Chapter - 6

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They went to reception counter and paid the bills and left for the conference hall.   

Well talking about Nandini then she didn't knew what was going to happen to her ...

Destiny you see... 

Not an easy thing to know...

People die, kill, marry, and fall in love...

If it's destined it happens...

Not even you or any most powerful person can stop it...

The only this you can do is let destiny do whatever it has to do with you and wait for its consequences.

Life you see not an easy thing.

Such was case of Nandini, when her age was to think properly about how she is going to build her career she was thrown out of her house ...

You can't think how ironical life can be with you at times...

People who throw you out of their lives when you are not useful... suddenly come to you talk all sweet things with you...


Just because you have something some power which they want you to use on themselves on your cost just cause they can't have it....

Life teaches everyone lessons..

Some lessons which Nandini learnt were never ever trust your own blood relations they don't exist always...

Their doesn't exist a life called as fairy tale...

There are no such ending called as "happy", and there are no such after called as" happily ever"

Well that was what Nandini thought but what about others ...

They did believe in the happy that was either ending or an ever after.


Manik was sipping his chocolate milkshake just when Nandini and Stella happen to enter.

As everyone heard the sound of the door knob they all averted their gazes towards the door to have a view of who entered....

For Manik it was again a view or let's say a beautiful moment which he could see throughout his life without getting bored but one thing he noticed was that the pale face nandini was carrying without that smile she had before though he knew it was a forced one cause it seemed to him that she had forgotten how to smile really but still though forced it was a beautiful one ...

A small frown of worry covered Manik's face ...

Manik (TO HIMSELF): what happened to her she seems all tired ... I guess I should ask her after this gets over whether she is okay or not...

As they entered the room everyone greeted each other finally they signed the contract...

Manik, Nyeonika and Vivek greeted each other and also Nandini and Stella with a formal hug and handshake.

Nyeonika: okay then since this merger is on why don't we have a dinner altogether ...

Nandini: actually Mrs. Malhotra ... 

Nyeonika: no Mrs. Malhotra and all dear you can call me aunty and besides that we are now partners...

Vivek: yes beta you can call me uncle its sounds good this all sounds too formal...

 Said Vivek placing his hand on her head...

Nandini somehow felt fatherly warmth in his hand

She smiled that maybe not all people are such cruel

She smiled at them and said,

Nandini: okay aunty and uncle...

They all smiled and talked for a while...

As they all were talking Manik was busy staring at her seeing her smile though not forced one but a normal simple smile he was glad he was admiring her in such a way that anyone who could have seen him would think that he is smitten by her charm and he is falling for her exactly like how his mother noticed that never ending smile on his face since the time Nandini has entered ...

Nandini: uncle I would be glad if you allow me a leave today I surely promise to have dinner with you all some other time...

Nandini said all referring to Manik...who was probably world's busiest man on the earth right now and what was he doing ogling at Nandini shamelessly...

Nandini was feeling little numb and dizzy though she thought may be because she was tried...

This was the other thing she had started neglecting was her health ... she didn't actually care about her health where she is fine or not...and at present moment all those who did where not near her....

Vivek and Nyeonika understanding her tiredness allowed her to go but with a promise of meeting her next time...

Nandini and Stella were standing in the parking waiting for the driver for the come as Nandini had to go at her home while Stella had to go to her hotel...

Nandini did offered Stella knowing she is new to this country but Stella denied her request politely keeping in mind to give her some privacy.

Stella's driver arrived earlier Stella offered to wait until Nandini's driver arrived but Nandini told her to go as she must also be tired and as in her driver was also arriving...

Stella left...

Nandini was standing there her driver was at some other place as Navya called him but then she told the driver to go back to Nandini while he was halfway so he returned and was coming to pick Nandini .

But as said destiny who knew that if he will arrive some moments later what will happen...

Nandini was feeling too dizzy she took the support of the bonnet of a car placed nearby but nothing worked ... it was too late she was already subconscious she feel down on the floor having a deep cut on the forehead and her phone slipped from her hand a few centimeters away from her ...

She was lying there unconscious blood oozing out from her forehead...

After some time Manik entered the parking to take his car as he was going to stay at Cabir's place cause everyone decided to stay there as Dev was back after a long time and they wanted to spend some time with each other and not to forget also Cabir was meeting Navya today.

Manik came to his car and just when he was about to sit he saw a mobile lying there as he moved to pick the mobile from the ground he saw someone lying there...

Manik's P.O.V

Huff... Finally meeting was done...

Those few words with her...

And having a handshake with her... Also a hug though formal felt a different kind of peace ...bye dear until we meet next ...

Thinking all this I was about to sit in the car when I saw someone mobile lying on the floor I moved towards  the floor to see a womanly figure lying on the floor with blood oozing out from her head...

Shit she is unconscious...

Who is she?

In order to see I turned her to find the worst news I ever could it was Nandini yes my Nandini...

God how did this happen was not a question to think at that moment ...

 I picked her mobile and then picked her up properly made her lay down on the back seat and kept her phone on the dashboard placed a handkerchief on her forehead to stop the bleeding..

I started to drive her to the hospital...

While trying to find someone on her recently dialed contact to inform that she is not safe....

The last call I found was of someone named Navya...

Without thinking twice I called her and told her about Nandini she asked me to send the perfect location and then I sent her...

I rushed her to hospital

I reached their, was asking for a stretcher and a doctor to treat her like maniacs...

May be I was worried for her too much...

Maybe she meant something to me...

Maybe something more...

That was the first time in my life I feared about losing something that I never ever wanted to loose.

Never ever think your life is great because just when you think so life has something worst planned for you...

And also life isn't fair always...

Where I was thinking of how to impress here how to make her feel something for me here she is all lying like a lifeless body... And to be honest I don't even know why was I feeling like this... That if something happens to her even I won't be fine... I didn't even had a proper conversation with her . Forget proper I don't even think that what we talked about could even be named as talking we were talking about business... Just few hours ago I saw this girl and now she already has the power to make me feel restless for her... God what is this .. What the hell am I feeling.. Why am I feeling so bad, helpless and moreover what is this pain I am feeling seeing her in such condition... Nandini Murthy what have you done to me... Get well soon please I need my answers and more than that I think I need you...

Narrator's P.O.V.

Life seemed like playing with Nandini's life...

Just after a few minutes of what Manik arrived Navya and Cabir where there with Latha...

Well Latha was at Malhotra industries and her car was given for service she tried calling Dev but his phone was switched off so she called Cabir...

Cabir agreed to her and also asked Navya that was she fine with Latha joining them.

Navya and Cabir were on the same route and they were also returning from their date ...

Just as Cabir picked Latha they received a call from Cabir saying about what happened...

Manik told Nandini's full name and also did Navya knew in which hotel they were having meeting so it was cleared that Manik's meeting was with the same Nandini who was Navya's friend cum sister and also did Latha and Navya knew each other...

Latha was also equally worried as Navya already told about Nandini's condition to Latha...

So in short everyone among four of them knew about her except Manik...

They reached their...

Navya asked about Nandini's whereabouts to which Manik replied politely about how she was all fine for the entire meeting and then when she came back for signing the merger she was looking pale and then he found her in the parking of the hotel and how her rushed her to the hospital... and also Cabir introduced Navya to Manik ...

All this while Navya was quite ... silent tears falling from her eyes...

Cabir didn't knew how to handle her so he just hugged Navya and calmed her down by patting her head ...and whispering " she will be all fine " in her ear...

Navya: I swear Cabir is she had done something stupid or if she had those idiotic pills again I am not going to talk to her... I will not talk to her...

Cabir: yeah we will not talk we will scold her ...tum bhi  daat na use but now please stop crying you have to handle her right ...

Navya nodded slightly and Cabir broke the hug...

Meanwhile the doctor was operating Nandini.

After one hour the doctor was out from emergency OT.

All four of them rushed towards the doctor.

Navya: how is she doctor...?  Is she fine now?  What happened to her?

Doctor: calm down Miss...  Miss Murthy is out of danger now..

Manik: what happened to her doctor she was all fine until she was with us in meeting...!

Doctor: she was low on sugar that was the reason she was feeling dizzy. Her sugar was too low that if you would have brought her after even 10 minutes it would have been very hard to bring her back...  And she had a deep cut so she has around 4 stitches we gave her sedatives she will be up in maybe half and a hour. But who belongs with her.

To which Navya nodded her head.

Doctor: actually their are few questions I wanted to ask..?

Navya nodded again..

Doctor: when you knew that she has sugar problems how could you let her stay empty stomach for this long and besides that I guess she has a medical history of taking antidepressants and sleeping pills... Does she..?

Navya: yes doctor...

Doctor: then how could you be so careless... She had an overdose of those pills that to empty stomach... We found out cause her eyes where looking somber and her face was all pale even when we were giving stitches that to four she didn't even flinch.... Forget flinching she didn't even moved or expressed a bit... Other people get all mad just to the mention of stitching...

Navya not getting words out of her mouth just looked at the floor with her head hung low... And immediately hugged Cabir not able to hold her tears back seeing her sister so much in pain and lifeless state...

Cabir held her firmly and then patted her back..

Cabir: actually doctor she was not their with us she had a long meeting and we were unaware of the fact that she was carrying these pills we would be careful from next time thank you so much for your help.

Doctor: anytime young man, but please make sure she doesn't have any of those at-least not for another week and if she by hook or crook doesn't understands and wants to have those make sure that she has a full good heavy meal so that these pills don't become harsh for her health..

Cabir: sure we would be careful doctor.. And can we meet her now..

Doctor: sure you can see her but don't disturb her ... Her body is week devoid of any rest she seemed to tired so and yeah it would take a while for her to get conscious so you can go but don't disturb her..

Cabir: thank you doctor we will take care of these things..

Doctor : don't thank me its my responsibility to save my patients.. Well all the best she will be fine..

Said doctor while patting Cabir and Manik's back and leaving them...

Navya was quite now but she was not able to think of consequences if Manik would have brought her here a little late. 

Navya: thank you soo much Manik that you brought her here on time I can't even imagine what would have happened to her if you would have not brought her....

Navya thanked Manik holding both his hands in her hand..

Manik: no need to thank me Navya I did what I felt was right.. Don't worry she will be fine.. We all are there to take care of her...

Manik responded to Navya giving a slight squeeze to her hands..

Navya nodded....

Manik himself was still wondering why he said "we all are there to take care of her. "

One thing he knew after this was that he can't see Nandini in pain and it was definitely not mere attraction or something was little more than that...

One thing Cabir noticed when Manik was talking with Navya was that more that assuring anyone about Nandini's good being... It was more like Manik was of assuring himself  that she will be fine...

Cabir knew that those words from Manik's mouth were just not for consolation but it did mean something.... Nandini did mean something more to Manik than just a company head with whom he had signed the deal...

No Nandini was much more to Manik than that and he was sure about it when he saw Manik going a little away from where they were standing and brushing away a lone tear from his eyes which was threatening to fall any moment...

Cabir was soo sure about this something new... Start of something new... Maybe for both Manik and Nandini.




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