Excerpt VI - A Savior

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The fire from his hand began to erupt, shooting towards my weakened body. I try to move quickly, but the blaze still strikes my right arm and chest. I whelp in pain, shivering and collapsing on the cold ground, the fire tearing my skin in agony. I can't help but scream, knowing I really was dying. My eyes force shut, and deep in the hot scorch and the blackness, I suddenly feel a calm. A cold. Was I dead? I... Did I finally die? Wait... Its... Wet? I open my eyes, two very large scaly turquoise claws against the stone, breaking the stones seams. I try to move, frightened, but as soon as I do my arm erupts in pain. I look up, a blue belly above me, with large wings stretched across the sky. It... It was a dragon! Holy crap, it was a dragon! But yeah, the dragon ate the Mercenaries pretty violently, yanking his head side to side to rip parts of them off in various directions. I heard some screams, but it was mostly crunching followed by silence. I still have no idea why the fire was gone, but the drake then takes some steps back, looking at and sniffing me. I shook in fear, trying to stay still because I thought I was his next meal. But then he brings his humongous head back up, bringing a claw down on me and scooping me up. The pain from my arm made me a bit delusional, and I didn't notice that we were in the air until we were halfway up the mountain. I started breathing fast once I knew what was going on, but I could barely move to do anything anyway. He then started hovering over what seemed to be a cave nearby inside the mountain, and lightly floats me inside. He then gets on the ground in the dark cave, we finally out of the rain. And he puts me down, then going to a strangely shaped circle of rocks, and then suddenly, water. He shot water out of his maw in between the rocks, and the water surprisingly doesn't break through the seems of the rocks. He then picks me back up, placing me in the water gently, looking at me. The bloody gash stung again in the water, along with my now bare burnt arm. I looked at it for the first time since before the attack, and I was shocked to see boils, my skin stretching to stay on my arm. It was hidious, and I tried to look the other way, frightened about my attack. After awhile of just sitting in the water, my head against one of the rocks, I notice that no blood is seeping into the water. I look down at my gash... It was healed.

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