Chapter 9

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It's a long one!
Dedicated to Hafsa my love!

Happy Reading! :)

Chapter 9-A- Letting Go!

Manik's POV...

I took a long breath and kicked the door away.

Wow that was easy..

As soon as I kicked the door away the sight inside made me lost my breath. Nandini was sitting on the floor with her hand bleeding..

"Nandini!" I roared and rushed to get her followed my Rishab. I immediately swooped her in my arms and cradled her near my chest while Rishab held her hand to inspect the wound but she freed it from his grip, clinging to me and the pain I saw on Rishab's face broke me. Rishab backed off and run out of the room. I didn't stopped him cuz I wanted to make Nandini agree for his scholarship he surely deserves the best of him.

Now Nandini was sobbing in my neck and her hand needed treatment. I took a sigh and sat on the bed with Nandini in my lap. I opened the side table drawer and took out a small first aid box. Without speaking a word I started applying spirit on it to clean the wound she hissed loudly and I blew over it to sooth the pain. She kept sobbing and sobbing while I just kept treating the wound. Soon I was done but she was quiet..

"Everyone leaves me! Sab chaly jaty hain!" Suddenly she started speaking. I sat resting my back with the bed board and she laid in my arms with head on my chest. "Dad! Mumma! And now Rishab too!" Her tears were wetting my shirt. "I brought him up like a mother in spite of my disabilities I worked so hard for him and he wants to leave!" I didn't interrupted her rant as I wanted her to let it all out.

When after a long pause she didn't spoke anything else I started..

"You know why he wants to leave?" I said softly caressing her hair.

"Because he want to leave ME!" She said sadly and I held her wounded hand in mine gently stroking it with my thumb..

"No! He wants to leave for you!" I said softly snuggling her closer to me..

"For me?" She whispered-demanded to me...

"Yes! For you! For your eyes! For your happiness! Moreover you said na that you brought him up like a mother! Than let him go! It's his dream Nandini! You worked hard for him now he wants to pay back!" I said politely and she kept quiet.

Please try to understand..

She kept thinking for a long time breathing softly against my neck and I just kept stroking her hair. I knew it was very hard for her but I will make sure that Rishab should fulfill all his dreams..

"I will be alone..!" After a long pause came her whisper..

"Hey! Who said that you will be alone? Main tmhry pass hoon!" I said worriedly and made her face me, sitting straight while she straddled my lap..

"Manik!" She sobbed and placed her face on my shoulder..

My baby..

"Bella! I have promised you! A promise which am not gonna break ever! I will be with you! Always! Let Rishab go mio caro! Let him a free bird! Let him experience the world!" I again tried to made her understand and she kept hugging me for a long time once again leaving no choice for me but to rub her back in a soothing manner.

Tough nut to crack..

"Ok! I will let him go! But tum kahen mat jana!" Finally she whispered clinging more and more to me while I sighed in relief..

"I am not going anywhere! And thank you agreeing for Rishab!" I said happily and she faced me. I pecked her forehead and wiped the tears off her cheeks. She smiled and I gave her a quick peck on lips..

Beautiful. Smile..

"Keep smiling! It suits you!" I said brushing her hair off her face and she ruffled my hair..

"It suits you too!" She whispered back and hugged me again..

We should be talking to Rishab..

"Shim? Don't you think that we should talk to Rishab?" I said hesitantly and she nodded over my shoulder. I got up and cradled her near my chest. I walked us to Riahab's door and asked Nandini to knock it..

"Please Bhai! Leave me alone!" Rishab's painful voice reached our ears and anxiety covered Nandini's face.

Sibling attraction. So cute..

"Rishu?" Nandini again knocked the door and this time Rishab didn't took a second to open the door on her voice.

"Di..!" He wailed and without giving me time to put Nandini down he threw his arms on us and with great difficulty I held both siblings close to me..

All thanks to the workout I do at Gym..

Both of them were crying like babies and I sighed..

Too much emotional thing...

"Hey Murthy's! I can't breathe" I said dramatically and finally both giggled..

At that time I seriously wished for their smiles...

Rishab backed off laughing in his tears and Nandini too laughingly sniffed in my chest. I walked inside Rishab's room and sat on the bed. Nandini sat on my right side and I patted the bed place on my left for Rishab. He quietly sat and I took both of them in a side hug..

"So now! Rishab! Nandini is ready for your scholarship! She has no problem with you availing the opportunity! Right Nandini?" I started the conversation..

"Yes! Am sorry Rishu! I shouldn't be behaving like that! Tu ja! Live your dream for us! Manik is with me!" She said softly and I smiled..

"Sach? I can go?" Rishab exclaimed looking at me and I nodded smiling at him..

"Wow! Thank you! Thank you bhai! Thank you Di!" He shouted happily and we both laughed...

"Anything for you little brother!" I said patting his head and Nandini too was smiling.

"Dekha Di! Bhai loves me so much! He loves me more than he loves you!" Suddenly Rishab spoke in a teasing tone and my eyes widened..

Don't tell me they are gonna flight for this...

"No! He loves me more! Hai na Manik?" She said with a puppy face..

"Of course I love you!" I said immediately and Rishab frowned now..

"That means you don't love me bhai?" He asked with a sad face..

Of course I love you too...

"No he doesn't!" Nandini spoke sticking out her tongue..

What kind of fight is that????

"Okk you both shushhh now! You know I love you both equally!" I said strictly and both burst out in giggles. Both hugged my waist simultaneously and hide their faces in my neck..

"And we love you too! You are our home!" Both spoke at the same time and I engulfed them in my warmth..

Yes! The family was complete but still I had some much to tell Nandini.


Chapter 9-B- Shining Star!

I woke up in the middle of the night maybe due to Nandini's absence. Rishab left for London exactly after one month of that conversation and now it's been almost two weeks since he had left. Before leaving he had placed Nandini's hand in mine and asked me to take care of her properly. So since the day he had left I shifted with Nandini. I had a difficult time of controlling her. She was so shattered with Rishab's departure.

Whatever happened at my birthday night I never tried to repeat it. Nor she asked for it. In my point of view it wasn't right to do it again and again.

My love was not just about being physical...

She was so fragile and I didn't wanted to hurt her. Hurting her was the last possible thing I could do..

So I woke up finding my side empty. I roamed my eyes in the room and saw her standing near the window eyes closed. The day Rishab left it was normal for me to saw her awake in middle of the night. I pushed the covers aside and walked to her. She didn't moved even a little and I slowly took her in a back hug, resting my chin over her shoulder..

"Missing Rishab?" I asked softly and she just hummed wrapping her arms over mine around her waist. "You should be taking rest sweetie!" I said lovingly placing a kiss on her bare shoulder and she shivered in ecstasy..

"Manik..!" She whispered lowly while I was busy in giving her sweet kisses all over her bare shoulders..

"Hmmm?" I spoke still busy in whatever I was doing..

"Are the stars shining brightly?" She asked softly halting me in the task I was doing and I turned her to face me..

Sometimes I feel so helpless on her blindness...

"Well! I don't know about other stars but my star is shining is so brightly!" I said lovingly to ease her mood and she smiled, gently wrapping her arms around my neck..

"And whose that bright star?" She asked innocently and I chuckled. I slowly bent near her ear and felt her grip tightened around my neck..

"It's you! You are the star which shines for me not in night but also in day light ! You are my shimmer! My love!" I whispered dangerously in her ear and she gripped my hair in her fist...

"I love you Manik!" She muttered near my lips and I didn't wasted further second to fuse mine with hers..

"I love you too!" I mumbled between then kiss and she moaned in my mouth. I kissed her madly almost smooching the blood off them and broke the kiss gasping for air. I rested my forehead over hers and breathed heavily staring at her face. There was a content smile playing on her lips and they were dark red, swollen due to my torture..

"You know! I just love the way your lips look after my kiss! All red and swollen! Claimed by me!" Possessiveness was dripping from each word and she giggled. Before she could speak anything my phone rang.

At this hour? I hope everything was ok..

"Baby! I have to take this!" I excused myself releasing her from my grip and she nodded. I reached the side table and saw Cabir's name flashing on the screen. I immediately picked it up and swipe the touchpad..

"Ciao Manik!" Cabir's panting voice roared from the other side and I was worried..

"Compagno!(Buddy)"I started in Italian as I didn't wanted Nandini to understand any of my word..

"Intrusi(intruders)! Devi venire(You have to come)!" He shouted from the other side and my eyes bulged out of my sockets. I turned to Nandini she was lying on the bed adjusting the covers on herself and I gulped the lump in my throat. She was oblivious of my condition..

"Rilassare(Relax)! Sto arrivando(I am coming)!" I whispered worriedly and he hung up without saying anything.

Who are these intruders and how dare they to attack my Mansion!

Anger washed over me and I tightened my fist inhaling a sharp breath to control myself..

"Manik! Tum theek ho?" Suddenly Nandini spoke getting up and I rushed to her..

"Am ok! Don't get up!" I said stopping her and laid her back on the bed.

"You are tensed!" She said worriedly and I sat beside her..

She can guess me..

"Shhh! Just relax! Cabir is in trouble he needs me! I have to go!" I said softly patting her head and she looked more worried..

"I will come with you!" She was all ready to help..

"No you won't baby! You will sleep and only I will go!" I said strictly and she made a pout.

I should be rushing..

"Jaldi ana!" She said softly and I pecked her forehead..

"I will..!" I said getting up and grabbed my jacket. I turned to give her a look and she had her eyes still open..

"I said sleep! I will be back in morning!" I said to her a little strictly this time and she immediately hide under the covers.

At such serious situation her cute antics made me chuckle..

"Bye bye! Am sleeping! I love you! Be back soon!" She ranted peeking under the covers and giving her a last glance I run out..


Chapter 9-C- Intruders!

I loaded my revolver as I sneaked in the back garden of my mansion. There was a complete and horrible kind of silence. The sounds of crickets and rustling of air was horrifying. Taking the cover of the bush I slowly walked closer to the back door as soon as I reached there I spotted one of the intruder hiding there.

"May you rot in heal!" I mumbled the curse and pulled the trigger! Silencer attached the revolver was beneficial as it made a simple light clicking sound and the man was lying dead on the grass. Then I walked further and sneaked inside through the back door..

"No! Please! Don't touch me!!!! Help somebody help!!! Cabir!!!! Cabir!!" I heard Navya's shouts coming from her room and my blood again boiled.

I run towards her room and kicked the door open. A man was bent over her and was trying to...

I rushed towards them and pulled him away..

"Manik!" Navya shouted and sat up with a jerk..

"How bloody dare you?" I roared and punched him in his stomach. Navya was more like a sister to me cuz she was Cabir's Life!! Whatever Cabir do and did for me he owe me! I beat that scoundrel until me was begging for mercy and finally I killed him too!

As soon as he was dead Navya came running into me and hugged me tightly. She was shivering so badly and I patted her head..

"Shhh! You are safe sister!" I whispered trying to console her and she looked at me with teary eyes..

"Cabir!!! Manik Cabir!! They! They! Took him!" She stammered and I was shocked for a second..

"How on earth is it possible???" I asked in a dazed tone and she cried more.

"He was shot Manik! He saved me!" She again wailed and I held her close. I had to think...


It was a bad night. All the guards and other buddies were out for a mission. Navya was ill so I asked Cabir to be with her but never in my wildest dream I had thought that we will be attacked. They took Cabir? What am I gonna do now!!!

Suddenly we both heard a thud and we rushed outside..

"Cabir!" Navya screamed in horror as we saw a Cabir covered in sweat and blood lying on the lounge floor.

My buddy was a fighter it wasn't easy for the intruders to take him away from us!

I was really peaceful seeing him. Those wounds don't effect him. The thing was! He was alive and was back! Am not gonna spare those people who attacked my family!!!

We both rushed to get him and Navya immediately placed his head in her lap and caressed his forehead he was breathing heavily. I immediately called the doctor who was my another friend..

"You ok wif-wifey?" He stammered trying to cup Navya's cheek and she sobbed holding his hand. "Hey you are cry-crying as if am de-dead!" He chuckled..

Hahhh! He was an antique piece...

"Cabiirrrr!" Navya shouted crying on his chest and he caressed her hair.

"Bella! Am ok!" He whispered kissing her lips softly and she was still crying..

They were a beautiful couple..

"Buddy! You ok?" I asked kneeling beside him and he nodded faintly..

"Sor-sorry tjy dis-disturb kiya! I was just worri-worried for Nav-navya!" He said holding my hand and I gave his hand a squeeze..

"Shut up! I can die for you! And you know it!" I said lowly and he just smiled before closing his eyes.

Doctor was there now...


"Do you have any idea who were they?" Navya asked me all the time caressing a sleeping Cabir's hair and I looked out of the window it was still dark. Doctor had treated him and thankfully the bullets just passed grazing his skin. He wasn't that seriously injured..

"Yes! I know!" I whispered..

"Who?" She asked softly and my eyebrows frowned in deep thought..

"John Francis!" I mumbled and she was now staring at my face..

"What we gonna do now?" She asked now staring at Cabir's face.

"Next month! We gonna attack at his all hide outs! I won't spare him now!" I said turning back to her and she just nodded her eyes never leaving Cabir's face. "He is a fighter! He will be ok!" I assured her and she smiled between her tears..

"Thank you for being our family Manik!" She said softly..

"Hey! We are here for each other! There is no need to thank! It's nothing in compare to which you both do for me!" I said sitting beside her and she placed her head on my shoulder smiling all the time..

"Manik! You should go back to Nandini! She is also alone! I just talked to Aryaman! They all will be here in an hour!" She said changing the topic after a long pause of peaceful silence. I sighed before getting up and patting her head..

"Keep telling me about Cabir's condition!" I said to her and she nodded. I knelt beside Cabir to bid him a good bye then finally walked out of the room leaving couple alone with each other...


Chapter 9-D- Horrible Dream!

I unlocked the door of the cottage with extra key and quietly sneaked in. It was 6 of the morning and it was Saturday so Nandini had to leave for school. I was tired but first I have to drop Nandini at school. I walked to her room and saw her still sleeping. I smiled shaking my head and sat beside her..

"Shimmer?" I whispered shaking her shoulder and she stirred in sleep turning towards me.

"Get up! You will be late!" I said softly caressing her forehead and she finally opened her eyes. "Good Morning sleepy head!" I teased her as she got up and sat beside me hugging my waist.

It was her routine she used to act like a baby whenever she woke up from a deep sleep..

"Abhi aye?"She asked snuggling in my neck..

"Hmm!" I hummed..

"Cabir! Is he ok?" She asked with a concern and I nodded..

"Yes he is fine! Chalo get up before it will be too late!" Before she could ask more I picked her up to reach the bathroom and she hugged me again, closing her eyes..

Hahhh! Kya karoon me is larki kaa...


I planned a full proof plan to attack John's hideouts. One by one! I will shatter him piece by piece. That fuc*er! He deserved the worsts! Not more than a sh!t! I still remember the heartbreaking day when his men burnt the whole orphanage which was full with kids and maids. Before me and my gang would reach there everything was finished. I used to fund that orphanage and he without caring for the little innocent souls burnt everything. Now he was behind my crew! The night I met Nandini he was the one who attacked! JF! Bloody Moron!

Dhaarti pay boajhhh...

Exactly a day before my departure I informed Nandini that I was going out of station. Eventually she was worried and stubborn but then she agreed...

"You will eat on time! Sleep on time! No drinking! No smoking!" She instructed me like a school teacher hopping here and there around the kitchen.

"Yes mam!" I exclaimed in a teasing tone sitting on the dinning chair adoring her cute tactics and adjusted my face on my palm..

"Mr.Manik Malhotra! I am hell serious!" She turned to me angrily and was about to stumble when I got up to held her steady...

"Aray who said that you are joking!" I was in full teasing mood but her expressions saddened...

"Am gonna miss you so much!" She said lowly and I raised her chin with my finger..

"Hey bella! It's the matter of four days only! I will be back soon!" I said caressing her cheek and she snuggled in my palm..

"Tm say kbhi itny door nahi rahi na! Tou dar lag raha hai..!" She whispered softly and I pecked her forehead...

"No need to get scared! I will always protect you!" I said in an assuring tone and she smiled..

"I know! With you I am the safest..!" She exclaimed loudly and hugged me..

Again the guilt..! Ohk! Now I promise once I will be back I will tell her everything!


I looked around the valley and smiled. The surrounding was so beautiful. Everything serene and tempting. The sun hiding was in the mountains away and I closed my eyes, inhaling a deep breath. The fragrance of Jasmine and roses penetrated my nostrils giving me a divine sensation. I wonder what I was doing here!?

When suddenly...

I turned on the sounds of giggles and my smile get wider as I saw Nandini and a little baby girl walking towards me. They both were wearing matching White gowns the baby could hardly walk. Nandini was helping her to take baby steps towards me.

"Daddy!!!" The baby exclaimed extending her arms towards me filling my heart with an unknown proud. I sat on the grass kneeling in front of her and gestured her to come close to me. Giving me a toothless smile she freed her hand from Nandini's grip and stumbling a little she finally reached me, almost fell in my chest while I gathered her tiny winy figure in my strong protective arms kissing her madly while she just pulled my cheeks giggling with me. I hide her in my arms totally and she cuddled herself more in me. Nandini too sat beside me and smiled at us..

Suddenly I felt something wet and sticky in my hands I look at our baby and my eyes widened with horror as I saw blood oozing out of her body. Nandini started crying and I was unable to figure out what was happening..

"Daddyyy!!" The baby screamed for me in pain clutching to me tightly and...

I opened my eyes gasping for breath.

"Fu*k!!!!!" I swore and got up gasping for air..

It was a dreamm...

It was a bloody dream..

Chapter 9-E- Ijazat!

"Manik! Manik!" Nandini too sat up with me by holding my hand. I stared at her face for a moment before taking her in a death hug..

"Shim-shimmer!!" I spoke Breathlessly as if I had run a thousands of miles race. "Our Baby! Our baby! You too! Don't leave me!!!" I ranted hiding myself in her hair and she caressed my nape hair..

"Manik! Shhhh! Am not going anywhere ok! We are together! Relax! Don't say anything! I have got you!" She whispered soothing words in my ear as I shivered in her arms..

Oh God! That dream scared the sh!t out of me..

I kept hugging her for God knows how long and she patiently held me close to her...

I felt my breath stopping even on the mere thought of her and baby leaving me.

"Manik! Let's go to sleep! Haan? Chalo...!" She spoke after a long pause and laid me down the bed. She herself half laid beside me and pecked my forehead. "As you are with me in every step of my life I am with you too! We are together! No one is taking me away from you! I am yours and I will always be yours! We will have a family! Together! I know you will protect us!" She was whispering all the time her lips lingered over my forehead. "Manik sleep..!" She whispered palming my eyes..

"I don't want to..!" I whispered back holding her hand and she smiled..

"Why?" She asked lowly..

"What if I close my eyes and that dream come haunting for me?" I spoke in a scared tone and she shook her head..

"I won't let any bad dream come near you! I will protect you as you protect me...!" She said lovingly and I palmed her cheeks..

I wanted her. I know whatever I was gonna ask for was a big thing..

Last time she wanted me..

Tonight I wanted her...

I held her hand over my chest and she squeezed it...

"Shim!" I whispered huskily and she snuggled in my palm.

Ik baat kahoon kya ijazat hai

Tere ishq ki mujhko aadat hai

Aadat Hai....

I leaned forward and slightly pushed her hair aside, reaching her ear. She tilted her a little to give me better access.

"Aik baat boloon?" I whispered softly as my breath fanned her ear and my free hand crept to her shirt button. Her hands gripped my shoulders as her chest heaved with ragging breath.

"Bolo...!" She whispered back breathlessly...

Ehsaas tere aur mere toh

Ik dooje se judd rahe

"I want you! Tonight! Can I?" For the first time I dared to ask for the thing which I knew was already mine but still I wanted her permission, with that I opened the first button. And her breath went wild. The pin drop silence of the room was now disturbed by our ragging breath and wild thumping heartbeats. Our hearts beat in a perfect sync turning into a melody which did nothing but increased the passion of the moment.

Ik teri talab mujhe aisi lagi

Mere hosh bhi udne lage

"Answer me!" I whispered again as my one hand fisted her hair lightly to make her feel senses..

"Yes!" She breathed! "Ta-take me!" She spoke this time kneading my hair and I stared at her face.

Love! Love! Love!

My hand which was still stuck on the first button traveled down, proceeded to unbutton further and with other free hand I rubbed her lips with the pad of my thumb.

Mujhe milta sukoon teri baahon mein

Jannat jaisi ek raahat hai

Slowly and gently I laid her down, adjusting her head on the pillow properly with that I was done with the button thing. I lowered on her and carefully exposed her shoulder and started my torture. Her hands helplessly roamed in my hair as I forced her to moan my name. Just mine.

"Your mine Nandiniii!" I muttured over her lips and she lifted herself a little to fuse our lips finally. I cradled her head and placed it back on the pillow. The kiss became harsh with each passing second. My urgency for her increased and I almost chewed her lips, finally she herself pushed me away a little to breathe. But a second later I claimed her lips again without giving her time to gain her breath..

Kyun sabse juda, kyun sabse alag

Andaaz tere lagte..

"Manik!" She pushed me away again to breathe and I collapsed in her neck breathing harshly. "Just relax! Me kahen nahi ja rahi! I am with you! In your arms!" She calmed my ragging breath by slowly caressing my hair. After sometime I started kissing her neck, her throat and she arched her back. My one hand went under her back to held her close to me..

Besaakh ta hum saaye se tere

Har shaam lipat'te hain

In one tug her shirt was lying on the floor and I hide her in my arms. It was only my right to see her glory! She was mine. I myself pulled my T-shirt over my head and covered us with the blanket..

"Oh Manik!" She whispered helplessly as my lips and fingers teased her whole body.

There wasn't a single cell untouched, unkissed, unlicked on her body. I entwined her fingers with mine and kissed her each finger one by one. There was a constant smile on her face.

"I love you bella!" I whispered naughtily in her ear nibbling it playfully between my teeth and she giggled..

"I love you too!" She said lovingly caressing my cheek and I kissed her palm. "Tum theek ho na? Is that dream still bothering you?" She said pulling me closer and I pecked her forehead...

Though that bad dream again roamed in my head but I pushed it away.

Har waqt mera, qurbat mein teri

Jab guzre toh ibadat hai

Ik baat kahoon kya ijazat hai

Tere ishq ki mujhko aadat hai

Aadat hai o.. teri aadat hai..

"As long as you are with me! Am more then ok!" I spoke kissing her eyes and she smiled. I again took her lips for a soul searing kiss and she replied with equal favor wrapping her arms around me pulling me closer and closer.

With each tick tick of the clock, the night passed. The bed disheveled under the glory of our passion. Flipping positions! Kissing each other! Biting each other! Finally the moment approached leading us to the road of ecstasy! Forcing her tiny hand with my big ones on the soft mattress I claimed her sealing her cries in a kiss I brushed her tears away while she rolled a little away from me turning her back to me..

Was she ok???

Controlling my breath I slid closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist so now her back was pressed against my chest and she started sobbing louder.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked in an embarrassed tone and she shook her head immediately turning to me. "Then???" I asked lowly wiping her tears and she banged in my chest...

"I want my eyes BACK!! Please!" She wailed so painfully that it left me heartbroken..

Did I had the proper words to console her!

"Please! You can do anything for me! Please bring my eyes back!" She wailed again and I held her close. "I want to see you! I want to see your handsome face! I want to see us! I want to see us when we make love! Please do something!" Her rant was on and her each word was piercing as a thorn in my heart making it bleed..

"That day is near Bella! I promise!" That's all I could utter and she hugged me tightly. I slowly patted her head and she dozed off clutching me tightly as if she had a fear of losing me..

Her blindness was now becoming difficult. Once I will come back from the mission! I will talk to Rishab! I will hire world's best doctor for my girl! And yes! First and for most thing I will tell her about my truth..!


Sometimes! This destiny doesn't plays fair! Sometimes I don't give time to fix the mistakes which we had committed in innocence! The lovers sleeping peacefully in each other's arms are unaware of the hurdles which are gonna come in their way! If the trust will break then there will be no way to fix it! It will leave the lovers shattered and ALONE!


So! Such a long update right? Compensation for the holidays I had! :D haha! Are you guys scared of Manik's dream? I am scared and heartbroken! Something is surely gonna happen! Now tell me will Manik get a chance to explain? And lastly how many of you felt bad for my poor Nandu? Manik's Shimmer! I really felt very bad!!!! Any ways guys response bht low hai! Bht ziada! I am feeling very sad cuz of response! Please don't leave without commenting please I request you!


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