chapter 8

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Next day..

Nandhini pov..

Bright sunrays softly warmed up my skin waking me up slowly from my deep sleep. I opened my eyes only to see manik hugging me tightly in his sleep. I don't know why but the vision of him was bringing me some weird vibes, I couldn’t exactly explain if those weird feeling were good or bad, so instead of allowing myself to dive into the unknown I just remove the thoughts from my mind and carefully made my way away from Manik’s arms and went to freshen up.

After freshen up I went to kitchen to make breakfast for my beautiful family. After breakfast was ready I made my way towards the bedrooms to do the most difficult task of my life...wake up my kids and manik. So first I went to my kids room and realised that I didn’t have the heart to wake them up, they were in deep sleep, my little angels looked so peaceful, as they were having a holiday today I didn’t see any reason why they should be up early so I just kissed their forehead and left to my room to wake up manik. After lots of struggle I successfully woke him up at last, with a smile that could melt my heart he went to freshen up as we are having early meeting with the band like kishan said. After getting Maniks clothes ready I went to change myself after we both got ready we went to check on the kids room to check on them, but as we saw them still sleeping we asked the servants to look after them as there was still time for their care taker to come. Later after having breakfast we both left to Mannat musical world.

After reaching there we went to our cabin to prepare the deal for the the team that was coming today with kishan and bhoomi. Manik attempts in distracting me continuously by doing his all time best romance, were incredibly sweet but I still couldn’t shake off that weird feeling in my gut that something was going to happen today, whatever it was I couldn’t know or avoid it, so praying that at least was a good thing was my only option. While lost in my thoughts we recieved the call stating that the band had arrived and that they were waiting in the conference room.

As we both made our way into the conference hall we both got the shock of our life, because the new band was none other than fab 4. I don’t know how but we manage to compose ourselves and take our seats. Kishan introduced us as the founders of Mannat musical world, Mr Manik Malhothra and Mrs Nandhini Manik Malhothra.

“Mr and Mrs Malhothra this is the band I told you about, their name is Dazzlers 4, the band consist of Mr Cabir Dawan, Ms Mukthi Vardhan, Mr Dhruv Vedant and Mrs Alya Dhruv Vedant” as Kishan mentioned their names I was trying to find the strength within me to even be able to look at them...” and of course Mrs Navya Cabir Dawan who is their manager”

Manan looked happy as well as shocked, I think happy after listening about cabir and navya.

Fab 4 and Navya seemed shocked to see us. Cavya was obviously happy for his friends and fab 3 genuinely looked happy to see Manik but was visible on their faces that they were also shocked. But I felt their anger in the air when they saw me....I guess it was hard for them to believe that Manik and I were married and happily successful.

After composing ourselves we started by talking about the deal, and told them since kishan recommended them we haven’t yet conduct any test to prove their capability but we decided the deal was our final say, we spoke to them like we would speak to any other band in their situation, after all Kishan had no idea that we all knew each other already.

“You guys need to prepare 5 songs per album and in total you will be preparing 15 songs and the duration is 6 months and you will be getting 2 months to complete one album because we need to release new album every 2 month and a room with all musical equipment will be given to you. if you guys are  ok with these we can sign the deal.” Manik explained like he would to any other band that we would assign, but this wasn’t any other band, was it?

They all nodded quietly in response to what Manik said until Dhruv broke the silence...

“We are ok with it, but what is the profit we will be getting apart from getting launched in London?” listening to this Manik shaked his head in disbelief.

“Mr Vedant if you are forgetting this is Mannat Musical World, here anyone who is doing album with us will be getting  30% profit of the album and  also if the album is a hit they can get the chance to work with “THE STARFLIES” in one of their upcoming album. And I think I don't need to explain who the Starflies are as they are  incredibly famous all over the world but still they are away from limelight.” Manik response was loud and clear, the room got quieter, and after that they finally assigned the deal.

I then told them that their accommodation would be in Mannat mansion, and asked them to please wait for few minutes then we would go, to which they nodded their head in response. The tension between us was visible to all of us, but I was genuinely trying to behave as professionally as I could. I then asked my PA to keep the deal paper safe and also to show them their jam room.

After a little time we all left to our Mansion, that same weird feeling from earlier was back....

Sorry for the late update I was hospitalized for a month so couldn't update.

Hope you guys like the update..

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