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"He's a freak really. "

"I heard he's here because he collects cats"

"That's not so bad"

"Specifically d**d ones..."

"Nah he fell out of it with a professor, promised the man he will die a quiet death and now the teacher has gone missing"

"I heard his in-house uni unit nabs people off the street to experiment on for fun"

"And now the powerful Lee Dynasty is trying to cover up the tracks of their freak of a son "

"It's always the filthy rich ones....I swear to god"

Those were the murmers and whispers heard in the corridors of Beckley Psychiatric House.

It's Frankenstein type of weather outside on this particular day. Perhaps it's because the psychiatric ward is so far from actual society and the inner city. The murky atmosphere is befitting to the context of the place. It's almost too stereotypical that the trees around this place are so high, and the gates are just as high.

Stepping out of the car, the doctor approaches the huge gates. His leather ankle length boots striding over hard lifeless tar onward to the intercom. It is to be noted that everything here is dated. Like an ancient deteriorating castle.

He presses the button ignoring the rusty growth on the walls and gate.

The engine of his car sounds in the background. It's loud amid an eerie silence.
It's a threatening silence.

"Beckley Psych can we help you?" A groggy voice calls in. The person is speaking doesn't try to hide the flu....that or they are an avid vape user.

"Good day. It's Dr Han, I'm scheduled for-"

He's cut off almost immediately.

"Come on in Dr Han" The recipient immediately informs.

Not even ten seconds later, the gates of the open with a rusty squeak.

The drive in is quick.

Jisung knows exactly what he's signing up for.

When the practition department called him for a patient that had been turned down by many, he knew that he was essentially the last option. Psychological examinations, therapy sessions and diagnosis processes were a long sometimes even a tricky process when dealing with severe cases of  disturbed patients.

Walking through the hallways, all the way to the front office lobby, Dr Han had one thought in his mind. He needed the money. Even if it meant that he'd take on a case that was highly publicized and above all, a feared one.

"Ah! Dr Han... Welcome welcome. We've been expecting you" The enthusiasm in the stranger's voice is alarming.

He sounds so ready to throw the novice doctor out to the rumoured wolf.

"Yes. Hi... I'm prepared to do my best while working with you in your workplace." Is all the docter replies with.

The inside of the huge prison like building looks a well kept like a hospital. Han has always had an apprehension about hospitals and their clinically clean aesthetic since the days of his early boyhood.

The bright whiteness of the walls and the shiny plastic tiles do not help the weariness growing in his heart.

"You're so polite doctor.... Don't let that delinquent fool you. He's fucking mental." The man in security guard clothing is blatantly insensitive about mental health. It's irony at it's best that he words the patient in that way.

Families take and sometimes the law itself brings alleged mentally-ill people of all ages to places like these to seek professional help. Yet, it's places like this that display micro-aggressive discriminations against them.

"Right" Han let out a nervous chuckle. The security guard led him up a staircase.

The interior of the place was huge. Many rooms. Facilities. Did every room house a patient?

"I'm Sumin by the way. Call me Sumin" Han noted it silently walking behind the older man.

The heaviness of those rubber boots the man wore resounded with each step. It was annoying. The echo of their steps sounded, and chatter could be heard with each step from certain rooms.

Rooms with numbers on the doors. It was awfully dystopian. Like a prison almost.

"I'll show you to your office. Evaluation reports from the other docs who fled the scene are there on your desk and everything. Mindy cleaned it up for you real nice" Sumin rambled on.

The most important thing Han caught from his words was how 'the other fled the scene.'
Just how much torture would make a psychiatrist run away from their own patient ?

"You won't run away right Doc? I hear it's good money. And you'll only be working with him exclusively so... Oh hey Mathias"

Mathias is a janitor. He's mopping the floor when the two pass him by. Han waves with a smile, to be met  back with a scowl. This is going to be a long ass day.

"Well.... this is you.... your pass tag is on the table....If you meet other nurses or workers just tell them that you're new guy okay? Everyone here is super kind."

"Thank you Sumin"

"You'll be seeing him shortly. He'll be brought to you"

"Hello Doctor"

Man of the hour. Lee Minho.


850 plus words...smh... what's this laziness? 😭😶‍🌫️

Venom by stray kids.

And  harmless by Bobby and ChanMina

Welcome to Mania. It's inspired by Aespa's  Hold on tight. Something about that song screams tragic romance.

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