~Characters Sketch~

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Hello People! : )

I have been working on the very first chapter of this story and I have realized that uncommonly for my stories a characters sketch is needed in which am not at all good.

But am gonna try here we go.

Female Lead : Nandini Murthy.

Age: 18 Years

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Alya Saxena And Mukti Sharma

Siblings: Rishab Murthy

The girl is a nerd. She has zero percent fashion sense. She is under the great influence of her elder brother. 

Alya Saxena

Age: 18 Years

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Nandini Murthy And Mukti Sharma

Siblings: Abhimanyu Saxena

Mukti Sharma

Age: 18 Years

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Nandini Murthy And Alya Saxena

Siblings: NONE

Rishab Murthy.

Age: 20 Years

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Abhimanyu Sharma

Siblings: Nandini Murthy

Male Lead: THE Manik Malhotra

Age: ----

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Harshad Saxena, Cabir Dhawan, Robert Williams and Sam Khurana

Gang Leader. King of his men. In search of his lady Love. He has his right on her and he'll get what he wants. By hook or by crook!!

Harshad Saxena

The second in command to Manik.

Age: ----

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Manik Malhotra, Cabir Dhawan, Robert Williams and Sam Khurana

One of the most sweetest hot guy in the group of Fabulous 5. He carries a golden heart. His relationship status is single. His all Loyalties lies for his King, Manik....  

Cabir Dhawan

Age: ----

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Harshad Saxena, Manik Malhotra, Robert Williams and Sam Khurana

The most friendly of all the other five. He is the con man. He always finds out a funny to get out of the situation. He is a forever single man no matter how much he tries he never gets a girl.

Robbert Williams 

Age: ----

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Harshad Saxena, Manik Malhotra, Cabir Dhawan and Sam Khurana

The guy with a soft and almost silent mouth. He speaks only when needed and very very much necessary. Girls die to be with him but he has his own bubble of world in which he lives happily.

Sam Khurana

Age: ----

Studies at: Scarlet Town High School and College

Friend's With: Harshad Saxena, Cabir Dhawan, Robert Williams and Manik Malhotra

Last but not the least! THE Sam Khurana. He is the player of all. For him feelings...girls...emotions everything are just a game. He plays. There is no true love for him. He fights. He is rude but. HE can for his KING...


Here you go with the characters. I'll add the necessary things later. Till then make up your mind with these dashing people!

How's the boys group? Hyeee!

And your wish of seeing Harshad in a positive character is fulfilled! In FL he died but here! YES! He is an immortal! :)

What about others?

You liked them?

Are you excited?

YES or NO?

Do lemme know through your comments :)

Love, Cheers! Mawara.

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