•Chapter 1•

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Before you guys read the following Chapter keep few things in mind:

1-The Story is now an FS. Means Four or Five shots it depends how the plot goes...

2-The story include a lot of swearing and a little bold stuff which is obviously not my thing but still I tried..

3-Thirdly and most importantly! The Manik and Nandini of this story are complete Idiots. I know it will be difficult for you all to imagine them like that but be with it please I love to write craps..

4- If you don't like it then don't read. A single rude comment and you will be thrown in the block list I know am sounding rude but am sorry can't help it..


Happy Reading!

Chapter 1- Why You Saved Me??

I sipped my coffee staring out of the window looking at everywhere but particularly nowhere..

Life is not easy for me...

If I would say that it gave me nothing then I will be called selfish.

My parents died when I was very young. My Chacha Chachi used to live in London with their son so when they came to India on my Parents death they brought me with them and now it's been 23 long years since I have visited India. I don't miss my home town cuz I don't remember anything to miss.

Chacha Chachi were quite generous on me they motivated me to study medical which result me to be one of the best Doctor of the states.

I am happy. Yeah am terrible liar.

Though I had Chacha's family with me still the loneliness was there. The hollowness in my life was growing stronger with each passing day and it was scaring me. I used to laugh. I used to smile but still the sincerity was missing.

For my friends and family I was the most happy soul of all. But wo kehty hain na that the person who laugh more is the most sad from inside. Maybe I was one of them..

As I told you earlier I am not selfish. I thank God for the life I have. I visit church weekly and I think it's enough...

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I live alone now as I am independent and not wanted to be a burden on Chacha.

You all must be thinking that why I don't have a boyfriend. I tried to date many boys but they all were so immature and complete idiots. The only thing they wanted was to get in my pants. I seriously hate these kinda guys. So I chucked the idea of dating and satisfied myself on being alone.

I never wished a rich life. I always wanted someone who love me not for my looks and body. I wanted someone who must be like me. The person who also don't have any other to share his miseries and hollowness. But I never found any and Navya used to taunt me that I was absolutely insane as there will be none like the one I wanted. So I stopped searching. Actually love was totally not my thing. I didn't know how to love maybe it's because nobody was there to tell me actually what love is. I was three years old when my parents died and my Chacha Chachi didn't had much time for me and their son..

Well well I am weird I know. Let's not discuss much about my failed personal life. Let's start with the usual routine.

It was another usual day. I woke up with my early morning alarm and after taking a hot shower I made myself a coffee. After finishing coffee I changed in my black skirt which ended up till my knees with a dark green buttoned up shirt. I choose to wear my red heels with it. Applying my usual make up I picked up my purse and car keys along with my duty coat. I was not in a hurry so slowly and gracefully I walked out of my apartment locking it behind me.

I walked towards the lift and within next five minutes I was walking to the parking of my building.

"Doctor Murthy!!!" I heard a shout and gritted my teeth so hard on hearing that idiot's voice. He was there again to spoil my morning.

Plastering a smile I turned to see Yuvraj coming towards me.

"Good Morning Mr.Singh!" I said with a small smile and he chuckled like a donkey. Yeah that's what he was..

"Morning Doctor Murthy! Going to hospital?" He asked showing me his teeth and I was really not in a mood of that informal kinda discussion..

"Yes actually am getting late! So I should get going?" I tried to excuse myself and jiggled my car keys in front of him to made my words a little effective..

"Yes yes! Work comes first! But I really wanted to ask a night out? Are you free tonight?" And here we go finally from last fifteen days he was trying to ask me out finally he did..

He was handsome but not the person I needed..

"No Mr.Singh! Am afraid to tell you that I have a dinner with my family tonight and am busy! Am terribly sorry!" I said with fake sad expressions and Yuvraj's face fell..

Come on! Go away ass...

"Ohhh! It's okay! We will make a plan some other day!" He said lowly and I patted his shoulder before walking towards my car. As soon as my car ran on the main road I took a sigh of relief...

To my home girls here livin' it up
Feeling alive and are in love
Remember only God can judge ya
Forget the haters 'cause somebody loves ya
Everyone actin' like they know you
So fake actin' like they so cool
We all so turned up here
Getting turned up, yeah, yeah

So la da da di
We like to party
Dancing with Miley
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules

And we can't stop
And we won't stop
Can't you see it's we who own the night?
Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life?

"La da da di..!" I sang along with Rebecca and Jon. The acoustic version of We can't stop of Miley was my favorite. My car ran on the busy road with ease and I opened the window. It was drizzling and light droplets fell on my face making me feel alive. The cold wind passed touching my almost bare arms and I let it all go for few minutes..

I always liked the rains because these were the best to calm down the raging storm in me. I drive very slowly and tried to enjoy as much as possible but soon I was forced to stop my car as I saw a lot of people gathered around a car which must had hit with an electricity poll.


The driver must needed help..

I parked my car aside and texted Mark; my assistant for an ambulance along with the address. With that I jumped off my car and run towards the accident area..

"Move!! Move!! Am a doctor move!!!" I shouted my lungs out to disperse the crowd and making my way with loads of difficulty I reached the driver seat..

The face of the driver was not visible to me as his head had hit the steering wheel and his forehead was bleeding badly. He was unconscious as his eyes were closed..

"Hello? Mister? Can you hear me??" I shouted shaking him but no response. Suddenly I spotted a long knife cut on his wrist..

Oh sh!t..

Somebody tried to kill him??


Think Nandini Think..

Mark come soon..

I tried moving the man and finally succeeded. Now he sat with his back resting with the seat and his face angled away from me. His whole face was covered in blood. His long thick hair which were falling on his forehead were also covered in blood. Biting my lower lip I unintentionally raised my hand to caress his hair but then retreated back as I had heard ambulance approaching..


Treating the physically wounded patient was not my job. I was a member of psychology department. Basically I was a psychiatrist. Maybe that's why I used to see the world through a different angel.

Why left is called left and right is called right? We can also call left as right and right as left??

Why people take life so for granted?

Am I crazy? Yes maybe I am but Navya had once called me different maybe..

Well I am psychiatrist and I play with human mind. No one can win from me in talks...mind talks...

The patient was immediately taken in to the ICU and without any reason I was standing in front of the ICU door waiting for doctor Edward to come out and tell me about the man's whereabouts..

Three hours passed and I kept standing like a complete idiot just to wait for that patient..

Lagta kya hai mera..

But there was something which attracted me...

What was it? I was unable to figure out. I should be figuring out as I am psychiatrist but for the first time I failed...

Suddenly the door of ICU opened and I saw Doctor Edward coming out..

I run towards him and he stopped..

"Doctor Edward!! How's the patient?" I asked impatiently and Edward nodded..

"He is out of danger now! He is lucky that you brought him on time! You saved his life doctor Murthy! Good job! The forehead wound was very deep moreover his wrist was also hurt! I am not much sure about that wrist cut! But let's wait till he gets his conscious back!" Doctor Edward said in a hurry and soon walked off..

An unknown relief filled me that he was okay!

Finally now I will be able to concentrate on my patients..


I yawned opening my full mouth and didn't bother to place my hand back over it. Ahhh how much I love to be a free bird. But the norms and regulations of the society never allowed me to do anything of that sort so I used to do it in my alone times. It was 8:30 of the night and my shift was over.

So many patients used to visit me. Recently a lady patient came and she was a raped case. Her mind was totally gobbled up because of that horrible night. She was just 17 years old and the monsters didn't think at least for once before assaulting the little fairy. She was vulnerable.

She was all in my mind when I packed my things and walked out of my cabin. The tuk tuk sound of my heels echoed in the quiet corridor when I passed by. I walked down the stairs and suddenly a nurse came in front of me.

"Doctor Murthy!" She panicked and I stared at her in confusion..

"What happened Jesy?" I asked trying to hold her hand and she started dragging me with herself.

"That patient! To whom you brought in the morning is shouting and cribbing! He wants to meet you!" She told me hysterically and my breath quickened..

"What me?? Why me??" I panicked being dragged with her..

"I don't know Doctor! He is asking for the person who saved his life!" She told me again and I thought for a moment..

"Ohh maybe he wants to thank me?" I said nodding my head and Jesy stopped..

"His mood is not good! Am scared of him! He is kinda ummm! Dangerous! His eyes! They have something Doctor!" She told me in a horrified tone and I gulped in fear.

But how can I show it to a junior nurse..

"Oh Jesy! It's okay! No need to get worried! He must be under medicine effect!" I tried to sound as casual and calm as possible..

"Maybe!" She said nodding her head and we once again started walking towards the patient's room. Soon we reached and I felt my throat turning dry.

What the hell!! Why the heck am I so nervous! He is just a normal patient yes...

"His name is Manik Malhotra Doctor! And Am not joining you! He scares me!" Jesy told me in a innocent tone with head low and I nodded before pushing the door to open it..

I entered the room and saw him lying on the bed. I was facing his back. The comforter was thrown on the floor and the medicines also joined it..

Stubborn patient I would say..

Doctor Edward used to refer these kinda patients to me. I had a compelling ability. I used to tame his many patients for him. Yeah Doctor Edward and I used to share a super bond around.

The sound of my heels once again echoed in the room and the patient what was his name? Oh yeah Manik Malhotra... Manik must have heard it because he stirred.

He groaned a little in pain when I approached him...

"Mr.Malhotra?" I said softly when I reached to his face but his face was still dug in the pillow. "Are you okay?" I spoke again when he didn't move even a bit. I raised my hand to touch his shoulder and I noticed my hand was shivering..

Crap! What the hell is happening to me!!

Before I could touch him he immediately raised his hand and gripped my wrist tightly..

My eyes widened and my breath went wild. His grip was tight. He slowly raised his head and finally his Greek god kinda face became visible to me.

He was the most handsome soul on the earth ever in my pov...

His pink luscious lips. His light stubble. His sharp jawline. His perfectly painted nose and most of all his burning eyes.

He was a perfect human specimen..

"Mr.Malhotra?" I again tried to take his attention and he look at me with droopy eyes..

"Are you the one who saved my life??" He directly asked the question and his voice was heavy, dangerous..

The demand in his voice scared me but..

I should be confident yeah...

"Yes actually! But no need to thank it was my duty!" I said boasting up a little and giving him a small smile but his expressions turned into angry one..

Oh God..

"What the hell was your problem??" He suddenly roared jerking my hand away and it hit the side table badly..

"Ouch!!" I squealed in pain but the anger in his eyes doubled.

"You doctors!!!! Why?? Why you saved me?" He again shouted and I stared at him shocked...

He didn't want to get saved??

"What do you mean?? You wanted to--?" I was unable to complete my words and he cut me..

"Die!!! Yes you stupid! I wanted to die! Everything was so perfectly planned but just because of you it failed!!!" He shouted pulling his hair and was on verge of crying..

What the fu*k is happening?

"I saved your life??" I said in disbelief..

"Who?? Who asked you to do this 'samaj seva'!!!!" He yelled getting up and I stared at him scared now.

He was really something because nobody can even move from the bed after having such a severe accident...

"I..! I!" I tried to say something but nothing came out and he walked towards me this naturally forced me to back off while his eyes were throwing anger..

"You???" He demanded gritting his teeth and my back touched the cold wall making me gasp..

"I thought! I was helping you! Why you wanted to die?" I spoke meekly and I thought he would eat me up..

"Keep your doctor nose out of my business!! You have already ruined everything for me!!!" He spoke angrily and I gulped..

What a psycho he is??

"Listen! I can help--!" I tried to use my professional ways with him but..

"Shut the fu*k up!!!" He barked and slammed his hurt wrist right beside my head. "Arghhhh! This hurt like a bitch!!!!!" He shouted holding his fist and I shook my head..

"This is what happens when you don't listen to your doctor!!" I said casually folding my across my chest and he once again tried to come towards me but thankfully backed off..

"Doctor haan!! Then Come here and treat me!!!" He roared ordering me while he himself sat back on his bed and I made a wicked face finally he needed a doctor . I walked towards him. His wrist was bleeding once again and he was staring at me. I bent down and picked up the comforter along with his medicines. I placed comforter on the bed and medicines on the table. With that I grabbed a fresh bandage from the drawer and sat beside him.

"Show me your hand!" I said to him and he once again glared at me.

"Don't babysit me!" He spoke coldly and I sighed..

Itna attitude? Like seriously?

"Okay okay! I won't!" I said in a defensive tone and he forwarded his hand..

I held his hand and untied the old bandage which was now bleeding in spite of stitches..

"How did you get this cut?" I tried to sound friendly and he flinched when I applied the antiseptic..

"With a knife!" His expressions turned dark and he kept staring at the marble floor..

"Who did this to you?" I got the confidence to ask more as he was answering to my questions..

"There is no soul on earth who has the power to hurt Manik Malhotra except myself! So obviously I myself did this!" The coldness of his attitude froze everything around.

Why he wants to kill himself??

An unknown worry overpowered me for him...

I was done tying the bandage. I got up slowly and handed him his medicines along with a glass of water. He obediently gulped the medicine and laid on the bed.

"All this pain sh!t which is happening to me is because of you!" He mumbled under his breath and wait!

"Excuse me??" I freaked out.

"Keep your voice low woman! My head is hurting like fu*k!" He said in an irritated tone and I gritted my teeth...

"Will you not swear please??" I said with a bad face and he look at me with a whatever face..

"Why?? Are you kid? Don't you know the meaning of sh!t and fu*k??" He said with an tired face and I rolled my eyes..

"Obviously I know! But it doesn't suit a sophisticated person!" I try reasoning and he chuckled..

"Yeah! Sophisticated? Really! You doctors are always pain in ass! Now fu*k off! I want to sleep!" He said pulling the comforter over himself and covered his eyes with his arm over..

But I was not done yet..

"Hey! You can't sleep like this!" I said shaking his arm and he opened his eyes with so irritated expressions..

"Do have any better idea to sleep with?" He said coldly staring at my first opened button of my shirt and I immediately buttoned it glaring at him..

"Why you blamed me for your pain? You are the one responsible for it!" I accused him and he rolled his eyes balls..

"I was tou diying mazay say! But you were the one who saved me and now I have to suffer with this sh!tty pain!" He explained me in a casual tone and I stared at him as if he was an alien..

"Dying mazay say??" I again shouted in disbelief and he glared at me.

"Yeah! If I would have dead at that time tou I wouldn't have suffer these pains!" He was so casual..

"Do you think dying is easy??" I asked in a disbelief and this time he didn't bother to answer me turned his back towards me..

Arghhh! This man!!

"Why you wanted to kill yourself?" I asked lowly and his eyes snapped at me. In next second he got up with a jerk and his hand fisted the back of my hair in with that he pulled me closer scaring the sh!t out of me..

Our faces were so close and lips were inches apart. I purred a little but..

"Shhhhh!" He shushed me dangerously and I gulped in fear. "You must have heard pretty lady doctors getting raped during night duty by the handsome patients?" He whispered hoarsely over my lips and I trembled on my place with my eyes bulging out of my sockets..

Rape??? Is he serious??

"Y-you! Wo-won't do that rig-right?" I stuttered and he chuckled evilly. Slowly bent to my ear and the words he whispered in my ears sent shiver down my spine...

His words were..

"I won't mind ripping your skirt apart and getting in to your panties! Trust me I can do this! Don't consider me weak! These injuries can't make me stay away from fu*king you senseless!"

My chest heaved due to the deep breaths I was taking and he smirked looking at me..

"What happened? Bus itne he himat the?" He asked playfully and I stared at him in disbelief. "Mjy tou laga tha tum brave ho!" He was now laughing at my situation and sat on the bed crossing his legs. "What were you saying? Do you think dying is easy?" He mimicked me and I just wanted to punch him in the face.

Did he just humiliated me like a b!tch??

"Shut up!!!" I shouted and he was now laughing his lungs out..

"You mother fu*ker! Fu*king asshole!!!" I shouted pushing him away and he laughed more..

"Hey! Swearing doesn't suit to sophisticated people!" He said winking at me and I was about to slap him when he held my hand. In next second I was over him and few strands of hair fell out of my loosely tucked bun..

"Hey doctor girl! You can't slap me! It doesn't suit to sophisticated people!" He said softly and his one hand pulled the clipper of my hair away. All my hair immediately fell on my sides and few of the strands touched his face too..

What is happening...

"Khulay baloon main achi lagti ho!" He said with a small smile looking at me innocently and I look at him shocked..

"When did you saw me in open hair?" I asked in a horrified tone and he immediately loosened his grip on my waist. But I didn't move and stared at him demanding for an answer..

"What? Move heavy woman! You are fu--!" Before he could swear more I palmed his lips..

"Dare not to swear more!" I warned him with angry eyes and he shrugged carelessly pushing me off of himself. I stood straight and he again turned his back to me.

I know he won't answer me so I didn't dare to say more and pursing my lips I started walking out when suddenly a thought stopped me..

What If he will try to kill himself again in my absence?

I immediately turned and saw his eyes closed..

"Mr.Malhotra?" I spoke and taking a long sigh he opened his eyes..

"Won't you lemme sleep Doctor?" He asked annoyed and I bite my lip..

"I will but you have to promise me something?!" I said walking back to him and he shook his head..

"We don't have any kind of relation! So there is no point of that sh!t promise thingy!" He said adjusting the comforter over him once again and closing his eyes to sleep again..

"Hey no! You have to promise me that you will not try to kill yourself again!" I was almost pleading and I felt his body stiffened on my words. Once again he turned his back to me and a sudden panic rushed into me. "Please!" I tried again..

"I can't promise for the things I can't do Doctor! Now get out or else I will the security!" He threaten me in a deep voice and I felt myself shivering in the thought of him being dead..

"Out Doctor!!!" He roared still looking away and I almost run out trying to control the tears which threatened to fall off my eyes..

A meeting of less then one hour made me so sensitive for that idiot?

But why he wanted to die? Why me tried to kill himself? And most importantly how do he know that I look good in open hair?

I don't remember meeting him earlier. I thought while driving towards my home..

I just hope he remain okay...

I am not gonna meet him again that's final..


Arghhhh! Who the hell invented these cell phones?? I will kill him...

My cell phone rang constantly and I opened my eyes to look the wall clock. It was striking 5 am of the morning and the cell phone was still ringing..

I forgot all the manners and swiped the screen..

"Hello!!!!" I screamed in extreme anger and I heard a gasp from other side..

"Doctor Muthy! It's me Jesy!" I heard Jesy's trembling voice and my mind immediately drifted towards him..


I hope he is okay...

"Mam! That Malhotra patient! His condition is getting worse! He is asking for you! And he has refused to take all the morning medicines! He is screaming in pain but not eating anything nor medicines!" She told me in a worried voice and I jumped off my bed in an instant. "I don't think he will be able to make it up!" Jesy's last words scared the sh!t out of me..

"He is not gonna die Jesy! Just hang in there! Am coming!" I shouted in extreme worry and grabbing my things, locking my door, I run towards the lift. Trust me with in next five minutes I was driving towards the hospital insanely..

Please don't die..



So how was it? Once again I forced you guys to think of what will happen next!! Ahh am evil hai na? But you all are loves! So now hurry and do comment! Please tell me was it good? :( am nervous!

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