19. Will you marry me?

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If you guys are interested in vampire genre then do read my new story "Now And forever"

Nandini hit the brake and looked out of the car, but her eyes caught nothing except for darkness. She undid her seatbelt and got out of the car, hoping to see Manik but he wasn't there instead on the edge of the cliff she saw a box.

She walked upto the edge and picked up the box. She tried opening it but it was locked. "It's locked." She said to herself as she took out the key that Cabir had given to her.

She looked around one more time, her eyes searching for Manik. "Where is this boy?" She said to noone in particular as she unlocked the box.

She opened the box, only to smile seeing a star studded bracelet and along with it there was a heart shaped paper which read:

"Remember our first date. It was right here on the cliff. We played the weird ten questions game right here and then after that you know what happened ;p"

"This boy." She shook her head lightly, smiling to herself as she continued reading.

"That night I told you I loved the stars and I still do. But more than those stars I love you. You are my brightest shining star and I want you to shine for me forever. I love you.

Meet me at the beach ❤"

Nandini couldn't stop smiling but at the same time she huffed seeing the last sentence. "The beach is fifteen minutes away from here." She said as she put on the bracelet and taking the box she ran to her car.

"Manik Malhotra you better be ready for making me run around." She said to herself as she got in the car. She tossed the box in the backseat of her car before putting on the seatbelt and starting the car.

Fifteen minutes later, she was at the beach. She parked her car right beside Manik's car and got out of the car.

As she stepped out of the car, the cool breeze passed by her and she breathed in the cool air. The environment was peaceful and the sound of the waves of the ocean was hypnotic. She loathed peaceful places because it made her feel lonely but after spending so many months with Manik she had got used to such environment now.

She looked around and her eyes stopped on the small hammock, which was a few meters away from her.

The hammock was beautifully decorated with lights and she couldn't hold back her smile. She walked till the hammock, where Manik had been waiting for her.

"Manik Malhotra you are such a liar." She said with a poker face as she entered the hammock and his smile just widen. "You said you were returning tomorrow. Right? You liar." She said as she locked a few strands of her hair with her right hand. She kept on doing that trying to show him the bracelet that he had given.

"It was a white lie Nandini." He said and held her hand. "It's my mum's bracelet. I had been keeping it with me since their funeral." He smiled melancholy as he caressed her wrist with his thumb. "I wanted to give this to the one that I love and finally today this bracelet has found it's owner."

Nandini stepped a step forward and coming on her tiptoes, she threw her hands around his neck and engulfed him in a warm hug. He instantly wound his hand around her waist, preventing her from losing her balance.

"I am fine Nandini." He said.

"I know you are but I am not. So I needed this." She said against his skin as she slowly let go off him. She took out the pendant that she had been wearing.

"Nandini this is your dad's last keepsake. You have never for once taken it out from your neck." He said.

"I know. I will keep this bracelet safe and in return you have to keep this pendant safe." She said as she looked at him and then the pendant. He bent a bit and she put the pendant on his neck.

"And I have one more complaint." Nandini said as she crossed her arms around her chest. "You called me on the cliff and we are right now meeting on the beach...Why so?"

He smiled sheepishly. "To buy time. I wasn't finished putting on this lights."

"You decorated this place yourself." Nandini's emotion softened as he innocently nodded his head in 'yes'.

She looked around with a constant smile on her face. "You like it?" He asked, looking at her intently.

"I love it." She said.

He dropped a soft kiss on top of her hair as she leaned more into his touch with a constant smile lingering on her lips.

"Let's eat. The food's getting cold." He said and she nodded my head. They walked till the table and like a gentleman he pulled the chair for her to sit.

"You are pretty much acting like a gentleman today."

"I was always a gentleman." He self praised as he poured the champagne in the glass.

"Ever since you met me, you have changed quite a lot. You aren't that shy boy anymore." She said as she clicked our glass.

He took a sip of his drink."Was that a complaint or a compliment?"

"Well....I'm not sure." She laughed, shaking her head lightly.

He made a bad face. "What does that mean now?"

"I don't know." She showed him her tongue and he frowned.

"The champagne tastes good." Nandini said as she poured herself one more glass.

A moment later, he got up from his chair and right beside her he kneeled down. He then swiftly took out a red rose from his pocket and forwarded it to her. He spoke out slowly. "Nandini I love you." She slowly stood up from her chair and took the rose, smilingly.

"I love you Nandini." He said it yet again.

"I love you too." She smiled.

He then forwarded a ring towards her. He gulped a huge amount of saliva, hesistating to speak. "Nandini will...you...you marry me?" He finally spoke out.

Nandini looked at him and then the ring. "I know it's too early but still I want you to be mine in every way. I want to be with you forever and I.. I... You don't need to accept my proposal if you don't want to.. I wo-" His blabbering came to an end when Nandini came down on her knees and hugged him.

"Yes I will marry you idiot." She was more than happy.

"Wh-What did you say?"

"I will marry you." She said as she broke the hug. His smile only got wider. He made her stand up and put the ring on her finger.

"I love you." He confessed.

"I love you too." She smiled.

T H E  E N D

Lastly thank you to all the readers of "Bad girl's boy". Thank you for sticking to this story of mine and thank you for bearing my unneccessary rambling and irregular updates. I hope you'll be there with me in my other stories too. I am sending my love and wishes to you guys.

And this is the epilogue of this story.

And once again if you are interested in vampire stories then do read my new story "Now And Forever"

Love you

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