chapter 1

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The story starts after the talent hunt.

Manik pov:
          I am very happy right now and it’s not due to fab 5 had won the talent hunt but because whenever we 5 joined together we would always rock. 

           But to be honest I don’t have any hope that we will be together hereafter but as always Nandhini’s hope has won. We fab 5 performed together, and right now fab 5, Nandhini and navya are together in the green room. When I looked at cabir he also seemed as happy as I was, but mukthi, Dhruv, and Alya were standing there without any expression which I couldn't understand why? My eyes quickly travelled towards to navya and I couldn't stop myself from smiling because she was jumping in happiness due to her friends me and Nandhini are being happy and then I noticed Nandhini...I don’t need to say anything about Nandhini because as usual her eyes are speaking loud and clear and her beautiful smile is not leaving her lips.

         I was perplex in looking at how happy these two girls seemed right now and how in the past we as in fab 5 didn’t left any chance to torture them. My trance was broken by dhruv who told me that he wanted to talk to me, I immediately nodded my head at him with a smile on my face, but my smile didn't last long as for what he said next just made me feel like someone just stabbed my heart. 

         ”Manik are you happy that we are back together?” he asked me.

        ”Of course, I am very much happy with it” the question itself wasn't what made me shiver in cold anger but the next words out of this mouth completely crushed any chance of being happy at this point forward...

         ”If you want this happiness to last forever and if you want us THE FAB5 to be together then you want to LEAVE NANDHINI FOREVER.” Dhruv’s words were echoing inside my head, my world starts spinning at every syllable of those spoken words.

         Listening to Dhruv's talk I was shocked at how can he possibly could ask me to choose between my friends and my love. Yes, if this question was asked one year ago then I would have surely chosen fab 5 over everything else, but now I understand how it feels like to be loved, it's not that fab 5 doesn’t love me but there was always something missing in my life which was filled by Nandhini only. 

           ”Are you even in your senses? What the hell are you talking? ” But instead of Dhruv this time Alya spoke for him, which only made my heart break even more.

          ”Dhruv is right Manik, but because of her only we faced lots of misunderstanding in fab 5” she started by trying to explain her nonsense ”She is the only reason for us to be separated”

           ”Dhruv and Alya why you guys are blaming Nandhini for your insecurities? Don’t you guys know Manik’s happiness lies in her then why the hell you guys are hell bent to separate Nandhini from Manik? You both are proving yourselves to be selfish” Cabir who was silent till now spoke for the first time in the evening.

        ”Why are you questioning them Cabir?” Mukthi asked getting involved in this painful conversation ”Whatever Dhruv and Alya said, is the truth, Nandhini is the reason of wherever any misunderstanding starts between us, she is the reason for the break up of Alya and Manik. She is the reason for the insecurities of Dhruv and she is the only reason for Harshad to release that fake vedio of yours” 

         Listening to this Nandhini, Navya, Cabir, and myself were left shocked by such accusations, because though mukthi is a hard nut to crack she still have soft corner for Nandhini, but here she was also blaming Nandhini along with the other two. 

            I couldn't stop thinking about how Dhruv and Alya crossed their limits by badmouthing about Nandhini. I wasn't ok with this at all, my gaze was looking for her and there she was...Nandhini was just crying while  listening to everything, Navya was not leaving her side but I could notice the tears in her eyes too by listening the cruel words for her friend by fab3.

Nandhini’s pov:

          I am very happy for my Manik because his friends...sorry his family is back together and I was back in the world due to Dhruv's words, but how could he say that to me, if he was my friend back then how could he say something bad about me now? I  couldn't say anything about Alya because from the very start we didn't have any sort of relationship apart from her anger towards me, but I couldn't comprehend or digest why asked Manik to leave me. 

             I know Manik will fight for me but still remembering what Manik said to make my all body shiver in disbelief...

          ”If I had to choose between fab 5 and Nandhini...I would choose only fab 5” those words caused my heart to tremble with the feeling of losing my love, but still I trusted him, because I know he will make everything alright. 

           ” I support you and Manik” Cabir’s word broke my trance, which did bring peace to my heart knowing someone is supporting Manik but my happiness broke into pieces listening to Mukti's words who was supposed to be my friend, but looking at Manik’s vulnerable state I can’t do anything apart from crying. 

            But when they started badmouthing me I didn’t do anything apart from looking at Manik’s face which quickly changed from pain to anger. I think he lost his last ounce of patience and all of sudden he shouted at the top of the voice causing the all room to stay in silence.

Manik’s pov;

            I was sitting patiently listening to everything but when Dhruv and Alya crossed their limits by badmouthing about Nandhini I couldn’t control myself, not anymore.

           ” What the hell you guys are saying don’t you have any sense? How dare you say something bad about her? I can tolerate anything coming from all of you against me but I won’t tolerate anything against her” I shouted in anger.

         ”Why are you supporting her we are your family so you are supposed to support us not her, she came in your life by mistake so you have to rectify it. She is like a passing cloud, so just ask her to leave you” Dhruv said, after saying those words he turned to Nandhini 

         ”What the hell are you doing here still?! Now, get lost from here because Manik will choose us only” he spat those words directed at her, which only caused my anger to reach its peak.

          ”Who are you to say this?” I asked him furiously at his audacity in talking to her like that. 

            Dhruv looks at me, and in his eyes, I realized that this argument was far from over, and what he said next destroyed any chances of fixing this between us.

           ”Choose between NANDHINI AND FAB5” he spoke word by word with a deadly seriousness in his tone, making the moment to freeze in place.

Would this be the beginning of a happy ending or the start of the end for the Fab5?

Cover credit goes to non_deficere

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