Place your bets

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A few days have passed since the parents' day at the dorms, Ochako's father was not as harsh as Izuku would assume since he is technically dating all of his daughters at once. He was pretty clear in his expectations of Izuku with Ochako, Ochako, Ochako, Ochako, Ochako and Ochako. No matter what the request or event that takes place, make sure that they will always be safe by your side and always happy. Then he was teased by Ochako's mother saying that she wants to be the one to coordinate their wedding or weddings since there's six Ochakos. Her parents took some time trying to wrap their heads around the fact that they have six daughters. Eri on the other hand couldn't be happier with the way things are, six mamas which she just calls Mama as have not been bothered to call them by their nickname. Though she didn't say it, the Ochakos were certain that Eri had a favorite Mama and that was Ahcha of all of them. I'm sure you're just as surprised as they are but Eri seems to spend the most time with her. It was an added bonus that Ahcha made sure that whenever Eri wanted to hold Neko nobody else had the cat for very long.

The morning after the parents day however, they had a hard time trying to find the portly pussy cat. Bakugou was the one to find her but ended up getting swiped at and scratched across an eye. During the night she had given birth to a litter of 6 kittens of all different colors. Calico, a bluish grey, an orange, black, white and striped kittens. Neko made it abundantly clear that nobody except for Izuku, the Chakos and Eri were allowed anywhere near the babies and only Eri was allowed to touch them. Izuku learned this the hard way when he had to weigh the kittens to make sure they were gaining enough weight. Neko kept taking back her kittens off of the scale and bit at Izuku's hand when he tried to take the tiniest kitten to weigh which was the white kitten. Eri somehow convinced the cat through a series of "Cat noises" that she needed to weigh the kittens and miraculously Neko agreed to this but was very observant of what was going on making sure the kittens were not in any danger. Neko also has a peculiar quirk, not the power, she loathes Mineta with a passion. He can't so much as glimpse in the general direction of the cat without it instantly turning to face him and growling.

As Riicha goes to fetch the mail for everyone in the main building, she notices a particular letter with the letter S on the front with a wax seal. It was addressed to Ochako and Izuku, since she is an Ochako she opened the letter to discover it was from Melissa. The letter details the first experiment that she had devised for them to conduct. This one was simple, Communication skills. For this they are going to conduct a battle training exercise with all Chakos on one team against some of the medium quirk users in classes A and B in the hero course. It is going to be similar to the joint training exercise that is coming up. The goal of this is to see how the six interact in a situation where they would need to combat someone or something. Understanding this relates to all six of the Chakos, Riicha brought the note to everyone.

"Everyone." Riicha walks into the room to see most of her clone counterparts with the original Ochako in the common space hanging out and watching TV.

"Hey Riicha, did we get anything interesting in the mail?" Ochako asks this, seeing the note in her hand.

"We got a letter from Melissa. She says she wants to see how well we perform in a few tests." She hands the note to everyone for them to read what she read with Ahcha making a sadistic grin.

"So who's skull am I busting?"

"D-d-do I have to?"

"Relax Tiicha, we're all doing this. Take some comfort knowing it won't be that bad."

"I hope we don't have to hurt anyone, it would stink to hurt a friend."

Every Ochako had their own interest in this with Eri walking in with Neko to get her some water and something to eat. "Mommy, what's going on?" Every Ochako turned to her before Daicha answered.

"Seems a friend of your mommies and daddy wants to see how good we are at working together."

"It is curious. Even though we are all the same person, we act and think somewhat differently. I wonder if that would help us in combat? Or maybe this is something that makes us different from the original design we were supposed to be?" Riicha began speaking to herself while all the other Chako's started to think of a similar idea. They had done some joint exercises together, but not all at once. This only ended when Bakugou came in to be glared down by Ahcha.

"What are you looking at firecracker?" She started cracking her knuckles with Bakugou ready to go for a fight if she starts.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Izuku walked into the common space to get between Ahcha and Bakugou while being handed the note. The ash blond took this time to walk away wanting to avoid another beat down as they always ended with him. He wouldn't say it externally, but he was somewhat happy Izuku came in keeping himself from feeling his own pancreas force fed to him.

"Nothin much, Melissa wrote us and said that she wants to conduct a field experiment on our communication skills in a controlled bout. I also handed Bakugou a list of what he will do unless he wants to taste table again. He scared Eri yesterday with that outburst." Ahcha responds before Daicha is drawn to Izuku like a magnet and clutches to his side.

"What exactly is he going to do?" Izuku asks, walking towards the couch with two other Chakos (Ochako and Haicha) also gravitating towards him.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Haicha says in a happy tone before snuggling her head into Izuku's shoulder. Daicha takes her spot on his lap and Ochako curls up by his right side.

"It's always interesting at Heights Alliance. So Eri, have you decided on what names you want for your kittens." Izuku comments before turning to his daughter and asking said question.

"I want to know what they're like before I name them. Now they just make noise and drink from Neko and that's really it. I don't know if they like to play or are all cuddly." She answers not taking her attention away from the box that Neko and her babies are inside of.

"Makes sense, you don't want to give them a name that doesn't match their attitude. Don't want a name that doesn't match the person. Right Bakugou?" Todoroki prudes on.

"Can we not start a fight before noon? I'd like to go one day without having to talk to the insurance company about replacing a collectors edition All Might figure." Izuku says with a sigh.

"As much as I hate to agree with the nerd, he's right those are fucking expensive I wonder how expensive mine will be." Bakugou says thinking of kids playing with an action figure of himself that sets off small fireworks in his hands.

"Anyways, Melissa has asked us to do a combat exercise for one of her field tests. We're going to record our communication skills and she wants us to battle against some of our classmates with a mid tier quirk." Haicha says taking the note and reading it over.

"I'd say probably Mina, Jirou, Asui, Shoji, Sato and Kaminari would be mid tier for this class. Low tier would be Koda and Mineta. High tier would be Midoriya, Myself, Bakugou, and Yaoyorozu." Todoroki lists off. "We don't exactly know what some of the people in Class B are capable of but from what I saw at the sports festival, Monoma'a quirk is quite bad."

"He has to make contact with the person to use their quirk but once he gets it he's kinda useless since he has no idea how to use the quirk to start off aside from Bakugou's and Kirishima's since that is just essentially throwing a open handed punch and flexing your arms." Iida adds.

"Still pisses me off that he can use my quirk so easily. Reminds me of that All for One fucker back at Kamino. Son of a bitch could steal quirks like they were french fries off of someone's plate."

"That's an odd way of putting it. Why relate it to food?" Izuku asks

"It's almost noon and I'm hungry." Bakugou replies.

"Well while you two argue about being hungry We're going to go talk with Aizawa about this new exercise." Ochako says gathering the chako squad and getting ready to head to the main building.

"This is gonna be fun to watch. Can I come too Mamas?" Eri asks before being picked up by Daicha and carried out the door with them.

"Well who wants to place bets on the 'Rakas verses whoever else?" Kirishima asks, gaining a few raised eyebrows.

"What are the odds? Or are we just getting the money pool?" Kaminari asks, looking for his wallet and coin purse.

"Depends on who's fighting them. If it was our big three, Ie Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki i'd say 50:1 odds but for this one it's just the pool." Kirishima says with a few people giving him random amounts of yen raining between 250-1000 yen a person.

"Alright so, winners split the pool of 17,500 yen evenly between all of the people who bet on that side. Yaoyorozu will hold on to the pool since she's least likely to dip into it." Kirishima says glaring at Mineta and Kaminari who simply whistle innocently.

"This will be the easiest money I've made. Theres no way that Deku's bitches are winning this."

"Welp, I'm gonna let Ahcha know you referred to them as that. I won't be present at your funeral Kacchan." Izuku says getting up from his spot and walking off.

"I hope he's not serious for your sake Bakugou because if he is, you're screwed." Todoroki says before taking a sip from his bowl of soba noodles.

"Nice knowing you Bakugou." Kirishima says patting his hand on Bakugou's back while Bakugou himself has a look of horror on his face.

"I'm so dead." 

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