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The very next day, Manan were having breakfast when all their friends came in.
Cabir: Good Morning Love birds!!
Manik: Good Morning guys....
Nandini: Hey!! Come join us for breakfast..
Navya: We all already had our breakfast... U two continue!!
All of them sat down while Nandini & manik finished their breakfast. After that they all sat together & then Manik asked,
Manik: Guys ... How come all of u here together??
Abhi: Actually manik... My mother wants a baby shower ceremony for Mukti.... So we were thinking what about this saturday??
Nandini: Great Idea!! I m already so excited....
Aliya: Same here!!
Nandini: Mukti u don't worry!! I promise we'll make this day the best day of ur life.
Mukti: I know u will.... I trust u!
Cabir: Guys lets make it awesome.... Music, Dance n all!!
Manik: Chalo lets go & there are a lot of preparations to do.
Nandini: Wait Manik lets do one thing lets divide our work...
Aliya: Cool!!
They all decided the work & then Mukti said,
Mukti: And nandini... I want a special performance by u!! And this time I wont hear anything... This is a informal party & u hv to sing!!
Nandini: Ohk... I will for sure!!
Soon they all went away & Manan also went to work. Nandini practised for those two days but still Manik couldn't find that sync in her voice. The magic that she always created by her singing was not there. He could still see that she was not at peace. She was only doing this becoz she couldn't say no to Mukti.
That day Manik returned from the office early & thought to check on Nandini as the baby shower ceremony was going to be held the next day itself. He asked the servant about her where abouts & he was told that Nandini was practising at the terrace. He was happy to know that she was practising but his happiness faded away when he reached up at the terrace & saw her playing. She was totally lost in some other world & was playing something entirely off beat, like an amature. He faked a smile on his face & sat on the ground just behind her & clutched her waist.
Nandini: Maniiiiiik!!
Manik: So u do recognise my touch till now.....
Nandini: Why will I not?
Manik: No I just wanted to check!
Manik slowly nuzzled his nose in her neck & hair, she smiled at it & asked,
Nandini: Something special??? Someone seems to be in a very romantic mood.
Manik heard her & gave a simple stern reply,
Manik: Everything seems special when u r around.
Though he said them simply but those plain words told her that he actually meant it. Those simple words touched her heart & she leaned her back over him properly.
Manik: Nanidni!!!
Nandini: Hmn..
Manik: Lets jam..... The way we used to do in college!! Without any reason, just for fun...
Nandini heard his innocent request & there was no way she could say a no to him.
Nandini: Lets do it!! But on one condition...
Manik: Now what??
Nandini: We will first go downstairs & u will freshen up & then eat something.... U must be tired after work!
Manik: OHK!!
Manik: Ready lets start!! Three... Two... -
Servant: Excuse me sir!!
Manik & Nandini were jsut about to start when the servant came in.
Manik:  Yes!
Servant: Sir, Satish sir is waiting for u downstairs.
Manik: Ohh I m coming....
Satish was Fab5's manager &  he also handled their events. He had come to update manik about the preparations of the event the next day.
Manik was clearly pissed by his timing & Nandini could see it.
Nandini: Manik.... Just finish the work na!! U r also here & I m also here, we can jam any time.
Manik made a bad face & kept his guitar aside.
Nandini: Ohk as Satish goes the first thing that we'll do is this.... happy??
Manik: Hmn
Nandini: Now lets go...
Both of them moved down & checked on the preparations like security etc. Half an hour later, Satish left.
Nandini: Manik u just wait for 5 minutes, I'll be back from the washroom.
Manik: Cool!!
Nandini moved in & manik sat there looking for something in his phone. 2 minutes later a small girl ran inside the house with a teddy bear in her hand & shouted, "Mumma!!"
Manik looked at the sweet girl & got up.  Just then his guards came running behind the girl.
Guard 1: hey you girl..... Go from here!!
Manik(shouting): Shut up!!
Manik  walked closer to them & looked at the little girl, then he said to the guards,
Manik: What kind of a security do I have at my mansion that u idiots can't even stop a little girl from entering into the house.... How will u stop others!! And don't u know how to talk to a child?
He knelt down in front of the girl & said,
Manik: Hello baby!! Who r u?? And what r u doing here??
Baby: My mumma is here!!
She moved to a side & shouted again,"Mumma!! Mumma..."
Manik: Baby... Ur mumma can't be here!!
Baby: But daddy said that she is here...
Manik: Where is ur daddy??
Baby: He went to park the car & asked me to wait outside. But I wanted to meet mumma so I came in!
Manik: Aww.. Dont worry I think u hv come at the wrong address!
He got up & said to the guards,
Manik: Go & see if there is  her father outside.
The guards moved out & manik held the girl's hand & made her sit on the sofa. Just then Nandini came out, but she didn't notice the girl & said to Manik,
Nandini: Sorry I took time Manik... Lets go now!!
But as the girl saw her she suddenly got up & hugged nandini by her legs saying. "Mumma!!"
Nandini looked at the girl & sat on her knees,
Nandini: Nyra.....
Nandini hugged that girl tightly leaving a shocked manik in front. Manik stood up from his place with a shocked look. Nandini broke the hug & smiled at the girl.
Nandini: How is my baby??
Nyra: I m good... But I missed u a lot!
Nandini: Aww I missed u too!! But how did u come here?
Nyra: I came with Daddy!
Nandini hugged her again & manik could clearly see the happiness on her face as she closed her eyes.
Just then a harsh voice came from the door, "Its good to see that atleast u remember ur daughter!!"
Nandini heard him & Manik turned to see a Australian guy standing there. Nandini walked towards him & stood in front of him.
Nandini: And can I ask the reason why r u being so harsh on me... Can't u be a bit sweet, after all we r meeting after one year.
Guy: Ya and in that one year u got married & left Australia forever... Leaving my daughter alone! Like really Nandini I come back after a year & wish to meet u ASAP... And then I suddenly got to know "Ohh the girl living in this flat got married & thus left for India".
Nandini: Come on yr!! Why r u being so mean?? Can't I even get married to whomever I wish!!
Guy: Nandini u clearly know What I mean!!
Nandini: Ohk Ohk I agree!! Sorry... I should hv informed!! But we'll talk about this later for now at least come inside.
Till now Manik was simply standing there & listening to everything trying to guess who was this new guy was & why was the girl refering Nandini as her mother.
Nandini walked in with that guy & stood with Manik.
Nandini: Manik... Meet Daniel my friend from Australia & this is his daughter Nyra!! Daniel & Nyra meet my husband Manik Malhotra.
Manik shook hands with him.
Manik: Hi nice to meet you!!! U really have a very sweet daughter..
Daniel: Ohh Thanks & nyc to see u too!! U r really a very lucky man to have Nandini as ur life partner.
Manik: That I know!!
Nandini picked up nyra in her arms & said,
Nandini: Nyra u met Manik Uncle....
Nyra: Yes!!
Nandini: So u like him?
Nyra sweetly nodded her head in a yes & Nandini smiled at Manik. Manik smiled back at the girl & kissed her cheek. They all settled down & Nandini said,
Nandini: Daniel how was your work there in New York!!
Daniel: It was nice!! U tell how come u married this random guy in India..
Manik looked at him with a blank look, but Nandini knew that he was angry.
Nandini: Daniel, Manik is not any random guy.... U remember I told u that about a guy whom I loved, but couldn't meet. That was Manik itself... He reached Australia, to find me & finally we met & got married.
Daniel: Ohh so he is the one!!
Nandini: Yeah!! Manik Daniel was my neighbour in Australia, he lived in the flat which was just in front of my flat.
Manik: Ohh nyc... And what about Nyra's mother?
As Manik said this, Nyra looked up & nandini immediately said,
Nandini: Nyra's mother... I m Nyra's mum!!
Manik looked at nandini & she broadend her eyes to tell him not to say anything.
They sat for a few more minutes & then Nandini said to Manik,
Nandini: Manik mere saath do minute ke liye andar chalna plz.....
Nandini intentionally said this in Hindi so that Daniel & Nyra couldn't understand.
Manik: Haan chalo!!
Both of them quitely excused themselves & went inside. As they moved in Nandini said,
Nandini: Manik I m so sorry! I didn't know they would come like this suddenly.... I was just-
Manik kept his finger on her lips & said to her,
Manik: Did I ask anything to u??? No na!! Then why do u think that u need to explain. Nandini I m ur husband, not ur owner... U r an individual & u can live in whatever way u want!!
Nandini smiled at him & hugged him. Manik smiled & hugged her back. Soon Nandini broke the hug & said,
Nandini: Manik u know there in Australia, I had only one person who didn't make me live India & that was my friend & neighbour.... ADITI..
Manik: Aditi??
Nandini: Yes Aditi... Daniel's wife & Nyra's mother.... But unfortunately she died one month after Nyra's birth due to some illness. From then I was the one who took care of her & that little girl thinks that I m her mother. Plz don't break her believe.
Manik: The moment u said that I knew that there was some reason behind it... Don't worry I'll not say anything!!
Nandini: Thank u Manik!!
Manik: U don't need to thank me for anything!
Nandini: Manik, can I ask something??
Manik: Hmn!!
Nandini: May I plz ask them to stay here with us till they are in India.. Nyra will be very happy....
Manik: Nandini this is ur house also, u can make anyone stay here without asking me!
Nandini hugged him again & both of them again moved out. They all sat together for sometime after which they had dinner & then they moved to their rooms. Nandini went to Daniel's room to check whether he need something or not & then said,
Nandini: Daniel there is a function at our friends place tommorow, so I would like to invite u both to come along with us...
Daniel: Ohh Indian function??
Nandini: Yeah... I m sure that u r gonna enjoy a lot!! Plus I'll send traditional Indian outfits for u tommorow morning.
Daniel: Cool!... Ohk we'll come.
Nandini: Great!!
Just then Nyra came to Nandini & said,
Nyra: Mumma!!
Nandini: Yes baby....  Now listen for now u sleep fast & then tommorow morning get up & come to mumma... I'll get u ready.... Ohk??
Nyra: Ohk Mumma!!
Nandini moved back to her room to see Manik sitting on the bed & working on his laptop. She got changed & then came & sat beside him.
Nandini: Manik.... I invited Daniel & Nyra to come along with us to the function tommorow!!
Manik: Good idea... It will be nyc for them to come along with us...
Nandini: Yeah I thought so!!
Manik kept his laptop to a side & lied down on the bed. Nandini too lied down next to him, resting her head on his chest.
Nanidni: Manik I m sorry!!
Manik: Sorry for what???
Nanidni: Sorry becoz today u wanted us to jam together for some time, but I couldn't!! Woh Daniel & Nyra came suddenly & after that I forgot.
Manik: Nandini U don't need to say sorry.... Its ohk!!
Nanidni: But now I promise that tommorow in the function we'll not sing any known song... We'll perform together something new!! And I m sure till we r performing together the lyrics will come out automatically.
Manik: Till u r in front of me I don't need any previous preparations to sing.
Nanidni: Even if I m not in front of u...... U r the Manik Malhotra & my Manik is the best!!
Manik: Ohh really..... Today u seem to be in a totally different mood.
Nanidni: Off course I m happy.... After all I m meeting my daughter after one entire year...
Manik: Ya she is a really cute girl.
Nanidni: Manik U na just stay with her for sometime.... U'll see her actions are even more cuter than her face.... I really love her!!  I feel pity for that small little girl, she lost her mother & thats the reason why I decided to take care of her...Manik that girl is much much more inteligent than her age.
Manik: arey she has to be inteligent after all u hv brought her up. I wonder how will our daughter be with my smartness, charm & knowledge.
Nandini heard him & hit his chest!!
Nanidni: Ohh all your traits & none of mine!!
Manik: Ouch.... Don't hit me yr!! I m saying the truth.... Ohk so what let me think, she will get your potato like cheeks, ur bossy atitude & -
Nanidni: What?? U think I m bossy!! I hv Bossy Atitude.... Like seriously??
Manik: Ohh havn't u noticed all ur junior doctors are scared of u & thus, they hate u!!
Nandini: Ya & ur employees just love their boss... Right?? The boss who they know can turn into a Monster any minute!! Remember Monster manik!!
Manik heard her & said with a naughty smirk,
Manik: haww U think I m still a Monster??
Nandini(smiling): Not to me but yes u r a monster sometimes to others.
Manik turned towards her face & said with the most lovely expression on his face, as if he was waiting for a sincere answer.
Manik: So how am I to u???
Nandini turned to looked at his face & then said,
Nandini: To me u r the best thing that could hv happened in my life. U r my soul, my heart, my support. I m nothing without u!! Manik u r my entire Life.....
Manik heard her simple reply & smiled happily & the very next moment he took her lips into his & kissed her slowly yet passionately. Soon Nandini broke the kiss & they slept hugging each other.

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