Shot 1 ( Manan)

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Hi readers;

This shot is dedicated to all Manan fans. And Avneil fans don't get disappointed bcoz next will be on Avneil.

After talent hunt performance:

At Green Room:

Ever chirping and jolly Fab5 is silent. Even we can here the breath of others. They win talent hunt trophy. The album is waiting for them. But there is no sign of happiness. Just silence a complete silence like before a Storm.
No one has nothing to say. No one is ready to accept their faults. If we look straight to every faces we can see a pool of emotions on them.

Ego; jealousy; inferiority, these things destroyed a beautiful bond named friendship between them. Dhruv and Alya both are not in their sense to make things at right places. They are messed up. Can and Mukti they r devoid of everything. Fab5 is the only family to them. They can't afford it. Then Manik his face doesn't shows any emotions. It's completely blank. He is deeply broken.

Enough of getting Staring games cabir said,

Cabir: yaar it's enough. Now everyone speak up then only we can solve our problem.

Aaliya: There is nothing to solve, Every thing is messed up in my life. I can't continue like this.

Mukhti: What r u saying Aliya come on we r Fab5 we can solve any problem if we are together.

Aaliya: If this Fab5 is the reason for my messed up life though? U can solve it.

Dhruv: Aliya u came to say that am the reason for all ur worries?

Aliya: I didn't said ur name dhruv for god sake please don't intrude in my life anymore. I can't able to fight anymore.
U destroyed my life to a extent.

Dhruv: I ? I can't believe this. It's u Aliya u destroyed ur life. U r the soul reason of everything which happened in ur life. For get rid of Manik and for a time pass u played with my feelings.

Aliya: Still u r bringing Manik. It's ur inferiority Dhruv. U r thinking urself low to him.

Dhruv: oh really u r saying this. In our relationship it's not us Aliya. Manik is always there.

Cabir: why are you bringing him in your every problem where he is not at mistake anywhere.

Dhruv: bcoz he is the problem behind every thing in our lives.

Manik didn't utter a word. He is simply listening every thing hanging his head down.

Dhruv: There is nothing to worry for him na? Future heir ofa big emperor, have beautiful girlfriend. Every thing is set in his life. But u know what he simply destroyed our lives.

Mukhti: dhruv u know to whom u r saying this? He is Manik he always helped us in every thing. His priority is always us than his life.

Aaliya: it's ur illusion mukhti. Manik's priority changed when Nandini came into his life. He is always into her. There is no time for him to think about us now.

Dhruv: Nandini she is very wicked girl. First he played with me and then Manik.

Manik fisted his hand. He can here anything but not a word against his Nandini.

Cabir: why r u bringing Nandini to our issue. She always did good to us.

Aliya: No she is the sole problem of my suffer. She snatched Manik from me. Bloody commoner.

It's enough for Manik. He roared in high pitch.

Manik: it's Enough.

Every one get flinched in their position.

Manik: it's enough, not a word against nandini. She is the best thing that ever happened in my life.

Aaliya: see I already told na Nandini is the first priority of Manik. He remains silent in all these time but when we take nandini name he can't stand it.

Manik: Yes I can't stand a word against her. Bcoz she is the one who accept me without expecting anything in return. U know what Aliya what is the difference between u and nandini. She loves Manik simply Manik but you, u loved the lead singer of Fab5, heir of Malhotra Empires u loved Manik Malhotra. It's difference between u and her.

Aliya: u r blinded with her love Manik.
Until she came to our lives we r staying all happy. When she stepped every thing get wrong. Do u guys have any objections?? We ever fight before she came??

Every one stood slient. But Manik, he feels like killing aaliya for accusing the things she never did.

Aaliya: U all want Fab5 back right? Ok I agreed but only at one condition. It's will be like our old Fab5. There is no one others in our lives.

Here comes the biggest fear in Manan life. The fear Nandini has in her whole life. The fear of loosing love.

Aaliya: Manik u need to choose between Nandini and Fab5. Either Nandini or Us will be in your life. U can't have both.

A thunder formed in his heart. Nandini who were stayed at outside came inside hearing these. She can't take it. Manik, he don't know what to do. One side his friends who were his only family and other side his Love Who he loves madly.

Manik look at mukhti and cabir but all stood silent.

Now it's the time for separation. Once Manik told to Nandini that he will choose his friends.

So, Now it's time to choose. Time for Separation but with whom? No idea.

Manan the two souls who created a magical love story, an unconditional love. Will they need to separate from each other.

Fab5: the un breakable friendship. May it break's?

But one thing is sure. Manik will not get this two. He will only get one. Whom he will choose, His love or his friendship.

Continue at next:

So my lovely readers, I hope u guys like it. Please do vote and comment.
Share ur view with me. Until next bye.

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