Chapter 2-B- Touch!

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Chapter 2-B- Touch!

"Ciao(Hello)..!" I heard Cabir's expressionless rather worried voice his Italian accent was worth dying for..

If I would have been a gay I would have been proposed him already! Though luckily I am straight...

"Cabir! It's me Manik..!" I whispered though Rishab was far away from me but still safety comes first..

"Manik!! Where the hell have you been?????" I knew he was gritting his teeth..

Yeah I was Manik for him in alone times. He was my bestest buddy..

"Stuck somewhere! I am telling you an address! Come and pick me up! And get one thing clear in your head no one will follow you! Take care while driving at this address. There are innocent people around!" I spoke in one breath and I knew he was nodding though I can't see him doing that but It was his habit..

"Aye! Captain! Ci vedamo(See You)" He dismissed the call without any question. Cuz he knew sooner or later I was gonna tell him. I turned around Rishab was not there. So I walked forward to find him and I saw him sitting beside Nandini holding her hand. He pecked her forehead and got up. He turned to me and I felt wetness in his eyes which he tried to hide..

Caught you!

"So! You called your friend? When he will come?" Rishab asked as we came out in the porch..

"Anytime soon! You should get going I really don't want you to miss your test cuz of me!" I said in a sincere tone and he nodded..

"When your friend will come and you will be going make sure you should close the door!" He told me last time before hopping on his heavy bike. "It was nice meeting you buddy! I hope to see you soon again! Keep visiting!" He said waving at me and I felt my throat choked with emotions. He raced his bike and vanished away..

I came inside the cottage and looked around. For the first time I gave a glance to notice the surroundings! It was quiet tidy place and beautiful too. I slowly walked here and there. I saw a picture. A little girl and a boy with two elders. Must be their parents. I smiled and traced the picture specially Nandini's face she was giving an adorable toothless smile.

"Dolce..!(Sweet)" I whispered absent mindedly..

They had a family at least unlike me who was not more then a street dog.

Anyways chuck it..

I walked more and reached the room where Nandini was sleeping. An urge to see her craved in my heart and it raced as if trying to win a marathon. What the hell was happening? She was a stranger whom I saw only couple of hours ago and what was she doing to me? I unwillingly opened the door only to see her awake. Her eyes were opened and silent tears were rolling down her cheeks she was lying straight on the bed staring at the ceiling i guess. It hurt me but I didn't had the the courage to confront her. So I tried to be quiet and sneak back but..

"I know you are here..!" Her whisper stopped me and my eyes bulged out of my sockets.

"How do you know am here? I even didn't made any sound!" I stammered and walked closer to her. She wiped her tears and sat up.

"Your breath...!" She whispered again..

Wow! Manik ass! She must have Sharp hearing sense. You are an idiot admit it..



We both spoke together and suddenly she smiled..! Gosh! Smile ? It was heaven!!!!

"Sorry you go first..!" She said softly fidgeting with only ring she was wearing in her finger and head bent down..

What was in her mind?

"I am sorry I think I scared you! That's why you cried..!" I said sheepishly and her face fell more dull. I didn't wanted to mention K-I-S-S!

"Its ok! I am sorry too! I shouldn't have asked you to go..!" Her voice was very low nearly inaudible but the silence was so deep that I could heard her heartbeat..

"No! It's fine!" I said with a fake smile..

No it's not f**king fine! You were kicking me out of your house huhh! Just because I asked to kiss you! Come on it's your fault you only have so luscious lips...

"Sit here! Please!" She whispered again patting the place exactly beside her I hesitated for a moment but the depth and sadness in her voice forced me to sat beside her so I almost fell beside her.

"Hmm" I hummed a gesture for her to continue what she was going to do. I stared at her face and felt her lips tremble. She was fighting with an urge not to cry! I wanted to hide her in my arms and wanted to tell her that she will be ok. I knew being blind must be the most worst part of her life...

"I want to touch your face!" Her whisper came shocking me...

"Why?" That's all was my reply..

"Bec-because..!" She stammered trying to complete her sentence but before that I held her tiny hand and placed it on my forehead. She gasped on the sudden contact and pulled away..

What the hell is happening! Jesus God! Help...

I sat there staring at her face trying to guess her next which was gonna be predictable. As she raised her hand again and reached my face. Her eyes which were open till now were closed as she traced her fingers on my face.

Forehead..Eyes..Nose..Lips..Chin..Cheeks..Jawline which was quiet sharp..She smoothened my eyebrows and I smiled as her fingers reached my lips again..

"Your smile is beautiful..!" She whispered and I frowned. How does she know..?

"How can you tell that my smile is beautiful?" I asked curiously again and she smiled faintly pulling her hand back. I made a bad face on lost on contact. Her fingers were so soft so caring touch I felt like drowning all the way moreover the touch had flashed sparks in my head which made me feel dizzy.

"I can feel it..!" She whispered back and unintentionally my hand raised to cup her cheek.

"Cara mia(my darling)..!" I whispered totally unintentional I tried to avoid the husk and seductiveness in my tone but I failed. I never wanted those words to came out off my lips. But it happened. Her expressions were soft. Thank God she didn't understood what i said but my eyes kept lingering on her lips to her heaving chest due to uneven breaths to her hands which were now in her lap. I was about to lean near her lips when suddenly we heard a knock on the main door. We both came out of trance. I pulled my hand away and the spark on her face was lost...

Perfect. Timing. Cabir.

"Who is it?" She was scared a little..

"It must be my friend..!" I said looking at her face and her face had a sudden panic..

"Are you leaving?" She asked quietly..

"Si(yes)..!" I said nodding my head. Confusion appeared her face as may be she didn't understood what I said..

Keep your Italiano in your pocket Malhotra...

"I mean yes! Am leaving I have a job to attend!" I lied and she just nodded. If I would stay here an other minute am gonna lose control so I got up and she too got up. I walked out of the room and she followed me like a lost puppy. I used to put heavy step so the taping sound was enough for her to follow me. I don't know what was happening. I reached the door and opened it. I saw Cabir standing before he could speak I gestured him to not to. I turned to see Nandini standing in the door with head low. God my heart was aching. I didn't wanted to leave her but I have to. Me being here was not safe for these innocents.

"So Shim-- urrm! I mean Nandini" I started and walked closer to her. "It's time for me to leave! Lock the door! Your brother's instructions!" I spoke softly and she didn't responded. I considered it a yes and turned to leave when suddenly I felt a tug on my sweater. It stopped me and I look back to see her holding it in her fingers..

"You will come back right?" She asked releasing her grip and my breath hitched in my throat..!

Shit! E-X-P-E-C-T-A-T-I-O-N-S!!! whatever was happening was not correct! I can't do this..! Yes I can't..

"No! I won't!" I said trying to sound casual. Her face went expressionless, she stepped back inside the door and slammed it on my face..!

"Scortese(Rude)..!" Cabir spoke scrunching his nose..

"Let's go buddy!" I spoke staring at the door and Cabir walked down the stairs of porch..

"Good bye bella(beautiful) shimmer!" I whispered tracing the design of the door before walking away determined to never come back...


I haven't watched Fanna movie so I don't know what was in it! I am not taking any concept from that movie :)

So? How was it? Was it boring? Or you enjoyed it? That face touching scene seriously made my heart flutter..! I was so lost in that scene hyee! Chalo chado! Are you enjoying Italian? See if anybody knows Italian here and am wrong at somewhere don't hesitate to correct me by sending PMS! I like to do crappy experiments! Next will be Nandini's POV! Why was she crying! Why she touched Manik's face sab! Yaar tum log lamba comment q ni krty hoo! :( it hurts so much :(

Love, Mawara!

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