Chapter-2 (Trip to Goa)

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All entered in Principal's cabin.
They stood in a row. Just then Principal started scolding them.

Principal- What was going outside? Can anyone do the honours to tell me??

And then they all started to narrate the incident but Principal didnt understand a word becoz they all are speaking at the same time. So again Principal shout on them.

Principal- Just shut up!! You all. I was surprised to see you all like this. Are you all seriously from such a reputed college's of Mumbai. ? Is this the way you behaved with others?? Tell me this type of behavior suits you all? Your teachers teach you this?? You all are grown up now. So behave like one. You all are the famous & brights students of both the college's. What will you all teach your Junior's ?? Yehhh. Bolo.

Nandini's POV

Principal sir was so much angry with our behaviour. So I decided to tell sorry to him. And I looked up my both sideways first Navya. Hmm she is also looking at me, gesturing me to say sorry. Then I looked my other side just to see whether they also feeling the same or not but they all seems to be uneffected. Huhhh. Disgusting people.
Then I hold  Navya's hand and we both said Sorry to sir.
Sir looked at us. And then I narrated the whole incident. That it wasnt our mistake at all. He pushed me. (Pointed towards the TOWER.) Yeah while entering in the cabin, I awarded him with this name. hahahaha.
But when I pointed towards him he looked at me angirly. Huhh as if I care. But just boil his anger more , I started showing my hurting arm to Sir. And Sir was quietly listening and watching my hand. Then he looked towards the Tower. And I thought " Ab aayega maja" and I smiled evilly.

End POV.

Principal goes to Manik and said - Manik say sorry to her and end this fight here only.

Manik- What? I m not going to say sorry to anyone get that straight in your mind ok.. She was standing in my way. So whoever comes in my way I pushed it okk.

Just then Manik finished his line. Someone yeld from behind. "Say sorry to her Manik". Everyone looks behind and found that Space Academy's Principal standing & yelling. He comes close to Manik and again said I said say sorry to her. You hurt her. So you have to say sorry understood. He said directly looking in Manik's eyes. And Manik looks down to control his anger. And murmered Sorry audible to him only. So Principal again said Say loudly looking to her.

Nandini's POV

When Space Academy's Principal said last line. I inwardly smile widely. And prepared myself to hear Sorry from the Tower. Thought I listened first sorry too but its good to see his ego hurts again. So I looked at Manik nd wait for him to say sorry to me. He is already looking at me and I passed a victory smile to him. He looked angrily at me, and yelled a sorry. And I patted myself inwardly.

End POV.

Then Both the Principal's shook hands and seated on the chairs. Both said looking at all of them.
So That you all know that The Fusion concert is gonna be held in Goa after 20 days. In which the classical dance & Rock music will be united. All the participants would perform the single song in which one sing & played the rock music and another danced on that with classical steps. Who would give the best performance will win.

s you all know that we chooses you all for the concert. And will started with the performance of Fab5 . That is you all (pointed towards on them) . Then for the main performance we choose Manik & Nandini. (pointed towards both). As Nandini is best dancer of her college & Manik is best singer of his college. I hope now you all know the things clear and agree to our choices.

All shocked hearing this. Specially our Manan. They both looking at each other and shouts NOO in unison. Then both the Principal's stood up and said-  What? ..Why ? No.

Nandini- Sir please change my partner.

Manik- Yes.. please change my partner. I dont wanna be her partner.

Principal of Space- We didnt ask your opinions. So just shut up you both and accept your partners and start practising becoz we have only 20 days. Many states of India's colleges are going to be part of it. So we should practice very hard. And take our colleges name on the top ok. I think I m clear now. Sorry guys but you both didnt have any choice rather than this. So buck up your shoes and start practice ok..

Both the Principal's left by saying this left behind there lovely & obeying students who are just clenching their jaws in anger. All helplessly looking at each other. Then Navya spoke.

Navya- Guys I think we should forget everything behind and start a fresh. As we all know that we have to work and be with each other for next 20 days. So lets start with a Intro... Hii!! I am Navya Naveli. Moving her hand towards fab 5 .

Mukti was the first to handshake with Navya.

Mukti- Heyy!! I am Mukti Vardhan. Member of Fab5. Play Guitar.

Navya- Hii Mukti.. ( hugs her) . Mukti hugs back.

Then Alya came to them.

Alya- Can I join u guys?? I m ALya . Member of Fab5. Play keyboard.

Both together Yes Alya ofcourse.
Then trio hugs each other. Then Navya broke the hug. And Introduce Nandini to them.

Navya- Guys She is Nandini Murthy my best friend.

Nandini- Hello!! ( shake hands with them)

Heyyyy Girls we are also here said our cool Cabiraa. Then Cabir comes to them and introduce himself.

Cabir- Hii I m Cabir Dhawan. Nam to suna hi hoga (in his famous style). I play drums in Fab5.

All girls laugh at this. And Manik thought dramebaaz saala. Now comes to our shy Dhruv said Mukti. She goes and holds his hand and drag him along with her to Nandini & Navya. They all exchange hello.
Now come to Monster oopss..Tower in Nandini's language.

All looking at him and Manik gave what-the-look to everyone. They all shook their head disbelievingly. Then Cabir came to Manik. And forcefully dragged him. Manik and Nandini shake hands lightly. But just then their hands touched an electric current ran in both their bodies. They looked at each other, And got lost in both eyes forget about the surroundings. Their eyelock got disturbed by none other than Cabir louds cough. They both looks here and there. Cabir smirked and about to say sonething just then.

Then again both the Principal's come in the cabin and said. We forget to tell you that tomorrow you all have to leave for GOA. As per the rules all the participants have to report tomorrow. So then they will arrange your practice rooms and stay stuffs and all. So be ready tomorrow at 9Am come to college then from here you all go by bus. Is that clear to you all.

Everyone nodded and moved to left the cabin. But again Principal's voice stop them. They all turned and Principal started.

Listen you as we are to there to manage you all so we choose someone to manage to you all. And your Manager name is Navya. From tomorrow Navya will be your Manager okk any problem?.

Hearing her name Navya jumped in happiness as she was become sad before that she had to live 20 days without her best friend. She will be alone & boar. But this news gives her so much happiness & joy. She thanked her Mata Rani inwardly. That now she will go n enjoy with Nandu and her new friends. So she easily agreed for this and so then others.

After that they all leave from their and from college also bidding Good bye to everyone exchanging their numbers and decided to meet at college sharp 9 am. They all come to their respective homes and lying on their rooms thinking about today's  events.

Thinking this their whole day passed now night comes and Nandini was thinking something after dinner she comes to her room still thinking..Umm.. Lets see in her POV.


Aiyappaa !! How will I manage to perform with that arrogant, monster Tower. Oohh god where I am stuck. Why aiyappa?  why me?? ufff. Chal Nandu packs ur bags and sleep. From tomorrow you are going to live with that Monster.Huhh How my life turn into 360 degree in just one day?? Like seriously.

End Pov.

She kept blabbering while doing packing. And after that she directly goes to bed and sleep. ANd the other side the scene is not so different. Manik is having dinner with his family after that comes to his room and....Lets see in his POV.

Manik's POV.

It is when I entered in Hindus college get to know about my partner for the Fusion concert. When I was walking to the corridor I pushed Nandini aside but before pushing I said EXCUSE ME but she was so busy in chattering with her friend then I became angry and pushed her. She fell on the ground. But on whom I m angry I didnt care about that person. So I walked straight to the cabin but her voice stopped me and I become more angry. I was ready to teach her lesson but her luck Principal came nd saved her.

And then Principal said to say sorry to her then I look furiously on him clearly said no to him. Why I said sorry when I didnt did any mistake
And vo Nandini smirkingly looking at me but little she know that I m very tough nut to crack. But to my dismay and her luck DAd comes that time in his Principal mood huhh. (yes in my story Manik's dad is Principal of Space)  And made me to said sorry to her. And I without any fault said sorry. And She inwardly smiled I know. But My trouble didnt end there from all the students of Hindu college dad selected her for my partner of  the concert. Wow.

After the Principals leave my friends started friendly with her. That is seriously unbelievable they cant friendly easily with anyone. And that Cabir, He just loves to irritate me forcefully dragged me to Nandini. Huhh..

But I m not gonna leave her so easily.
Yeah just wait n watch Nandini Murthy.

End POV.

With that he also off to bed and sleep.


Done with the second chapter. But I m not happy with the response. 😞
Itne less votes and comments. Guys if the story is not good then feel free to tell me. Most of the people are just seeing only. Silent readers plz vote atleast. Its motivates me guys plz understand.

I know its not lovey dovey chapter. But in next update promise you will get some romance as its just a start only.

So if u all want next update soon then comment and vote plzzz.
Waise nobody ask for update in comments if u ask I will give early update. Ok so do comments and votes. You guys didnt give me good response but phr bhi I M giving long update. HOPE YOU All LIKE IT.

In this update I cleared many things so read acche se....

Now bbye.....I will continue soon.

Loads of Love

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