Part - 7

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Both manik n nandini were shocked to see each other.... Manik was trying to say something but couldn't n then finally he managed to say, "nandini....!!!"... Albert n his wife too were shocked to see that his guest knew nandini. Then suddenly, something happened which shocked each n every1 present there, nandini slapped manik. Albert had never seen nandini's this side. To him she was a sweet & a soft spoken girl, who didn't even knw how to shout at any1. But this time nandini shouted, out load,
Nandini: what the hell r u doing here manik??? Why r u here in Australia..??
Manik: I came for u nandini...
Nandini: shut up manik... didn't I clearly mention in ur prescription that u need proper bed rest 4 atleast 10 days. And u.... forget about bed rest, u hv started travelling that too so far. Are u out of ur mind??
Nandini was shouting at him very badly, she was very angry at him this time, but her eyes had tears, tears of the fear of losing him. She was crying badly by then, she lowered down her voice n said,
Nandini: why don't u ever listen to me. Earlier once just bcoz of this carelessness of urs, u were about to loose ur hand & this time ur life..... can't u just just listen to me at once, atleast u will not hv to regret it later.
Manik: what do u mean by.... U told me for bed rest???
Nandini: (again angry) yes manik, I m the same Australian doctor who operated u 2 days back. And I personally prepared ur prescription mentioning each & everything properly.
Manik: I m sorry nandini... I just wanted to come here 4 u...
Nandini was still crying & hearing this she just turned back & ran away. As manik saw her running away, he didn't even try to stop her once. He knew, she needed time as well as he needed it. But his lips turned in a cute upward curve. Just then albert asked,
Albert: u r the monster, right??
Manik: what??
Albert: u r her monster, right???
Manik smiled as he remembered the way she used to call him monster manik & then said,
Manik: yes I m her monster, 'monster manik'.
Albert immediately got a broad smile on his face & he hugged him.
Manik: but how do u knw her??
Albert: I m her only friend over here & her senior doctor as well.
Manik: nandini is a doctor????( totally shocked)
Albert: what were u thinking, when she told u that she operated u two days back in India.
Manik: ohh yes, I remember that...
Albert: ohk now I know, u hv many questions to ask & I promise to answer them all but before that u need a proper sleep otherwise I'll get to see a 3rd side of nandini tomorrow.... Seriously maneek, she loves u a lot, u knw in these 2 yrs for which I hv known her, this was the 1st time that I heard her shout & I saw her so angry. U really mean a lot to her.
Manik: I know...
Albert then took manik to a room & asked him to rest. As he closed the door manik took out his phone & dialed dr. Agarwal's no.
D.A.: hello manik, how r u??? I hope u r fine after the journey & u took ur medicines or not???
Manik: dr. uncle, who operated me 2 days back..
D.A.: ohh yes, I forgot to tell u about that angle whom god had sent 4 u.... u knw ur condition was so critical that I had to call her all the way frm Australia. She is really a gem, the way she operated u was commendable. She didn't even rest 4 a min. as her flight landed, she decided to rest after the surgery. I could see her weak in the beginning after seeing u, but then she got all her energy to save u.... its just becoz of her that u r alive today, this is ur new birth, given by her.... U knw 15 mins before the operation ended she left everything & congratulated us 4 a successful operation. When none of us had any idea about it, she being of such a small age knew what was coming next. She is such a pure soul, that she came her completed her work & left without even meeting u or ur friends. She said all she needed was to save ur life & not blessings for herself...
Manik: dr. what was her name??
D.A.: ohh ya , she was dr. Moorthy.....??? why???
Manik: uncle, the dr. who operated me is not the reason why I m alive, instead the girl who operated me is..... she is nandini.... Dr. Nandini Moorthy...... my nandini...... my shining star...
D.A.: what???
Manik: yes dr. she was nandini only.
Soon manik called fab5 & told them about whatever happened. All of them were very happy to hear that manik found nandini, but they were sad also that they didn't listen to him earlier & didn't even try to meet the dr. who operated him. After that manik lied down on the bed with a smile on his face. He took out his mobile & said looking at it
Manik: This time, I hv got u back & now I won't let u leave ever again.
He kissed his mobile screen, as his wallpaper was nandini's picture, and slept. Nandini reached her place still crying & collided into her bed. " He risked his life & came her for me.... And I hv always been so selfish... I never thought to go back to him. Never did I thought that I will be with him again. When he was dying to be with me, I was here enjoying my work.... How could i???". Nandini pressed the bracelet in her hand, it was the only thing which she had with her as a memory of manik. She had deleted all the photographs she had with her before leaving India. She had thrown away all the things which reminded her of him, but there was only one thing which she couldn't throw. Though she wanted to but she couldn't..... & it was the bracelet which he gave her. That musical tie bracelet was his only memory with her. She never removed it. She just pressed it & talked to it, whenever she felt like to hug him or to talk to him. It was both her strength as well as her weakness.
Manik woke up an hour later & straightly went to albert. Albert told him how he knew everything about nandini's past except the names of different ppl. Nandini never told him manik's name, she always just referred him as "Her Lovely Monster", so that albert couldn't even try to contact those ppl frm her past. He told manik what all happened with her after leaving space, how she never ever sang since then & also how she got her studies completed in science & became a cardiologist. At times manik's eyes had tears, at times they had a beautiful smile, at times they were proud of nandini but 1 thing didn't change, as albert noticed, his eyes were full of love for her all the time. And then manik said,
Manik: Now I will Never Let You Go, u hv suffered a lot alone, but this time I don't care whatever u say I'll not leave u alone.... And then I will bring music back to ur life, Music is the only thing which can give me my old nandini back.... And I'll make it happen.
Albert heard him properly n then asked,
Albert: aren't u angry... that she never returned to u.... or 4 all these yrs that u spent waiting 4 her...
Manik: angry.... Even if I wish, I can't be angry at her... just one sight of her is enough to melt me down, & more than that I knw all this wasn't easy 4 her as well.... If it would be then she wouldn't hv been wearing my bracelet for all these years...
Albert: bracelet.... U mean that weird one which she never removes...... u knw once she lost it during a surgery & that day after the surgery she cried, n searched the entire hospital 4 it. All night she kept running from here to there & then when she finally got it, her happiness had no bounds,(laughing) the entire staff thought she had gone mad.
Manik: this is a musical tie, & I gave her this, as a symbol of our strong bond. These tie's r useful only when used together otherwise these r nothing but another unwanted part. I knw she can't afford to loose it, as loosing it means breaking out strong bond.
Albert: u seriously love her a lot right???
Manik: no, I don't love her, I just need her around always, otherwise I won't ever be able to live.
Albert: as nandini, told me, I can't even try to understand ur words.
Manik: hey buddy, I need to meet her, can I plzz get her address.
Albert: no, u can't u r not in a position to go there & moreover its already time 4 the party & she is also going to be a part of it.
Manik: really??
Albert: yeah, rosy & jane love her a lot..... I think if they call her, she won't be able to refuse.
Manik: thanks buddy..... albert called nandini, firstly she didn't pick up his calls, but then he left a voice msg 4 her, having rosy & jane requesting her to come. Nandini called him back the very next moment. Albert kept the call on speaker phone & asked manik to be quite.
Albert: hello....
Nandini: albert.... Plz don't force me to come..... u knw why I m not coming...
Albert: nandini plzz.... Rosy & Jane r missing u a lot, plz come 4 sometime.
Nandini: albert..... I knw more than Rosy & Jane, someone else wants me to come, but I don't wanna talk to him, so I can't....
Albert: but nandini-
Nandini: ohk fine, I will come but only on 1 condition...... that wen I m there manik should not even come out of his room & nor should u try to make me talk to him.
Albert looked towards manik, who nodded his head & asked him to call her.
Albert: ohk, I promise...... now plzz come fast v r waiting 4 u....
They disconnected the call, & albert asked,
Albert: now how will u talk to her??
Manik: just let her come here, I knw how to proceed after that....
Albert smiled, patted his back & left.

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