Part 8

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New morning as many things it may be good or bad . But there is a person who decides what should be added to the day of a person according to their fates. Yes, for Nandini's fate was once again giving her chance to her life to get back herself what she was ,but it depended on her whether she accepts the new change or not. To get her life back how it was?

Manik was catching his dream girl. A beautiful angel was running away from him saying

Dream girl- catch me if u can?

How can MANIK MALHOTRA accept his defeat. He finally caught her. They where near cliff , where u can see entire city from the view point. She was standing near cliff viewing entire city there was shine in her eyes seeing such night beauty from that point.

Ma-see I caught. Now show me ur face

As she lost the game which she played with him from long time. Accepted her defeat to show her face to him. She was in her red gown looking fab, with are cute and innocent face. Gown was showing her perfect curves which is just adding hottness to her beauty. A beautiful smile which make every person on the world under her foot. She was simply epitome of BEAUTY...

DR-Ab khush ho

Only one word came out of his mouth as a prayer .It was a moment u got ur best gift for ur life. Yes she was gift for Manik for his life, Yes she was his dream girl. Finally he got her.



MA-don't leave ME ?? it was his plead

Na-I'll never leave u manik


Na-hamesha(she made promise to him from her heart to him)

Ma-I love u

Na-no reply came from other side only smile came as return

He just hugged her tightly it was more than a bone crashing hug

Ma-say something

In reply he got humming. But wait she was not singing who it was. He found himself waking up from her dream . Yes finally he found his DREAM GIRL WHO WAS NONE OTHER THAN HIS OPPOSITE NANDINI MURTHY.

Ok now he wake because of beautiful melody which was making environment soothing adding to beautiful morning. But it was an alarm of his mobile to wake up to go Nandini's place. It was beautiful humming in girl's voice which was like Nandini herself saying to Manik as reply

It was RAABTHA IN FEMALE VERSION.(this song shows how soul mates are destined till eternity- I personally like this song which shows women heart to his men)

Manik just smiled , he was like Nandini is saying this words to Manik as reply. He was very happy. And the girl humming the song was Manik's favorite , his morning starts with her melody and ends with her melody. That voice give peace to him. Some people say that some good things show signs even Manik was feeling the same hearing that song at the same time.

Finally his trance was break by his own GHOST , who came to him to wake up and he stopped his alarm before she gets to know about his chotu sa secret because he don't want to be teased by her this time adding to it he found his DREAM GIRL IN DREAM. He was very happy this was noticed by his little sis GHOST

Mu-so, u are up. I thought of pouring water on u to wake up , which u did other day(with very disappointment of failing her plan)

Ma-oh! Really . No one can do it with it includes u also little Ghost(with winning smile and he covered idiotic smile of his with a smirk)

Mu-bhai, I hate u

Ma-but I love my little sis GHOST

Mu-so I was here to call because dad was asking so

Ma-why what happened?

Mu-nothing serious, actually I was here to ask u to join us for Nandu's house.

Our majnu manik was once again went Nandu's land. He was not in his senses because he was so lost.

Mu-bhai, did u like nandu?

Ma-haa , I tou love her

Mu-what (really not surprised because he once again went to Nandini land and he himself told everything yesterday)

Ma-haa, I love her(same idiotic smile came on his face actually like love sick puppy)

Mu-is it love at first sight?

Ma-yes, but even at every sight of her(this really chessy)

Mu-are u serious because she won't believe in any relationship or she trust any one bhai

Ma-(now he came out of the trance ) but I will make her believe in me (in serious voice and he determined tone)

Mu-I want u think about ur decision because I don't want u too be hurt

Ma-this time nothing goes wrong trust me

Mu-I trust u(because she herself want Nandini's happiness as friend she ows to her more because she was alive because of her)

Ma-then leave to me , u will see changes in her soon

Mu- I hope so, get ready we need leave fast


Manik went washroom to get freshen up. Came out after short shower because he wanted to see Nandini asap , as he was missing her badly especially after the dream. He came out and wored white shirt with blue jeans over black jacket. Giving final glance to himself, he joined his family, who were waiting for him. He greeted everyone good morning. But Arjun saw some determination smile in his son's face. Soon all left for Nandini's place asap accompanied by cavya also.

They soon reached Murthy's mansion , it was equally beautiful as Malhotra Mansion. They all entered the house only to see Alya running upstairs to wake up her sis.


Al-mukthi, I was waiting u people, come in guyzz

Ar-where is Nandini , is she fine

Al-hey uncle she is fine I guess she must be sleeping . ok u people make urself comfortable.

Al-kaka get them coffee and black coffee for di

Ka-yeah beta , I'm coming

Ar-where are ur parents

Al-mostly in room getting ready for some stupid shadi and mom to her kitty party

Al-ok fine u all seat I'll wake up di

But to her dismay she was called by her parents. So she told Mukthi to wake Nandini and give her black coffee.

Mu-yeah sure.

At the same time she got call from Abhi . So, she said Dhruv to wake up Nandini . But to Manik's luck or what(chance pe dance was manik's luck)

Dhruv also wanted to meet Alya in chup ke because he was also missing his lady he gave lame excuse to rest which was convinced by everyone but how can he go from eye of our Cabiraa. He sensed something fishy about Alya and Dhruv . But he didn't want to make a move until he knows exactly whats going on b/w them. Even his dad suggested him to wake up her, he also got signal from cavya. So he went straight to her room.

So as said by Dhruv he went to wake up Nandini. With help of kaka's direction he went to Nandini's room. It was last room in upper staircase. Nothing beautiful he came across Nandini's room . He just was opened the door only to get shock because it was simple room , there was only a couch , a bed at side . And all the windows were closed with old curtains.No pictures anything , it was almost like old room of that mansion. No color which attracts the people. He never expected Nandini's room like this. Because she was girl , he atleast knows how a girl room will be and adding to it she was not a ordinary girl . She was the richest girl in whole the world. He never expected this thing really. He stopped all his thoughts when he went inside  the room looking it every corner of the room. Finally he saw the bed which was placed near the couch.


The only word came out of his mouth as a prayer.he saw angel sleeping on her bed. He saw her, a beautiful smile appeared in his face but soon vanished when he saw her dried tears near her eyes. Which clearly said she was crying at last night. Something broked in Manik's heart . And finally he saw some heart shaped locket in her hand , she was holding the locket as if someone snatches it. He also observed a key shaped tattoo in her hand , (key's end was in heart shape only). It was really surprising to him. Then he taught of waking her up , so he moved towards her .

Ma-nandini wake up

Na-sone do na(putting blanket over her head and sleepy voice which was equally in sexy manner)

Ma-acha see I'm starving because of u(with smile)

na -go and have ur breakfast don't eat my head

ma-ok I'll have with u only na(in sexy way as nandu's)

na-(she covered herself more with blanket but actually she was  not that ARROGENT NANDINI MURTHY BUT ONLY NANDU)

MA-come on sleepy head its 10 am

Na-fine (she opened her only to see smiling manik infront of her eyes)

Ma-good morning nandini(with same smile)

Na-good morning(with her best smiling face)

At the same time downstairs alya went to her parents room After that she came with sad face from her parents room. In hall dhruv came near her before he something

Al-where is mukthi?

Ca-she got call from jiju so she went receive his call

Al-so I should go and wake up di

Ar- no worries

Dh-bhai went to wake up di

That was it she run to her di's room like manic,  which shocked everyone, even mukthi who came after hanging her call with abhi.

Alya hurried herself move asap before it gets late to anything.

The door was banged by alya which gave the attentions of both the people , who were really not in their senses at the point of time.

Nandini and Manik came into senses by the sudden sound . Nandini hurriedly got up and hidded her locket in her dress, which was seen by Manik. But he did'nt asked as Alya was near the bed almost.

Al-di good morning(still breathing was not normal due running)

Na-good morning (with fear in her voice as she was caught by some one)

Then Nandini suddenly shouting in pain holding her hands near her head. This was panic news for both the poor souls. Alya went near her to sooth her pain by taking her hug . Actually like a mother . Where was Manik keeping his hand on her shoulder to take her pain. Due to her shout Mukthi and Dhruv came to her room . Followed by everyone expect her parents

Al-di are u fine

Na-alya I'm feeling thousands of people hitting me with hammer ahh!

Al-di dii.. ok jus just relax(she was very worried for her)

Ar-doll everything will be fine

Al-oh! Kaka give her black coffee , I think she will be fine

Ka- haa, beta have this u will feel better

Al-I will call Abhi ,

Manik was near here . he never took his hand back from nandini's shoulder . He was very worried for her. Infact she was having pain but tears was manik's , which was threatening to fall. At the same time Cabir placed his hand on Manik's shoulder to support him, say if saying everything will fine soon. After drinking her coffee Nandini felt relax , was it because of coffee or Manik who knows.(I think its from manik -hope so) Even Nandini didn't realize that Manik was holding her but something peace, which was very necessary for her. It was like as if mother concerning her kid. Yes Manik was worried as mother worries for her child when the child gets hurt, same thing was happening their . Here she was child of his. Even Alya withdraw her hug long time back but Manik didn't withdraw his hold on her shoulder.

After few seconds door opened once again but it was Abhi, who was hell worried for her. He never want to see her like this. He was childhood friend of her he took care of her very well. He knows her from in and out.

Ab-doll, tu.. tu tekh haina(he was stammering even though he was doctor . This things are nothing to him but when it comes to her , he is nothing only her friend , who loves her unconditionally as friend. )

Na-my head , this too much I can't handle it any more(even in so much pain she didn't had tears , if other person was there in her place they end up by crying or doing something. Even physical pain was nothing in front of mental pain. )

Ab-ok fine, relax doll everything will be fine in minutes, just trust me(he was also in tears. Infact everyone seeing her in that condition)

Ar-abhi doll is fine na

Ab-don't worry she'll be fine uncle. Did u gave her black coffee

Al-ya she just had it, this is scaring me

Ab-alya everything will be fine

Ab-doll, how are u feeling now

Na-much better.

Ab-u scared me didn't u had ur milk night

Na-yeah had, otherwise u people come after me , especially dad

Ar-otherwise u won't listen na (he was almost shouting at her)

Ma-dad why are u shouting.(he was really worried for nandini even tears are not stopped)(because he saw that Nandini was not able take more noise)

Ar-sorry doll, u know that I can't see u like this

Na-its ok dad , I'm fine now. Wait a second what all are u doing , that to in this house , I said I will come to home na then

Ar-to see my daughter at morning and to spend time with u . Its been so long

Na-oh! C'mon u met me last month only

Ar- but I was not there with u entire month na

Na-like really , ok fine u all head down I guess u all not had anything , I'll just freshen up and come down

All- are u fine

Na- yes guyzz I'm fine , feeling relaxed much better now, u all people go down.

By the time even Nandini realized Manik was keeping his hands on her but neither she was angry nor she shrugged his hand over her shoulder. Even she noticed his pain in his eyes and even his tears , seeing her but she only gave blank expression to him. Everyone left her room expect Manik , who was more worried than anyone . He never like to see her in pain in her. He just came in front of her sitting beside her bed and left his hand, as Nandini was watching his hand over her shoulder.

Ma-how are u , u are feeling better(he was very much concern for her. In motherly tone to her)

Na- I think ur deaf , I said I'm fine(but now she was Nandini Murthy not the same Nandini , he met are before this things happened)

Ma-u know u are my doctor, so treat me properly(he just changed the topic because she was not at all fine. He want her to relax , only his naughty talks can make that)

Na-so, u better go to Alya or Abhi, they'll treat u better so don't eat my head and yes I'm fine little bit of pain is there but I'll be fine. So, u just go down I'll freshen up and come down. So, that u got all ur answer u can go down.

Ma-thank u , I'm waiting for u

Why she answered him , but even though it was stern without expression from her side , it felt very necessary to answer , as if he deserves that right on her to answer him. But reality was no one questions her , if asked consequences will be too high , who asked that question to her. For the first time Nandini Murthy answered someone , who was any one in her life but still she did to him as like he was very special person to her.

After satisfied by her reply Manik left her room saying

Ma-stop thinking get ready and ur locket will not go anywhere and about that locket I won't say anyone(nandu was facing his back)

And Nandini was shocked by her own act and top of it his words...

Na pov this man really surprises me how come he gets to know about inner feelings and top of it, I was about to ask him about the locket before I ask him . He really as the ability to read me, I should be care full around him.

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