1. That's how they are

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Mohit, who was walking on one of the isolated corridor of SPACE, was thrown back as a pair boxes slammed into his face. "Isshh.." He wailed in pain. The very next moment he was on the ground as he got punched right on his face.

"Aahh." He screamed in pain. Mohit turned his head, only to see Manik standing few inches away from him.

"This boxes and a punch as a gift for your suggestion." Manik smirked. He turned to go but stopped,"And yeah this was just the trailer. Next time it would be worse. So stay away from Nandini if you don't want to see the whole picture." His warning was enough to send shivers.

But still with all the courage he said,"I will complain the disciplinary council."

"Go try your luck and don't forget disciplinary council looks for proof." Manik smirked, taking steps towards the stairs.

"This CCTV would be the proof." Mohit grinned looking at the CCTV.

"Do you think I am a fool to do all this without messing with the CCTV?" He smirked, before climbing down the stairs.

Manik Malhotra, the 35% shareholder of Malhotra industries, the bad boy whose heart is owned by Nandini.

"Hey bro was up." Cabir spoke as he pulled Manik into a bear hug and Manik smiled seeing his affection.

"Messed up with the CCTV again but what about Nyonika?" Cabir asked, walking towards the class with Manik.

"Do you think I care?" Manik said in his causal tone as if it never mattered to him and it really didn't. Nyonika, his step mother and 23.5% shareholder of the college they study in, SPACE institutes of Music, Management and Arts.

"May we come in sir." Cabir shouted out aloud, gaining the attention of everyone in the class.

"Come in." The professor sighed. It was almost a regular routine either they would come to the class late or they would bunk the class. Now even the professor had stopped warning them.

Manik passed through Nandini's bench and he could see her busy taking notes.

"Sit at the back bench." Manik said with a straight face to Navya, the girl who was sitting beside Nandini and he himself settled down at her place. Manik was busy staring Nandini while she copied the notes.

"Stop staring at me." Nandini said, her eyes still fixed at her notebook.

"Okay I won't stare at you." Manik shifted his gaze towards the board and Nandini smiled but little did she know what his next
move would be.

Manik seductively crawled his arms on her thighs from under the table. Nandini's breath hitched feeling his touch. Nandini looked at him but his gaze never left the board in front of him but she could easily notice a smirk at the corner of his lips.

He ran his fingers seductively on her thighs, making her squirm in her seat.
"Manik stop.." She whispered in a low tone as she dug her nails in his hand to stop him. He squeezed her thigh harder as she dug her nail. She moved aside to the other corner and he made a bad face. He too moved towards her side and she glared at him. "Manik I will kill you if you do that once again."

"I would love to die from your hand."

Right then the bell rang and without even addressing the professor everyone rushed outside. Nandini too stormed outside taking her bag.

"Nandini.." He called out but she turned a deaf ear to him and fasten her steps.

"I am sorry." He shouted, gaining the attention of people in the corridor and he gave them a 'mind your own business' look.

"Manik Malhotra you are called at the chairperson's room." Manik clenched his jaw hearing the voice of his so called step brother, Harshad. Manik turned towards Harshad with a fake smile. "Anything more." He asked.

"Your girlfriend is fucking hot." This was it, Harshad was awarded with a punch on his face and the gasp of people could be heard. "You are landing in a deep shit." Harshad smirked and caressed the corner of his lips and walked away.

Harshad and Manik were less like brothers and more like enemies, ready to strangulate each other's neck.

"Dhruv." Nandini pulled her childhood friend, Dhruv into a bear hug and Dhruv too hugged her back.

"But I thought you were coming back tomorrow."

"I was but then I thought to surprise Alya."

"Don't take her name in front of me."

"C'mon she is my girlfriend-"

"who thinks I am trying to trap you." Nandini interrupted in between.

"She looks cute when her face gets puffed up with jealousy and anger when she sees me with you."

"I don't get it from which angle you find her cute. I will tell you what cuteness really means." Nandini said, taking out her phone. She clicked a selfie of her and Dhruv.

"So you mean to say we are cute."

"Nah never." She contradicted, typing a caption.

"You are posting this pic on Instagram?"

"And it's posted..Now count till five."

"But why?"

"Count na." She insisted.

"One two.." Dhruv had just began the counting and right then her phone rang and it showed the name Manik. And this is how Manik is. The post notification of Nandini Murthy would always be on in Manik Malhotra's profile.

"Isn't he cute?" Nandini smiled.

"He is way too possessive."

"Just a min." She excused herself and picked up the call.

"What are you doing there with Dhruv?" Manik gritted.

"I am angry with you so I thought of hanging out with Dhruv." Nandini said in a mocking way.

"Where are you?" Manik asked.

"Figure it out yourself." Nandini smiled and cut the call while Manik was just in the phase of bursting.

Her tantrums, her naughtiness, her clumsy side, her anger, her cuteness, Manik had seen every side of her and yet when he faced her every side again it always seemed as if he was experiencing it for the first time.

Meanwhile,"Manik Malhotra if you are done talking on your phone, let's get back to what we were talking about." Nyonika said in a strict tone.

"Were we talking? I didn't know that." Manik mocked.

"Manik behave I am the chairperson, not your mother."

"You never were my mother and never can be. So stop showing as if you care."

"You might be expelled for behaving in such a way." Nyonika warned.

Thank you for giving this story a chance.

Do drop your reviews. I need it badly.

Love ❤😘

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