Part 24

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hey before that I have used some kannada language because the story starts from mangalore..I hope u are okay with it..

Manik pov.

As I sat in backseat with aryaman, he gave me wider smile, I returned him the same, he just kept his hand as an assurance that my meeting with nandini is going to be good, but how far it comes true , I really don't know, not to disappoint him, I gave him my smile. As car was going smoothly on road, a sweet and fresh wind hit me, I closed my eyes, I was feeling , I going to meet my another part , which was missing from me , throughout my life, I felt something new, my stomach making hell out of noise, but true that I really liked it, i felt something good will happen in my life, my senses were saying I will be getting something precious that I never got before in my entire life, I was completely inside me , I really didn't know when they stopped, someone was patting my shoulder, suddenly I opened my eyes, to see that we are near airport, I looked around only to see two confused souls, and another was grinning at me, what makes Arya to grin so much , then I shifted my gaze to my buddy, whose look was like " are u alien" , I suddenly looked the mirror, only to find shock I was smiling like an idiot, as love sick puppy, infact I was actually mimicking Arya (I mean when he will be in land of his girl), like a love sick puppy, I just palmed my face for further embarrassment , which Arya is definitely goona do with me.

Ar-manik, did I woke u up from dream land of urs with ur girl?? he said with a wink.

As I said he won't leave a single chance to pull my leg, I wish I could ever say yes to him, because even I wanted share about my girl, ek second, Manik beta when did this come from ,"My girl"??, like seriously man , take a grip of urself Manik, I mentally scolded myself. I gave deadly glare to Arya , who just shrugged his shoulder like always, Abhi was still confused, and the great Cabir was thinking something suspicious about me, I really need to cover up , warna this guyzz will not leave me in one piece , suddenly I saw a gift box next me, actually it was there when we started, I hope so, idea clicked I my mind to cover up myself,

Ma- Abhi, this gift(I point out the gift next me)

I just looked Arya, who gave a disappointment look because , he thought I will be caught this time but he don't know Manik Malhotra well, I just winked at him, he made a sad pout, can u believe he is going to be IPS officer of India, and he still a kid , when he is with us, I turned to buddy for answer, who now was putting luggage in trolly , which Cabir bought just now, he kept all the luggage and turned to me, he took the gift and gave me, I was in tears because it was the gift from my mom, I missed her like hell, my buddy understood my emotion and patted my shoulders, I gave him a look, he smiled at me and said,


I hugged Abhi, he was the only person in physical forum ,who can wish me success after that my other friends wished me the same , I wished them same, they walked out giving me my space , which I really needed at this time, they are my friends , who always understood my state,

I don't have words ,its been 10 years of my life, bloody 10 years, where I'm leaving without my parents and my little bro and sis, they only send me gifts on Diwali, all the Diwali days , I celebrates with my family comes to my mind, I remember my 10 years back Diwali , when I left my family back, my mom took me to Mumbai, for her work, I literally cried that day to leave my dad behind me, not only him my little sis and bro, they were two small to understand the situation, but I was well matured to understand what's was happening in my life, tears were flowing like flood, Diwali always gave me pain of departure of my loved ones that's the reason ,I never celebrated diwali in my life, after that day I never celebrated it , I just traced my gift, I know it must be expensive gift like all other Diwali gifts there is no special in that, tears rolled down, I never wanted gift , I wanted my parents, that's what I fell and that will be best gift of my life. I opened the gift only to see another expensive gift of mine ,which was nothing but a limited edition watch, suddenly my phone started vibrating in my pocket , rubbing my eyes roughly, I looked the caller id, I don't know I should be happy or sad, taking a deep breath I took the call.

Ma-hello, I tried to sound confident but only I knew it was futile attempt of mine,

Person-hello manik, a sweet voice echoed my ears, which I always wanted to ear, I closed my eyes to store this sound because I don't know when the caller goona call me next time.

Ma-hey mom. Yes , it was my mom, she usually calls when she feels like calling me, she won't be available for me, when I need her.(note of sarcasm)

Mom-how are u beta? Happy Diwali Manik.

Tears just ran from my eyes, I wanted to say , I was not at all okay, this Diwali took away all my happiness of my life, I literally hate Diwali , which took way my family mercilessly , but still I need to answer her, that I was fine, because never in my dream I want to make my mom guilt about anything, because I love her so much. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and answered her.

Ma-I'm fine mom, how are u ?

I intentionally didn't wished her happy Diwali, because it never bought one for me, not today , it was ritual to me that I never wish my family Diwali, to god's grace no one could ever find out that.

Mom-I'm fine manik, did u liked ur Diwali gift?, she asked in a hope but I could sense she was busy in something , maybe talking to someone..

But I felt I'm ignored, I felt alone once again, tears were not taking name of stop, this things are not new to me, whenever she calls me , she will be busy only, she don't have 2 minutes of time for her son. I know what I have to answer her, I know I will be rude but it is necessary for them to know their kid.

Ma-I would have loved it mom, es watch (seeing the watch in my hand) jo time dekatha hai na mom, use bhi zayada muje apke time cha hai , I needed ur time , but it's okay I loved ur EXPENSIVE GIFT mom.(I intentionally stressed the word expensive)

I hung the call , I know my mom must be taking my name to pacify me, but I was not in mood to listen anything, I was tired of her stupid excuses , which is only important to her not for me, I literally threw my gift in car, I really don't want this, I took my phone in hand , which started buzzing again with my mom's name, I cut her call and switched off my phone , I rubbed my eyes with my hands, and walked to my new destination, to find my life..

After 2 hours

Mangalore airport

I finally landed to mangalore, my buddy was collecting luggage of mine, I simply walked out followed by my other friends, in whole the way no one asked me anything , neither I was in condition to answer anyone, I walked roughly outside the airport, suddenly a soothing air touched my face saying that , I'm there with u no matter what, I closed my eyes to feel the air, suddenly Abhi patted my shoulders as the car as come . to receive us , I didn't had any expectation of her to come and receive us, because somewhere I knew she won't come and receive me, even I was not in a mood to see her now, or I can say she may don't like this Manik, who will be silent infact I was not in mood to talk to her, and greet her..

I settled myself in driver seat, I wanted drive, when I feel lonely I will mostly go for long drive, because it is something which sooth my emotions, no one questioned me, they simply settled down, Abhi started saying me direction to the house, somewhere deep down I was feeling I will be okay, I was still not over with my mom's talk, the city was different as it was night, the city was glowing with lights , as if someone was welcoming me to the light, as if light want to enter my dark life, where I stay alone.

I must say it was city of traditional one, it had its own glory, it had its own charmness, it was welcoming whole world, as we drived I saw some temple, yeah heard about it, by Abhi, as Nandini often comes here, infact it is one of the famous temple in Karnataka, even the temple was glowing like anything, I smiled seeing it, I felt Nandini must be inside in the mandir, but how can it be possible, it is crowded, yeah Nandini doesn't like crowded place ,she likes less traffic place like me, sometimes I fell she is like me, I went on driving saw many people burning crackers, some with family, children were running behind our car, I smiled at Abhi ,and he must be remembering his childhood days I guess, I looked at him, my guess was right, his smile cannot be measured, I gave look to other two friends of mine, I saw the shine in their eyes, which is off course missing in my eyes. I felt happy for my friends because they were far better than me, they have someone in their life , who can they express anything. I'm not that lucky, I concentrated on driving , after 10 minutes drive

Ab-buddy take left.

Nandini's home

I took left , only to be mesmerized , it was beautiful house , sorry home, it was such nice home , I felt a kind of warm, I felt I'm back to my own home, where I belong, the whole home was decorated with diyas everything was beautiful, it was a perfect home, where u feel it is more home rather than house, which is mine off course, I stopped the car, all my friends ran leaving me alone,I saw Arya taking some girl in twirl , I got that moment it must be VEEBA, I smiled at him, I looked Abhi , but that idiot was nowhere to be found, I gave glance to Cabir, he was standing their admiring the couple, indeed Arya and Veebha made a great couple. I felt Nandini was not here, yes she was not here, I could sense that, my girl was nowhere, but I wanted to see her desperately . I gave a look to cabir.

Ma- Cabir , I'm going out.

Ar-but Manik, come inside first we will go inside, afterwards we will go outside together.

I know why he was saying me that but before meeting her I need be myself to be okay atleast , which I'm not now.

Ma-nah, yaar u people enjoy, I need some fresh air.

Ve- Manik, atleast fresh up , okay jana

Ma-nai , Veebha , I'm fine , I will meet u after wards.

She smiled at me, yeah I have meet her 2 or 3 times thanks Mr. Aryaman, but she is sweet woman, she is a perfect match to Arya, he deserves her.

Ar-par Manik, nan...

Before he says anything I cut him.

ma- I will meet u soon, buddy ko bathana...

I assured him , I was fine with my eyes, I started car, Cabir shouted bye, and enjoy ur alone time, I headed towards the road aimlessly , I don't know where was I going, but I felt someone was pulling me like a magnet, I suddenly saw a beach, I saw no one there , I parked the car , and left my shoes in car and started walking on shore, I didn't saw any one , I got to know no one will come here , I walked on shore for about two minutes, I switched on the phone, only to see one miscall from my mom, I laughed at myself, because I was not that worth I guess, I thought of calling my dad, because he was the person who can lift my mood sometimes, when I need him, he was always there for me, I dialed his call, it went on ringing but he din't picked my call, I called him twice but he didn't received any call of mine, I tried last time, it ringed but he cut the call after third call. I felt I'm going at darkness again, my dad is also ignoring me , this is very new to me, tears started rolling from my eyes , suddenly

Suddenly a fresh air hit me, as if consoling me not cry, I wiped my tears and started walking only to see someone was sitting on the shore of the beach, as it was night I couldn't make out anything , so I walked near that person, Infact I felt that person was pulling me towards them.

I walked near only to find it was a girl, whose back was facing mine, I walked near her, even though my mind said not to go, but my heart said  go near her, what my heart said I listened it , I walked at sat behind her, I felt her smell , she was smelling lavender , she had opened her long and straight hairs, her hair where flying with hair, unknown satisfaction reached my heart, I closed my eyes to remember

this moment, I felt like I should remember this moment for life long, I saw her back , I guessed she is small and tiny, I just chuckled at her.

Hearing my chuckle she turned towards me, I couldn't see her face for two reasons one was her hairs and other was darkness, but I saw something which I couldn't even blink my eyes, it was her smile, which was playing on her lips, thanks to little light which was due to sudden rocket shoot at sky, she suddenly turned towards the sky, she was enjoying the fireworks on sky, even though she was seeing sky , I was seeing her with smile, which was not leaving her face, I so wished to see her face clearly, but couldn't...

Something hit on my face, I saw what It was only to see a paper in my hand, i turned to her, she was running here and there to find papers, I got up and helped her not before keeping that paper inside my pocket , which hit me before a minute, I proposely didn't see her face because I felt I may ditch Nandini, u heard me right, I never saw any girl in my life, because I want that special girl to be Nandini and only Nandini, I gave her paper which she piled up in some book I guess it must be her diary.

We once again settled down , but this time I sat next to her, little near her, I know I should not see her but I cannot help my heart is not listening to me, she just passed her smile at me, eventually I guessed she had beautiful face,


Oh!gosh , she has such soothing voice, it is beautiful and melodious, I was ready to hear this soulful voice to my entire life, my lips curved into beautiful smile, which never comes to me, I felt I was living my life only to hear her voice. She was something that I could never mention in words or I can say I have no words to my own feeling, it was unnamed but had perfect feeling and relation.

Ma-mention not, waise Diwali pe , yaha kya kara rahi ho?

I asked her, because I was curious to know about her, she smiled answered me.

Girl-wishing Diwali to ocean...

U can't measure my shock in terms, like seriously this girl is totally mad, here I'm dying to talk with my dad, but she came all over here to wish Diwali to ocean, that to which doesn't have life.

Ma-what? Are u insane? Ocean like seriously?

She pouted I guess as her voice said me, I so wanted to see her face, but I was determined that I won't see her face, because I made a promise to myself I belong to Nandini only and only her.

Girl-I'm not(she said with little annoyed tone , I just chuckled),elro Diwali wishes heltre adre smudra ge yaar heltare, elro tam kashta na smudra ge heltre , samudra na snehitha ankonthre, nanu ashte smurdrana snehitha ankodidini, adke nana side enda nanu Diwali wishes heltha edini(she said in kannada)

What like seriously she said all in kannada, yeah even I know kannada, thanks to my buddy but I really didn't understand her words properly , even though my entire family leaves here, I was least person in my family who doesn't understands proper kannada ... I need her help..

Ma-if u don't mind, nenu English athva hindi li helthya(I said in great difficult because I was not too good at it, even though I used two words , which I remember in my dictionary till date as it is easy to remember)

She started laughing carelessly , she didn't had any wall or hurdles to stop her smile, it was pure, I closed my eyes to keep it as a memory, oh! Forgot to say , if I want to remember anything strongly for longer time, I will close my eyes to memorise it, and guess what I remember for longer duration, I was born with such talent all thanks to my dad, I got it from my dad.

Finally she stopped her laughter and turned towards me,

And said

Girl- everyone will wish diwali to everyone but people forgot to wish samudra, I mean ocean ,people share their sorrows with ocean ,(I bobbed my head without seeing her, only seeing ocean, even I have shared my sadness with the ocean , I feel relived at end)I treat them like my friend, where I share my feelings with them, they have become my friend, hence they are my friends , so I came here to wish my friend , a happy Diwali...

I never thought even ocean can be friend of anyone, I knew she said some extra lines, because I know that much about this language, I was pleased and impressed by her idea , I never thought someone's view can differ from one person to another this much, yes I due share my things with ocean but I never named them as friendship, because I never thought in this point at all, one thing I got to know, this girl is completely different from other girls, she has capacity see other pov's , down the line I felt unsaid proudness in me, I felt she belonged me..

I wanted her pov over my dad, I really wanted, for the first time I'm going to share something personal with her, which I never expressed to anyone even to my buddy, but strange I felt I can share with her without any hesitation and most importantly I felt she won't judge me, I had a belief , which is not visble but I can trust her... before I ask anything, she only started..

Girl-do u want to ask anything? my eyes) yes...


Ma-okay, I have a family , I called my dad, I'm feeling that he is..iss,...ignoring my mom...I don't know why but I'm feeling alone , like really alone in the world..

She firstly hmmed, I glanced her voice, the voice which had all soul and cheerful now sounding low, but I wanted my answer, so I din't cared about it.

She started for good few minutes, her unsaid words something , which I don't know what it was, but I was sure she have something hidden inside her that too very much deep..

Girl-I really don't know what to say but I can say u one thing listen to ur heart, what it says, if u ask me then , I hope he must be stuck somewhere badly, which is more important to him than talking to u, just think in his pov , he will only call u when he is free...

She smiled and I can feel, even my heart said the same, because my dad never ignored me at any time, I hope her answer be right..

Suddenly she stood, then I saw her dairy, which is different , something creative, I smiled at her ,I know she was watching me, I'm sorry , chucking out me, but I didn't feel uncomfortable , it is totally strange because I hate some hot girls and bimbos does that to me. I smirked at her, she understood my dilemma , I guess she walked away but came back ...

She forwarded her hand, and said "HAPPY DIWALI"

I don't when my hand reached her, I gave her my hand without seeing her face, I know she must be irritated but i can't help, when I touched her hands I felt something new vibes getting inside me, something which I never experienced by any mere touch, she is soft like a baby, u know her small hands perfectly fit into my long hands of mine, I smiled genuinely and said...

"HAPPY DIWALI STRANGER", Thanks for the advice ..

She smiled and left my hand , even though I wanted to hold her hand but I couldn't she is not my Nandini, she just opened her bag and gave me a "STAR".

MA-what is this for stranger?

Na-I think u need to keep it, FOR OUR FIRST MEETING, MR.MANIK MALHOTRA

She smiled and walked out without turning back, I was sure..she was walking with attitude and smirk of fooling me.. I was dumbfound , because my stranger knew my name, is she god or what , but to my bad luck I couldn't see her, where the hell ?she went within blink , oh! God was I dreaming no, she has given me the star, what is happening to me?

I started running here and there to find my stranger, for my bad luck I couldn't find her, Now I'm regretting for not seeing her face, bhagawan , why the hell I didn't see her face? who is she? How she knows my name? I thought she was insane no she made me one...

I closed my eyes in frustration, I was taking long breath because of continuous running, I didn't realized I was almost near the car of mine, which parked very far, just then my phone started ringing, without looking the ID , I received the call.


Person-hello manik

Ma-dad, where were u? I called so many times, where are u dad?

Dad-voh manik, I was in hospital..

Ma-what? Hospital? Dad are u alright? Please say,no, I will come to u dad..

All the negative thoughts within blink came in my mind, I can't lose my dad, he is my life, my thoughts were broken by dad..

Da- Manik, first listen to me beta, I was not hospitalized but my one employee was ill, he suddenly fainted in office so I took him to hospital, I was talking to his daughter at the same time u called me baccha , so I could not pick ur call, that's the reason why I cut the call of urs, because she needed me more than u... sorry manik...

I felt relaxed, after listening my dad explanation , that stranger words came true, she was right my dad cannot ignore me without any reason, I felt unknown peace...

Ma-its okay dad, I was worried for u, I love u dad..

Dad-I love u Manik, I missing u so much, I heard that u are in Mangalore please ghar aja Manik.. Bangalore is not far..

Ma-no dad , until I complete my goal, I won't come back..

Dad- Manik, happy Diwali and ur gift is waiting for u, I know u won't come home to celebrate it

but please take the gift, it is very precious to me, I have sent it to Mumbai please have a look kanna..


DAD-sure, (after a pause he said) Manik u are changing


Da-yes, its true...think about it...happy Diwali Manik... Bye..

Ma-bye dad

I hung the call and walked towards the car , all the things were roaming around me, why? My dad said that I'm changing, ek second I never say Diwali wishes to dad but how come I said that, oh! Now I got it, he said i'm changed because I wished him, what's happening ? I am I changing... with only one meet with that stranger...


I suddenly walked to car, because I wanted to stop this shit out of me, mainly to meet NANDINI, where are u now madam? Deko I'm tried of reaching that stranger and I don't want to search u also, please yaar I need to see ur face...


I shouted her name, which echoed whole beach because of emptiness ...

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