Chapter 10

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Do check out sun sathiyaa's sequel!

Chapter 10-A- I Love You!

Nandini's POV..

I kissed his ear again caressing his hair once again. While his breath was slow and sound. I was lying completely over his back and he was sleeping peacefully. The morning was not clear I could feel the rain drops dripping on the roof. 

He must have seen a very bad dream that's why he was so scared..

"You don't have to be so scared Manik! I know Christ will no more take our exam! We are together forever!" I whispered in his ear all the time running my fingers in the thick mane of his hair and he stirred in sleep. "Manikk!" I called him softly he needed to get up as he had to leave for his work. 

God! Four long painful days! How am gonna live without him. 

"Wake up sleepy boy!" I whispered again and he slowly tried to turn I got off his back. After few seconds he gathered me in his arms and his lips were pressed with mine..

"Morning Bella Shimmer!" He muttered between the kiss and I melted in his embrace trying to kiss him back with the same passion with which he was kissing me but seriously I clearly failed. The passion and love he held for me in his actions was nothing in compared to which I had for him..

He was a God.

Greek God...

He was a lover..

He was passionate..

He was my everything..

"Morning!" I mumbled back and he pinned me under him. Breaking the kiss he didn't left my skin and his lips grazed my throat sucking and nipping here there. I had to stop him. My hand traveled to his hair with that I palmed his lips..

"Lover boy! You need to leave have you forgotten?" I whispered tugging his hair playfully and he collapsed in my neck..

Sometimes he really acts like an innocent child...

"I will miss you so much!" He whispered sadly and I smiled..

"Not as much as I will..!" I said playfully teasing him but he didn't responded. It was unusual that he didn't reacted to my taunt. "Manik! Are you ok?" I asked lowly and he nuzzled in my neck..

"Nandini!" He started in a serious tone and I also plastered serious expressions on my face as whenever he used to call my name that means something was bothering him..

"Bolo Manik! You know you can share right?" I asked politely and he huffed a breath against my neck..

"I want to tell you something about me!" He spoke lowly which was less then a whisper.

What is he talking about?

"Han speak up!" I said in an assuring tone as his tone was filled with tension.

He paused...

"I will tell you once I will be back from the trip! Will you miss me?" He asked getting up and I frowned..

He changed the topic...

"Of course I will miss you!" I said cheerfully and got up with him. He took me in a side hug and pecked my forehead..

"Nandini! Remember one thing! Main jo hoon jesa bhi hoon mera pyaar tmhry liye bht sacha hai! Pakeeza hai! My love is true for you! I loved you! I love you! I will love you always! Forever! Hamesha!" He whispered resting his forehead over mine and I cupped his cheeks..

He was confusing me now...

"Manik! Why are you saying this? Tm aisy kiun bool rahy ho?" I asked worriedly and he held my hands..

"Nothing! I love you!" He said lowly and rested his head in my neck..

Ok! He is not gonna tell me. Fine I will wait!

"I know! And I love you too!" I said racking my fingers in his hair which calmed his stiff body against mine..


Chapter 10-B- My Manik An Angel!? Or Devil?

Manik's POV..

"Abhi! Dhruv! Cabir! You three will lead!" I announced and Aryaman's eyes snapped at me as I didn't took his name..

"What am I gonna do boss?" He asked in a worried tone and I shook my head.

"You have more important tasks to do with Arya!" I said getting up from my office chair and loaded my revolver..

"Anything boss!" He said obediently and I placed my hand on his shoulder while he bowed his head down in submission.

"You will protect my life on my behalf you understand what I mean?" I started softly and he nodded. "I want you to stay here while I am away! I want you to protect Nandini! Follow her! Check out her cottage day and night!" I kept instructing and he kept nodding. "And lastly! One scratch on her and I will snap your neck right away!" My tone turned into a dangerous one and I felt Aryaman gulping the lump in throat..

"You can trust me Boss!" That's all his answer was...

"I trust you that's why I have assigned you this task!" I said pulling my hand off his shoulder and he again nodded.

Please God nothing bad happen...


Nandini's POV..

It was the third day since Manik left and I missed him every second. I realized that I forgot how to live alone. I committed so many of the mistakes and tripped so many times. 

"Tum kab aoa gay?" I asked in an emotional tone as I talked to him after I finished attending my classes and sat on the office chair...

"Soon!" He replied patiently..

"I forgot to live all by myself Manik! You don't have any idea how much I am missing you!" I said lowly as two tears from each eye fell off my cheeks..

I. Love. You..

"Hey! Baby! I promise I will be back tomorrow night! Now stop crying love!" He was worried for me...

"Jaldi ana!" I chocked and he sighed..

"I will..!" He said lovingly and started cracking jokes which instantly calmed me..


Today once again I felt someone following me unusually and today I increased my pace. As soon as I increased my pace the footsteps behind me also became fast.

Gosh! What! What is happening! 

Without thinking further I started running and trust me the followers also ran behind me..


Manik help..

I kept running and don't know how I banged into the wall. It was the end corner of the alley.

"Stop Running!" I heard a roar behind me and I fell on the dirty ground on my hips..

Ouch that hurts...

"Please leave me alone!" I shouted as I felt a stinky alcohol mixed breath over my neck..

"We are not here to harm you beauty!" The man whispered caressing my hair in an ugly way and I threw my hands blindly to shove him away...

"Don't touch me!" I shouted. "Manik!!! Manikkkkkk!" I again shouted aimlessly when his roar shut me up again..

"Shut up! Your Manik is out of station! Attacking our hideouts! And we are here to tell you about him! That bloody moron!!!!!" The man again shouted and anger washed over me...

"What are you talking about? Don't you dare say a word against my boyfriend!!!" Suddenly I too shouted. Don't know from where did I got the confidence to shout at him..

I can bear anything about me. But any word against my Love and you will be facing the worst of me...

"Your boyfriend! Is not more then a bloody killer!!!!!!!! He is a mafia! Manik Mafia Malhotraaaaa!!!! He is a bastard!!! He kill innocent people! He kills! He kills!!!!!" He yelled and I got up pushing him away...

"Liars!!!!!!!" I too yelled and...

"Hey! Leave her alone!!!!" 


Then the foot steps rushed here and there. 

Slaps. Punches. 


It started jamming my nerves..

My head was spinning..

That man...

He was lying..

Yes he was lying..

My Manik is an Angel..

My Angel...

He is a Light...

My light...

He is solace...

My solace...

I have to trust my Manik..

He. Is. Not. A. Killer...

He. Is. Not. A. Mafia...

I have to trust him. I have to tru----!

I slipped in unconscious before I hit the floor a pair of arms held me. Everything was blank...


Chapter 10-C- Everything Ruined!

Aryaman's POV..

I was late! Sh!t...

I fought with the men of Francis and they ran away. I stared at Nandini and she was standing numb. Suddenly she stumbled and I held her. 

"Nandini???" I patted her cheeks but no response..

"Fuckkk!" I swore and picked her up in my arms. I run towards my car which was luckily parked near. I made her sit in the car and pressed the accelerator.

Shit! Shit! Boss! He is gonna kill me..! He will kill me..! A moment of negligence and I dug my own grave.

I reached the mansion in no time and pressed the horn like a maniac to call Navya..

Shit where the hell was she?

I again picked Nandini up and run inside..

"Navyaaaa!!!! Navyaaaa!!!!!" I barked as loudly as I could and Navya came running down the stairs...

"What the hell? Nandini!" She too shouted and rushed towards me. "Where did you find her??? What happened to her??" She bombarded me with her questions...

"Shut up and tell me where should I laid her down?" I barked again and she run towards the guests rooms gesturing me to follow her. I laid her down the bed and Navya immediately patted her cheeks..

"Is she dead?" I asked hell horrified..

"What the fuck Arya?!! She is not dead ok! Just unconscious!" She shouted slapping me with full force and I shook my head...

"Make her open her eyes!!! Wake her uppp!!" I shouted and she nodded..

"Boss! How will I tell him?" I asked pulling my hair. "He trusted me so much! Holy-shit!!" I didn't knew what the hell was I blabbering..

"We have to tell him!" Navya said pulling out her cell phone off her jeans pocket and I collapsed on the couch...

I was dead...


Manik's POV...

"You son of a bit**!!!!" I barked and punched Arayaman once again. He stumbled back but kept his eyes low. "I trusted you!!!!!!!!" I shouted grabbing his collars and he mumbled a 'sorry boss'.. "I don't need your shit!!!!" I roared and punched him more. "I told you to keep her safe!! But you failed!!" I said pushing him away and Cabir held him..

"Smettila Manik!(Stop it Manik!)Ha bisogno di te(She needs you)! Go and take care of her first!" Cabir said guarding Aryaman and giving Aryaman a last deadly glare I walked away. 

I just wish Nandini was ok...

I ran through the corridors of my Mansion to get my 'Shimmer'..! My Nandini..! I will kill all of them! Each and everyone! All those who touched my Shimmer! I reached the room where Navya had instructed me! I opened the room door with a jerk and saw my little baby sitting on the bed hugging her knees..! Her face was dug in her knees and she snapped her head up. I almost cried seeing her in that vulnerable state I just wanted to hide her in my arms and wanted to protect her...

"MANIK..!" She let out a muffled cry when she sensed my presence..! Yes she only sense me because she can't see..! Yes I was in love with a blind girl..! Who was devoid of the sense of sight! Who can't see my ugly face! Yes ugly face cuz I was ugly inside! I was a heap of dirt! I was a waste garbage! Yes I was not more then a sh*t..

"Shimmer..!" I whispered and held my tears back. She reached her arms out for me just like a baby a sign that she wanted me to hold her and I run to get my girl. As soon as I gathered her in my arms she started wailing like a little infant..! Her words were not even making any sense! But she cried and cried hiding her face in my neck which according to her was her peace..! I myself was astonished on her confession that how come a waste like me can give anyone peace but my Shimmer never lies so I reluctantly believed her...

"Shhh! I got you! Relax!" I patted her head affectionately as she snuggled in my neck. I kissed her hair numerous times to make her relax! My touch was always soothing for(according to her though).

"They were very bad Manik..! They were misguiding me about you! They were liars..!" She wailed again and my breath literally stuck in my throat..! Did they told her???? Did they told her who am I?

"What did they told you?" I asked in a hollow tone. I felt my own voice coming from a well...! She broke the hug and faced me I stared at her face her lips were still shivering as she tried to collect words while I was growing impatient...

"Speak up Shim! What did they told you honey?" I asked again and she blinked again...

"They said that..!"...


"That you are a Mafia! They were liars cuz I knew you are not...! They said that you are a killer but I knew you are not..! The Manik with which am aware of can't kill..!"She blurted out the words and traced her fingers on my face to feel my features while my stomach twisted in knots and I tried to conceal the frown that apeared my face cuz she can sense me anyway..! I was sitting there shocked, confused, all ashamed...! They Told Her Right! I WAS THE MANIK MALHOTRA! THE BOSS OF MALHOTRA MAFIA GROUP!...

"Why are you silent? Manik? Did they said truth?" Her words snapped me back to reality! The truth which I was trying to hide from her since last six months of our relationship was out....! God I can't lose my Angel..! I look in her eyes which were lifeless....! But still they were demanding clarification I had no answer except of the mountain of lies which I had already told her...!

"Do I consider your silence a yes?" She asked in a trembling voice and I felt her body shivering once again she freed herself from my grasp like cage bird and I LOST HER.

Chapter 10-D- And She Left Him!

Dekhe jo khwaab the

Gire jo aankh se

Toh aansoo ban ke dil beh gaya

Toote jo aayine

"Shimmer! I can explain! I wanted to tell y--!" I stammered and before I could complete my words halted in my mouth I was forced to shut as she had slapped me with full force..

"You liarrrr!!!!" She roared and pushed me away. 

I stared at her with pain and she was trembling...

"Oh God! Oh Jesus! All the fucking second you were lying???" She shouted fisting her hair and cried..

I had nothing to say. Yes I lied..

Sach aaya saamne

Ab tu hi muje ye bata

Kya main hoon hero tera

"You pretended that you love mee??????" She again shouted and my eyes snapped at her..

She was getting me wrong. I truly loved her...

"Please Shimmer!" I begged..

"Nandiniii!!! It's Nandini....!!!!!!" She yelled and I swallowed hard..

"Ok Nandini! But Please don't insult the feelings I have for you!" I begged again and she shook her head..

"You thought Nandini is blind! Bewakoof bana lo isy! You used me??? All those hugs? Kisses??? The love you made to me? Noo! It wasn't love! Me pagal the jo pyaar smj bethi!!!! It was Sex!!!!!" She was going insane and pushed me more away. 

My anger rose and with in second I pinned her with the wall..

"Leave meeeeee!!!" She wriggled in my grasp...

"Shut up! You are angry na?? Then abuse me!!! Shout on me! But dare not to call my love with dirty words!!!! Myny apny pyaar ki bayeziti karny ka haq kise ko nahi diya!!! Tmhy bhi nahi!" I too shouted and she sobbed...

"You are a liar..!" She spoke..

"I know! But I had no agenda to harm you trust me! I can explain!" I begged but she turned her head away...

"You disgust me Manik Mafia Malhotra!" She mumbled and I stared at her face..

So much of hatred..? Distrust? I disgust her? 

My love? My affection held no importance? Within seconds everything was losing....

My already patched heart ripped into millions pieces. I wanted to drown in the pool of shame...

Saanson se door main

Ho sakta hoon magar

Tujhse naa ho sakunga judaa

"I really love you! You have to trust me!" I mumbled back and her expressions softened...

"You love me so much right?" She asked in a hazy tone after a long pause and I cupped her cheeks..

Thank God she was ready to talk me. I felt so happy...

"Of course cara mia! I love you so much!" I spoke softly wiping her tears..

"Then prove it!!" She demanded and I was confused...

Still I had to prove my love? 

"How?" I asked lowly and her lips trembled..

"By letting me go!" She whispered and tears fell off her eyes...

Was she serious? Jaan mang lo day doon ga! But how would I let you go? 

But this was the bet to prove my love...

"Will this prove my love ?" I asked in such a tone that I myself was amazed on the shattered words..

Please don't say yes...

I can't let you go...

"Yes!" She let out a sob and I freed her hands. 

As soon as I freed her hands her head snapped at me in astonishment. Maybe she wasn't expecting that I will let her go. That too so easily...

"Go!" I whispered, my voice came from some deep well. She turned her body trembling and I stared at her back.. I wanted to stop her. My soul was leaving my body! My heart was stopping to beat a single time! I have to stop her! I have to...

"Nandini!" I sobbed and she stopped.. I run towards her and stood in front of her. "Tu-tum reh lo ge me-mery bina?" I asked in a pleading tone..

"Haan!" She spoke plainly again pushing me in the hell..

"Tu-tum wa-wapas bhi ni aoa ge?" I was a fool..

"Nahi..!" She sobbed and I pinned her with the wall again..

"One kiss?" I asked in a hopeless tone and the dam of tears I was holding broke and tears rolled down my cheeks when she closed her eyes allowing me to kiss her one last time. 

I gently placed my lips on hers and licked the seam of her lips demanding for entrance. My tongue slipped in her mouth tasting every corner as I kissed her with passion for one last time...

I can't believe I was letting her go..

But she wanted me to prove my love...

I could do anything for that...

The kiss lasted for a long time and finally I broke apart. Her face was wet with tears and I pecked her forehead...

"Come!" I whispered and held her hand..

I was holding her hand for the last time to let her go...

I dragged her with me and she was sobbing loudly. 

I didn't know what was happening around. I felt walking in a dream. I was feeling so unreal...

I reached the lounge and everyone got up when they saw us..

"Aryaman! Drop Nandini to her cottage!" I spoke softly and left her hand..

As soon as her slipped away from my grip I felt like dying. 

Do I really deserve this? Lying was a crime? For me it was...

"What's happening? Why are you sending her home ?" Cabir asked and I shook my head..

"She wants to leave! Forever!" I spoke in a plain tone and Nandini's sobbing increased...

"Leave???" Cabir shouted and I just nodded in defeat...

"Take her Aryaman! Make sure she reach safe!" I said to Aryaman and Nandini walked forward. While Cabir became frantic...

Duniya naa samjhegi

Dil ko mere abhi

Jo ehsaas tune diya

Haan main hoon hero tera 

"Manik stop her!!!! Ja rahi hai wo!" Cabir yelled shaking me to the core but I had lost everything. 

The distrust I saw in her eyes for me killed me. It buried me deep under tons of mud. It broke my soul. I stared at her retreating back as she walked towards the car which will lead her to her cottage she stumbled and I should be helping her but my steps were froze there.

Aryaman came forward and helped her sitting in the car. 

I expected her to turn atleast once but she didn't. Her own face was wet with tears...

"Tu nahi roky ga tou main rokoonga!" Cabir yelled and was about to walk towards the car when I grabbed his arm. I turned him towards me and pushed him away..

"Shut the fuck up! No one! No one will stop her neither will contact her! It's my bloody life! Stay away!!!!!!!" I roared as loud as I could and all stared at me..

"She is your life Manik! Tu reh lay ga us k bina?" Cabir didn't cared of the threat and shouted..

He was right. How will I live without her? How will I survive? I ruined everything! The dream of crystal palace which I had saw with Nandini was shattering infront of me bit by bit, piece by piece! I was the culprit! I really deserved this! 

But was I not a human? Who deserves atleast a little happiness in his life? 

Kya manga tha myny? Choti si khushi? But I lost it. 

My nerves racked with the anxiety and tension. I felt a storm of blood rushing in my head pushing me towards extreme pain! It was hurting! The 'ashiyana' of love which I had built collapsed..! I remembered my cruel reality! The reality which I forgot when I was with her! Never in my life I felt this much sick and ugly. At that time I wished for death! Maybe it reveal the pain which was unbearable...

Seems like my wish fulfilled and the vision blurred. I stumbled. The last image I saw before slipping in the darkness was Nandini and Rishab. I fell on the floor...



Have nothing to say. Am crying...

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