Chapter 2

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Izuku's P.O.V.

It was lunch time and I sat down next to Matrix who was rubbing this weird broach he never took off for some reason. "Messing with that stupid broach again?" I asked. "Shut up," Matrix said. "Okay. I have a question for you," I said. "It better be worth my time," Matrix said. "I know you study the occult-" I was saying but Matrix corrected me. "It's called magic and yes I do," Matrix said. "Do you know anything about this thing called Manor Madrigal?" I asked. "Yes. I know a lot about it. But we'll need to head to the library if you want to know. It's not safe talking about it here," Matrix said. "Well we'll need to be quick," I said. "Don't worry Deku it'll be fine," Matrix said getting up.

We got to the library and I asked "This was just for you wasn't it?". "The library builds ambience Deku. Anyway you wanted to know about Manor Madrigal?" Matrix said. "Yeah. What is it?" I said. "Well a long time ago there was a family. The Madrigals who lived in there manor in the woods. They were blessed with magical Gifts that they used to help around the community. Until one day they mysteriously disappeared along with their manor. All that was left was the front door which was missing a door handle. Now it is said that if someone finds a golden door handle with their name inscribed on it they are destined to have a magical Gift and become a resident of Manor Madrigal," Matrix explained. "Why are you asking about such a magical place Deku? I didn't think it was your thing," Matrix said. "Well I heard Mingyo and Aliyah talking about it earlier and got curious," I said. I didn't lie but I also didn't tell the whole truth. "Okay. Just don't ask about the Madrigal family i'm tired," Matrix said heading towards the door. "Why are you tired?" I asked. "I pulled another all-nighter studying the 'occult' as you heathens put it. You know how I am," Matrix said. "Makes sense," I said.

We got back to the cafeteria and it was like we never left. We sat down at our table and ate in silence.

Time Skip to the end of the day

Me and Matrix walked back to my place and said our goodbyes. Matrix walked away and I decided to follow him out of curiosity. Matrix walked all the way to the woods which I found weird. I kept following him till he got to this door in a clearing. He took out a golden door handle and placed it in the door. Matrix opened the door and disappeared in a flash of orange light. Sort of like a candle flame. I went up to the door and took out the door handle I found earlier that day. I put it in the door and opened it. I was enveloped in an orange light.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in what looked like a mansion. "Finally you're here," I heard Matrix say. I looked in front of me and saw Matrix. "What's going on Matrix?" I asked. "What I told you about at school. Welcome Izuku Midoriya to Manor Madrigal," Matrix said.

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