~Forty One~

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The next 6 months were nothing less than bliss. After the first time of making love nandini had thought that , that was as good as it could get but clearly she was proved wrong when they went at it like dogs in heat for days and every time it felt better than the last time. they both had got a taste of what they were missing and now it felt like they couldn’t stop, manik more than nandini. He never wasted a chance to touch her, and most of the times it lead to love making. But they knew they had to stop behaving like sex addicts because life was difficult and they still had to achieve goals.

So they forced normalcy almost reluctantly. Manik had his weekend classes for the executive MBA that he enrolled in which provided online classes. Between the job and classes on weekend he was grateful that nandini was so supportive. After the initial discontentment, it felt like the time period they spent intimately, had mellowed her and she was more forgiving and more understanding now.

After those 6 months, next four months  were spent in preparing for their marriage. It was difficult due to living in a different country because they , specially nandini was unable to shop for her traditional dresses. But she was managing by co-ordinating with girls. Manik was doing the same, although he wasn’t much interested in the dresses. He had given the guys his measurement and color preferences and left everything onto them. They knew his taste , he was sure he would like  whatever they chose.

Manik had another reason for his happiness. He was ecstatic that his little sister passed high school with flying colors as well  as cracked the medical exams. She was now set to become a doctor and manik couldn’t be happier. On the other hand Arzoo had also completed her engineering degree and luckily got a job in the same city as her husband. Manik was sure she could have got better pay package if she hadn’t been adamant on the choice of city. He understood her sacrifice but in the end what mattered was that she was happy.

Two months later , manik and nandini were married. 

Nandini was now sitting in the small bedroom which was given to manik and her as it was their first night together after the wedding.

Once when nandini had wondered how the family had adjusted during his childhood, manik had told her that untill the  age of around 13- 14 , the siblings slept in one room while parents in the other. Then after that it changed and manik began sleeping with his father while his mother slept with his sisters. It was later on in his life that he understood the reason. Nandini had marvelled at the information. Being the only child she couldn’t think about not having her own room. She thought a little bit of privacy is everyone’s right! He had just laughed at her indignation.

Nandini knew the room was temporary as manik had informed her well in advance. She already knew that the house had only two bedrooms. The guests had been accommodated at a nearby guest house but they all had  been  here during the day to welcome the new bride and it had been quite crowded. The marriage being based on love had the relatives looking for faults. Nandini was on edge all day, hyper alert of her every move and expression. Manik himself and his two sisters tried their best to be there for her and she felt she had survived the scrutiny of the guests for today. But she had a feeling that her mother-in-law was not happy with the marriage.

The door creeked ,which had nandini looking up from under her veil. His sisters had helped her freshen up and then again made her get ready as a bride. They had insisted her to sit and wait for manik like they had seen in movies. They were sweet and she had obliged.

His expression though, as he stood after locking the door ,told her that he didn’t approve and she wanted to laugh, he was too practical! But he didn’t say anything as he slowly made his way to the bed. He lifted her veil but she kept her eyes down acting out the part of a blushing bride. He lifted her face by holding her chin she didn’t make eye contact but she could feel his face getting closer to hers. He smooched on the side of her lips and her lips curved up as her eyes met his.

“you know we are not doing it tonight” as he spoke the movement of his lips caressed her cheek.

“hmmmhhhh” she affirmed.

“but you also know I desperately want to do it” he spoke again over her blood red glossy lips.

“hmmmhhhh” her heart was thumping wildly, her breathing a wild staccato.

“good” he said before his lips took hers in a slow, sensual kiss which made her back arch in anticipation. “we can’t” he broke away with a pained expression. She was working on her own breathing. “room is small and not sound proof” he continued with a hint of guilt and shame. She immediately caressed his face trying to remove that expression and thought.

“hey! Its ok. I know our circumstance is not ideal but we can always work on improving it, right?” at his affirmative nod she continued, now holding both his palms in between hers “we can buy a new house” she suggested and waited for his reaction.
“I don’t have that much money.

Arisha has taken education loan as me being her guarantor, if she fails to pay it it will be on me and I have finished paying mine only last month. Its a blessing that arzoo’s husband is taking care of her student loan.

Moreover a hefty amount I have had to pay for my executive MBA. I can’t think about buying a house now” he reasoned out.

“manik , we are now married. I am here for you. Did you forget that already?” she joked to lighten his mood and it worked as he rolled his eyes playfully.

“okay listen. We can buy a house. I will take home loan."

“but nandini we will have to make a down payment of atleast 10% of the cost of the house. We don’t have that kind of money ready in our hands”

“ ummm manik..” she hesitated because she knew it could be a sensitive topic “we can put this house for sale?” she watched and waited for the explosion but it never came instead he looked pensive “ma will not agree” he stated and his shoulders drooped and he slid on the bed lying down beside her. Nandini realised he has already thought about it. he looked so tired as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders which in a way was true. He has grown up with a sense of responsibility.

She moved to lie down on his chest and her jewellery and bangles and anklets jingled which was too loud in the quiet of the room.

“you should probably change into something comfortable” he suggested.

“yes husband”

“weirdly that turned me on” he stated with a groan and she looked down to see a slight bulge forming in his nether regions. It was prominent as he was wearing a track pant and simple white tee. She stroked her fingers on his thigh close to the target and she witnessed its effect almost immediately.

“please don’t do that”

“okay. I will just  go and change and remove my makeup” she tried to move without making much noise.

She could hear the chatter outside as she changed her clothes in the room in front of manik. they didn’t have an attached bathroom here. The hungry looks that he was giving her made her consider alternatives. She wondered if they could be quiet enough so that no one would hear but she doubted she could hold back her moans of ecstasy. No definitely NO....

He was watching her all the time as she got dressed in a long night gown and then removed her makeup in front of the mirror. His eyes hadn’t strayed even a bit as finally she made her way to him on the bed. He spread his left arm for her to lay down on his chest and then he held her firmly.
“before going to California,I will talk to ma about putting this house for sale.”

I know it will be difficult on him and I can guess what my mother-in-law will think but I know I am doing the right thing. They have to grow out of the situation. They need a better house when the family has three married kids and quite frankly I need a room of my own. This is not some soap opera where I will be like the typical bahu who is docile and dumb. This is real life.

With that thought, we both let exhaustion of the marriage take over and slip into deep slumber.

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