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The very next day, Cabir got up very early as he was continuosly thinking about the accident & thus, he called everyone except Manik to reach his place by 7am anyhow. All of them got up & reached his place.

Dhruv: Cabir is everything alright... U seemed tensed on the phone.

Cabir: Guys sit let Mukti & Abhi come!!

Just then Mukhi entered with Ahana in her arms. Aliya took Ahana from her & sat,

Mukti: Cabir what happened??

All settled down & then Cabir finally said,

Cabir: Guys I hv got to know something really important about Nandini's accident.

Abhi: What is that??

Cabir: Guys.. It wasn't an accident, it was an attack!!

All: WHAT??

Cabir told them everything & then he also told them that he feels that Daniel is involved in all of it.

Aliya: Does that means Manik's life can still be in danger??

Cabir: No, I don't think manik is still in danger after all this, but i m pitty much sure about what I m saying.... I m not sure but I really had a bad intusion for that person from the very first day.

Abhi was about to say something when Cabir's phone rang. He recieved the call,

Diya: Hello Cabir sir, Diya here!!

Cabir: Diya... Manik n Nandini r fine right??

Diya: Sir Dr. Nandini is the same & Manik sir has finally fallen asleep this mrng.

Cabir: Thats good!!

Diya: Sir the police officer is here... He needs to talk to u urgently.

Cabir: Police!! Ohk I'll be there in 10 mins. He disconnected the call & soon Cabir, abhi & Dhruv reached the hospital.


Cabir: Hello Sir, plz have a seat....

Cabir said as the police officer entered the room. Cabir had asked Diya to open Nandini's cabin so that they could all talk in private. All of them settled down & the officer said,

Officer: Mr. Dhawan... we hv some important information about the case.

Dhruv: What is it sir??

Officer: My doubt was right... This wasn't an accident rather it was an attack.

Cabir: What?? I too got to know this last night..

Officer: How??

Cabir explained everything to him n he said,

Officer: U r right Mr. Dhawan... We hv also found a hidden cctv photage of the hospital parking lot in which two guys are clearly seen messing with Mr. malhotra's car. Out of them one is already in our custody & the investigation is going on.

Dhruv, cabir & Abhi looked at each other. Dhruv was thinking if they should tell the police about their doubt on Daniel or not when the officer asked,

Officer: What happen Mr. Vedant?? Any problem?

Cabir looked at him & nodded a bit to which he said,

Dhruv: Sir we hv a doubt on someone!!

Officer: Who??

Cabir: Nandini's frnd Daniel!!

Cabir told him all about Daniel & why they think it can be him, he also mentioned Manan's love for Nyra.

Officer: I also think something is wrong here... Ohk so thank u, we'll find the rest out & contact u..

Abhi: Thank u sir!!

Soon he went away & all three of them walked to meet Manik.

Dhruv: Cabir, do u think we should tell about all this to Manik???

Cabir: No.. He is not in a mental state for all this. We'll manage it all.

Abhi: I think Cabir is right!!


The day passed on & in the evening Cabir again took Manik home to rest for sometime. Manik freshened up & then sat in the balcony playing his guitar. Cabir was sitting downstairs busy in his work. When suddenly Manik saw the fire flies dying. Their glow started fading, he immediately rubbed his eyes & picked up a jar . He saw them dying & said to himself,

Manik: This can't happen!! I can't let them die... I will never let u go Nandini.

He got up frm there & picked up a jar along before stroming downstairs in anger. Cabir saw him furious & asked,

Cabir: Manik Kya hua?? Where r u going??

Manik: Hospital!!

Manik said without stopping & got out of the house, Cabir ran behind him & joined him. Manik drove wildly to the hospital & rushed towards Nandini's room, pushing everyone coming in between. As they reached there, they saw Abhi, Aliya, Dhruv & Navya standing outside the room. Cabir noticed tears in Aliya & Navya's eyes. All of them looked at Manik in shock. As Manik held the door to open it, Dhruv said,

Dhruv: Buddy... She is serious!! The doctors are in there...

Manik: Leave me!!

Manik jerked his hand off & entered the room.

Dr. Agarwal: Manik!!

Manik ignored him & walked closer towards Nandini with that jar in his hand. He kept it near her & held her by her shoulders.

Manik: Is it so weak?? Is our love so weak Nandini?? They are dying... Open ur eyes & see them dying Nandini. We promised that we won't let them die... U never break ur promises remember??

Manik jerked her shoulder's briskly, Dr. Agarwal moved out & said,

Dr. Agarwal: Cabir, Dhruv... Get him out!!

Both of them entered the room & Cabir simply kept his hand on Manik's shoulder.

Dhruv: Buddy, Time to move outside!!

Manik didn't resist even for a sec & simply moved a bit backwards. He knew that he had to be strong. He left nanidni's hand & moved further backwards, still looking at her dull face. But just then Nandini slowly moved her eye balls & whispered, "Manik!!". The doctor heard that & signed a relief before sorrounding her again. They wanted her to come back to her senses & that finally happened. Manik was sitting outside along with the rest. All had slight tears in there eyes, but Manik was quitely sitting there staring non stop at her fire flies. Her smiling face was rotating in his head while he was continously waiting for the door to open. About an hour later, he suddenly smiled, all the others saw him smile & Dhruv said,

Dhruv: Buddy!!

Manik looked up straight towards the door & got up. All the others found it weird but then they saw the door open & the doctor come out. All of them walked to him while Manik simply turned around & walked towards the exit gate of the hospital.

Dr. Agarwal: Dr. Nandini is totally out of danger now. U can see her in a few minutes... She will be kept under observation for two to three days. By the way where is Manik, Nandini is calling him!!

They all turned here & there when Aliya said,

Aliya: Don't worry doc uncle Manan can not be away from each other for long.

The doctor walked away & all of them walked away in the direction where Manik went. They went there & saw him standing outside the hospital gate, when he opened up the jar, full of brightly glowing fire flies, & let them free. They knew that he already knew about Nandini even before the doctor told them.


Manik entered the room & saw nandini lying there with her eyes closed. He walked closer to her & sat on her side. Nandini's eyes were closed & she had a peaceful expresion on her face. Manik simply bent closer & kissed her forehead. Nandini opened her eyes & looked into his eyes which had tears in them, she saw him & slowly smiled. Manik saw her smile, & immediately hugged her.

Manik: I thought that I lost u!!

Nandini: Manik.... Manan is forever!! Till the Stars shine & The fireflies glow....

Manik broke the hug listening to her & made her sit up & then said,

Manik: Now I won't leave u even for a second.... I love u so much!!

Nandini simply held his hand & entwined her fingers with his. Just then someone knocked the door & all their friends entered the room.

Mukti: I m sorry.. They wanted to give u some time, but I couldn't wait.

Manik: Come on in Guys!!

Manik moved a bit to get up but suddenly he felt a pull on his hand & he realised that nandini didn't let go of his hand & held him even tightly. He simply sat back, as everyone came closer.

They sat with nandini for sometime, not talking much after which Aliya said,

Aliya: Chalo now that u r fine.... U only handle ur husband, we can't take him anymore.

Nandini: Why??

Cabir: Arey neither does he eat anything nor does he listen to anything that we say.

Nandini turned to look at manik & gave him a stern. Manik tightened his grip, on her hand, when Diya entered along with Ahana.

Nandini saw her & said,

Nandini: Aww And here comes my baby!!

Diya walked closer & took Ahana forwards towards nandini, but Nandini suddenly stopped her,

Nandini: No No... keep her away!!

Diya immediately stopped & Mukti said,

Mukti: What happened Nandini??

Nandini: Nothing... She is just 3 days old & I don't think its good for her to come closer to me, in this state.

Mukti: Shut up yr!! come on-

Nandini: No Mukti... No compromises in this!! Diya plz take her outside.

Diya: Sure doctor.... By the way its nice to hv u so well.

Nandini: Thank u diya!!

Diya(to Manik): Sir Dr. Agarwal has said that Dr. nandini needs some rest for now... And so many people are not allowed in here so if u,... I mean, if u all...

Cabir: Chill Diya... We understand. We'll leave!!

Diya simply left & Aliya said,

Aliya: Ohk so I think we should leave!! Nandini take rest for sometime then we'll come to distrub u again tmrw morning.

Nandini: Yeah!!

All of them walked outside except Manik. Manik & Nandini talked for a long time, but nandini didn't let him go away even for a minute. It was quite late when Nandini fell asleep. Manik too was sleeping by her side, hugging her when suddenly he felt thirsty. He checked the water jar but it was empty so he simply got up & moved out of the room. 5 minutes later, Nandini suddenly felt his absence & got up. She looked here & there & called him out, "Manik!!". She slowly got off the bed & checked into the washroom but that too was empty. She was walking towards the door of her room, when suddenly Manik opened the door & got in. The moment he saw her, he walked closer & asked,

Manik: Nandini!! What happened??

Nandini: Manik... Manik!!

Nandini moved forward & was about to trip down when manik held her in her arms.

Manik: Nandini why did u get down the bed??

Nandini: Manik where did u go?

Manik: Nowhere I just went to get some water.

Nandini: Plz don't leave me alone... Manik plz don't go anywhere...

Manik: Nandini calm down...

Nandini: Manik plz don't go anywhere... I m scared!! Don't leave me alone... Stay near me...

Manik calmed her down & made her rest on the bed. The next morning Nandini got up early & saw Manik sitting by her side. Manik smiled at her & kissed her forehead. Soon she freshen up & then she asked,

Nandini: Manik... where is Nyra?? I took her responsibility but then I only-

Manik: Relax!! She is at Cabir's place... Navya is taking care of her.

Nandini: Manik... I want to meet Nyra, Kavya & Sameer!!

Manik smiled at her & then caressed her face saying,

Manik: Sure!!

Soon all their friends came to meet them, Manik was outside the room with Cabir, Dhruv & Abhi when he said,

Manik: Cabir... yr plz ask Navya to get Nyra, Kavya & Sameer along!! nandini wished to meet them...

Cabir: Sure!!

Manik: Thanks yr..

Manik was about to get into the room when Dhruv stopped him & said,

Dhruv: Buddy we need to tell u something..

Cabir looked at him & nodded in a no. Manik noticed it & said,

Manik: What happened Dhruv!! Cabir what r u saying no for?

Dhruv turned towards Abhi, who too nodded in a yes, so Dhruv said,

Dhruv: Manik there has been a lot happening in the past two days & I think u hv to know it!!

They told everything to Manik, except the fact that they doubt on Daniel. Manik was shocked to know it. But before he could accept all of it, the police officer's came there & said,

Officer: Good Morning!!

Manik: Good Morning officer...

Officer: Its really nice to know about ur wife Mr. Malhotra!!

Manik: Thank u..

Officer: So I think u will be glad to know that we hv found out that who was behind ur wife's accident.

Dhruv: Really Officer?? Who??

Officer: Just as Mr. Dhawan had suspected.... Its Mr. Daniel!!

Manik: What??

While Manik was shocked, all the rest were getting furious...

Manik: Guys!! U knew it??

Cabir: Yeah... I had a doubt on her!! But officer, how did u get to know it?

Officer: Those two guys in our custody gave a statement that some foriegner had paid them to do so & then we also got a sketch prepared, which was an exacet match with Mr. Daniel!!

Manik heard it & he too got furious, to which he said,

Manik: Officer.. I need to get that guy in front of my eyes ASAP!! I will dig his grave right there...

Officer: Don't worry Mr. Malhotra!! He is somewhere in Mumbai only, there was no flight baorded by him.

Manik: Good!!

Manik was about to say further, when Aliya came out.

Aliya: Manik... What r u doing here?? Nandini is asking for u...

Manik: Sure!!

Saying so Manik greeted the officer & then went back to Nandini.

Precap: Finally daniel behind bars & Manan are back to their normal romantic life.

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