Neko's Kittens and Spin the Deku

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 The second test was a complete failure on all the Chakos parts. They don't deal with stress very well and Ochako herself never did to begin with. During the last exercise, Ahcha snapped and went on her typical rampages and single handedly destroyed the cyborg that Melissa had made for them to conduct the extreme stress scenario. This prompted them to fail the experiment, but science is built on failures and there's no grade for it whatsoever. Tiicha didn't even take part in the last portion having tapped out during the intellect test after having a breakdown, but her date with Izuku fixed that issue. With the end of the fall starting to get closer and closer, the class has been given a reprieve for some R&R during the remaining 4 weeks. Though they were told not to get soft in their time away from the training field. For the past couple days however there was a new activity that the Chakos and Eri were trying to do.

Neko's kittens were now in the exploratory and playful stage of kittenhood at 5 weeks old. Though their small size keeps them from going everywhere in the dorms, the natural curiosity that cats are so well known for has started to appear. As of right now, the six Chakos and Eri are sitting in the common space with a circle of beanbags and stuffed animals creating a play area for the six kittens to run around and play in. Neko herself was seated on the top of the recliner outstretched and sleeping above Izukus head as he read over some messages in the class group chat on his phone. Two kittens in particular have proven to be the most rambunctious of the bunch, the tuxedo coated runt of the litter and his big brother the charcoal black coated kitten. The two of them don't seem to understand what a bedtime is and are constantly bounding and chasing after each other, despite the tuxedo's difference in size. That kitten in particular has been on a special diet of more formula as well as milk from Neko and has been growing steadily making up for the grams that his littermates have over him.

"So, have you figured out what to name them yet Eri? I think we should name this one Tom." Haicha says picking up the kitten with the greyish blue coat. "You even have the same white on your belly as he does, don't you little kitty?"

"I have a few names. The fancy kitty is Hadei." Eri says pointing to the tuxedo kitten currently biting a toy mouse almost as large as he is. "The white kitty is Yuki."

"Oh so like snow, that fits her perfectly." Haicha smiles, picking up the white kitten and holding her up to her face allowing the kitten to sniff her nose. "What about the calico kitty?"

"Patchi." Eri responds before grabbing a small string toy to entertain the kitten she just named.

"The orange one?"


"Oh, Rusty. That's probably the most common name for orange cats but it works for him." Riicha says, picking up the small cat and placing him on her shoulder. "What about the little one?"


"Why Cheeky of all things?" Ahcha wonders lifting the small kitten in a single hand to eye level.

"He's naughty and learned how to open his cage."

"Smartass cat." Ahcha says, causing the kitten to meow loudly at her.

"What about the smokey blue one?" Ochako questions putting her hand in front of the kitten keeping him from making an escape attempt over her thigh by climbing her denim shorts.


"Bite? Why--OW?!" Izuku asks before said kitten bites his toe hard enough to break skin. "Ok that's why. Come here you little stinker." Izuku picks up the small creature by the nape of the cat's neck similar to how Neko would carry and move them around.

"Oh, looks like the kittens are out to play. Hello kitties!" Toru greets in her typical happy tone causing some of the kittens to turn and start bounding towards their new playmate. "Oh they're so cute. I overheard you all naming them this morning."

"Let me guess. You and Mina were eavesdropping on us to see if we had plans today weren't you?" Ahcha raises an eyebrow looking towards the wall leading to the stairwell where the slight tuft of pink hair can be seen. "We've decided to skip today for the whole who gets to date deal we're just hanging around here trying to destress from the crap that Melissa put us through."

"Oh well dang. I was looking forward to watching you guys on your date, but we are planning a party for the end of the semester if you all want to help us come up with games and things."

"I have one, Spin the bottle and Spin the Deku." Izuku's attention is pulled away from Kamu in his hands before he looks at Ahcha and raises a finger in the air. He purses his lips and shakes his head slightly before responding.

"I don't like where this is going."

"Oh save your jontron quotes for later Izuku. It's just a variation on: spin the bottle. Basically we draw your face on a bottle, spin it and whichever Chako it lands on spends 11 minutes with you in a closet alone."

"Why 11 minutes? Isn't the game called seven minutes in heaven?"

"More time to spend alone with Deku."

"Fair enough, 11 minutes is all I need." Ahcha says with a suggestive smile towards Izuku causing him to swallow a lump of nervousness in his throat.

"I'll go grab the condoms." Daicha says standing from her spot, meanwhile the kittens make a break for it seeing that Daicha had moved creating an exit for their potential freedom. This is stopped by Toru who takes Daicha's place in the circle. The kittens are trying to climb over her legs in order to get to their freedom.

"What time are you wanting to hold it tonight?" Ochako asks as she runs a hand through Neko's white fur causing the cat to trill as she's woken up from her nap. Neko leans up and rubs her face along Ochako's hand before turning and facing the kittens.

"Eri, want to go to grandma's house today?" Haicha asks, raising an eyebrow to the young girl. Eri nods enthusiastically, getting the attention of the kittens who then sprint to attack her hair that had moved as she nodded. "Well then let's bring you to grandma Inko's house today and you can spend the night? Sounds good?"

"Yes." Eri responds before having a kitten pounce on her hair as she laid on the ground. "Can the kittens and Neko come too?"

"I'll ask my mom about the cats, but she'll probably say yes." Izuku responds before standing from his chair and pulling out his phone. Eri watches as he dials Inko's number and walks outside for a better cell signal.

"Let's get you some stuff packed and ready to go as well as the pet carrier and bed for Neko and her litter." Haicha says as she starts to scoop up the kittens allowing Eri to get up without her feline hair accents. Neko trills understanding what they are doing before jumping up onto Riicha's shoulders as the two clones go with Eri to collect some clothes for the night stay over at Inko's apartment.

That Evening:

The chakos quickly set up music and everything needed for their party that afternoon, two of the chakos going to Lunch Rush to get their dinner, and another two going to get drinks and snacks or everyone from the commons room on the campus grounds the rest of the set up was rather easy for them to get everything ready for the party. Unbeknownst to the rest of the class however, the Chakos had an ulterior motive in this party idea that Mina had. They had devised a plan to get Deku away from the party and all to themselves.

"Alright let's get this party really started. Let's play spin the bottle!" Haicha shouts instantly getting Mina to drag Kirishima over to Haicha by his shirt. Kyoka laughs seeing this then wraps her aux cord around Kaminari's neck and walks him over to where they're setting up the game.

"Well that was easier than I thought it would be." Ahcha says watching haicha chug the rest of a glass coke bottle and toss it to Mina before walking back over to Ahcha and Daicha who were waiting patiently for their accomplice to set their plan into motion. "Alright, that should keep them distracted for a couple hours. Let's go have our fun now."

"Way ahead of you Ahcha. I got the stuff." Daicha says happily before opening a grocery bag filled to the brim with condoms and all sorts of suggestive contents. "Oh this is gonna be fun hehehehehe." She giggles.

"Alright that's step one, let's go procure the deku for step two." Haicha says as they turn to Izuku, who is currently in the kitchen talking with Sero and Iida.

"Leave that to me." Ahcha says with a grin before walking over to Izuku.

"Oh, hey Ahcha what's up?" Izuku greets seeing the angry version of his lover. Ahcha says nothing but instead walks over and picks up Izuku under his arms and walks away. "Ok so this is happening. Where are we going?"

"To break your hips."

"All Might help me."

"All Might can't save you now Izuku~" Daicha coos as she follows Ahcha and Haicha up the stairs towards the Hall O'Chakos.

"I both envy and am sympathetic towards what is going to happen to him. 6 girlfriends. I don't think I could even handle one, I'd probably say something stupid and get her to think I'm a dork." Sero comments as Izuku disappears up stairs getting carried by the Chakos.

"Though this is unbecoming of heroes in training, I dare not anger the angry version of Uraraka. If she can make Bakugou submit, I dare not attempt to start anything." Iida states while drinking a bit of his orange juice taking in the reality of what happened.

As this happens, Ahcha kicks down Ochako's door to have the rest of the clones and Ochako sitting in a semi circle. "Can you please treat my door with a little more respect? I'm afraid it's going to become the next coffee table."

"Oh get that stick outta your ass. You and I both know you've always wanted to break down a door." Ochako tried to argue this, but chose not to remember how she half wanted to break down a door like they do in the movies.

"Moving on." Ahcha places Izuku in the circle with her and Daicha sitting between him to keep the green haired boy from going anywhere.

"So what are we doing up here?" Riicha asks for Daicha to explain with a bit of desire in her voice.

"We're going to play spin the Deku and have us our own little fun~." She slides her hand up Izuku's thigh to make him go beet red. Haicha finishes a root beer bottle she had before making a small marker face of Izuku on the tip.

"I have a better idea. How about this, we get Deku to take off his pants and we spin him on a spinning table. Whichever one of us his dick points to gets to go have fun!" The rest of the Chakos including Ahcha blush at the thought.

"As much as I like that idea, I don't think it's gonna do Tiicha much good. She's barely warmed up to sitting in his lap. If you force her to see his Smash stick then you might just traumatise her." Haicha shoots down this idea which saddens both Daicha and Ahcha.

Tiicha who looked like she was hiding her face in embarrassment looked at Izuku before falling back with blood coming out of her nose. "That...that might be too much for me, b-but I want to be...m-more d-d-daring."

"Alright! We got the dandelion on our side! Without further ado! Spin the Deku!" Ahcha states while ripping Izuku's pants off for him to cover himself quickly to avoid anyone seeing what they shouldn't

"Ahcha! We were gonna spin the bottle. Not do what Daicha said!" Ochako shouts blushing profusely.

"Too late this is more fun!" The aggressive clone uses her gravity quirk on Izuku and then ties him on a rotating table. From there she wraps her fingers around his member quickly causing him to harden which brings a smile to Ahcha, Daicha and Haicha's faces. With a sly grin she spins him around the table before taking a seat in the empty spot in the circle. It slowly stops rotating Izuku who looked like he was feeling really nauseous from what was happening for it to stop and point directly at Ahcha.

"Alright. Time to break a pelvis."

"Hey! This was rigged from the start! You had your quirk on him and who's to say you didn't deactivate it anytime during the start of this?" Daicha got a bit angered for Ahcha to glare at her desire counterpart.



"IF YOU'RE STARTING SHIT LIKE THAT, BETTER HAVE PROOF!" The two continued to bicker before Ochako herself stepped in between the two of them.

"Alright, quit it. Izuku started pointing at Riicha and spun 5 times before pointing at Ahcha, it wasn't intentional since Ahcha was sitting next to me and I was directly opposite Riicha. You'll get your turn with Izuku since Ahcha will be out of the circle after her turn is up." Ochako reasons getting Ahcha to grin then stick her tongue out at Daicha.

"Well then, without further interruptions. Let's go have our fun. I~zu~ku!" Ahcha declares before grabbing his weightless form by his dick and dragging him into the walk-in closet in Ochako's room. The last thing the other Chakos see is Izuku's slightly fearful expression on his face as Ahcha shuts the door behind them.  

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