones. This heat wasn't the painful one, it was something so magical. I even didn't realize when I kissed him back equally demandingly. An urge to taste all of him rose within me.

His palm splayed across my back, pulling me closer. His other hand cupped the back of my head and involuntarily my one hand made it way towards the back of his nape, caressing it while the other on his hair, pulling him closer. He was all hard muscle, and I melded to it. His thumb stroked down the back of my neck, sending shivers through me and a soft moan escaped my mouth, giving him the opportunity to slid his tongue inside my mouth, tasting each and every corner of my mouth. Even he tasted heavenly. I breathed in his scent continuing to feel his lips against mine. My wolf pounding with joy and the pain of heat was long gone.

A desire of being with him arising within me. I realized I needed him the most.

To be continued...

How was it?
Hope it was up to mark and it tamed the broken hearts
Do vote and drop your reviews.

Love ❤😘

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