14. Little moments

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A/N: Once again Happy Diwali guys.  And a request to you please do try reading my new story "Married to you" if you haven't.

Secondly a lot of them were confused with the soft corner thing. I just want to say that Aryaman was never an obstacle in MaNan's relationship and will never be too. And oh come on no doubt it's a MaNan ff. So just trust me and take this update as a bonus 😆😘. Love you.

"But I want to help you now. It will help you too and me too. Mukti let's date-" Aryaman said.

"What do you mean?" Her voice hoarse with all the crying.

"Why did Abhi kiss you in the first place?"

"It was just a mistake." Mukti said in a low voice.

"No it wasn't. It was because he was jealous. If you remember you were dancing so closely with that boy and that was when he pulled you. And moreover Abhi almost beat the guy."

"But how do you know all this?" Nandini asked in between.

"Coincidentally I was in the same club last night." Aryaman said to Nandini and  looked at Mukti."Abhi hasn't realized his love for you till now. I am telling you Abhi won't be able to bear the fact that we are dating and he will surely end up realizing his love for you."

"But I don't want to hurt him neither emotionally nor physically." Mukti said. This word clicked on his brain and he couldn't help but think was it why Nandini was pushing him away because she didn't want to hurt Manik.(Slowly the changes will appear)

"Mukti if you don't take this step now then Abhi might never realize what he feels for you. He may not be able to be happy all his life. And even if he does realize his feeling, what's the guarantee that there would still be time to sort out the things." Aryaman tried convincing Mukti.

He had always been the reason of breakup and today for the first time he was trying to mend the things. In a way it was hard to believe Aryaman was trying to help someone.

Mukti looked at Nandini. "Aryaman isn't wrong too. You should give it a try Mukti. At least even if it doesn't work out you wouldn't regret later that you didn't put any effort. And I have seen it Abhi really likes you but he is just blinded by his past betrayal."

"Okay." After thinking much, Mukti agreed to it.

"Let's begin the plan then. First tell him that we are dating and see his reaction."


Later in the evening

"Nandini you are not driving." Manik said as he caught her hand which had reached for the keys.

"Oh come on I bunked my two classes to come with you. So I'm driving...that's final." she said as she yanked her hand free. She pulled his nose.

"Nandiniiii..." he slightly raised his voice.

"Maniikkkk..." so did she.

Manik was aware with the fact that Nandini was terrible at driving in spite of taking weeks of driving lesson. But Manik couldn't say no to her and he had to agree.

Nandini drove horrifically. Whether stopping or starting, everything happened with a tremendous jolt. Manik flew against the seat belt of his car each time she applied the brake, and his neck snapped backward every time she hit the gas. It was not the first time he was experiencing her driving.

"Nandini now shall I drive?" Manik asked.

"No Manik I am not done." Nandini replied.
But the very next moment their car collided with the garbage tin which was kept at the turning of the highway.

"Nandini now I am not letting you drive." Manik frowned and said.

Nandini could figure out that Manik was annoyed but she was well aware about the fact that he couldn't remain annoyed with her.

"No Manik."she contradicted but this time Manik was not letting her drive. He got out of the car.

"Manik get in." Nandini almost yelled.

Manik just leaned to his car and stayed silent. "M-A-N-I-K." Nandini shouted as she got out of the car but still he didn't respond. She shook him gently but he just turned to the other side.
"Manik stop behaving like this." Nandini snapped but Manik remained silent knowing that silence was the best way to handle her in such a situation.

After a moment or few "OK fine you drive." Nandini frowned and moved towards the backseat but Manik blocked her way. She had no other option but to sit at the passenger seat. He then moved towards the driver seat. All the way she reclined her head on the seat and made faces looking at Manik while Manik silently laughed seeing her make faces.

He took her to a beach. Her annoyed face had faded away with the cool breeze. The beach was just perfect. They gazed out at the slothful sea. Ebbing ever so gently,the waves were drenching the sand. The murmuring of waves was hypnotic. Nandini was wearing heels so she was struggling to balance in the sand. Manik swiftly scooped her in his arm and carried her till the hammock Placed her on the bench, he came down on his knees and looked at her intently.

"Manik don't look at me like that. You know right looks do kill."

Manik chuckled,"If looks killed I would have died a thousand death with those innocent look of yours." He ruffled her hair and she pouted angrily.

"Manik Malhotra don't mess with my hair." Nandini too ruffled his hair and he just smiled.

He then sat beside her. He took put her favorite Dairy Mil Silk from his pocket and gave it to her.

Her eyes twinkled and she smiled. "What's with Mr. Malhotra today? First he brought me to my favorite beach and then now even my favorite chocolate."

"I just opened your diary after so long. While going through it's pages I just realized we haven't done this since a long time."  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. She smiled and pecked his cheeks lightly.

Meanwhile in SPACE.

"Aryaman asked me out on a date." Mukti tried saying him causally.

"That jerk. You obviously rejected him." Abhi said. He was so sure Mukti would never date a guy like Aryaman but next what she spoke was like a bomb to him.

"I accepted his proposal and today I am going on a date tonight."

"What??" He said shocked."How could you accept his proposal? I mean you don't even know him and he isn't even a good guy."

"I like him." Mukti said and that very moment it felt like his whole world had crashed down.

"But you don't know him? He isn't good and he is-" He was getting irritated with every passing moment and reason he didn't know it himself.

"You don't need to judge him Abhi. Don't speak a word against him. I like him and I will date him." Mukti said and it hurt. His heart felt heavy and so did hers. Only she knew how she spoke those words.

"Okay fine." Abhi said. "Let's not talk about him. Let's go. I will drop you home."

"It's not needed. Aryaman is going to drop me home." Mukti said and walked away with a heavy heart, not even waiting for his reply.

Once again Happy Deepawali
Please do vote and comment in the previous chapter as well as this one.
And thank you Nandinixxmanik for both this beautiful cover ❤ and update path of love.


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