What's up with this man?

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(A/N: Woah. Isn't amazing? 3 updates in a day! For me it's an achievement. I have a feeling that I might fall sick considering my condition atm. Don't worry. I'm fine so till the time I'm feeling good enough to write so I thought to write these up. Ignore the errors. 🙊 I'll try not to make so many but if I do ignore and pardon me.
Happy Reading lovelies. ❤)


I washed used dishes and went back to our room, surprisingly manik didn't follow me in the kitchen but went back to the room.
When I reached inside - I saw him working on his laptop.
Who the hell works on sunday?
Well, why the hell I'm bothered. Let him do whatever he wants to I had made my mind that I'll visit mukti but then I realized she had to go goa today with abhimaniyu.
Agh. What is my life! I'll have to spend the whole day with him now. 😣
I'd do anything but spending time with this guy!

"Manik, I'm going to meet my friend today. I just came to inform you." - I informed him. Sitting in the couch right in front of the bed.

"Nandini Murthy, FYI, I know you don't have friends here in Mumbai. So stop making useless excuses! Stay at home only." - He said working on his laptop.

"FYI, I have friends here." - I lied but then I wanted to leave that place so bad.

"Okay fine, come I'll drop you at your friend's place." - He mocked.

"What.. wait.. why!?" - I fumbled, that was enough for him to understand I was lying.

"I knew you don't have any friends so sit here and no more drama!" - He said in a stern tone.

"What the hell! What am I supposed to do here? You're busy on your laptop and I'm sitting here doing nothing" - I said annoyingly.

"You want some work to do? Hmm? Like that." - He said shifting the laptop from his lap to the bed, wearing his famous smirk.

Oh man. How did I not see this coming. This man was calm because he was waiting for the right moment to attack on me, just like the way tiger waits for the right time to attack on his prey.
I started to chant all the mantaras I knew in order to keep this man away from me but then I knew they're pretty useless. A feeling of getting fucked by same man for the third time, whom I don't love or love idk, developed in me.
I knew no matter how much I protest not to give in, in the end I would be the one pulling him close. Not to forget the fact, I had allowed him to go for a second round with me the other day.
I was busy in my thoughts. When I saw him standing right in front on me with his smirk.
Oh this one smirk has to power to make me loose against him and fall for this guy head over heels.
How do I tell this guy how much this smirk effects me.
He leaned towards me, adjusting his hand on the couch's arm and his other hand attacked my lips, he rubbed his thumb on my lower lip, smudging the gloss I was wearing, he licked the gloss and eyed me.
I was looking at him like a 2 year old kids who's lollipop is stolen by one of her greedy cousin.

"You look cute." - He exclaimed and giggled a little.

I knew why the hell he giggled. He traced his finger on my face, sending electrifying shivers down my spine and attacked my lips again with his thumb - tortured them with his thumb.
'Kiss me already', these were three words circling my head that moment. He made me loose my own game so bad that I didn't even realize what he's up to.

"Say it loud nandini. I want to hear it what you heart is shouting." - He said with his ever calm tone.

Woah. This was the moment, I realized he played my game even better than me. He wanted to kiss me bad but held his desires and made me loose against him and wanted me to ask for it but to be very honest at that moment when I wanted that mouth to eat my lips like never before, I didn't mind losing against him.

"Kiss me." - I whispered.

"I didn't hear you nandini, come again." - He said under his smirk. 😎

Such a jerk. He seriously cared more about this deal that moment then kissing me. I hate myself. I legit hate my self for giving him the access to my body. This was the only reason that I wanted to go out so at least I get a one day break but then.. I hate my life. 😩

"I guess you don't need anything. I'll go and complete pending office work." - He told me and moved a little, erm.. millimeters away from me that we can't even count as the distance.

"Kiss me." - I said. This time I was loud enough for him to hear me.

Not even a second passed and he attacked on my lips, a brutal attack. Isn't that enough for me to understand how much 'pain' he had to go through to hold his desires. He didn't let me do anything but to moan his name inside his mouth. He made me taste his pain of holding his desires by attacking on my bosoms with his giant animal paw, you're doing it wrong when you say they're his hands because when they work on you that moment you realize how they actually are. He left my lips after chewing them, he pecked on my lips, a soft feature kiss which you can't expect from this monster but he did. Wow.
He just up scooped me his arms and made me lie down on the bed, he hovered over me and buried his face somewhere in my neck, his lips touched my skin waking up wild desiers. He didn't do anything for minutes. We stayed in the same position.

"Nandini, can you please hold me tight." - He said, I could feel some pain in his voice.

Wait. What. Monster just said please to me. Wow. Achievement. I smiled but then something got me worried - this guy who never listens no and does everything his way just said 'please' to me. I didn't waste more time and wrapped my hand around his body as tight as I could. Surprisingly, it felt good in a weird manner. He slid his hands down my body to hold me.
That moment I got my peace may be even manik too but I'm not sure. We stayed in the same position for minutes. Then I felt movement in his body, I supposed he wanted to me loose my grip. I did and he got up and walked out of the room leaving me alone lying on the bed.
He didn't even celebrate his victory. He just walked out without saying a word to me.
Oh god. This guy is definitely an alien.
Kab kya karta hai usko khud ko bhe nae pata.
but abhe maine kya kiya. I'm repeating my old mistakes.
This 'no hearts involved' game has definitely a great role being played by my heart, willingly or unwillingly. My heart wants him so bad. I don't hate this man. I hate him for using me or any other girl for a night to calm his desires, but I don't want to love him either. I can't fall for a guy who uses girls for a night, idk what I have which others girls don't have that I'm getting his extra attention but honestly, I don't want this attention, but whatever it is, I can't let my heart to get involved in his but then it's already been a major part of it. I'm sacred to love that piece of flesh and bones, I doubt he has a heart. What if he gets bored of me one day and kick me out of his life and his house like I never existed.
I will have to think a secondary option for me. So that when he kicks me out of his life I do have something in life to move on.

I got up from the bed straightened myself and walked towards the kitchen to drink water.

(How was it? I hope you had a good time reading. Let me know. Okaythanksbye. Tadaaa. ❤)

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