Chapter 1

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Kyle Rose picked at the small frayed hole in her blue jeans as the math teacher's voice became an endless drone. The sound of the nails on a desk was the only thing that provided change. Kyle turned around and saw that it was Alyssa Krithner, a popular girl who was making moony eyes at a cute guy named Mark. Kyle snorted and turned back around. It was the last period in the day and although it was a Monday, everyone, including Kyle, was ready to leave. Finally, the bell rang and everyone stood up, stampeding out the door, leaving information about the homework from Mr. Cuackson lost in the sea of voices. Kyle took her time gathering her notebook and pencils before walking into the packed hallway. She pushed through the mass of students to get to her locker, but not without being elbowed and shoved around more than just a few times. She was used to this by now, though. Kyle was known for being a wallflower; that is, when people even realized she existed.
Once she got to her locker, Kyle stuck her math supplies inside and grabbed her homework to deposit into her backpack. She shoved the folders, notebooks and textbooks into her old, dirty bag and hoisted it onto her back. She pushed her way to the bus lot and trudged up the bus stairs before sitting in a seat and pulling out her phone and headphones. Like almost everything else Kyle owned, the phone and headphones were both old and cheap. The phone glitched constantly, but, it got the job done, and the headphones worked for the most part.
After a 15 minute ride, Kyle got off the bus and walked the two blocks to her small one-story house. Her single dad wouldn't get home until later, so she would be alone for at least the next two hours. This was when normal kids hung out with their friends but to be honest, she didn't have anyone she could call a friend.

. . .


Alyssa Krithner drummed her perfectly manicured nails against the desk as she sat through her last period, math. The only reason that she wasn't screaming from boredom was because she sat diagonally to Mark Levner, the hottest guy at Thister School. Thister was a middle school, and Alyssa and Mark were both eighth graders. This meant they were practically worshipped by sixth and seventh grade. This led to whoever was most popular in eighth grade, was the most popular in the entire school aka Mark Levner. With his gorgeous blue eyes and honey brown waves, he was tots adorbs, and Alyssa got to moon at him every day. It was the one thing she could look forward to in Math.
The shrill bell marking the end of the day shook Alyssa from her trance. She stood up with the rest of the class to leave. Mr. Cuackson shouted something about page 97 over the chatter of the class but Alyssa ignored him. Didn't he know that she had better things to do than whatever he was talking about? She rushed out into the bustling hallway, teetering in her stilettos, looking around for her clique. Maia and Chloe had French last period and Fiona was in art. Stephanie was in math with her.
"Steph! God, there you are! Hold my stuff," Alyssa said, dumping her math notebook and textbooks into Stephanie's already overflowing arms.
"Hey! Lyss!" A voice called from the end of the hall.
"Fiona! Come over here now!" Alyssa responded loudly. When Fiona was in hearing, Alyssa ordered, "Go get the car ready. I'm getting Maia and Chloe and then coming and it better be ready to go. I have a mani/pedi in 15 and I will NOT be late." Turning to Stephanie, "Put my stuff in my locker. Oh and, by the way, take the bus today. I don't want you in the car."
Alyssa then proceeded to go find Maia and Chloe, strutting through the hall as the crowd parted like the Red Sea for her.
"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere! We have a mani/pedi in 10. Fiona's got the car." Alyssa trilled when she found the girls.
Chloe smirked and asked "Is Fat Fiona getting a mani/pedi too?"
"Uh, no!" Alyssa snickered as Maia snorted. "As if! You know she's only with us because of her convertible. Like, hello! Would I actually want to spend time with her? Yikes! Let's go!"
All three girls tittered and rushed off in perfect formation.

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