House pics.

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Read the content properly to understand the house

This is the actual house. And the lane you can see that is like that only and Manik will park his car over here.

Now in this pic you'll can see the trees so the trees are their wall boundaries surrounding the house and green patches of garden. This house☝is located exactly like this 👇. And there are many houses like this around their house.
Avoid the beach.

For more clear understanding see the wall

This is how the living room looks as you enter the house. But its interior is not like this. You can see the kitchen too and it's located exactly over there.

Actual living room. The upper glass wall it is a huge as living room coz Manik have made only one room in this house and occupied the whole space.

The remaining side of living room

Kitchen (the actual pic)

The kitchen has chairs like this

The cabinets open like this

Stairs. It is located a little away from kitchen

Their room (it's half glass wall and half with wall)
Their bed. Actual bed

Behind their bed is their walking closet. In this pic 👇you can see at left side there is space that will lead to walk in closet.

Walk in closet.

Exactly in front of the bed but very far away is their bathroom.

Shower at the end of bathroom

This is how the bathroom block looks

The other side of bedroom

All the glass walls have curtains. In this pic you can see the curtains on the left side of bed. Manan's room is also like that. Glass wall at left so that whole length is covered with curtains.

Similarly the bathroom walls are also covered with plastic curtains due to which you can't see anything of and from bathroom. I hope it's clear so can ask anything through comments if there is any confusion.

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